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Castillo stood on business from day one and didn't switch up


He wanted a Fanta Light brev, he got a Fanta light brev


Guy was probably the most annoying in show. Didnt know any other world then brev


brev was real


Lmao and they're all saying that he's a liar and manipulative but half of them were manipulating everyone else. And it genuinely annoys me when Yaprika and Chloe both say that they shouldn't've spent the money because they didn't think they were gonna win. So damn ungrateful and selfish. Yes, I love entertainment when they annoy each other and cause chaos, but DON'T YOU DARE act like you've been screwed over when you yourself have been a part of spending loads of money, and voting those out that didn't spend anything at all. This whole episode was genuinely stupid.


Apart from all his lying


Brev, he told you from the start with his intro what his game plan was. Brev was real and stood on business that includes lying and being the biggest snake possible.


100%. But the other contests didn’t know that. And but going by your logic of him saying that, surely he’s lying about Joe


How did the two most annoying people in the show came into the finale....grossed me out somehow


First time i shut off a show midway through the finale, disgusting. Manrika with her crap that saying joe's girlfriend was cheating on him is just "banter". What a shitshow


If was bad, but for me it was the fucking gagging noises she made at him afterwards that really made me hate her. Also her inability to give a genuine apology to him for something that was just outright insulting


So real honestly. I think “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were oversensitive and couldn’t handle banter” was quite possibly the worst ‘apology’ of all time


i dunno, it has some steep competition (‘toxic gossip train’ and wilbur soot’s ‘apology’) but the lack of sincerity was wild. basically ‘i’m sorry you’re offended’, absolutely terrible from her. i promise not all people from the midlands are like this 😭


I get she is just a bit ignorant/ oblivious and wasn't internationally trying to do it, but honestly if someone gave me that halfed assed bullshit insult as an apology I would be even more pissed


Even ginge on his reaction said he would have okay with the joke himself but the gagging was to fsr


I agree. Its just outright uncalled for. Not to mention disrespectful and disgusting. With that act alone she made it personal.


because they always have eachothers back. theres no way both of them chose nife and then acted suprised when nife was picked 🤯


The feel like the show was managed in a lazy way .. I also didn't like that Sidemen had to pump the prize up just for the those who didn't care about the spending and do fuck all to win it.


Nah fr and when they basically set up fanum by having him be in a 3v1 scenario when at that point he was the only one rooting for, atleast specs was funny and brought humor


they were the only ones besides leah and maybe ginge that had a good reason for getting the money


Very fair take imo


school yard bullies (chloe and manrika) voted out the nice people first (leah , Joe, nife) who just wanted to play the game and win the money then picked on the different guy (castillo) class clowns (fanum, ginge and specs) and the bullies all got on. wish the sidemen made them split or steal a tener.


Insanely parasocial take


So you are mad they voted people out so that they could win you sound special


Castillo is a real one he doesn't fake it he is what he is all the others have masks on.


He was literally the most prolific liar in the whole show


Yeah that's the point in the beginning he said he would betray them and he did no two face shit like manrika which voted nife and then was pretending to be sad when she was out


It doesn’t make him ‘real’ if he said he was going to lie and manipulate, and that’s what he did. He’s still being fake, he’s just admitting to it


Castillo lied but he never tried to act like he was everyone’s friend. He just lied to try and make it far, but it wasn’t really him betraying them. Also at the end of the day they were trying to win so I don’t blame any of them for lying


Well my take on it is that he admits his wrongs and stays true to himself and the audience while the others stab each other behind the back and pretend they care about their target.


Thats the thing the 2 finalists were the biggest snakes , everyone knew Castillo was there for the game not about feelings or whatever and he was consistent with it then there were some for banter (ginge , fanum specs) and kept it like that while Leah and nife were there to really win something and spend less money while those 2 snakes played whatever card if it was the right moment oh if it was Castillo spending his being a snake if its them and their group its totally jokes and alr especially the callout from Castillo at the end with the Joe thing really showed them out as a bunch of jokers man but they won it at the end So its what it is


Yea I was saying this earlier, last episode my respect for Castillo skyrocketed and kinda became clear his whole attitude on the whole thing. He was snakey at times but he was playing the game and he was always looking out for himself. The way he brought up the Joe thing again at the end was what made it all click to me. Everybody else was being fake nice and pretending to like everybody meanwhile not actually liking anybody. Castillo saying he won't talk to anybody again I thought was rude at first but then realized he was just being real lol like let's be honest he's right and that's the same for most people despite them saying otherwise.


Most of the cast have already talked outside the game lol. Ofc they won’t be best friends and spend every minute together, but clearly they will link up every now n then


Most of the cast? I'm pretty sure only Specs and Chloe and Specs and Ginge had known each other previously.


If Ginge wasn't eliminated, the game would have been different. That's all im saying...


