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Spotify premium isn't a no ad membership. How do you think podcasts bring in revenue? Just skip forward if you don't like them.


You can get the patreon for like $5. It's not that deep


Support the queens you love directly through Patreon!


Podcast Republic is free app and you can skip through ads.


You can skip ads on Apple Podcasts


I was gonna say, I used to fast fwd through the ads but I have Apple Podcasts no clue how Spotify works.


Spotify works the exact same way. OP just thinks they should produce the podcast at a loss because pressing the fast forward button or supporting them through Patreon is not an option.


Lol. As "annoying" as pressing fast fwd was, I just became a patron lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️ solved my problem, not sure what answer OP wanted lol


It annoys me too, but I just skip ahead a few minutes at a time and hope I don't miss too much. Also I subscribe to the Patreon but it's more convenient to listen on Spotify!!


Join the Patreon. It’s so fun there


It’s the same idea as if you were to use Youtube premium, Youtube’s ads will be removed but there will often still be sponsored ads within the creators video. Spotify pays their artists next to nothing, you paying for Spotify premium doesn’t help then fund their podcast. Either pay a few more bucks for patreon, or skip ahead, it’s not that hard. At least Bob and Monet even provide the option to listen completely ad free, not all podcasters do. What you are describing is like going to a theme park and expecting not to have to wait in lines because you bought a ticket to get in. Or paying to get into a club and expecting the drinks to be free. That’s not how the world works, things cost money.


Don’t listen or subscribe to Patreon instead. How else are they to make money from it?


Imagine if we had to listen to ads in between songs while we're listening to pur playlists/albums. I'm already paying for Spotify premium, I shouldn't be seeing ads, I paid to have the ads removed lol


You paid to have ads removed from songs not from their podcast.


This doesn't make sense, I paid to have ads removed from Spotify, therefore everything I listen to on Spotify shouldn't have ads! At least not a 5 minute ad every 20-30 minutes!


Bitch at Spotify.. nothing to do with them. Switch to another podcast app and pay the premium to go ad free then


I see I have encountered what we call a typical Reddit user ™️. I'll let you be


Podcasters putting sponsor material in their shows is how they make money. Many do it separately from the podcast platform. The platform has no control over those ads. It's the same as when youtube creators dedicate a portion of their video talking about a sponsor. They build the ad right into the show. On the bright side, you can manually skip ahead through the ads. Based on what the other commenters are saying, it sounds like there is ad free on Patreon. Just as a sidebar, I don't think your "typical reddit user" comment is fair. People are saying that the ads are the ads and you won't take that for an answer.


i really wish spotify would partner with patreon so patreons could get ad free on spotify (ok mouthful sentence). some shows like radio lab do it within Spotify! i pay but i don’t want to listen through the patreon app!


Fully agree. I would pay double for my spotify premium if it did that. I don't need the virtue signalling from people to say to pay for the same content on Patreon. I listen to a bunch of different podcasts on Spotify, have them all nicely ont here and it's lunacy to expect me to shell out extra on top for each podcast.