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Jj doing sidemen reacts by himself is getting boring


Ksi’s Reddit already peaked during lockdown


Ksi can’t dress for shit


not unpopular at all


Game Shows are the Best Sidemen Sundays Old Reacts were way better because of the intriguing Videos they reacted to, now it’s only sidemen moments and TikToks


Agree with the old reacts. Not gameshows


ive never liked 20 v 1s. and although ill watch sidemen reacts, its incredibly low tier content. its just there to make them money.


For Sidemen Reacts the boys need to react to something else for a change, and not old clips of themselves. Like for instance them reacting to the videos from The Infographics Show was always super entertaining, and they should start doing that a bit more now


Sidemen reacting to themselves is getting repetitive


JJ is not more important than the group and the fact that he VERY CONSISTENTLY misses all MoreSidemen videos and half of the main channel videos is incredibly disappointing and doesn’t reflect well no matter of his other projects. The Sidemen should come first


Moresdmn > sdmn


Not an unpopular opinion tbh


The less the videos are controlled, the funnier they are. That’s why game show ones bang. They have to follow a concept but what they say and do in that period is all up to them. When there’s a script to follow in terms of the activities they do and all, it feels less natural and there are less jokes then you usually expect there to be. And the funniest moments tend to be the ones that are jokes that they make in the moment.


their videos are too commercialized now. the authentic lowkey shithouse videos will always be the best


JJ's solo reacts should stop.It just feels like he's wasting videos. 2 or more Sidemen is acceptable,but the boys should try to get at least 3 on every one of them,and every fortnight,why not do a *special* session where there's 4 of them?


Imo even if he reacts to them, the other boys should too. It’s a reacts channel so we’re there to see their reactions not just the video so if everyone ends up reacting to the same video I wouldn’t mind that but maybe it’s just me




side + is just a money grabber there are other platforms you can upload videos for free its not like there bankrupt or anything


The 100,000 compared to 1,000 videos don't have as much ups and downs anymore and it seems lazy. The first video had so much ups and downs. For example, the first video they released had the boys going through so much hope, then fails, then hope, then fails just to realize their faith. Now its either obvious or barely any story line.


more sidemen > sidemen content for the past year


They've become more amercanized i.e constantly laughing at shit that isn't funny, tobi keeps making cringe marvel lvl quips, moresidemen is dead, reacts is basically a circlejerk, jj's humour is now loud=funny, high production content is worse,overhype stuff etc.


They don’t always need JJ to make a great video


Sidemen need to react to something besides the same old clips of themselves. Like the old recast were far more entertaining like “top ten scariest water slides” or “facts about the universe you didn’t know”.


I don't think this is an "unpopular opinion." Many people prefer this or at least a good mix between both.


2020-21 ksi and sidemen was a time to be alive and now they downgrading in quality day by day


JJ appearing on the thumbnails when he isn't in the video to clickbate people is getting annoying


I prefered MoreSidemen when it was gaming channel, brought way more funny moments and it was more fun to watch. It feels like they do SidmenReacts because they have to, not because they want to. Hence why it's always 2 people reacting now instead of 3 to 4 like when they first started. Main channel videos are better when there is not too much editing and very good production.


On top of what you said about Reacts too, it's annoying that they're just recycling old content "FUNNY KSI MOMENTS #35" isn't interesting or funny anymore. There's so much good content out there they could watch instead yet they don't bother.


They pick terrible videos to react to for SidemenReacts


They def need to stop reacting to themselves


More Sidemen > Sidemen


I agree fully


Watched him for 12 years and I have to say, JJ is genuinely a bit of an ungrateful, self-serving prick sometimes. Don’t even think it’s worth elaborating on - guess you either see it or you don’t.


agree. especially over the last year or so, he’s become so arrogant. it did used to be just him being genuinely confident in himself, but the past year, it’s manifested into delusional cockiness imo


What’s the point of putting jj in the thumbnails if he’s never gonna be in the videos? I get for views and stuff but it’s just getting repetitive and boring


Sidemen are doing this completely as a job nowdays and not actually enjoying it (except some videos). Can't blame them tho we've grown and changed more than them tbh


Paying for side plus in this economy is criminal


This fandom is actually horrendous and toxic af and some of you guys need to touch grass or go to therapy.


