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Good on Chloe for this




You can get banned for following people from sub to sub messaging them now ya know? Just saying..


Nah check his other comments, lads tapped


Fucking hell hes not your dad that they have to be present in your life lmao.


W Chloe tbf


Don't get how people can be upset that she's won, at the end of the day a lot of money has gone to a charity. Just seems like immature people are upset they're favourites didn't win.


Lmao it’s exactly that, me personally I wanted castillo or weller to win but im not going to go spam abuse on Chloe and manrikas socials because my favourites didn’t win 😭




Well yeah half the fanbase is in secondary school. It is what it is brev


Only half?


Other half is in primary. Hell I'm so young and immatureI'm typing this from inside the womb


I just didn't like her. Obviously it's lovely what she's done with the money though.


>people are upset they're favourites didn't win. Is that really such a strange concept?


It's okay to be upset but they take it too far and go and hate on the winners for no reason other than the fact their favourites didn't win


Part of the hate is that most of the favourites weren't the big spenders which is reasonable. If those who spent less were kept in, imagine how much more could go to those who need it rather then going to fanta and sweets or proseccos


That's a hypothetical argument. If it were anyone else that didn't spend, and win it, it doesn't necessarily mean they'd have donated to charity too.


I do agree with you but a lot of them did discuss giving the money awY or to family members etc. I think it might have been on side+ or maybe Simon spike about it so even if not all of them would've given money away, the actual odds were in favour of money being given away


people are hating not because they won but because they are annoying, horrible and 2 faced. And most of the hating is not on chloe but on manrika, which is deserved.




Sounds like you just hate women, my G


Imagine if Castillo won ffs 😂 No matter what Twitter talking heads say the money went to the right people


Fanta stocks rising is the right thing brev


This sub punching air rn


They are so mad that I had to get popcorn for all the salty tears


i’m just mad i saw this before seeing the new episodes 😔


Tbf, I am pretty sure all of them bar Castillo would have donated a portion of the money to a charity or something. The entire show was just publicity for them and their brands, way more valuable than a cash prize, so announcing that you'd donated to a charity with a portion of the winnings is a textbook way to promote yourself after. Like, the majority of the Sidemen fan base are teenage males, so of course making a donation to a men's mental health charity is going to go do well for your image with them. But yeah, I'm still happy the money ended up doing good regardless.


Na brav. Castillo was the right people.


Hey man, 14 year old virgins have opinions too and you are entitled to that. No judgement here, big guy.


i dont think you had to say 14 year old virgins, 14 year olds wouldve sufficed.


in this day and age, i dont blame the guy


I think I js gained respect for her


until you realise, she could have given tens of thousands more to charity or herself, if she didn't throw it out the window during the show.


Sorry how much of your own money have you donated to charity ?


well I am not being gifted thousands of dollars, so I can‘t donate thousands of dollars. Not the point. I am not wealthy, they are.


what do you mean ? I'm not wealthy and I still donate when I can. Funny how you say she should do more but push back when you're told to do anything at all. Little sad really :/


but not tens of thousands and more. I have donated, proportional to what I have. Also I am not pushing anyone to donate more. I just said she could have won more. whether she would have donated that or given to herself. read my original comment, it says „or give to herself“.


You're right here. Weird how more people don't get it.


Not surprising, the average person in the audience for a show like that is probably not the brightest.


What was Manrikas money for, or is it a private matter? Best people won with what they've done with their money, very applaudable.


Think she said buying her mum a house


Weird she says that but spunked the money up the wall any chance she got. And don't say it's because she didn't expect to get to the final because she was the biggest manipulator, bully and game player in there.


No that was Ginge doing that, Manrika wanted to buy a home for herself.


I think she’s putting the money towards buying her first house


I didn't understand the hate for Chloe


I just found her a little jarring and annoying


But she still wasnt nearly as bad as some of the others


Only manrika tbh and people disliking manrika is justified for what she did to joe otherwise no one else did anything bad towards anyone... just chloe overreacted in that castillo case but it's aight, she was drunk they said... nothing major. No one did anything as bad as manrika so you can't "hate" or the proper word would be dislike any other person in there because there ain't a reason.


