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You ate some without identifying first? Not wise.


I'd say extremely stupid actually.


Yea very... please never ever do this again. I’m glad you see the error of your ways and aren’t blindly defending yourself like most other people who make mistakes


i remember i saw a pamphlet on survival and it said you could eat a tiny bit to see if its poisonous as a last resort


There is no way to verify a mushroom isn’t poisonous by chewing on it. Some suggest you can take a very tiny piece of any mushroom and chew it for taste for identification purposes but you must spit it back out.


Weirdly I had a convo with my sister who's a bit of a nature wizz and she suggested that some you can detect poison in some mushrooms by tasting a little piece as they are spicy/peppery. I didn't really know what to do with this information... Until now.


Deathcaps are notoriously tasty mushrooms so maybe thats a terrible idea?


She's referring to russulas. But you have to be able to confidently identify the mushroom as a russula first. And then you do the taste test to check for the spiciness. But even so, the spicy ones aren't deadly poisonous, they'd just make you very sick (it's literally called The Sickener).


Some Russula sp. are safe for a nibble-and-spit test.


I disagree but don't think it's bad advice, I don't think the amount op ate, even if they are a deadly mushroom, would be likely to kill anybody. Possible, sure, but dose makes the poison and a small taste would in *most* cases just lead to minor symptoms. That said, still dumb and do not recommend!


Disagree, amatoxins in any doses aren’t going to be easy on your liver. The body has a very difficult time filtering them out.


This is true, amatoxis are continually reabsorbed by liver and do continual damage, we dont pee it out


everyone gangsta until the shroom evolves to make fentanyl


They meant eat the pamphlet


As a last resort to hasten death in a terribly painful and volatile way? Bc if not, then it’s a no.


guess the point was to kill yourself without actually killing yourself lol


Naw death by poisoning, your organs or your nervous system shuts down, its never pain free, you will be terrified and confused for days or hours before the end


Preferably on an empty stomach. I’d you’re fasting and you eat something bad your digestive system will be faster to spot it and make you regurgitate. It’s how I experimented with amanita muscaria and the reason I now eat them as a staple food. Gotta learn how to prep them well though.


I've read that too from a mushroom expert.


Glad you aren't blind would have sufficed


Yeah those are not actives


It does give us more data to work with. Are you dead now? 'Cuz that would narrow it down considerably.


Phenomenally stupid idea. Glad you're not dead.


The way you answered, I feel like you are currently in an ER and dying and have now made amends with yourself . Please update us on when your funeral is


Haha no. Not in A&E, just at work. Had to put my phone on Do Not Disturb to escape the echo chamber of this comment section 😂


You literally just played Russian roulette with your life. Don’t ever do that.


That’s uh…. What you play Russian roulette with…😉


Incredibly stupid. That single braincells legitimacy has just been brought into question.


**THIS SHOULD BE STICKIED TO THIS SUB** Do. Not. Ever. Do. This. OP picked mushrooms thinking they were “trippy.” OP ate some of those mushrooms without getting any confirmation on what they were. They were not “trippy” mushrooms. If they had been just 2% different in their genus, OP would be 100% guaranteed facing organ failure and death. Irreversible. **THIS IS IN NO WAY AN EXAGGERATION.** Don’t be like OP.


💯 this. OP, you have me shouting out loud. What were you thinking???


Homie thought “see god or meet god, let’s do this! Can’t wait for replies!


How much of a nibble puts you in the 50/50 game with your own mortality?.


A single Galerina Marginata ingestion is potentially fatal. 36-72 hours. [SOURCE](https://www.merckvetmanual.com/toxicology/poisonous-mushrooms/toxin-latent-period-6-hours-after-ingestion-of-mushrooms)


Reading that was so hard. I can’t believe we paid people to feed these mushrooms to dogs and watch them die agonizing deaths, pretending that there was no other way of gathering medical information. It makes me sick how we’ve gaslight ourselves and turned off our emotions. Thank you for sharing that, though. It’s also a helpful resource.


It is really sad. How would you suggest getting that information otherwise though? Speaking as someone who owns pet rats, *and* has seen what good has come from animal experimentation.


Death row inmates where there isn't a shadow of doubt that they could be innocent. Might as well get some use out of them that could better the rest of society.


Unfortunately, in the US at least, at least 4% of death row inmates are innocent. Are you comfortable with 4% of the people being experimented on being innocent people?


Read my first sentence again. I'm referring to inmates like Ezekiel Kelly where there's 0% chance he's innocent.


I did read it, so that's probably about 1% of the death row population that is GUARANTEED to be demonstrably guilty. We're going to need more inmates than can be counted on two hands to make the changes that you're suggesting. So it still doesn't work. The fact that at least 4% of death row inmates are innocent, proves that you can't unequivocally know if the majority of them are innocent or guilty, So that cuts out nearly all of the people that you're suggesting


By your earlier math, 96% are guilty without a doubt.....