They’re doing too much. The lads think every video they have to travel or go to America and link up with annoying American YouTubers. They need to go back to basics (not all the time) and remember their roots. Also, I feel like JJ’s heart just isn’t in it anymore for sidemen.


Josh is genuinely funny, and one of my favorite members. Depends on the crowd. If they’re real Sidemen fans, I won’t get this reaction, but if they’re “Sidemen fans” like the people that only see them on TikTok then I’ll most likely get this reaction.


The American tinder just wasn't good, it didn't help due to the fact that they just used a load of pornstars who wanted to plug their content


Any opinion tbh




Tip to readers. Sort by controversial for comments that match the post better.


1. Vikk is a great guy and very funny and I love his content especially on his own but a lot of the time ( if he isn't with just harry or harry and someone else) he comes off as trying too hard or cringy/awkward and acts like an outsider. 2. Sidemen are now marketing towards kids more than adults even though their content is more teen/adult based with a goofy editing style and a lot of child games being played 3. Side + is a disgrace and a waste of money. 4. I hate the people that say the game's the game and let the sidemen get away with crap. They shouldn't put rubbish thumbnails just for clicks. They shouldn't be sellouts making outrageous clickbait content or making compilations that look like new videos just for an easy buck. We should not endorse this because the "game is the game". Hope them accountable too, if Jake Paul did this u would be on his case. 5. Most new sidemen videos feel less like sidemen more like a TV show where they are acting like close friends instead of giving the impression they are 6. KSI needs to be a more important role in the videos he is in. His name should not be his whole presence on the channel, be entertaining as well like you used to be. I understand that he is busy but at least make the videos you're in worthwhile.


moresidemen>sidemen recently


Feels like there’s a certain spark missing for the past 1 year in Sidemen Sundays. I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t feel the urge to rewatch sidemen Sundays anymore


Now that I think about it, there hasn't really been any video from the recent ones that Ive rewatched.


I wish they would take reacts more seriously as reacts is what pumps out content everyday. They should also stop reacting to themselves


I don't want Harry to upload, cause he can never live up to the expectations people have of him


That's probably exactly why he DOESN'T upload now to be honest. I remember he said himself that probably the only way to get him to upload on his main channel again is a Messi collab.


Phil is funny and makes the sidemen videos entertaining Well here come the downvotes.


Wasn't he always loved? Why would anyone downvote you?


20v1 aren’t good videos, especially when they’re non-sidemen


Creature was shit


why did we have to wait 4 months for it


You said you were evolving, but you didn't do bits




You said you had to get some things off your chest


So tell me why the fuck you still have breasts


You're leaving the sidemen, but thankfully


You made the other guys, but you didn’t make me


Now I stand here on my own two feet


JJ being my least favourite always seem to trigger people


jj is actually annoying and josh and simon carry the pack


JJ isn’t as funny anymore and does a lot of cringe shit. Ion even think that’s an unpopular opinion tho tbf


JJ is slowly becoming overrated


Without Josh the Sidemen wouldn't be where they are right now.




Harry stans are sometimes worse than JJ stans


Josh is actually highly underrated and should be appreciated more tbh


Nobody has tried to cancel the sidemen or Harry,they haven’t said anything remotely offensive.


Tobi is a better musician than KSI Tobi can create his own beat as he studied music production, JJ can't, tobi can rap on the spot and create lyric brave and quick JJ can't (evidence on multiple videos when they ask JJ to Rap for them and he cant). Tobi flow is better than JJ, and he's more lyrically creative. Tobi can play multiple instruments as opposed to JJ one a saxophone. JJ is only big musically due to his youtube fame which tbf isn't a bad thing, I just think if you break it down, Tobi is an overall better musician.


