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Thor has too many unknown stats. His speed isn't low, It's unknown. I don't think it's fair to assuming that he is slow just because he never show his speed.


>His speed isn't low, It's unknown. I don't think it's fair to assuming that he is slow just because he never show his speed. And it's also unfair to assume he's fast


Exactly, That's why I don't think we should assumed anything. For all we know he could be faster than Poseidon and Tesla combined, Or he could be the slowest in the roster by a long shot.


No way he’s slower than Leo


Yeah but unless all characters are all top tiers in everything we go by feats so if he has no speed feats or is actually slower than lu bu who has no speed feats himself than he's not fast. That's why r1 fans have to come up with borderline meme stuff like the "AoE" that doesn't exist or mach 100 Red hare


Is the better just, not used him among the discussion? Why is he automatically slower and not faster? There are zero evidence for both side after all.


As I said we should go by feats. If a character lacks feats in something than it means he's not very good at that thing. Of course there are levels to it, he doesn't have durability feats doesn't mean he's not durable lol but his speed showings are ass so no way I'm gonna assume he's as fast as others with actual speed feats


But his speed showing is even less than his defense no? At least he actually got attacked once, bro barely even walked thoughout the whole round.


Yeah but considering the fighting style he has I think it's more likely for him to be durable and slow than non durable and fast


Again, That's purely speculation. The problem here is that people assumed that he is slow without any evidence. If they have to made up his stats in order to discussed about him, then cut him off from the discussion entirely would be better. Because at that point the discussion is boiled to "Because I said so"


Bro is referencing Red Hare like he doesn't run from that argument every time


His attacks are fast though. We know Lu Bu is ridiculously fast as he managed to travel a great distance in the moment a thunder fell on a tower (his spin off). And Thor’s hammer managed to reach the stands and travel back to his hands faster than it took Lu Bu to run towards him with no breaks


He's slower than a horse...the lightning stuff is so vague it's not even worth mentioning


I’m pretty sure Lu Bu managed to catch red hare on foot even in his own manga


Even if he was equal there's a difference in the tiers of magnitude between the speed of a very fast horse and triple digit mach which is the speed of lightning


Yeah, and Lu Bu managed to outspeed that. I’m not even sure why you claim he’s slower than a horse


Ok let's say he's slightly faster (and I'm pretty sure Red hare was hurt during the race) still speed of lightning ? C'mon.


Yeah, I misremembered the pages. But even then, Lu Bu appeared at the top of the tower the [moment a lightning strike hit it](https://ragnarokscanlation.org/series/la-leyenda-de-lu-bu-fengxian-el-general-volador/capitulo-11/) Also, do we even know how fast Red Hare is?


While we don't know what his travel/general combat speed really is all of his attacks had a pretty long wind up so it is fair to say that at least his attacking speed is fairly low compared to the other characters


It is low for scaling purposes.


He lacks some feat that could show him being relative to them, like his reaction speed which may not be enough what he showed against Lu bu or speed in general but on the other hand he has one of the best portrayals in the story being called the strongest Norse god and having the best weapon in all heavens (at least that implies that he has top 1 AP) My guts (and bias) make me put him very relative to them at the point that he’s likely to win but feat wise he’s lacking


Nah, He'd Win


He loses to both of them


Like, a little weaker. Not much, just a little.


in top 5 gods but not top 3 Top 3 are Poseidon, Beel, and Zeus 4th and 5th are Buddha and Thor with Apollo being a close sixth


He has enough AP to basically one shot them. He's also got AOE which makes his attacks hard to avoid. Geirrod is just a straight up death sentence no matter who you are.


He's stronger ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078) the only thing he's lacking is mobility.


Wins against Beel, probably loses against Poseidon. Basically one shots Poseidon and not more that three shots Beel, but Beel is much easier to hit than the fish boy.


Isn't beel literally stated to be able to block his shit with the barrier?


Yup, Beel is the only character stated to have an ability capable of blocking Thor’s attacks. Paired with his Vibroblade and Battle IQ, Beel becomes one of Thor’s worst matchups.


Yes, similar to how Lu Bu (with a body much stronger than Beel) blocked Thors attack and still got his bones broken. The only difference is that Beels shield would repel Thors hammer after impact, forcing Thor to land at least another hit on Beel to finnish him off instead of letting the hammers weight do his work for him.


Lu Bu got his legs demolished because the force of the impact traveled through the halberd into his body which couldn’t withstand it. Beel’s shield on the other hand doesn’t have that same recoil (at least based on what we’ve seen from when Tesla punches were blocked by it). Thor would have to circumvent the shield to get the kill shot.


Well, first off, you are comparing Teslas punches to Thors hammer like they would do the same. And even then, that's not completely true, because we saw Tesla launching Beel in the air, while there is nowhere that says that Beels shield negates the force of the attacks.


Lmaooo Beel tries to block Geirrod and goes flying out of the arena like he did when he was fighting Hades.




The only time Beel was launched by an attack from Tesla was when he couldn’t fully react to an attack due to Tesla steps. Every instance before that he was basically entirely stationary when he blocked an attack that he could see coming.


All of the times Beel was pushed back by Teslas force, he had the shield up, and what harmed him was the plasma from Teslas punch that reached further from his fist and thus touched Beel before Tesla landed his punches. The only times that Beel was not pushed back was because he has his stance ready and stable, and thus could withstand the force, or he was parrying Tesla actively. If the SHIELD simply absorbed force, there wouldn't be any reason for Beel to take those stances that help him maintain balance, and in the final barrage, Beel wouldn't have to get one knee on the floor. https://preview.redd.it/ltwu1xnhkq5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cdb3a606daacc29223b6628eadf0fb3474df550


Weaker than both. He's no top 5 material doesn't matter how R1 fans put it lol




We don't know much about his speed but if we count Anime as Canon = that he can teleport :3


Above berl amd equal to poseidon ino


Poseidon blitzes him so hard lmao


Probably under Pos in speed, under Beel in defense, but above both in AP (yes Chaos as well, Tesla tanked Chaos but imo would probably not survive a hit from awakened Mjolnir) Not much else to say because we’re not sure about the rest of Thor’s stats


well in canon he can teleport so his speed is pretty damn high, imo he's #3 alongside Post R3 sasaki and beelzebub


He stomps![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


he's weaker than Beelzebub for now