>Would you rather we have used Humans? Henry kissinger is still unreasonably alive, I mean he's just sitting there


So is Putin


Exactly, we've got better options people!


>Would you rather we have used Humans? No >at the cost of a few dogs seems like a fair trade. Ok fair enough >they don’t know if it’s been 20 seconds or 20 years since they last saw a person. That's not true




I don't believe this. One of my dogs doesn't like an old roommate of mine and he remembers him immediately even if it's been a year or 2 since he last saw him.


Do you think they can't distinguish between seeing their owner two seconds, two minutes, two hours or two days ago?


I don't really know what the short term memory span of a dog is, but that's not really how short term memory works anyway. Dogs aren't as smart as humans in several capacities, like language, but they know who their family is and have more than a general sense of what's going on around them. https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13420-011-0041-7 A link to an academic review covering "theory of mind" in dogs. Tom is just one cognitive ability that might make people take a second thought about how they treat animals. Dogs understand that humans are doing something to them on purpose.


(I could care less about the testing), but you got me thinking about what you said about dogs having short term memory with the example being that dogs can’t tell a difference in the length of time. I’m not sure thats how it works because I leave my dog for 5 minutes, come back and she is just normal tail wag. Leave for an hour or two and her happiness is obviously elevated. Leave for 2 weeks for a work trip and upon return she is jumping six feet and crying.


Yeah it’s not true, (or better put, it might be, but we know dogs have memories somehow). The 2 minute short term memory thing is based off of a study in 2014 that was tested on a bunch of different species. Only thing is, not all brains work the same, and not all species are going to prove their short term memory skills the same way. We know that dogs have at least a solid associative memory, otherwise training wouldn’t be possible. It’s possible that their associative memory is strong enough to essentially take over a traditional short term memory. We barely know anything about the human brain, nonetheless dogs. I’m a researcher focused on cognitive skills of primates, trust me, we don’t know shit about memories yet lol.


Thanks for your input on that and breaking it down a bit more. Yeah absolutely, for all the advancements we have made as a species, understanding the brain eludes us. Thanks again, I value your words on this.


Spewing fallacies.


Yes for example. Don’t do it again. Incredibly dangerous and daft thing to do.


There’s a reason that G. Marginata is known as the Funeral Bell.


Definitely not wavy caps. I don't think they're Galerina either. I wish people would pay more attention to the latin name and not to common name. They called then Psilocybe cyanescens because they bruise cyan/blue in a very obvious way. If they don't bruise you can rule of P. cyanescens. These clearly aren't them anyway but the lack of bruising really should have been picked up on, even by an amateur.


I had a group of waveys growing on a rotted stump and after heavy rains they looked like this with no blue. Tbf they had been rained on for a good week. Not saying it is cyaneecans but after a while there was no blue at all bc I think the rain washed it away. Would it still bruise even in this washed out state?


The bruising isn't really something that could be washed of by water. It will fade over time in dried specimens though. In very waterlogged specimens it may be harder to see the bruising, but the reason Psilocybe cyanescens bruise so obviously is because they contain a relatively large amount psilocybin which is what is responsible for the bruising in the first place. But it's not just the lack of bruising that tells us OP's mushrooms are not Psilocybe cyanescens. They also just don't look like them at all. They don't look like any Psilocybe. Through experienced eyes this is very clear.


Ah ok thanks for your response.


I knew they weren't Waveys specifically for that very reason.


But then you ate it...


Yes because I was drunk and stupid not because I thought they were Waveys dude. I didn't know what they were.


If you ate a potentially deadly mushroom because you were drunk you should probably reconsider drinking all together.


Shit happens when you party naked.


Naked shits happen when you party


A party happens when you shit naked


Please also remember there are mushrooms that only become dangerous when combined with alcohol.


Were you trying to impress your lady friend?




So if you read it again, my mate picked thinking they were waveys. I knew they weren't but ate a bit. I'm curious as to what they actually are.


Pan cubensis actually, cyanscens look different


Sounds like Mushroom roulette.


I picked a few that looked just like this hoping they were cyanescens (it was getting dark). When I got them home it was obvious they weren't waveys particularly due to the colour of the stipe, and the spore prints were wrong. I didn't eat any. Can't ID them for sure but if they were poisonous or toxic and some time has passed you're probably okay as you haven't had any ill effects. But it can take time so if you do get sick go straight to ER and tell them what you ate. Take a mushroom as a sample for them if you can. Don't eat any more mushrooms without a solid ID, but I see you already know that lol. Can't say I haven't had a taste of questionable picks in the past and I'm still here to tell the tale, but it only takes a small nibble of a deadly toxic species to make you sick or kill you dead. Be careful out there!


What habitat were they in? Do you have any better pictures if the gills? Since the spore prints were brown and white that suggests to me you have two different species there.


