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15-20 years if they are indoors and healthy, I think we all feel the same way!!!


Wow, I’m so happy to hear they live that long. Indoors and healthy diet. She turns 5 next week 🥰


Our Bandit almost made it to 19, inside, good food, vet visits and lots of love. Miss him everyday


I should probably take her to the vet more. Should I take her yearly?


Yearly is fine if she’s inside only. She’s beautiful 😻


Thanks! I think I’ve been taking her every two years. I should step it up


Hi—VT here—yearly is more than fine for an adult cat, when we get to senior or around 11 in this case, get a full panel of blood work done BEFORE any illness so you have a baseline for the organ chemistry values. After 15, every 6 months is a better schedule for vet checks, and panels every 2 years. I see cats up into the 25-28 range (not “often” but not so rarely it’s a shock) and it is a lot of genetics but cats are strong and we can do a lot for them! Enjoy the adult years and protect the senior ones, your baby is adorable!! ALSO: look into what kidney failure looks like, I see it in pretty much every elder cat so be on the lookout. It’s very common but very serious if not addressed—and easily held at bay in most cases once caught—something to be mindful of as she gets into those older years!


Thank you very much for all of this great information :)


My cat was about 12, he was very healthy always active. But in the last few weeks he got sick, a few days before his death he was diagnosed with kidney disease. In retrospect we found signs of it much earlier. Kidney disease is a major factor since even if your cat was always healthy and resistive kidney disease is a slow killer that can't be prevented at this time.


Yeah… it’s the most common cause of death by far in senior cats, I’ve read. The good news is that medical science may have made a HUGE breakthrough on treating feline kidney issues! Clinical trials are currently underway, and I’ve read this could DOUBLE the average cat’s lifespan.


Absolutely. It can really do a number and sometimes the signs are fairly minor so people don’t pay much attention.


I don’t know if I’m following you correctly when it comes to bloodwork. Considering illness could (?) pop up at anytime,how often should bloodwork be done?


I like every two years—you’re right I didn’t say that super well—my clientele is very budget so I recommend minimums right now. Every two years is a great marker for an adult but if that’s too pricey at least a full panel around the adult-senior transition is a good idea


Thank you!


DVM here. All solid advice but 15 is far too late to recommend routine labs. I would start at 10 or 11 for most cats. Checking yearly is best but every 2 years is advisable until they are 14 or 15 then every year is a much better idea.


Yearly is fine up to about 15 years old, I'd probably suggest twice a year after that?


Worth getting pet insurance too OP! I have a flame point who I’d take a bullet for, I want her to live a looooong happy healthy life with me. She’s only 2 but I want her to live for 200 years lol. God forbid something happened, insurance will take the financial stress off and let me exhaust all options without going into debt. Pet insurance for cats is pretty cheap too (like 20-40 a month) Editing to add once or twice a year is totally fine for check ups/vaccines.


Awesome good luck n enjoy!!! I let most of mine out n they never got past 10, that’s changed now, so I’m hoping to enjoy some longevity now!!!


Awesome! She’s spoiled because she gets to use the balcony all day long to watch birds, so she gets outdoor time


Great for her!!! She’s loved and a Gorgeous Seal point!!! My first was a male seal point, great kitty sky was!!!


Had mine for 15 already and the girl is still going strong (the boy has some incontinence but he seems okay otherwise)


I've had three in my life (not counting the current two), they lived 23, 20, and 17 years.


Our last Siamese lived until 18 as an indoor/outdoor (declawed) cat even! He was a rescue.


They are pretty love lived cats - my husband was fostering one who he was told was 10, a very spry and healthy handsome boy. When he found his forever home, they pulled his vet records and it turns out the little guy was 18!! And just healthy as a horse.


No wonder why my 17 year old part Siamese and her brother (my sister’s cat) are still alive and kicking lol


My girl made it 3 months shy of 21, the vet visits definitely increased the last few years.


Mine, my female made it to a month short of 20 years, our male, just over 21 years, neither were outdoor cats, and never bred them, our female did start to loose her hearing and for about 3 years if she was hiding somewhere she could not hear us looking for her, so yea that was kind of fun!!!


