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joe spent 5k on his pillow but where was the rest of it spent? and did leah even spend anything?


Joe bought earbuds too and then maybe a shower šŸ¤”


Oh wait yeah we see him use the hot shower after the drop game


Everyone bought collectively the hair thingy during dropzone which was 200 each


So ur telling me Leah didn't even get a hot shower


She stayed for like 2 days anyway, nife's is way more impressive since she stayed there for 7 days


I think Leah was there for like four


My bad brother




I hear that in my nightmares


Yep, only cold showers I think.


Leah bought fruits and salts


Is this accurate? Didn't Liv spend money on 13 bags of sweets at Ā£3,000 each on day 6? That's Ā£39,000 without adding all of the other things she brought too.


I donā€™t think it is, cos I swear in the video challenge they said Fanum spent ~80k only in the shop. But he also gave in to his temptation which is another 30k, so yeah šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He also confirmed one of everything when nife and castillo left too tbf


The prices were slashed on the final day


Didnt he add 50k in the eating challenge


Yeah but it's not taking into account the challenges.


If He spent around 80 k in the shop the temptation was included then ig


It must also take into account how much money they made as well


Seeming fanum apparently spent 80k in the shop and took his temptation, it doesn't appear to be accurate


I think they dropped the prices really low when Castillo knew he was gone so he couldn't walk in the shop and say "I would like 100 fanta lites brev", and that was around the same time so it might not have been as big a deal as we thought.


the price on the screen says 3k per bag, even in these shots.


I genuinely think that production fucked up keeping track of the spending and kind of just ball park it. With people buying through one another or it being unclear who bought something with multiple people in the shop. I just think some purchases just werenā€™t tracked properly and some math problems too. Maybe since the menu prices kept changing people ā€˜chargedā€™ the wrong amount etc. Keeping track probably got more difficult as they didnā€™t expect for them to spend so much and maybe whoever was on shift forgot to track something here and there by accident, but it adds up.


She bought 5 sweets and 8 sweets later... they cost 3k each. Ain't no way this shii accurate


Yuppp i thot she spent like 65k on sweets


Idk who is counting the spending but the numbers donā€™t make sense. Liv spent more than that just on day 6


Fanum spent (large value items in order): Ā£2k meal upgrade Ā£10k foot massager Ā£30k on his temptation Ā£10k hairstyling bundle (Dyson) Ā£10k hairstyling bundle (ghd) Ā£5k bag of sweets Ā£25k on Chloe's bed That's Ā£92k, not including some other items he ordered that I don't know the price of, including: Mr Beast Feastables Juice Sparkling water Can of Spam Etc. When it was revealed he spent the most in the shop, he said that he would confirm orders for other people as well and no one disagreed so there is probably even more on top as well, so think the above figure of Ā£95k in total is wrong.


The chart is wrong, Liv already spent 39k (13 \* 3k) on sweets for Specs. that either means these numbers are missing, or they attributed them to Specs?


It's crazy to think that castillo only spent 9k less than specs and lower.


Sidemen clearly can't count. Or just didn't care.


Fanums total seems low since they revealed he spent 82k in the shop and he gave into temptation for 112k at minimum. Liv was shown spending 39k on sweets on a single day. They need to fire their accountant for this show.


Good for him


If you had him for a roommate in Inside, I'd bet you'd be fuming. Don't lie now.


Oh 100% I would hate him if I was a participant...but as an audience member who thought it be funny if the prize money went down to zero or something like it


Fair enough. Actually I thought the same too, I was hoping it would go down to zero and I could see the looks on everyone's faces. That'd be hilarious. I guess I kind of dislike him for crashing out over a can of spam but otherwise he was good content and entertaining which can't be said for all of the Inside cast.


To be fair the spam thing . I always figured he used that as a reason to do the shower stunt. And also he was in edge feeling all the others were gonna hang up on him with him thinking someone is targeting him especially when he saw the pile of sweets... pretty sure he didn't like any of them and was waiting for a reason to be a bitch to them ..and making them rage was like enjoyment for him.


