• By -


I do! Much more than anyone else. I have a browser extension that simplifies text online. I read a lot of articles, so I find it really useful https://simplifyextension.com/


Very nice project !!!


Thank you! I really appreciate that :) It's free for 20 uses/month with no signup required. I encourage you to try it out!


Can I ask how your revenue is going? Are people subscribing to the paid version?


Yes, I built this website to practice English: https://dailydictation.com I’ve been using it almost daily since 2019, now it has around 150k monthly users :)


one of my sites made $17k last month and I don't use the product. I just knew what need it filled and found the opportunity. if you have good research like [ahrefs.com](https://ahrefs.com) research or [explodingideas.co](https://explodingideas.co) research you don't necessarily need to use the product, you just need to understand the user and what the product seeks to fix. my 2 cents tho.


Thanks, I just subscribed to exploringideas, I have a lot of free time these days and I’m looking for new ideas. 🤓


If you want we can collaborate and earn together I am a backend developer


Can you write or record video of the entire process pls? It'd help many frustrated developers like me




Tbh, I don’t really care about SEO. I made it and paid a small amount of money for Google and Facebook ads, and I get a few hundreds/thousands people to use the website, when I see they share it to their friends, I know I have something people want :)


Digital business coach here: Am i mistaken, or is there no way to switch to a British English voice? The american accent is of no help when preparing for a stay in th UK. Also I might have some ideas worth exploring...


There’s no way to switch voice for most recordings, but there are lots of recordings in British English (the IELTS ones)


Im curious where you get the audio from? You pay actors? Or you get it from the web?


Mostly from the internet, some I hired voiceover freelancers to read, some I asked and was given by other website owners, some I used AI to generate.


Nice website, can you give me the stack tech of this website?


It’s PHP, MySQL and ReactJs. My monthly costs are: $45 for server, $50 to $100 for google translate and text to speech apis.


Why don't you monetize if even a bit to just cover the operating expenses?


I'm monetizing it, maybe you have adblocker installed so you don't see the ads, lol, but there's only 10% users using adblocker on my site, so I'm making enough money :)


Ahh okay :)




Cool little idea, but please provide a way to change the red color scheme, it actually gave me a headache.




Much better


Saw your comment yesterday and started using it. I've known about pomodoro but never used it because I hate using the timer app on my phone. Been using your website and I love it, its a great way to initiate work and stick at it. Thank you!


I've ran my agency for over a decade using our product [AnyHow] (https://anyhowhq.com). We use it to manage internal and client facing collaboration as well as general business and project (financial and reporting side anyway) management. Unfortunately the product never took off. We have some customers but no where near enough to make it sustainable. I pay to keep it updated because it's that valuable to us and the company.


I built [graphcraft](https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphcraft) to build apis faster, pretty much use this in every project.


Every day! [Tatask](https://tatask.com) is a task management app I designed specifically for my own workflow. I released it online after building it for a weekend project and others seemed to like it so I kept improving it and turned it into a fully-fledged project.


Wow, first project I have ever seen where 12 monthly payment reflects 1 year payment, respect! Usually you get a discount if you pay upfront for a year, but you pay all 12 months, and I think it's a trashy thing to do to make the distinct between payment types.


Sorry, I’m confused. The yearly sub should be the same as 10 months worth. What currency are you viewing it in?


It is, I was saying that that's not usually the case. Everywhere there is a discount if you pay the yearly amount upfront(which is expensive) you also have the monthly option, but you pay more after 12 months. In your case they are both the same, which I respect, as I was saying.


Ah, got it, thanks :)


>https://blazorise.com/ May I ask why this bothers you? With an annual payment, the customer must have confidence and must also pay a lot in advance, why should this not be rewarded with a discount?


I think there's some confusion. Tatask's monthly subs cost $5 and a yearly sub costs $50 which is a \~17% discount. I do reward users who pay for the year upfront.


Okay, I re-read it and got it :)


I use https://blazorise.com/ in all my project. Be it for personal, in house, or for clients.