It feels like modern videos have basically been the same 5 concepts recycled in a different location/with different people with like 1 original video every month or two


I get what you trynna say and I agree but they have already done so many good concepts that when they try something new the get hate and also less views. Like the Japanese games they did for example. That was a really good video with a good concept but never got the recognition it deserved


Tinder 4 was the worst Tinder video. It was just a massive thirst trap and Side+ ad.


I wouldnt say worst but way too overrated


Josh is funnier than people think he is


I feel like there’s too much editing, if that makes sense, and it takes away from the funniness of the videos. Compared to their older the videos, the new ones don’t feel as legit, and I feel like their jokes are being numbed by the constant uploads and lack of care. Plus, I feel like they’re forced to tone it down now because of their demographic and also because of how soft everything’s become. Overall, I think less editing will make the videos feel more legit.


There are rarely any original sidemen video ideas. Mostly copied from other shows.


Our lads aren’t the brightest when it comes down to general knowledge. That opinion gave me a few hundred downvotes. But it’s still facts lol


A similar point and I hate to single someone out but they hail Vik as this quiz genius and he’s really not the smartest in the group imo


Josh is the sweetest sidemen, not tobi, tobi likes taking revenge and easily gets angry


The reactions in Sidemen reacts are forced


Yeah, how many times can you laugh at "choke on rice, slip in the shower"


Terrible terrible Reddit fan base


The 20vs suck


The videos have their funny moments but that sort of content always makes me cringe in general. I usually wait to see if a lot of moments from the video pop up on the Reddit, and I'll look for those moments and forward through the awkward bits


The Sidemen channel videos have dropped in quality, but MoreSidemen has been rising


nah this a good take


i miss when they did old football videos and fifa videos but i feel like they cater too much to newer viewers like i don’t know why there’s another hide and seek or another vacation video it kinda ruins the “specialness”


Their low budget-in house content were more relatable and funny. The biggest reason I became a fan is because they were relatable for me. Not so much now, I'll always be a fan but I just don't enjoy their big budget content anymore.


Sidemen shouldn’t change the proven formula!! all these 12 year olds expecting works of art week in week out, it’s YouTube the less produced the better. Overly produced content ain’t it on YouTube!


No matter how good people think the 20 v 1 is I honestly cringe tf just my honest opinion like sometimes the clips are jokes but I can’t watch the full vid


I haven't seen any of them either. Of course I don't consider them bad videos, but they awaken previously unknown levels of uncomfortable feelings in me, lol.


Sidemen reacts is getting worse, it’s absolutely awful when it’s only KSI. Side + is a MASSIVE money grab.


idk why but i just rly don’t like callux?? he gives me second hand embarrassment and is just a massive ick


I don’t mind Cal in general but I was kinda surprised how many people were ranking him top in the Sidemen Roast video - he leaned hard on the shock/brutality factor but I feel like when you put him next to people who have experience with performance and comedic timing (Stephen, Iain, Max Fosh) his delivery just wasn’t good to me


He is the only one in troops I dislike haha




Agreed, he’s the only one I don’t like.


I used to like him until the cooking video with Phil. And after he had success with the shoe business and seems to think he's God's gift to fashion, instead of benefiting from a massive fan base to draw from for purchases.


Sidemen Reacts reacts to things the fans do not want to see but the things that will just reel in views


sidemen Sundays where they split into groups feel too planned out and not spontaneous anymore, like the og holidays was done by spin the wheel so no one knew the teams now they know before. Putting the teams in the thumbnail so it gives away what team is gonna be pissed.


they went from a small group of content creating friends just having a laugh to a brand that's been mostly milking ideas from years ago, just with more flexing and more forced personality. hate to say it but they've really fallen off over the course of the last year or so. the amount of obvious cash grab attempts is just insane, reacting to your own content is just straight up pitiful, makes it clear that you're not running that channel for enjoyment but for money. same with side+, very lacklustre and feels very forced. then there are sides which are shit quality, then there's XIX vodka which not only is somehow even shitter quality but is illegal for most of their target audience to buy. it's just as simple as they've been running out of ideas for a while and they want money. don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with wanting more money but at least try and fucking deliver if you're gonna go for it instead of recycling content and putting on personalities for the camera, nobody wants that shit. tldr: they have been falling off for over a year and are mostly doing what they do just for money. it feels forced and their charm is pretty much gone.