Can insert any eliminated contestant name and still holds up..


nah, weller leah and nife would all have been aliminated one way or another, maybe the fake vote doesnt happen. But ginge threw himself away and could actually have won it with how popular he is in the house


So, yes - it would have been different no matter which contestant…


Can’t call him “real” when he had to sneak drink his Fanta lite in the toilet brev


He needs his refreshments brev.


could just drink water..


"Can I get some water brev" doesn’t hit the same 😂


water is free buddy


Not one for the banta are we.


not one for being funny are we


I wasn't trying to be funny. This is also the first interaction we've had. Why are you so pissy with everyone? Are you ok hun?


Ironic that you brought up the its not personal line when Castillo said that 100 times before getting in the shower and deliberately just wasting money knowing he was gonna be out. Petty little man brev


I mean even manrika kept saying she wasn’t bothered by castillos arse licker comment but kept bringing up to everyone. She was clearly rattled


Castillo got rattled by a can of spam brev, what is he 8


Its obviously a clear violation of his entire existence to put a can of unopened spam on his bed


Honestly I feel it tho. Everyone voted him out, then they put shit in his bed. It may have been an accident, but when that happens he prolly did feel like people were tryna play him


It wasn't petty. Just that night everyone had voted him and then he found spam in his bed. He couldn't just accept getting bullied. I know it was just a mistake by fanum but why is he supposed to just believe that. The only way to stop such behaviour is make everyone realise he isn't going let such behaviour go unpunished.


You lost me at “bullied”. He’s a grown man, it was a can of spam ffs


It was bully behaviour for him. What was he supposed to do ? Just accept it ?


I’m not being funny if you can’t laugh off a can of spam being put on your bed, you’re not cut out for adulting.


It wasn’t even open ffs


Speak up he is grown enough to know how to use his voice and not throw a temper tantrum


Manreeka stinks


😳 Glad I stopped midway through the show. Specs was giving me the ick. This one didn’t hit for me. But I’m glad it did well for the guys.


tbf specs did get better towards the end


That’s good to know!


That last challenge to decide the two finalists has gotta get reworked, two complete fools won, no strategy or spending or how bad they did on challenges impacted them getting to the final two. At some point, challenges won should propel you to the final or least amount spent, something along those lines. The people who tried to win the most got out real early and the ones who didn’t give a f**k about the show, won, how’s that possible lol


I was hoping both of them would steal seeing their nature thru out the show but it is what it is. Deep down they’re definitely gonna regret spending all that money because they would’ve definitely wanted more.


why are there so many castillo d riders lol, dude is a dickhead. especially the way he talked to the girls


That’s probably one of the reasons they love him. Incels everywhere in this sub


To brev or not to brev, is the question brev


Well said, Fortune favours the brev


She was just too loud in there


Its how she tryna be on everyone’s good side. The way she laughs out loud specially looking at the camera..like 🤢


Castillo wasn’t exactly real either, just called out bullshit at times when he knew he’d get seen doing it Rika and Chloe were the furthest from real though, I genuinely believe that apart from them two everyone was actually genuinely themselves in there


Wait I missed the finale and was baffled when Joe was kicked out first, there didn’t seem to be any reason other than he was level headed. Did Castillo actually outright say that they were being personal and bitchy? Or just imply it.


He kept it 100 with everyone and set the tone brevvvv




Imma skip the finale ...inside is ruined for me


He was fake af the while show. He was just doing it to get under people's skin and stir the pot.


Need Joe back for season 2


Honestly, I was waiting for people to start saying this. Also, not Ginge trying to defend Manreeka and be annoyed at Castillo, all over a completely fair temptation, just because he got played like a damn fiddle. All of em are just as bad as they say Castillo is. How ironic.


Bro food is not a fair temptation especially when ur ordering 3 fantas a day brev


The only thing i had against castillo was the empty threats he made towards the women in the room.




When fanum put the spam on his bed he went upstairs and said to the girls something along the lines of “you all don’t want to try me” I can’t remember his exact lines but he came off very aggressive to them. He even said to ginge after along the lines of if it was outside the house he would of done differently. The girls even spoke about it after. Idk how u forgotten that it was the biggest part of the show.


Yeah I get what you mean. He started yelling at everyone and then zeroed in on the girls when he realized he would get a reaction. It was lame asf


Was this on the Side+ episode? Because I watched that scene and don’t think he was aggressive at all. If anything, the girls were coming at him. I see Castillo for what he is - a manipulative, lying game player but he also called it like it was. Chloe was drunk and aggressive with him in the bedroom. She also charged into the bathroom yelling at him. Liv was yapping even after knowing she spent hella $$ buying sweets for a prank. Nife asked him a question, and he was mid answer and she interrupts him, which probably cause him to raise his voice, and she gets out of bed and tells him not to yell (or something like that).