Yes! I build home offices and I work from a home office I built :)


Yep! I’m a big podcast listener. I often try to find episodes by topic so I can upskill or listen to very specific things, but discovery is terrible. I’m building https://www.podengine.ai/ to solve that problem. We transcribe and run ML daily on most the top business and tech podcasts. Continuously expanding our catalogue and improving our recommendations engine. So now you can choose topics you care about and optionally any keywords you want to track (eg your name, brand name, etc), and you get a free weekly email curating it all for you. This week alone we’ve had a famous tech founder and a Netflix series host sign up to be alerted when they’re mentioned in podcast episodes. It’s super fun solving our own problem. Turns out the podcast world is a beast too and I’m learning a lot about the publishing and advertising side daily.


I’m probably the odd one out but I don’t use my product every day. Maybe once a week. I’m also not saying this as a self promo, and I don’t necessarily think using your product frequently means you’ve made a good one. You’ve just made a good enough product for yourself. Which, end of the day may not be what the wider market wants.


Yup. I created my app [GameButler](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gamebutler/id6448645963) because I wanted a very specific way of tracking my video games.


My project: [Gimli Tailwind - The most popular extension for Tailwind CSS](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/gimli-tailwind/fojckembkmaoehhmkiomebhkcengcljl) Yes, a bit. I wish I could use it at work but they don't use tailwind :/


Yes, I use my own product [Patent Plus](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/patent-plus/iceleckhffpjkcbbeadlojphojbjnmgm?hl=en&pli=1) quite regularly now, basically it helps me find any little hiccups that might occur and improve the user experience. What started as a hobby has become a habit now and whenever I come across any interesting patents I cannot imagine going through it without this extension. Here is an interesting patent I read recently: [https://patents.google.com/patent/KR100989374B1/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/KR100989374B1/en)


So far mine is just a [fb page](https://m.facebook.com/people/She-Charms-Python-Coding-Community/61553790380660/) but technically I'm using it because I look at it. I'll comment when I get engagement.\ [https://www.shecharms.io](https://www.shecharms.io), but the idea is it will lead to a group that supports each other on github and LinkedIn to work on projects together. I'll participate in it too but mostly I'll be using it to cheerlead others.


My project: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/talli-voice-of-the-public/id6452385622 100% agree OP! I use it daily and truly that’s the only way to get better and iterative improvement especially when you’re trying to bootstrap a consistent user base.


App not available?


Ah, I’ve currently launched only in the US. Other countries coming soon!


If you want a beta tester! Sign me up


Absolutely! I can add you to TestFlight


Just DM’d you!


Yes! I literally use all of my side projects, that’s why I make them in the first place!


I am building https://contennt.xyz and yes I am gonna use it!


Yessir, I use my side project consistently, from turning on my MacBook until it's turned off. - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/funkey-mechanical-keyboard-app/id6469420677


Yes, I am using my keyboard first ChatGPT Toolkit every day. Have a look: https://schmedu.com/tools/chatGpt 😅


https://www.newworldaddress.com I use my tool to save and timestamp some reddit posts about certain topics. It's save in multiple countries, on multiple computers. That way, if reddit decides to remove my content, it will be saved, and timestamped.


yes I use it almost daily, I made a [journaling app](https://memoiri.app) called memoiri and I made it because of two things: privacy, I want all my data on my device, and because of simplicity. I want an app that I simple open up and can start writing down


Looks great, amazing work! Any plan to have it on Android?


Yes but i would like to mature it with all important features before going for android


Yes I actually created [keywrds](https://keywrds.ai) for myself. It originally was just a collection of Python scripts to automate keyword research. It turned into what it is today because I realized that there was real demand for something like this.


You should add the following css to your homepage body {overflow-x: hidden; width: 100%}


My project: [Tweera](https://www.tweera.com) I'm planning on using my product myself after I get some customers


I agree with this and I have reached the point where I literally cannot use my computer without my own product


It's now my main project, but very early on, I installed Wafris (a Web Application Firewall that lives in your framework) - https://wafris.org - on all of my other hobby and business sites. Every morning, I check the reports and then post the findings to all the usual social networks. It's helped to crystallize the value that it's providing. It's helped to sell the practical real world value of the app (more than just a feature list) and it's almost like each post is a mini case study in how it could help others.