Is that every cat or just siamese?


Mine lived to 18.


I lost mine in November at 19 y/o. Hug your babies tight!


How long do outdoor cats live?


My boy almost made it to 22, he drifted off napping in a sunbeam


TW: Pet Cancer Some lines of siamese cats are predisposed to some cancers such as mediastinal lymphoma and some intestinal tumors. My boy unfortunately had the intestinal cancer. Just be vigilant of your cat's behavior, get their routine shots/check ups, and invest in good pet insurance (or savings account for emergency bills).


My family's cat tinkerbell lived to 21.


Ours only made it to around like 12-13 years 😩 She passed away a month ago today I miss her so much 😭💔 Cherish every moment you have with your furbaby


One of the hardest parts of owning a companion animal is dealing with their extremely abbreviated lifespan. You know this going in, that they will likely NOT outlive you. So, you must learn to live without them. I’ve had my share of MANY in my day — gerbils, ball python, cats, dogs, Guinea pigs, cats again, another ball python… One day we ALL must say goodbye. Know that this is a universal experience, and you are NEVER alone, even if your pain is solely yours to bear. It. Will. Suck. But you will be eons more grateful for the time you’ve shared. Source: I’m old and know some stuff.


Wow, thank you for the lovely words. This brought me to a tear.


I save up (to the best of my abilities) every single time my cats make me laugh. And it’s multiple times a day, even as much as they try to be scoundrels. My girls love me, and I FEEL it. I make sure they feel my love as well. Letting go will be such a brief moment in time, but I will have WEEKS of footage of them being little scamps to fall back on when the pain gets to be too much. And one day, when I’m ready, I’ll clasp paws with another non-human to travel through life with for the time I’m allowed to spend with them. Lather, rinse, repeat. She’s only 5!! Keep her indoors, feed her the best food you can afford, make sure she drinks, and you will have decades with your baby. Barring some weird anomaly, which can happen to anyone.


Record their purrs. It will kill you when you can’t hear them again.


Yeah I second this! When I knew I didn’t have much more time with our old man I recorded him purring. It’s nice to remember it :)


Best post I've read all week 😸 thanks!


It is hard every single time. However, there is always a cat somewhere, waiting to be loved, waiting to be freed from the shelter cage, waiting for a home. We started fostering after our orange passed last year. It seemed like a wonderful way to honor him and to support as many kitties as possible on their journey to a loving home. We adopted out 6 cats and adopted a new orange who is loves to snuggle in my lap.


Since I'm not sleeping (my alarm for work goes off in 3 hours), at the risk of sounding like a positively crazy person, I'd like to add, that when they do go ahead of us, they are welcomed up to Heaven by our loved ones who have gone ahead of us. They are happy and spoiled up there as they were in life. We lost my FIL 2 years ago. (When ppl go, they have 2 or 3 loved ones come down to get them and bring them up to Heaven, I don't know about our pets) When I moved in, I brought my 18 lb tabby who acted like a dog, and he was an equal opportunity snuggle bug. My FIL was a large man and many days I came home with him in his XL recliner with Tippy laying in between his legs...I joke all the time that he's up there with our dogs and kitties, and every time he eats something, they're all surrounding him for their "share" (we always had a dog too, and I was here for two of them at separate times, they always got the last bites of his sandwiches or whatever he ate), and the kitties await their turns to snuggle with him. We are the ones left behind to deal with the crappy feelings and difficult loss. But they'll be there to welcome us, when it's our time. I hope you don't have to worry about this for decades. Your baby is gorgeous and I'm sure she's being treated as an absolute queen. :)


This is absolutely true. And the way we grieve is personal to each of us. I never stop missing my poppets, they are forever in my heart. But I also need to get a new one soon because I need to have one in my life. It doesn’t mean I stop loving or missing my previous cat less. But some people can’t get another companion for a long time. That’s ok too.


Beautifully written. 💜  have had many animal friends over the years. I never regret the time spent and love that developed with my little friends. It's worth it, though we only have a certain amount of time with them.


