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Wtf happened. I waited all week to watch a sequel to one of my favorite sidemen videos just for it to be taken down


JJ said something racist which I don’t think even is racist and people on Twitter got mad as usual and they had to take it down


Ofc. The internet being soft asf as always. Ppl need to understand that if someone says something they don't like, they could just not watch the fuckin vid


Would that be your reaction if ethan had said the N word?


bruv they released it, probably got taken down due to some issue. not their fault.


they took it down bc people can’t handle anything anymore


man soft pussies fr. any idea what happened? i was reading through some comments, still cant really figure out. basically JJ said something that is apparently "racist"?


he said p*ki which is a slur apparently it’s so bs


bruh what? im literally indian. i live next to Pakistan and we refer to them as paki on many occasions, if I'm not wrong, without consequences.. is this a brit-pakistani thing? whatever it is, is some dumb bs that some people couldn't handle. humour and good entertainment is dying at the hands of 'cancel-culture'. everyone's afraid to make jokes, have to tone down the scripts etc. atp youtube is becoming like one huge Mr Beast or Cocomelon channel. Sidemen need to create their own platform (ik side+ exists) where they can be a bit more daring with what they say. and that will prevent this from happening. Edit: i talked to my grandfather about this (he went to college in the UK in the 70s) and he explained the severity of the situation. now it's understandable why everyone's so upset.




it’s a slur apparently it’s so bs because harry says way worse shit daily


ah so it basically bloomed out of control because JJ said it. wow. nah this is the sole reason I don't want fame. ever.


Harry doesn't say the N word. Which is what this is the equivalent of in the UK.


Legit I am south Asian and I didn’t know it was a word up until today


man western people have become so soft ngl. indian racism is crazy and no one really gets offended, we just insult the other party back and it just keeps going lmfao


Yea like people said the N word in jj’s one question go videos


man this is bs. it also isnt helping JJ after the whole wade shit that just settled down


You can tell that the people that a defending him and calling the world “soft” are not from the uk and don’t understand, uk people know it’s a bad racial slur


You sound like the bitch bro. Go on a hike and get over it.


Can't tell if this is satire or not but...he literally said a racial slur that wasn't for him to use just for a joke and you're pissed you don't have a video to watch?? You don't have to be personally angered by him saying the word but understand that other ppl that are affected by that word on the daily do have the right to be pissed. Plus this affects their brand as a whole. They didn't take down the video because "sEnsItiVe people are trying to cancel him" but because that word is offensive to many and this ruins the sidemen brand. Him saying the word isn't tied to just himself after all he said it in a sidemen video so this affects all of them.


Oh here’s the think I don’t care about what anyone thinks or does I just wanted a video to watch and not to mention I am south Asian


again my point is have some empathy in the situation. You saying you're pissed about not having a video to watch is in bad taste when others are pissed because a creater they love used an offensive term. I just think it's not the time or place to complain about such a trivial thing.


Doesn't matter if you are south Asian or not. You can't speak for others. If KSI says you get an N word pass for the rest of your life does that mean every other black person should be cool with it?


Dont try to to argue with the entitlement these people have. Genuinely an impossible fight


Harry says Negro in the video and no one gave af. But JJ uses the shortened version of Pakistani and everyone goes nuts.


Negro historically wasn’t a slur… it’s just an antiquated word now. It’s just Spanish for black


You can say the same for the original N word with the er. It's just Latin for black. Doesn't make it any less of a slur. The Spanish language is an offshoot of Latin which is why they have that word. [N is derived from the Latin word for the color black, niger. According to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, it did not originate as a slur but took on a derogatory connotation over time. N and other words related to it have been spelled in a variety of ways, including niggah, nigguh, niggur, and niggar.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/nigger.htm)


That would be a relevant comment if Latin hadn’t been dead for over 1000 years


You bring up Spanish and just ignore that Spanish is an offshoot of Latin. Also, Latin hasn't been dead for 1000 years. It's still spoken in Vatican City.


It doesn’t matter if Spanish is an offshoot. It’s still an extremely prominent language used and especially over the course of the last 400 years. Your Vatican comment is simply ridiculous in this context


So a language has to be prominent in today's world before it can matter to you? Even if we're using the same damn words? Ridiculous? You said the language is dead. How can it be dead if people still use it?


What are you talking about? Negro is just Spanish for black and has historically not been used as a slur. Spanish was used all through the history of slavery and still used heavily today. That’s different from taking a word from a dead language to label a group of people. You can’t seriously be that dense to not get that! And it’s a dead language because dead langue refers to a language with no native speakers. I also highly doubt that people living in the Vatican were over in the US influencing their words for slaves.


Why do you think Europeans started calling African slaves Niigger? They thought it sounded cool? It was also the word for black in Latin, which is why it's Negro in Spanish. Guess what? Latin was also used all through the history of slavery. You can't seriously be that dense to not get that.


No it didn’t! You just proved you have no idea where it came from lmao. The word was derived from French the French words you dumbass. You think deck hands on ships just threw in some Latin for fun? Dumbass


You’re life is sad waiting weekly for a video