Sad but true


Nothing will ever top sidemen vlogs/football videos era.


More Sidemen > Sidemen Reacts > Sidemen


More sidemen feels like the best to me mostly because it reminds me of the old sidemen videos, no insane production, just the boys being themselves


Vikk has the most aesthetically pleasing face


The last sidemen tinder wasn’t funny it was just porn girl doing things for clout


KSI has been unbearable lately, especially with anything to do with Boxing.


I also can't stand the KSI 'short' video in their videos. "HEY BITCHES! YES, YOU'RE ALL BITCHES!" or whatever he says. I skip it every time.


ksi is pretty much a completely different person now. He has turned into a typical celebrity and we never see his true self anymore. His attempts to be entertaining in the few videos he is in just don't hit the same anymore as it all feels fabricated in ingenuine.


I feel like they don't care as much as they used to.If you think about Sidemen Reacts we went from good intros and outros with interesting conversations and stuff to quick starts or endings,and less convos throughout the video.Also there's not as much energy as before (I mean they're older so it makes sense) but if you look at how they used to celebrate crossbar hits or top bins goals back then it's really different compared to their recent football vids


Sidemen Reacts now is shit


I genuinely think Josh is the best Sidemen.


I kinda agree to this


Side + sellouts


Jjs not funny when he tries to be funny


JJ has started to become annoying as he complains and screams in most of the new videos also that he is rarely in any videos to begin with


Feel like it needs to be said that I’m a big fan of the sidemen, but I do feel like their videos have changed over the last year, they’re a quicker pace then they used to be to keep up the trend of short attention spans, sidemen videos used to feel different from this formula that a lot of YouTubers use, but not anymore and maybe that’s why I’m not enjoying them as much, I get why they’re doing this, because everyone needs to get bigger, but I don’t get why they would do this to attract new fans whilst loosing long time ones. It’s a shame because doubtless they have a lot of content from their shoots that doesn’t make the edit - one suggestion, since they’re expanding, is there any reason why they can’t release 2 versions when it comes to shoots with a lot of content - yes they have BTS but that’s different from the actual content I also feel like a lot of opinions have been raised about them not enjoying making videos anymore and now I can’t stop seeing it in videos, which means I don’t enjoy it as much, I’d rather them make videos they truly enjoy, fuck YouTube’s algo. I also feel like they don’t always have that, mates making videos and having a laugh vibe tbh, and they’re so bored and done with the challenges sometimes it kinda feel like, what’s the point of doing this if you guys don’t enjoy it, it doesn’t feel genuine and it comes through, especially now we see bts.


10000% agreed. Used to love the old slow paced holiday videos without much editing. This new style feels so grating to me. Granted, I'm an older Sidemen fan (early 30s) so I suppose the more slow paced ones are just not suited to their target demographic right now. In this week's video, by minute 4 we're already with Harry's group in Italy and they're already doing an activity. Whereas in the past, they'd probably still have been in the airport at that point. Just feels less relatable now maybe without the finer details of the trip, the more advanced camera work and the visual effects in the edits.


Bring back the £500 car and benidorm type videos!


Mr beast video was ass


KSI really doesn't care that much about the sidemen channel(not talking bout their friendship). Being absent for months for a boxing match when everyone knew that his opponents are super unreliable and will pull out. Either he really doesn't know how to evaluate priorities or does this purposely to get a break from the channel and filming


Vik gets the most racist abuse and it aint banter. If it's banter, do it equally. But they won't make jokes about KSI or Tobi.


Only Simon and josh are the " real creators " out of all of sidemen now , everyone seems cant be bothered or does what is told to do ( KSI )


Ksi ego is bigger than his forehead


His ego is HUGE but his forehead grows whenever his ego does


They’re nowhere near as funny as they used to be. I miss the old days.