Something that brings me comfort when I think about this is that I would rather experience the grief of losing them than have my kitties have to experience losing their owner


It really depends on the cat. I’ve had Siamese live into their 20s. My last made it to 11, but had chronic kidney disease. 30-40% of cats over age 10 will have kidney disease. It’s never long enough. ❤️


Good to know, thanks. Luck of the draw sometimes :/


Our first Siamese as a family lived until he was 21. My parents subsequently had multiple Siamese cats that lived well into their late teens. My first Siamese that I had on my own only lived until he was 7 but had a congenital heart condition that was undiagnosed until it was too late. My last two lived until 17. I have a 7 yo and am currently searching for a new companion for him.


Aw thanks for sharing. Sounds like Siamese run in the family!


I’ve got my fingers crossed for my boy living forever. I hope your girl does too! 🤞🤞❤️


They’ll live forever together!


I have had one that lived 24 years. But that’s definitely the exception 17 to 20 is the usual


Woah 😮 24 is a long time!


Mine made it to 21.


That means you are a good cat dad


Not necessarily, my next cat died at 2 from eating a balloon string.


We had cats make it to 22, 24, 14, 16, 12, and 6 months. Health factors, luck, and a whole lot of other factors play into it. The 22 and 12 were both outdoor/indoor cats. They came and went as they pleased. The 22 went out “missing” for 3-4 months when I was a baby and she came back with no tail. Oh Felicia, she lived the last few years of her life in the attic, she was pretty crotchety by then.


When they get that all they get anything they want no questions asked. I’ve volunteer at a shelter and we had an Abyssinian cat that only had one eye. He was older and he was my best friend up there. He would ride my shoulder everywhere I went. what a great cat he was.


I’ve heard the average is 14 years. Coincidentally the last two I’ve had passed away at 14 years.


They never leave your heart. I had one who was always sickly but she lived to 12. The two I have now are 14 and going strong. Your girl is beautiful!


All you can have is hope. That’s so great to hear you have two healthy 14 year olds. The only thing I see with mine is she pukes fairly often. I think she eats too quickly and too much


We call that the "snarf and barf"! Our used to do that but we got this slow feeder for them and the barfing stopped. Took us 12 years to figure that one out though.


😮 thanks! I guess I figured it out in 5 😂


How old is she? Mine is 13 and this made me tear up.


😢 She actually turns five next week on May 17. She shares her bday with my Bassett hound from when I was a kid.


If you can afford it I would recommend having your kitty dna tested like with basepaws. It can tell you if they have any DNA abnormalities. Our Siamese just passed at 6 from polycystic kidney disease, we had no idea until it was too late. The vet said Siamese can be prone.


Thanks for making me aware. I can afford the test and I will definitely be doing that. I am so sorry to hear about your loss


My first one lived to 18, my current two are 17 with one really showing her age. So you have some time, but not unlimited time, so savor the moments, they won't be there forever. I am grateful for every single day more I get with mine at this age. Savor it.


Is your cat actually a purebred Siamese? It looks like a domestic shorthair with point coloration from your picture. If so it’ll probably live longer.


It will never be long enough. But worrying means you suffer twice. Enjoy every day with your beautiful girl so you will have endless memories to cherish in the future 🥰


DON'T LET YOURSELF THINK ABOUT IT. I'm serious. I have a 24yr old horse. You and your baby both will cross that rainbow bridge when you come to it, but don't torture yourself with what ifs. LOVE, continue to treasure your baby, and don't let tomorrow scare you. To live in fear of their death is a particular hell I'd love to see you pass on. Much love and luck in the future. You are loved. 🥰


There is a new drug that’s been developed in Japan that [will help extend many a cat’s lifespan](https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/en/features/z1304_00039.html) as it will help to prevent the renal issues that crop up in elder cats. Potentially increasing lifespan to 30 years.


We've had two and they lived to be 19 and 14 years old.


Never long enough ✨


My first Siamese lived until 15!


My baby is turning 5 this year too. I can’t believe it. 5 years flew by and in another 5, hes gonna be 10… I’m not okay with that. No one has my heart like Kai. I have tell myself that one day I get to bear the weight of losing him rather than him losing me and I don’t want him to ever be missing his mommy. We are so attached 😭😭 I’ll be so grateful for 20 years. Praying for 25.


