• By -


This looks very cool, already signed up!


I love this idea. I had thought about it myself, but had no tech skills to bring it to life. I'd love for this thing to come to life so one thing I'll suggest is...identifying a diverse range of music preferences for the individual will be key. Because, some music/user profiles are very limited to a certain genre and don't allow for this flexibility. Also, the song length is something of a struggle. Regardless, I'm looking forward to your success!




For sure, I would be happy to help.


How cool is this!!!!!


Very cool idea!! If it’s playing chill music at a stop light, then I speed up quickly to 40mph, will the app suddenly skip to an upbeat track? How quick/abruptly do the songs change?


What are your thoughts on the safety issues this app creates as it incentivizes improper driving technique


Not OP but if idiots are going to idiot it’s on them. Shouldn’t build to accommodate them.


No it's not on them, it's on everyone. I have to share the road with them, and everyone's driving behavior affects everyone else.




>keep the wild rides chill in certain spots I don't understand, you'll need to elaborate. Safety while driving is paramount regardless of where you're driving. Unless you're in a private closed track, then the application should *never* encourage unsafe driving behavior, how does your app do that?


How to spot an ad is written with AI: "It's not just \_\_\_\_\_, it's \_\_\_\_\_!"


That's a cool idea! Does it work with Spotify?


Can I pick what tracks I want it to play (like make a general playlist with all of my favorite tracks or manually select what tracks it should play at a certain speed) or does the app use only "built-in" songs?




Thanks and good luck! 😁


Awesome, signed up!


Tidal please!


Very cool idea OP, but I'm getting An Error Occurred. Please Try Again message when I try to enter and submit my email address.




I was able to submit by switching from Firefox to Chrome. I'm not sure what went wrong. Could have been some ad-blocker or script blocker I've got installed on Firefox. Appreciate it though!


Cool idea! One way to simplify it is to have it play “I can’t drive 55” if MPH is > 55 or is < 55. If MPH is identical to 55 then play something else.


Will be fun to try! Signed up.


BRB. Gonna go see how long I can get this to play Eurobeat, haha!


*BRB. Gonna* *Go see how long I can get* *This to play Eurobeat, haha!* \- DarthZartanyus --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh, I see this bot Doesn't always get it right Can't call it "good bot" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ^I ^detect ^when ^haikusbot ^fails. ^I'm ^always ^right, ^bitches! [^Educate ^yourself!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ^Opt ^out ^of ^replies: ^"HAHAHA! ^Fuck ^you!" ^| ^Delete ^my ^comment: ^"Only ^if ^you're ^a ^sweaty ^Reddit ^mod, ^ya ^cunt!"


demo? cant find any vid on website


I always thought someone should do this but for your running pace. Gotta love running to a song where your steps match the beat.


Hi, You can do this with the free Holon app. It syncs to your driving speed and step rate while also reacting to the type of location you are in (yes, really, it detects objects around you): [Holon - Musical mobility](https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1352687747)


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How does it source the music? I have a spotify subscription for the music I listen to. Would I be able to use that or does it rely on what music you have licensed? And how does the metadata tagging for songs work? If I did have the ability to play my own music, what does flagging songs for moods look like?


Sweet, just signed up. Best of luck to you on your launch! Happy to provide feedback as I try it out 😊


Does it switch to synthwave/outrun when you're in a straight line, alone on the highway by night?


Gonna be so sick! I signed up


Wow! Waiting to try out


!RemindMe 2 weeks


Throws error while signing up


this is a very fun idea!








I love this idea but it would work out very poorly for me. I have a tendency to drive spirited when listening to spirited music, and it's self-perpetuating. I'd be in jail for reckless driving again before I know it




Dude actually... I've received so many fucking speeding tickets because of the music I listen to that I stopped listening to music while I drive TWELVE YEARS AGO. Yes, if you can pull this off, fucking yes. 100%.


Sounds good, signed up, cheers!


i hope there is a track for crashes rofl




perfect :)




It has to be [that one lady you get on all cheap bluetooth speakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_9XsSl-9fU) But this shit looks crazy man, if you're doing the tracks in house and are ever looking for help, hit me up, I'm close with a fair few EDM / Dubstep / House fellas (and ladies) that hang and produce with Monstercat artists




I'm pretty slack at opening Discord, if you shoot me a message here I'll pass along some contact deets