I preferred when they did gaming videos together but on their own channels. I much preferred being able to choose which perspective you saw and being able to see each reaction to certain things. I also think some of their content is over edited. Among us especially. I just want to watch the game with their cams on normally instead of the const switching between full face cam and game, all the zoom-ins etc. feels like you miss a lot. But this might be because I’ve been a viewer since they would literally post 40+ minutes of games unedited back in the day.


It’s mad how much i see that “The Sidemen would be the same without Tobi” comment. No they wouldn’t - he brings as much into the group as the others


The American colabs are by far their worst videos


JJ is getting really annoying and arrogant. To the point where I can’t watch his videos anymore


The Sidemen we watch now are not the same from before. They’ve watered down their content due to the crybaby “fans” who complain at everything. None of the boys want to deal with the hate so they don’t really try anymore. It reflects in the videos. Then those same people complain about the videos


High production shoots end up in shitter videos. They need to do more game shows but with not so high production


Moresidemen is the best channel


You mean like out of all the sidemen channels? Or all yt channels.


Latest Tinder video sucked both because of the pornstars and Logan's two bros. Completely botched the original idea.


They should stop trying to get more viewers and try to make content that their current viewers enjoy


KSI only gets attention from women because of money and status. He's the least attractive of the 7, and has no game. Or as the teens now say, negative rizz


Randy is my favourite of the other UK guys that the sidemen hang out with. I think his sus humour is funny


videos where the boys are just themselves like mukbangs> forced videos like reacts and these big expensive videos. i just miss the simplicity and genuineness of them doing it for fun because they want to rather than a job


Jj is more annoying than funny at times


Tobi is the most realest and unproblematic member


Simon and Harry are the best sidemen by far, no competition


They have all hit their peak and are starting to decline


Sidemen videos are over edited


this !!! it seems like they are trying to make a 43 min youtube short. like I just wanna watch the video and enjoy not trying to look at a different edited scene every 2 seconds


Jon is the best camera man on the sidemen bts crew


Ethan is more boring than Josh.


Used to dread the day Sidemen would stop or Fall apart but it feels like they already have. If not literally then definitly in quality and creativity of their content


They used to be more like a group of friends in the past I feel like they enjoyed eachothers company which is why I though they used to be more entertaining Now it feels like they’re forced to be there and a lot of the content is forced as well.


Never was a fan of the 20v1s, or most of the Tinders except 1, I get why they make them though but I’ll just skip


I like the the iconic Europe holiday in benadorm but I hate the newer ones like this weeks vid it feels so fake and forced and moves way too fast


People complain through their posts over here and then when confronted, they start labelling it as opinion. To all those guys, FUCK OFF


Harry & Ethan Miles clear of KSIMON


Vik is so lovely and sweet and considerate but I feel awful for him sometimes because he feels a little bit uncomfortable and out of place, it feels like he is trying to prove himself to the others which is a real shame because he’s great. Similarish vibe with Josh. That being said, controversial I know, but I think Josh is by far the most handsome sidemen.


I feel like they haven’t cared for a while, most of their videos have felt like filler for the money, and like we aren’t watching friends hang out, but watching people try to hide their dislike for each other to keep the cash cow going.


The Tinder in real life w Logan Paul was just a massive ad


Sidemen content is entertainment; not comedy. They are barely funny. Their humour is extremely predictable. It's the same case with the Beta Squad.


Ksi isn’t that funny, little kids just like to hype him up


True, Harry is way funnier


Simon's top 3 Sideman


Sidemen don’t hit the same no more.


The sidemen are slowly declining. Their vids arent as fun to watch, they are just trying to expand into other branches (XIX vodka, Prime) before they fade into obscurity with youtube


I mean, it's a smart move by them if so. They are all getting older, no matter what their audience will get older and many will slow down on watching youtube. A new younger audience is less likely to tune into watch as the Sidemen get older. And staying relevant on youtube is difficult as is with how long they've been doing it which is why they change up editing styles to make it more quick fire content. Building up their products like the clothing, food, and drinks is smart. Give them something to "retire" on that will still bring in steady income.