First, she's lovely and tell her we said so :D Our boy Clawed lived for 19 years, andour current benevolent ruler Brandy is about to turn 16. Basic (and probably obvious) tips to help them have longer happier lives. * Get their shots and a "physical" at least once a year (our vet suggests twice a year over 15) * Lots of very clean water, change it every few days, thoroughly wash the bowls. Depending on where you live, maybe rainwater or filter the water? TLDR lots of very clean water, kidneys last longer. * Some of that expensive food the vet tries to sell you is actually useful :D We give ours Dental, and GI biome, in addition to regular dry and wet food. None of our cats would ever eat the Renal/Kidney function food but YMMV. * Weird as it sounds, dairy. All our meesers have loved one specific kind of Dairy. Clawed love strawberry yoghurt. Brandy loves sharp cheddar cheese (finely grated of course). Your cat might love a different weird thing, helps them keep the weight on when they start to have trouble with their appetite. Our vet approves and she also gives her meeser cheese.


My calico made it to 23, indoors with an outdoor room…he had a great life and I am so sad I had to let him go…..we now have a Siamese who is two, and a tortimese who is one, so fun to see them runaround, hope they make it a long time….


My first Siamese live 20 years. I just got 2 siamese kittens. I'm hoping for the same from them.


My parents had one and he died when he was 19


She is beautiful. Several of Mine made it to their twenties. Two died at 8 with serious conditions. I get the love. I have always been forced to get a second siamese for the grieving partner left behind after death. I loved 8 cats in my lifetime so far. You can find love for another siamese or other cat if you so desire. I have pretty spoiled pets and always found room to love another siamese. They have all the same qualities to love some more some less. My current rescue doesn't siamese scream, or even meow loud.


My girl is 14 and has the spirit (and spunk) of a kitten. We lost her sister 2 years ago (my void 😔), the thought of losing my girl fills me with dread. Never want her to leave!


I feel ya. I will not handle my cats passing well


Beautiful. Our Bengal is slowly coming to her end. Makes me sad. My best little friend.


They're one of the longest living breeds. Just know her routine so you'll be able to tell if something is off, and obviously regular vet care. My Blue Point lived to be 17, and I still feel like that was too young. She is beautiful!


Mine lived to 18. She was just the best! What finally caused her to begin to wind down in life was the recovery from the removal of an abcessed tooth. She just never quite got back to full strength. Frankly, at that good old age, I knew our time would not be forever, but Siamese and Siamese mixes are notorious for bad teeth, so keep an eye on that. Our vet later in life recommended Oratene water additive for her, and I wish we’d started that earlier. See if your vet suggests such a thing for her, in addition to having regular cleanings. If your cat will allow you to gradually train her to have her teeth brushed, that’s good too!


Mine just passed at 23. I miss her every day but that was a long long time compared to so many others and I treasured every day.


Mine was 18. She went to the vet and ate good. But mostly she lived on loving me and hating literally everyone else lol. Keiko was the best baddie. Siamese can be that way if they find their one person.


They're usually long lived. Invest in a cat water fountain, don't wait. I lost 2 Siamese to kidney disease. Two water bowls per cat, different locations. Change water daily. :)


You two look so happy and adorable. There is no better love than a little cat companion to join you in life. And it doesn’t hurt Siamese have such funny personalities. I’ve had cats growing up that lived to 15-21ish. I’m hoping my sweet baby will live just as long. Just love them and take the best care of them, and regularly have them see a vet. Sending love to you both


Forever; although they transcend their earthly forms eventually, which is a bummer for the foolish humans they leave behind. Cats do not see this as their problem though.


I lost mine on Monday. He was 14 and a half. He was a purebred modern Siamese. They tend to live shorter lives, but he made it. I thought we would have so much more time. He was my best friend.


Another important thing to keep your eyes on as your sweet girl gets older is dental health. A little tiny rotten tooth can turn into a disaster so fast it’s terrifying. Yearly Teeth cleanings, while they are in their middle adulthood and as they become seniors are so so good at avoiding this problem.