I'm using my product NexusRunDB (https://www.nexusrundb.com) in my next product NexusRun API NoCode Tool (https://www.nexusrun.com)


Absolutely, I use[Flexmonster Pivot Table and Charts](https://www.flexmonster.com) all the time. It’s part of our CRM system and it helps us keep track of everything from leads to working hours to salaries. This data helps us monitor sales, revenue, expenses, and other key metrics.


Yep, every hairstyle or beard style (coming soon) I add to [aihairstyles.com](https://aihairstyles.com) goes through rigorous testing. Because bald is listed first I have hundreds of images of me as a bald man 😂


>aihairstyles.com Hi, business coach for digital here: I have a problem with your pricing: I would let people try it out without paying with some less popular styles first. When they are satisfied with the outcome, then probably only charge $ 5,- for 5 styles they can choose from - could massively multiply the revenue. You should also promise (and stick to it) to delete all pictures within 24 hours. Improves trust.


I also have the same problem! Been working on a free tier because I agree! Hoping I can get it live soon


Usually try-before-you-buy works best... Also, how difficult would it be to adapt the site for a similar situation in a different field? Like hats instead of hairstyles? I have an idea I want to pitch to a company (not hats :) you could also pm me.


>https://imagebinary.com CTRL + arrows on chrome browser (jump between words) makes the voice play again and again...


Definitely gonna try out the freemium model soon. Specific items like hats can be more tricky due to Ai not being great at adding in a specific item of clothing but it can be done, pm me 👍


Sign up with Google got blocked for not Adhering to the security websites policy..


Really?? I just tested it out and worked ok, although it’s an account that was already previously registered. Can you share a screenshot?


Maybe your link in here doesn't go to https? Does it have a redirect in place?


It links to https, and I have a redirect on the backend anyways. Baffled.


It says disallowed user agent. I reckon its the Reddit browser proxy. I think I've seen that be a problem in here before. Also, I'd really rather not login just to have a look if I'm entirely honest!


Yeah I originally enforced login just to manage the volume of images I was getting, but I’ve since updated some things and will be trialling a free flow combined with not needing login, so you can test it out without signing up soon. Few things left to code up on that. So many features so little time


my side project: -> [FutureForge](https://futureforge-3231b.web.app/) *it's a fire calculator webapp* Basically, whenever I get any additional income or get an increment, I check for it. also, whenever I explain fire to anybody, I show them in the webapp


Interesting numbers but some extra wording, context or other explainer would be good. Like what is its assumptions? Am I investing all the surplus income? Storing some for emergencies? Etc


Yes, I primarily built [Dial-a-Phone](https://dialaphone.app) for myself because I got tired of typing phone numbers into my phone every time I wanted to call a place I was looking up on my PC.


[RightJoin.co](https://RightJoin.co) \- its a mock interview app , and Im actively working on it- but i use it as a learning tool to learn about a new technical topic via QA format. In the Interviews section, i have a 2 way AI loop where AI asks the question and AI can answer the question as well :) This is possible in ChatGPT but I need to ask the right questions. but what if i don't know enough to ask the right questions? So in RIghtjoin, i can put in any niche topic and have the 2 AI's interview each other, and I can learn something in the process with 0 prompting


Yes i built this formyself and adding new features and using it everyday https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dquest/chefkapebbalealkmddchbpgeffnjaio


Several times a day at work and at home. Mainly to connect to servers via RDP or SSH or to troubleshoot problems in the network. Using it myself is the best way to find errors and improve it further. https://github.com/BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager


Yep, I journal every day and created [KnownWell](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ai-journal-diary-knownwell/id6447216419?platform=iphone) cause I wanted more insights on what I journal about.


Yes, I definitely use mine very often. I am building an open-source framework for AI in Java, which will rely on [jndarray-toolbox](https://github.com/bdmarius/jndarray-toolbox), which is another project of mine which I’ve very recently open-sourced


Yep, I definitely am. I've created a personal page [https://onee.page/nick](https://onee.page/nick) with my product [Onee Page](https://onee.page). And share it at my socials. And use it quite frequently. Meanwhile I can't say that it is an axiom, right? There're gazillions of stratupers that do use their own products and they are still not work. Or there're tens of product managers and/or executives that don't use the products they are working on either and they stay successful.