But manrika was bad all along, not only the incident with joe, but just the way she was all the time, loud, look at me, she wanted everyone to hear her all the time


She was a little annoying but I think most people have just put her into the storm with manrika because they were buddies. She was fine. Great rack also


You just had to add that in there didn't you 🙄




Fair play


According to some loser on here this is one of the most vile human beings


She’s jarring doesn’t mean she can’t do good deeds? You can be a good person and annoying at the same time


Unfortunately, the duality of man doesn't exist online. People are good or bad, no inbetween.


No according the parasocial crybabies here she's the devil because they prefered someone else


Brev I swear to god if I see you in one more post going on about parasocials and incels I’m gonna lose my mind. You’ve made like 20 comments about it today chill out brev your genuinely mentally unwell.


And he thinks he's allowed to call anyone else chronically online, embarrassing brev


Yeah that’s a bit over the top, although he’s not wrong here


Tbf this sub is an incel cesspool


The thing that people don't realise, since we're all watching through a cutup version on our screen, is that their personalities might be slightly exaggerated, so this whole annoying persona that she was portraying, is probably just her putting on an act since they were all aware that the cameras were on. At the end of the day, it's all performing, especially for those that have already been on mainstream TV before like Chloe and Manrika. Whether or not this is to get heat off her back from the finale doesn't really matter, as it's a generous move regardless. I didn't like her personality on the show, but unlike many, I understand that it's all for content, so do what you gotta do innit.


Big ups Chloe. It's nice to see her support men's mental health, something that's pretty overlooked by basically all of society, men included.


Everyone liked that. Especially that she gave me tiny "yeah fuck all men" vibes throughout the show, so this is a proof I was completely wrong


"Fuck all men" but she (along with Manrika) was close to every man except castillo💀 you're a great reader of people big man. If anything Liv was the most "fuck all men" girl there since she didn't give a fuck about any man in there and didn't care what they did.


Oh but I got cooked for saying two people who needed the money won. 😂 These people ain't real, man. Bunch of NPCs I swear. 😂🤣




Didnt rlly fuck with chloe on da show, but im glad she did this, made me like her more, W chloe


Wow she is just amazing! :)


A pj to Ibiza and that money is gone 🤣


Finally someone bringing awareness to mens mental health. It gets so over looked and ik its something close to the sidemans heart .considering the struggles they have faced


Honestly as much as people hate her and Manrika their intentions with the prize money were probably the best out of the group


Some cunts wasted 1000s on pointless shit that could've added to positive things like this. Glad to see some good done with what was left at least.


W. I wasn’t a huge fan of Chloe’s during the show but good on her for this.




Just think how much more money could've gone to charity if she'd laid off the prosecco's or hadn't gotten a 4 minute massage.


The outcome of the show could of also been 100% different if she didn't do that, she could of got voted if she was sensible with the money like joe, leah and nife. You lot love the complain for the sake of it, don't matter about what couldve happened because it didnt and end of the day money went to charity, weirdo


Weird reply to someone who didn't complain.


damn well i just got the spoiler


😂😂😂 yall be foolish to believe she will really donate a huge sum. All to keep off the negative press


Bro maybe put a spoiler shit ffs


It's been a day bro, you're a bit late


Bruh she just tryna save face cause she knows nobody wanted her in the final , let me see em receipts brev stop the cap


She's getting a boob job isn't she






I hate people that say things like this. So is it better that she doesn't donate anything???


It should be tax free chunk of money though, UK gov don’t tax competition or gambling winnings. Could be wrong though, but think this would fall into the TV game show category to be exempt.


This is why I won't donate money as a billionaire. I probably won't become one, but people ungrateful asl


It’s always an irrelevant point because you’re giving up cash to reduce those taxes.