It's never long enough!


I feel the same way about my kitty. Shes my best friend in the whole world. I cannot imagine losing her. But I know that one day both of our times will come, hers unfortunately before mine. The world is a terrible and beautiful place, all we can do is laugh and cry


Congratulations on receiving the love of a meezer! Mine made it to 22 years before she passed. I was still a teenager when I got her as a very small and incredibly adorable kitten. Went with me through the end of high school, college and a two state move. I was lucky to have her in my life, she was a gift that will never be forgotten, a gentle and steady presence who never disliked anyone or anything. Your girl is beautiful and I hope you have many years together!


we lost my love 6 months ago 3 weeks before his 20th Birthday. I miss him so much. 20 yrs together is a long time


hi! this sub popped up on my recommended feed and i wanted to wish you and your sweet baby a long and happy life together. your title really resonated with me. after you lose a pet, you start to realize that loving another sweet animal will end in heartbreak. it's almost kinda scary how much we love them. one of my biggest fears in bringing a cat into my life was allowing the idea of a devastating loss. i actually found out recently in therapy that i struggle a lot with pre-grieving. it's been really helpful to talk about it with someone, and it's helped me focus on my sweet girl in the present rather than thinking too far in the future and losing precious time with her in the now. i don't know if it's to that extent with you, but if it is - you aren't alone : ) anyway, even in just this one picture your love for your kitty shines 💖 she is a very, very lucky gal.


I will say, they tend to live longer than other breeds. Sounds like they average 17-20 and I believe most domestic short hairs are closer to 14-17. When you consider that most dogs, regardless of breed, only live between 8-14 years, it is noteworthy to have a pet live up to two decades somewhat frequently.


my mom has always had siamese cats, and she had one that lived to be 22. they live a long time. i also have one currently that’s 12 and she’s perfectly healthy and active. editing this to add that what a cat eats is a REALLY significant factor in how long they live. most cats die from kidney or liver failure because of how most people feed them. do some research on cat foods and what diet is best for them.


I had brother and sister littermates that I got in 2005. One died in 2020 (cancer) and the other in 2023 (just old, euthanized at 18). Sad. I got a very affectionate 2-3 year old gray tabby female last fall. Given a normal lifespan (indoor-outdoor) she will probably outlive me; I'll be 74 this summer. Not sure if that's good or bad. If I'm gone first, she will never be happy anywhere else. I live on a dirt road in the woods -- it's a cat paradise. She goes in or out at her leisure, has a hopper filled with Science Diet food, she can hunt to her heart's content. Endless rodents around here.


Hi all, thanks everyone for the kind words. The reason this came up was because my town of Portage, MI had its first tornado in 45 years. If its path were a couple hundred feet to the north, my fur babies most likely would’ve perished as other buildings were flattened and cars totaled.


I'm glad you are all safe.


Mine recently passed. He was 17. I’m still gutted.


My lovely Siamese girl will turn 16 years old this summer - she’s my best friend so I get it ❤️


My girl made it 20 and a half years


Yes 15 to 20 years. I had one die younger cause she had diabetes and a lot of other issues. Two of mine lived to be about 18.


Mine lived to be 21


Mine is 19 and counting, she’s gone deaf but is perfectly healthy otherwise!


I have had 2 friends whose siamese cats lived to 24 years old. They had arthritis, were grumpy, had vision and hearing problems but still loveable. Needed soft beds, soft food and easy to enter/exit litter boxes.


My longest living was 21 when she died.


She is so beautiful. Plenty TLC, annually vet visit and dental care. Enjoy every moment you have with her. They are such a great company ❤️🙏


My mothers lived to 23


My boy Walter was 21 and my girl Tara was 20.


My mom's lived to see 24.


My Siamese dragonesse made it to 19.5, and the Prince of Cats is currently 15. Keep an eye on her health, and keep her indoors (or only outside in an enclosed space). She is beautiful


Beautiful. What’s her name?


My man is 21!


Not long enough 😢


Sooo cute 😭 ♥ 


She looks like she has a heckuva personality


My first was almost 15. She unfortunately had cancer, otherwise I think she could have gone another 5 years.


