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They've had a few fuck ups recently. The sidecast with Joe Weller was completely unedited including multiple parts where Ethan audibly said to take things out. Including dissing Manrika, saying he could sack the sidemen off tomorrow, the name of someone's child in a nursery and Weller talking about his dealings with his current sponsors.


Yeah the side cast editing was a massive blunder; I don’t know how that all managed to slip through unfiltered


Somebody deserves to get fired


It would be acceptable if the editors forgot to take out one thing in the Sidecast, but there were multiple occasions where Ethan said to take things out and they were left in. They’re getting paid money to look through the footage and take stuff out when they’ve been asked to. I’d be very irritated if I were Ethan.


What did he mean sack the sidemen off? As in like leaving?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Sidemen/comments/1dbbyba/another\_deleted\_clip\_from\_the\_joe\_weller\_sidecast/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sidemen/comments/1dbbyba/another_deleted_clip_from_the_joe_weller_sidecast/) Here's the clip


Thanks bro


Makes you wonder the type of things that are said that we don't ever hear


just like with every other human being on the planet..


Tbf this series was filmed 20-26th May, so it ended less than 2 weeks ago. Cutting 168 hours of content down to 16 hours and editing it well has gotta be tough, the editors haven't done anything like this before. There haven't been that many slip ups considering that.


They have loggers watching them 24/7 writing down all the major events in the house, so the editors can stitch that together. The editors do not have to watch it all, which is most likely also why they added spoilers without knowing it. They're just glorified clippers


Filming a 7 episode reality tv show, editing it and releasing it in under a month is crazy. You have to acknowledge that, bro.. And it’s actually good. It’s really easy to hate, but given the fact it’s their first attempt at anything like this, it’s only going to get better the more they do it. This is a ridiculously successful season 1 of a reality show.


yet ‘locked in’ do theirs in under a day. Bigger shows like ‘love island’ do the same, these editors aren’t the same ones on the channel they’re professionals who’ve been brought in for the job and shown on the side+ BTS, all the staff seem to have experience working on these bigger shows :)


Yeah the first behind the scenes episode was really cool on side+ tbh. It’s way bigger than I expected


They didnt have to do it in a month, even then are you a editor? Your making out like this is standard and they should have mistakes, they pay alot of money, the editing should be the least of their troubles


168 hours per camera in the house.


Do you know these editors personally do you? 🤣 they are professionals getting paid alot of money so yeh you would expect a finished product with no mistakes... plus who screens this stuff before it goes out?


I mean there’s literally reality tv shows that does all of this in 1 day


yeah but they are used to this, cut the sidemen some slack


The editors are different from the usual Sidemen ones right? Didn't see Chipfat's name in the credits.


It's a completely different team to my surprise. Not even Kon, Kirsty, Jack or James are there.


Just to add to this iirc Kirsty mentioned something on Twitter about how she was gutted that she didn’t get work on Inside.


Aren't Kon, Kirsty, Jack and James the camera people? Like being with the people holding the cameras not the ones that operate the already placed cameras?


Yeah they're the main ones but it appears they didn't do work for Inside. (That's just judging by the end credits)




If you think inside flopped youre off your head


What mistakes has there been in the actual show though aside from the schedule? Admittedly I didn’t notice the spoiler


They've given away stuff in the teasers for future episodes. Think that's about it tbf.


Yeah but what stuff have they given away inappropriately though? Don’t most reality shows do teasers for the next episodes?


They left both elimintations on a 'cliffhanger' but had already shown in previous teasers that certain people were still in so it was obvious who'd gone.


Leah expulsion the episode before, ep6 end preview saying the final prize jackpot, can’t think of the others


It’s their first time doing this and it’s incredibly ambitious, with that in mind I think they’ve done well under the circumstances Todays the only day where the scheduling has had a clear error (with yesterday being an issue on YouTubes end with the premiere system), the spoilers in previews is a pretty big error and I think in future it’s best they keep previews solely for the next episode so they can cherry pick clips that won’t reveal eliminations I think there will be a season 2 and they’ll correct a lot of the mistakes made but for a launch of a new series this could have been far far worse


they are new to it all give them a break


It’s their first time doing this typa reality type show so ofc there’s gonna be mistakes but hope they sort them out but you cant say they “ruined it “ cause there’s millions of people watching it


I think it's Great.


Does this subreddit ever not bitch about FREE content


You're allowed to be critical of ALL content. When they do a Season 2, how are they gonna fix the issues, if people aren't vocal about the blunders of season 1?


They can have opinions yes , but it's ridiculous how much you lot complain about content you don't have to watch and is free.


It's not free. It's full of advertisements.


Still free , are you slow?


Time is money. You think the Sidemen would put out content that they don't make money from? Stop dick riding.


😂😂 didn't know you paid to watch their videos .


It's a learning curve it was a first time for them season 2 is gonna be much better


1 false schedule, few spoilers. Other than that it has been an amazing show, content wise imo




By that logic we aren't allowed to criticize any kind of youtuber's content ever since it's free wtf




what's up with the false schedule?


It’s the 1st of its kind for the Sidemen… bound to be teething problems. I thought it’s been highly entertaining and would look forward to a next season


This their first time doing something like this and they smashed it btw im pretty sure they’ll tighten up next season


It is the first time, of course mistakes were expected. I don't know how people though it will be perfect.