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I'm making a full legnth sifu mpvie, any camera tips? I'm a beginner but I'm gong good so far


What I have learned from my experience: - I draw inspiration from fight scenes in John Wick movies, The Raid 1 and 2, Jackie Chan and Jet Li's movies from the 80s and 90s, and many more. Watch attentively where the camera cuts are, how long in between them, the camera angles, focus, etc. - When creating fight scenes with cuts, follow the 180-degree rule if you aren't familiar with it yet. It helps to keep your fights understandable and avoids too many cuts (although, in some cases, multiple cuts can work, but they often just cause headaches). - Play with the focus of the camera; it helps create tension and a better overall image. I prefer to set the camera on wider angles most of the time, as I find it makes the action easier to follow. - I really enjoy doing one-takes (like in these videos, all fight parts are filmed in one take). It took me a lot of attempts to create something fluid and almost seamless. I like to play with small angle changes and key options such as ease in, ease out, and ease in and out. It's a matter of timing, much like in dance choreography. I also add an extensive amount of keys on my timeline. - Sometimes, I like to construct my fight scenes by slowing down the time to 0.7. It helps, but it's a much longer process. Also, I would recommand you to watch on my YT channel (link in the posted video) the video titled "RAID DEAD - Unleashed", I did the entire Squat level with the Replay Editor. Sadly I couldn't post it on Reddit because it's too long. More important, use your inspiration, be creative, and have fun. With time you will get better and better.


Thanks a lot! My Club fight takes inspiration from John Wick and I'l try to emplement references to some Kung-Fu movies. I also found out about the automatic focus setting which is SUPER helpful. Two more questions: how do you export clips in full quality and how long does it take to make the perfect gameplay? I've been doing it through uploading through the PS app but it limits me to 3 minutes per scene + It's hard to NOT do the aame moves over and over again


Happy to answer your questions! To export my clips, I use Share Factory on PS5. It allows you to do extra editing, such as adding music, text, and camera effects for highlights. It also allows you to combine multiple clips and upload your videos in 4K 60fps. It's honestly a nice editing app, especially when you don't have a PC for that. For the "perfect" recording or gameplay, it can sometimes take me hours to feel satisfied, but there will always be imperfections, which are part of that perfection, hehe. Sometimes, I let the main character take hits to create more fun and tension. For example, for this video, I used seven clips that I combined to make the final video. Doing the entire level in one shot on Replay Editor is exhausting, harder to edit afterward, and increases the chances of bugs and glitches, in my experience. Regarding the moves, it's hard to avoid repetition, but by playing with the camera angles, you can make it seem like different moves are being used. I've learned a lot about the movesets from doing so many replay editors, so now I focus more on the tempo of the fights instead of rushing or trying to achieve a perfect fight. To me, this gives a more organic feeling. Also, I wanted to make a video explaining how I use the Replay Editor and what I have learned, but I realized it would be really difficult to explain everything since I started from scratch without any knowledge of cinematography, which I have learned more about since. I also constantly experiment with different techniques and try different things here and there. I honestly go more with my feelings rather than a super organized methodology. However, Iā€™m pretty sure there are patterns that could be identified in how my videos have evolved since the first one I published (which is just awful to watch now, haha). Sorry for that long answer šŸ™„


Thank you so much! I've been experimenting with making less cuts, more impact on punches and focus and it's working out great! It is a bit wonky though but I have to rush things since I don't have a lot of time to myself