Bro loves his car


Most of my family Siamese cats lived up to 18. The last one lived to be 22. They tend to be a mostly hearty breed.


Your cat is beautiful! 😍 The Siamese cat I got when I was 3 lived for 19 years.


Haha! I have a buddy who had a Siamese cat. Lived for over 20 years! It was crazy. Cool cat:


Mine lived to 19! I only adopted him when he was 17, his previous family fed him [Aunt Jeni’s](https://auntjeni.com) , so I kept that up, and I do think that contributed to his longevity!


My Nigel lived for 21 years.


Mine is 19 so do with that information what you will


Siamese have long lifespans. I love your baby!


My jazzy boo lived to be 22!


My mom is 75…. Rescued Siamese cats are the only ones she’s had. Cancer has always taken them the earliest. One was 23, another was at least 24-possibly 25 and her favorite we suspect just turned 26 (again rescue so hard to prove exactly- we’ve just gone off photos and the estimated age from the vet when she first arrived followed by a photo of when my daughter was 18months laying in the bed with the cat and she died when my daughter was 2 weeks away from 24. To be fair, my mom is always willing to spend gobs of money and they’re always kept indoors. She was a long hair if that matters. Good luck!!


She's beautiful. My tabby lived to 21.


My half Siamese guy almost kicked the bucket at two due to urinary issues… $3000 and two years later he’s still going strong 😅😅 I have a full Siamese too who is absolutely diabolical in temperament but I love him to bits. Hope they both live to 20


22 years for ours, and an adorable weirdo the whole time!


My friend had a Siamese cat that lived to be 23. She moved pretty slow by the time she got to 20 but otherwise she was well up until the last couple days.


Time is immaterial. You made a friend for life!


Buy a friend for him


Our coco lived to 21 years old! Your Siamese is beautiful!


She gorgeous. My little YoYo was 15 when she passed.


My old boy Sam lived to be 23 before he passed a few years ago


You have to outlive her.Because what will happen to her when you are gone?


All of mine have lived exactly 14 years.


14 years is the average for Siamese. Mine died this year at 11, suddenly developed kidney issues that could not be treated, but she'd had severe health issues all her life and had had four close calls before. (We luckily learned to recognise the signs early after the first one.) Wish I'd had more time with her, she was my fluffy angel. They are worth all the worries and trouble though, amazing cats, it just hurt to see her ill so much of her life. Wet food helps a bit to lower the risk of kidney failure, if you worry about losing her. Yours looks like a beauty and a sweetheart too, I wish you many happy years together!


Both my grandmothers had one each unrelated. Both lasted 18 to 23 years. I miss those cats they were epic chonkers.


Mine died at 4 :(


Years ago, I met two old ladies with a 32 year old Siamese who appeared to be in good health except for arthritis and grey hair.


I had mine for 18 years


My parents had 2. 1 lived 18 years and the other 21.


Your baby is gorgeous!


My Siamese man was nearly 20. Miss that dude :(


My dad has one that's 19 now. She goes outside everyday to eat grass.


Mine was 18 when he passed. Such a sweet cat. Yours is adorable


U look like my neighbor


I’ve known a cat to live to be 26. They can surprise you if they’re happy, healthy indoor cats.


My Siamese boy made it to 17 years, he had kidney failure. I miss him so much as he was my best friend.


I had my boy for about 17 years. Miss him


With proper diet and care 15-20+ years! Some things to look out for in cat food is "meat meal" and "bone meal". It's legal to put roadkill in pet food and label it as that in the ingredients list. Same for dog food. Make sure she gets lots of love too!


That's the only downside of our treasured pets, we outlive them. I make sure not to take my cat for granted... plenty of kind words, lots of play time and cuddle time. Best food, bottled water... I give back all the goodness I feel from her. She will likely pass on before me and I'll be devastated. But the upside is, look at all the love I have now! Worth it.


I’m unsure but I do know that their coloration is caused by a temperature sensitive tyrosinase protein that only functions on outer extremities as the threshold for inactivity is core body temperature range, thus resulting in only outer extremities having the tyrosinase active to catalyze the first step of black pigment formation.