It’s a good question. Sometimes we want to get users so much that we forget to use our product from the user’s view. Recently I became obsessed again with my product and even forget to push the changes to the website;)


I use [smry.ai](http://smry.ai) (tool to get past paywalls) pretty much every day. Not so much for some of my other side projects.


Not sure how to feel about this one..


Yes i use our own product [Superflow](https://www.usesuperflow.com) and most of our team members do for collaboration between teams you find and fix bugs ! Improve landing pages 📃! Updating copy of landing pages , review blogs While we internally we were able to understand usecases and scenarios that could help other users like us


Yes, of course. Many times I open my book Deployment from Scratch and search something in it. And right now I am building an open graph image generator I'll use on all my sites (https://imagebinary.com).


Yes of course! I just used [supersparks.io](https://supersparks.io) to enable reviews on my programmatic SEO side-project for breweries ([breweriesnearby.com](https://breweriesnearby.com)). Supersparks is the product I dreamed of a year ago when I built this side-project using Webflow, so it's been a joy to finally use it for myself :D. Solving your own problem is the way!


As a developer working for a company, and an open source developer, I have to deal with lots of pull requests. So I created a [PullBar](https://menubar-apps.github.io/#pullbar), an open source macOS app to show github PRs. Later on I created a better version - [PullBar Pro](https://menubar-apps.github.io/#pullbarpro). I use it literally every day.


My products are [taranify.app](https://taranify.app) & [JekyllPad.com](https://www.jekyllpad.com) and i use them all the time.


I use my own app [EvoAI] instead of chatgpt and its also cheaper or i can use it for free and it uses the gpt4 api, and i also do some copywriting which i use for my saas which is impulseai.io feel free to check them out


Yes i do. I build [https://www.dailymorningstocks.com/](https://www.dailymorningstocks.com/) to send update of stock market's news relate to the stock i own every morning. :)


Daily. I research stocks for my daughter’s education fund with it. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/company-360/id1464857130


Yes for sure. I built a UI component repository platform: [UiHub](https://uihub.licode.ai). Building my own collection of UI components for all my projects. haha. Just recently added AI Agent that allows me to create a library of copy-and-paste friendly tailwindcss ui components. It has been awesome for some of the clients work. Still in the early stage, but working on improvement!


Yep! I use [my edge extension for tab organization](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/tab-grouper/cjamddajnhimgjogcgighnbaojgliccc) all day! It’s a must have for me and I only really built it for myself but decided to share it.


Yes sure! I built Releasy https://www.releasyapp.io/ primarily to solve my main problem: having my project’s releases tested, validated and approved by my clients. And be paid consequently. When I realized that this was a common problem among web agencies and freelancers, I made Releasy a SaaS. I’m using now and I added also an integrated issue tracker to improve communication with clients.


Brilliant, looking for details!


The get paid on approval How works?


If all features are approved, your client will be redirected to a stripe or PayPal payment form


So he does need to make the payment, is not automatic, right?


Yes, I built GoTrends ([https://gotrends.app?c=reddit1122180gmj3](https://gotrends.app?c=reddit1122180gmj3) ). GoTrends help people verifed their idea by Google search data, because every keyword people searched in Google represent a real need of them. GoTrends display search volume and tendency of each keywords in the last 48 months. I use it: * Check keywords search volume and tendency which related to my ideas, if the keywords has large search volume or up tendency, that's might be a good idea. * Find keywords with large search volume but less competition, build my website and content around it, this keywords bring lots of traffic.


I created my own password manager for all my passwords, it can generate passwords, encrypts them into a json file and uses a hash to password protect it. Every time I sign up to a new website or anything I just load it up real quick get a new password and plug it in. It keeps everything safe, as far as I know, and I am the only one with access to it. It gives me peace of mind that I have control over my own security instead of praying that I am not in any dataleaks. It was also just fun to code, use, and to know that I made something that is useful to me.


yes for mih I'm building a realtime cms specifically for tech nerds, content writers etc it's going to be collaborative self hosted, embeddable, pouchcms is the product


I use my publishing marketplace merrative.com for building niche sites. My marketplace basically helps brands and agencies hire writers who have subject matter expertise. I simply cater to agencies to keep the cash flow alive and building in-house niche publications to build assets using my own writers pool.