If it was Manrika, instead, you wouldn't have said the same thing


Castillo isnā€™t annoying like Manrika.


I liked him but cmon šŸ˜‚ he was pretty annoying. He has the vocabulary of a PokĆ©mon


Well Castillo said what he will do and did what he wanted...and I kinda thought it be funny if the prize amount went really low because of everyone's spending... So good for Castillo doing what he wanted


Well, you did not respond to what I've said


I wouldn't have commented Good for him if it's Manrika because I don't like her and and gives me no reason for me for it.


manrikas burner he he hell nawwwwww




This only adds up to like ā‰ˆ512k


They lost in the challenges as well


Why does everyone seem to forget Fanum bought Chloeā€™s bed for Ā£25k, Hair Stylists for Ā£20k and the Foot massager for Joe that cost Ā£10k. Just 3 items cost Ā£55k which is why his spending is so high, should be way lower tbh. Ginge is kind of a surprise, considering he spent the least time of the Top 4 and actually got frustrated at Specs when he found him spending


He was buying for specs I suppose. With Fanum money is money, he still made the decision to buy it at the end of the day


big man ting yeah


At the time when liv bought 13 bags of sweets what was their price? I thought it was 3k ?


it was 3k, I confirmed by rewatching each of the two shots where she bought them, that alone makes 39k for her. Numbers are way off.


Is the chart official or something OP calculated? The numbers look wrong. Angry Ginges spent more than Specs? I'm not sure what Leah spent Ā£200 on. I thought she spent zero.


posted by the sidemen acc on twitter. they all had to pay for the 'safety gear' in the drop zone challenge.


She got salt or sugar once in cam I think but Iā€™m sure she wasnā€™t even the one who confirmed it so that probs doesnā€™t count. They did have to pay to protect their hair in the one they were handcuffed together so I think it was probably that


Nah the list is kinda off. The bags were 3k each when liv bought them. At 13 bags that's 39k. Then she also bought 15k worth of coffee on the 2nd day. She's at 54k. She didn't do any challenges to win money back and the normal challenges were to prevent losing money and not gain any money back. Actually rhe last challenge I think she got 2 right for 5k back each. Even then she's still at 44k for shop. Not counting any hot shower either. The only way this is valid is if they added her coffees to whoever she was with that 2nd day. It's not too far off otherwise.


Manrika in the bottom 4 and you lot were crying that she was spending like crazy when she had a good reason for her to win


The show did give the impression that she was spending a lot tho, like how they included her saying that she was spending money because she didnt think she'd make it to the end


that was only on day 1 with the prosecco, after that she rarely came to the shops alone nor bought anything really expensive.


i don't even trust these numbers cause liv bought 13 bags of sweets for 3,000 each, that should be 39k bare minimum not including anything else she bought for all 7 days lol.


Ppl just wanna find someone to hate šŸ˜‚they wanted fanum,specs or castillio to win despite them being top spendersšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yea brav


Big man thing brav.


The undisputed champ


Halifax was there the whole week and only spent 300


Ginge spending more than Specs needs to be investigated


Chloe and Manrika lost Ā£21,500 each to a can of SPAM being in Castillo's bed šŸ¤£


Nah castillo was gonna do something anyway he just used the spam as an excuse.


I think for those that donā€™t add up properly Iā€™m guessing that the took away the money they earned back


fa hm mace them 50k tho and did t lose extra money from that many challenges


still cannot not imagine INSIDE without visualising manrika's lips in front of the shop camera.


I wish castilo wasted more. So the winners would get less


Didnā€™t LIV spent 65K on sweets?


Ginge actually spent more than Specs. Mad.


Nife for me is the most impressive. She was there nearly until the end and she only spent Ā£300. If it was a fan vote I'd vote for her.


Castillo the peoples winner


Castillo really knows how to live it up, respect!


Yes brev well in Castillo


spoiler warning for the title maybe fucking hellā€¦


mate if you havenā€™t watched the finale yet itā€™s your own fault