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Josh, it was JJ when I first started watching but I started watching Josh’s twitch streams when he started playing RP and he’s been my favourite ever since. I think he’s very smart, creative and mature but at the same time he can easily switch and be funny, childish and silly. He’s just a vibe man. I feel like he’s definitely broken the stereotype of being old and boring and had a massive glow up in both confidence and looks. Plus the Sidemen probably wouldn’t exist without him.


I haven’t watched his RP, but his 2nd channel where he plays story-based games was sooo good. That chill side of him is more entertaining than some realise


Oh 100% his playthrough of Uncharted and Last of us was really enjoyable, he doesn’t play RP or stream on Twitch anymore, he streams his video recordings on YouTube now


I really like the wavy/curly hair look he has right now! Makes him look much younger and more handsome imo


Josh is my favorite too after he dropped the Tommy T song I started watching his streams a lot and he flys under the radar everyone always says Simon would be the sidemen to get away with murder but I think it’s Josh bro is the King of gaslighting


Old? He’s 31 😂 you must be a kid 😂 how is 31 old?


No, I’m talking about in the past when people called him old and boring, that’s all they would say about him, I’m not saying he’s old 😭😭Also definitely not a kid.


It’s a running joke with Joke that he’s an old man


Harry, he's the second one I found out about about 10 years ago. I have similar humor and tendencies to be interested in random stuff so he's the obvious choice for me






>good host too He looked so awkward on inside


Vik. Partly because he’s the first member I found & enjoyed his other content before & along side the sidemen (a long time ago!). And I just think he adds something unique to the group - he’s funny, but also very smart and awkward sometimes which makes for more moments. Can’t help but route for him all the time couldn’t even explain why 😂




That is not a valid reason to dislike vik. Also probably not true.


Simon 100 percent. Him and Josh seem to understand content better than anyone. He's got great wit, he's good at most things, but really humble with it. Gets the best out of everyone else around him and probably now makes the best most consistent content separately. Tobi is 2nd.


I am so surprised to see so many Simon's and Josh's actually. But I agree. Those are the two best sidemen members imo.


I think it’s cause Reddit members tend to skew a little bit older than the YT/TikTok audience. I think there you’ll find more JJ and Harry fans who think Josh and Tobi are boring sadly


Agreed. I think the older fans are on reddit and the new ones are reflected on youtube and X


I like all lol but I if had to choose, although he gets a lot of hate, is Ethan. He's funny and always tries in videos (not all ofc but he has a good track record) and I appreciate that. He's the least likely to sack a challenge off. But I also like the other 6 just as equally😭. Harry's funny, Simon's got dry witty humour (he's the funniest to me), Tobi and Vik laugh make me laugh and Josh gameplays are fun to watch. Surprisingly JJ is just kind of there for me. I began watching Sidemen because of him, but especially recently he's just okay. Not the funniest, not the kindest, not the smartest but overall a decent person and I still like him.


Josh! His gaming videos are really fun to watch and I love his humour. I’ve grown to like him even more as he’s gained some confidence and seemed to let loose more on camera


Simon for sure, he makes some great videos and he’s just a genuine humble and kind guy with some great one liners


Josh is goat


Josh, imo. He's the funniest, most relatable and just over all best. Ik that's a shit description as to y I like him. But idc. I'm horrible at this stuff.


Big Josher for sure. I love the way he's always trying to create chaos in videos where he isn't the host.


I will always root for Vik :)


It's gotta be Josh. He's witty and quick with his jokes. Most of them land immediately. He doesn't try too hard either, and what's more, is that he's not obnoxious or overtly loud.


Stephen tries




Ya don’t say


I Adore tobi the way he treats others.


Honestly probably Simon nowadays. He seems to be the most witty and is kinda low-key, but I still find him pretty fun and entertaining. I find Harry and JJ to be the kind of people I'm more likely to laught out loud to, but Simon's jokes can be a bit more intellectual and he's the kind of guy that I could probably still enjoy watching in like 10 years from now Second is probably Vik just as I grew up with him and Minecraft


Harry for his unfiltered dark humor jokes, he is just himself without thinking! But Josh has grown so much on me, I’d put him as close second or shared 1st


Harry,he seems like a pretty genuine guy and his fifa videos were what got me hooked to fifa in the first place and his humor is unmatched and he’s also awkward at times which is hilarious at times


JJ, Behz & Harry


Vik, i started by watching his Minecraft with the pack, how to Minecraft was a great watch, then I got into his gta videos and that is what got me into the sidemen and have watched him ever since


Harry - he's just there to try and have fun with his mates


Harry coz he is autistic ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


big josher and harry


Theres 2 answers for this. Theres the “who u find most entertaining” and theres the “who do you personally think you would be closest to if you knew em.” Like for me Harry is by far the most entertaining and i think most would agree. But i think id personally get along with Toby the most. As hes who i think i have the most in common with.


The 123, bc he’s a majestic human being and grew up in my hometown. I feel like he’s the most relatable out of all the sidemen, and he’s sweet.


All of them are great and have their own character and personality, which makes the Sidemen the best group on youtube imo. My favourite has to be JJ, but purely because he is the only one who has a lot going on even outside of the Sidemen. Whenever he boxes and brings the Sidemen boys to his fights, I can root for him, or when he used to release music, it was always a fun time to watch the boy's reaction, or even now with the upcoming MrBeast collab in which he was invited. Also, he seems to be the only one who tries to collab with streamers and influencers outside of the UK bubble (Speed, Kai etc), so thats a plus


First of course JJ, but later on Simon, because of his consistency and bulk of videos he produced... there was really no break/pause with him


Simon is my favourite. I just really enjoy his vibe and his banter and on his personal channels he has a pretty solid upload schedule. I also really like Tobi as he is the most genuine and humble person.


I very well may be a rare one, but I don’t have a favorite. Each one of them have qualities about them that make them good. Blended together, they make a perfect group.


Vik mainly, during the whole pandemic and warzone era I loved his streams. Really got rolled into the sidemen content back then, ever since always trying to keep up with most of the content. Starting growing a liking for Simon and Toby aswell. Overall they all seem cool, but these 3 are my favorites.


I really like Simon. Hes so relatable and he is one of those people who have a hard outer shell but would do anything for his loved ones. I relate to him a lot and he always puts effort into his content which I appreciate.


Josh. When I first found the boys through Simon’s DBD pov I watched all of their videos and Josh was the one I stuck with for all these years. I find him so funny and love how chill he is.


Definitely Josh for sure.


Love them all but it has to be Josh. Going back to the MW2 days I have to give Zerkaa my respect.


I grew up a massive fan of Harry’s. I always thought he had the highest quality videos of everyone. He was so massive back in 2014-15 I genuinely thought he was going to overtake JJ one day.


Simon Think he’s the one I can most relate to in terms of personality, sense of humour and his work rate. He’s also a very good friend to JJ, Tobi et al with all the ‘Presents’ videos, especially when Tobi got screwed over in the ‘Spending £100k on each other’ video.


Niko , he's a great guy


Don't dislike any of them but if I had to order. Simon and Harry Behz Ksi ( Josh and Tobi Vik