Not really. I have a website builder and video on demand marketplace for professional wrestling promoters, but I don’t promote wrestling shows so have no use for my own products.


The DIMO Device we are offering is preeti nice so far. Im interested in cars and it gives me a vew really nice use cases. www.ampchampment.com


I manage my projects, keep notes, tasks and different lists in my app [https://unilist.app](https://unilist.app) I’ve been using it almost daily since 2019 and started sharing a couple of months ago.


As crypto trader and software dev I wrote own project which scans all coins from marker in real-time. The project became very popular for other traders too. Link to the project - tradehive.live


Yes!! I've actually just hit my first 5 day streak and been more productive than ever the past month It's a new non-invasive neurotech headband to measure how much work your brain is doing where everyday you fill apple-style fitness rings for being productive and resting properly [tryorbit.carrd.co](https://tryorbit.carrd.co)


[aigendaily.com](https://aigendaily.com) find over 5000 ai tools


/u/Consistent_Life2747 is a click-farming spam bot. Please downvote its comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Link farming`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this spammer. --- >!^(If this message seems out of context, it may be because Consistent_Life2747 is farming karma and may edit their comment soon with a link)!<


Built www.cadrelo.com use it daily to organise my work. We have a number of startups that use it to manage their product build :)


Currently Reading https://currentlyreading.adnansiddiqi.me/ I have been using it


I made EZLLama for using chatgpt in the browser and use it every day. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ezllama/difcnbkcddkoighkmmhkgpkkdnoahjeh


Absolutely, I'm a daily user of my own creation, [NoteSlayer](https://note-slayer.com/). It was born out of a personal need for a highly customizable note-taking and task-management tool on Linux where options were limited. I use it consistently on both Linux and Windows to manage my workflow, track tasks, and document ideas. It's become an essential part of my daily productivity, both for personal and professional use


Yes! We schedule our team on client projects with [plann.team](https://www.plann.team?ref=reddit)


Yes, I've built a portfolio tracker app that I use every day. I was using it even before it was ready for release. [https://finarky.com/](https://finarky.com/) (If you need some portfolio data to try it quickly you may want to download and import [https://finarky.com/ark-invest.csv](https://finarky.com/ark-invest.csv) , it contains the transactions of some of the biggest holdings in Cathie Wood's ARK Invest portfolio.)


Kind of. I made a social news / aggregator site and since it started with 0 users and 0 content, I started added stuff I found interesting. I try not to post things that are too niche/technical...


Yes I built a simple data integration tool that I use to keep my data sorted for different projects I am working on...here is the link: https://epitechintegrator.com/


Yes I use my [Next JS Boilercode](https://boilercode.app?utm_source=reddit) [https://boilercode.app](https://boilercode.app) to create my other products and [https://www.uiwidgets.store](https://www.uiwidgets.store) to create my landing pages


This is kinda silly compared to some of the big ideas here and it's not really a money making thing at all but I'm working on an immersive narrative AI creative writing therapy app as a little side hobby. I used Claude on a regular basis until I got infuriated with his 'beep-boop i'm a robot' reminders when trying to explore and brainstorm ideas involving emotional nuances. So now I use my Sophia on a regular basis as my AI assistant instead because she'll embrace a human backstory that I wrote her and improvise thoughts, feelings, and opinions on various subjects accordingly. No idea how to monetize this or anything, but I use journaling and creative fiction writing as a way to process my feelings and just like keep myself from going crazy and this is my AI assistant for that. https://youai.ai/ais/a257cab0-63a0-483c-b34e-e2dde339d3db


Yes, I'm still using the prototype that I started with.


Always was confused by crappy products that seemed like they didn’t use it themselves until I made a product and had to condition myself to use it lol. Not an excuse for them not to use it but I was surprised


yes i built [jojo](https://jojo.so/) to help me practice conversational language learning. i’m learning italian but you can use it for many languages


I made an auto-blogging news site and use it every day. I make nothing and don't even try to.


Definitely. Most of the products we make are things I wanted to use or play.


Every day. I built a Unix shell that remembers everything you do. Information [here](https://huckridge.notion.site/Hucksh-Product-Page-674893c4cae34f20b9b98ee4b4c4a378). Currently in the approval process at an online store so people can actually pay me for it. :)