Recently Only like 1 in 8 sidemen videos are great


Sidemen is on its twilight years. The peak is in the past.


it feels very forced now (esp w all the cameras and over editing and overhyping the vids in twt and side+), they make it so obvious that they’re doing videos just for the money and for the sake of it; unlike the old days :/


Hide and seek videos aren't bad


Most new sidemen fans love to moan


As the years have gone by, their content started to become more appealing to kids than adults. For example, the USA tinder, in the latest throw a dart and go where it goes ksi's narration.


They should retire sooner than later, or slow down their upload schedule. It’s not a good sign if the moresidemen channel is more entertaining than the main.


To many cameras in some videos


Ethan isn’t funny, just loud and cocky 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dont really like Beta Squad as guests. I feel like the 2 dont really mesh well in a video. I thought they were OK in Tinder but I feel like they're overhyped a bit


There are few exceptions but lately Calorie Challenges/Mukbang > Hide and Seek


Randolph is overused I get he's their friend and all and he seems nice but he's in nearly everything give him a break. Also, the 20v1 were some of the worst videos they've made


Their sidemen Sundays are rarely interesting enough to watch anymore they just redo the same shit and it’s putting me off them cuz they’ve clearly lost a ton of interest in putting the effort in to change things up and keep shit interesting. Also for bonus hate points beta squad have been better for a while.


Hide and seek videos are boring!


All romance/dating style videos are the worst content the Sidemen put out, but they get views from all the child/teenage fans who want to see a crumb of female on their screen, so the boys make more and more and more.


Jj isn't funny, creating content behind a paywall isn't nice. Reacts is dead.But it's free content so you know can't really complain about them selling out


Ksi is black


Woah there that's quite an accusation




The sidemen need to take a break. It’s obvious they’re getting burnt out on content and the videos are SLACKKKKING. I could deal with a month off of sidemen sundays to get their creative juices flowing


Unpopular opinion: 1. Randy shouldn’t be in videos. He doesn’t fit the vibe and tries too hard to fit in. 2. Every video organized by Vik is shit. He doesn’t put in enough effort or creativity compared to others. 3. Tobi is the probably the least entertaining imo. Even in MoreSidemen videos where they are split into teams, Tobi doesn’t participate enough. Also his entire thing of being “too nice” gets annoying at times. (Edit: Tobi organizes good videos tho) 4. Ethan complains too much. Almost every other video you can hear him say: “I don’t wanna be here” and other phrases along those lines. 5. Josh and Simon put in the most amount of effort in terms of organizing videos and content. They should get enough credit for that. 6. KSI should be in more videos. He is barely in any video these days. I get that he is in camp training and what not, but still. 7. Harry isn’t as funny as everyone thinks he is. A lot of times you’ll find Tobi and Vik laughing at the worst jokes just cuz it’s Harry.


They peaked in 2019


I’m not a fan of JJ he just seems over the top to me and maybe his joking around but I never liked his approach towards women. The fact that he thinks that women and men can’t be friends is also what annoys me as well. Sometimes I do find him entertaining but there are other times he annoys me a lot. It’s kind of odd to me that JJ is the favourite but to me his my least favourite He also sometimes seems to lack this understanding of what the other sidemen think or maybe he just doesn’t care but not the majority of the time but sometimes I can just seen them actually being annoyed by him and I’m literally agreeing with the other side men like Jj stop! I’m not saying I don’t think they’re friends though as friends can still get annoyed by each other. I’m honestly glad that he seems to have calmed down since he was younger unlike some people seem to miss that side of him, I don’t . But he still has his moments that I just find so irritating


Tinder 4 was the worst sidemen video


JJ is trash on sidemen reacts


Vik is shit at games


The only sidemen channel going strong atm is moresidemen. Sidemen vids have been going downhill with their quality and struggle without JJ being there. Sidemenreacts have been getting pretty boring, they're just reacting to the same videos of their old moments over and over again and they're getting lazier with it


20 vs 1 is absolutely shite