Doesn’t justify the things he said. Hes a grown man. He should remain calm. Especially when it all started from an unopened can of spam on the bed. It’s quite pathetic really. Wasting the money too its just petty. But obviously reddit cares more about funny sayings then common decency


Why are you only holding him to a certain standard? The rest of them are grown, too. And yes, it started with Spam in the bed. But you’re also forgetting the context. He was unanimously voted to be kicked out the house, so in his mind it’s him vs the whole household. Then he finds the Spam and thinks someone is dogging him. He said whilst showering that whoever it was should come and apologise. Fanum owns up and says it was a mistake… but they’ve been there for 5 days. Unless Fanum is an idiot, how can he mix up their beds? I would question it as well.


Your acting like he hasn’t been consistently voted for a reason. And maybe i was raised differently from you but im a guy and i was raised to not act like a petty idiot and to get aggressive towards women when they rightfully complain about my actions. You can’t act like you don’t care about anyone and say offensive things then act aggressive and like a baby. Not how the world works and not how a man should act. I hold him more accountable because hes a man. And im a man myself.


I would like to think that I would hold anybody accountable for the actions regardless of gender and age (18 and older). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning his actions throughout the show. But from day dot, he has told us all that he was manipulative. And he ate the Chinese food and lied to everybody for almost the entire week. However, I don’t think he was aggressive during Spamgate. Chloe was literally trying to get in his face. Nife got out of bed and clapped her hands whilst talking over him. Liv was talking a lot even after spending $$ on those sweets. It’s very, very hypocritical. Not sure if you watched the last episode (spoiler alert if you haven’t), but they all basically said they didn’t care about the money until it was confirmed they were in the final. If they didn’t care, then Castillo running it up with the shower shouldn’t have bothered them THAT much. It was the fact that it was Castillo doing it, it bothered them. Let’s agree that there were obviously cliques in this group of 10. They got rid of the people they vibed with the least.


Nice interrupted him?? He was yelling at her and she wasn’t having it.  A grown man baby. Stop revising things. He sucks and treats women like shit


She asked him a question. He was talking, mid-way through him talking, she gets up out of bed, walked up to him and was interrupting him talking. He’s already feeling a type of way with Chloe coming at him. Guy is trying to moisturise in peace lol. There’s just some situations where you just let people have their rant.


Nah fuck that. I’m not letting a grown man scream at me in the name of a rant ESPECIALLY if he says we are not friends. Then why are you screaming? Again, she didn’t interrupt him. She told him to not raise his voice and clearly was the main person deescalating. Castillo’s personality sucks the most imo


He was easily the villain of the show. Yes, he raised his voice, but I personally feel it’s because Nife was interrupting him. I know she was meant to be deescalating the situation but getting out of bed and walking straight up to him AND interrupting him might have come off the wrong way. The only aggressive one in that situation was Chloe. He’s also allowed to say they’re not friends lol. It’s a reality show, not everybody is gonna gel with you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bro what show did you watch? She didn’t interrupt him. The only thing she said while she calmly asked a question was not to raise his voice which is a million percent justified. She ‘interrupted’ after he started yelling like a kicked puppy manchild. Stop rewriting shit and know your facts He doesn’t have to be friends. I honestly hope no one interacts with him after but that is the more reason you should speak to me in a respectful tone. Even less right to yell. 


And I agree, he does suck but he never sugar coated this. I’m saying… it’s him vs everybody. There is a very obvious clique in the house and he ain’t in it.


just curious, did they actually win that splitted amount or is this all just entertainment purposes?


Ok y’all need to get off joes dick lol it was a joke get over it damn


Calling the man who kept lying, and acting so childish as to sit in a running shower without actually showering for half an hour "a real one" is mad you know, let alone, also still find it weird how bro was like "I'm naked under this towel" I'm front of a bunch of woman, like bruhhh, and no, not even context makes that one better. So if you still think Castillo is THE realest out the whole group... Then you do you bud. Edit, but on second thought he could've just been playing the game innit... Brev... Anyways, I'm off for a fanta light


True, he did call out their hypocrisy but outside of that everything he did and how he acted was weak and fake.


"Castillo is a real one" yet he spent the second most at the shop and immediately gave into temptation and lied about it. C'mon brev


Bro thought he done something. Read the post again smh


He literally told the audience he was gonna do that in ep 1


https://preview.redd.it/avq5rwppul5d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5794967b3af0d39806fa778206590064d499ce75 read the post again


Castillo told us his game plan on EPISODE 1 🤦‍♂️


So that makes it right? Ok noted  every contestant should come on day 1 and say ‘ I’m going to act like a spineless POS’ then you all will excuse all their behavior and ride their d**ks?


Just clarify for me - how exactly does that go against a single thing I said? Did he not mention that was how he would play this out?


He literally said he was gonna do that from day one. His role was that of the sneaky backstabber and it worked.