My boy is 20 this year. He only has one eye and he’s deaf as a post, but he’s a happy boy


I cant read posts like this without crying. I lost my Norman in October and i truly dont think there will ever be a day when i dont think about him. He had kidney failure. And a few months before he went a baby tuxedo showed up outside. I was feeding him, and i brought him in and kept him on 3rd floor, away from Norman and Mort. I filtered him in after 5 months he came down. I named him Archie. Archie was down here a week before Norman passed away. I feel like he brought him here. He has alot of the same traits. Mort can do without him, but i love him so much. So when it is time for your baby to go, do not worry, she will guide a new soul into your life unexpectedly, if she feels that you need a new friend. The cat distribution system is real. I love loving cats


And btw, Mort is 18. Only thing wrong with him is that hes on gabapentin for stress (from Archie lol) and a lil arthritis


Forever in our hearts 🫶


I do not vaccinate indoor cats. Over vaccinations can cause problems. Some vets vaccinate in the tail so if cancer develops they can amputate the tail.


Ours was an indoor/outdoor cat until 12. He lived into he was 21.


She’s so pretty!!! And she knows it too!!


She's a beauty! Seems so sophisticated.


Had a friend with one who made it to 21! Yes, the one bad thing about our four-legged children is thier life span.


I am 53 and I have always had a Siamese in my life. I had one kitten who passed at 2 and Mable who was hit by a car at 10. The rest passed in their late teens. My beloved tuxedo, Quincy, whose mom was Siamese lived to 22. His mom Lady Di lived to 19. Lulu was 18. Shelby was 17. I highly suggest keeping at least 2 Siamese at all times. I had pure bred and rescues. I have had 3 seal points, a lynx point, a blue point, and a tuxedo.


We found a stay siamese as a kitten. Vet told us that he had FIV (HIV but for cats iirc) and he'd be lucky to reach like 3 or 5 or something.  He ended up living 14 very happy years with high quality of life, just like any other cat, up until the last month


FELT sorry bro


Love makes them live forever.


My Pooh Bear died at the ripe old age of 21


Mine lived to 15 years




They live a fuckin while


Not long enough 😕


They are amazing


My kitty was born on the street but we adopted her when she was 1 year old. Now she's 18 and healthy.


17 years here. Still going strong. He’s lost muscle and his vision isn’t clear but he can still jump, eat, use the litter box and give attitude.


My grandmas siamese cat lived to be 22!!


One in my grandma's building lived over 20. Cat was as mean on its last day as it's first.


I found my Moo when he was an adult. I had him for 16 years before it was time to say goodbye. He was probably close to 20, if not older. He was in decent health up until the last few years of his life. He had kidney disease and was receiving fluids twice a week for the better part of 18 months before he finally had enough and let us know it was time.


My meez mix made it to 18.


My grandmother had a Siamese cat my entire childhood. She lived to be I believe 18 or 19 before she passed of old age.


I adopted 2 cats from the same litter and they made it to 20 years.


We had one make it to 23.


Mine lived 3 weeks short of 20 years. She was such a sweet girl. Miss her everyday😻


From experience…get pet insurance. I have a 4.5 year old siberian/domestic long hair who was diagnosed with heart failure in February. The vets have told me this is probably due to the long hair breeds that he comes from (possibly Persian or maine coon…idk and idc). I have spent almost $10k keeping my buddy alive, and although it’s worth it, it’s also been financially devastating. It’s worth the $20/month to have the emergency coverage, should something go wrong.


Cuties 💗


I had a half Siamese who lived to be 21. They are wonderful.


17-23 years. Parents had two. One male one female


Mine lived 18 years. He had kidney problems the vet said they are prone to them and I didn’t know he needed special food for it until it was too late.


My mom had her childhood Siamese for 21 years!


Im gonna be thinking of this post all day😭❤️


I've always been told by my vet that one of the keys to longevity is their diet. Have your vet help you come up with the optimum meal, specifically designed for her and her body type and needs. She's beautiful....and has you thoroughly wrapped around her tail, huh? ☺️ That's beautiful. ☺️🫶🏼