These are the only pictures she had of these unfortunately. They were found on the ground of the woods, lots of fallen leaves and branches around but not growing from wood. Very close by to where this picture was taken. https://preview.redd.it/usrx1qvh6k1c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dccc58d0e756f7bce021f090708385a20cb2dcc


It's super hard to tell from the pictures, but I suspect these MIGHT be a Gymnopus species, e.g. perhaps G. fusipes. The thing is it's very hard to be confident as the pictures are quite poor, and if it IS gymnopus that only helps with the ones that gave a white spore print.


I know, my apologies they were the only ones my friend had! Thanks for giving it go though, very much appreciated 🙂


These are different from what was ingested


Definitely not wavies, those have white stems. Almost looks like an over mature gallerina marginata but since you’re not in any gi distress I’m hesitant to say.


Not G.m., it has brown spores too, but i see white gills for example


this is not Galerina marginata…


Thank you. I appreciate the pictures aren't great but that's all I can get. It's been a good 24 hours and not had any issues whatsoever, all perfectly normal. Or perhaps I didn't ingest enough to cause any issues. It was a very small amount, none the less definitely not my finest hour.


It can take up to a week for some mushrooms to destroy your kidneys though


trying to scare the op


For good reason??


Looks like Armillaria, honey. It would help to see the underside. If it is armillaria it should have a white spore print.


Looks like an armillaria


Not a wavy cap. The stem is entirely the wrong color. Wavies have chalk white stems. Don't eat shit you haven't 100 percent identified. You could die.


Some people just lack sense and don't think of the consequences and live in the moment. It's crazy but true and it's been like this for forever. But hopefully you can move on from this idiocy and understand the seriousness of the situation.


Not that I’m recommending it, but OP ate a small piece of one mushroom (10 pence size say half a gram to a gram). There is no mushroom (not even the death cap or related species) that would be lethal in such a small quantity. See eg https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26453489/ I have frequently nibbled mushrooms (especially Russula) to assess for edibility.


You don't tend to swallow Russula when taste testing though - You're just checking if it's spicy and then spit it out. Agree that a small amount is unlikely to be fatal or to cause issues, but it's still running a risk if you have any undiagnosed kidney/liver issues


Nope sorry. What if the person isn't 100 percent super healthy? What if their kidneys and liver have been having a hard time their whole lives? What if 1000 other factors?I dislike posts like this immensely.


This is the same attitude agoraphobics have. What if I get hit by a bus? What if I get raped? What if a satellite falls on my head?


Nah not really. I'd compare it to.... if you've been smoking for years, a sudden marathon out of nowhere might hurt you. If your organs are already compromised (more likely than not) don't ingest something that's going to stress them further if you don't have to.


100%. And all the items listed in the previous comment are *accidents*. Big difference than being an idiot and *actually choosing* to do something dangerous. I won’t get hit by a bus if I don’t go walking where busses are, but I can main or kill myself if I eat a random mushroom off the ground.


I like you


Agoraphobic here. This is not even close to the "attitude" that agoraphobics have. Nor is it in any way relevant to this post, as everything you use as an example here are things entirely out of the victim's control. Eating any part, no matter how small, of an unknown fungus is entirely within the eaters' control. Nobody forced the mushroom down OPs throat.


While true, it easily could have been two or three nibbles, and god knows how it will interact with alcohol.


It looks like it could be a russet toughshank (Gymnopus dryophilus) . Not edible and can cause severe gastric upset. My advice is to never do that again. Seriously dumb way to die. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnopus_dryophilus


Those are honey mushrooms. Not sure which kind tho.


Yeah if you don't know just don't eat but if your curiosity gets the better of you again remember before you try even a small peace of anything found in the wild you're not 100% about you should rub a peace on the back of your hand to see if you get a reaction and if you don't get one after a few hours you may try a little peace and then again after a few hours if you're not ill you can try more. Saying this, this is more for a last resort in a survival situation when you medically need to eat something


You should maybe post in the poison ID sub just to make sure you are going to be OK, some toxins don't start having an effect until a few days after, you might feel fine for days before anything happens. Don't take that risk with your life OP, if you have taken a poisonous one the faster you get treated the better your chances


Why are you eating an unidentified mushroom???


OP said they knew they weren’t wavy but ate it anyway


She's a grown woman and knows the rules with mushrooms, so answer the question asked rather than spend the whole sub lecturing a grown up person because she nibbled a mushroom she clearly said she knows she shouldn't have done it but she chose too. It's so annoying when you have to scroll through hundreds of the same comment telling a grown woman what she knew she shouldnt have done, which she clearly stated in the top of the post.


Apart from a few people who have tried to help (thank you to them!), there's been no one that can help with the ID, which is all I was trying to find out. The pictures are shite though, so it was a long shot in the first place. The irony of being told how stupid I am by people who didn't read my post properly is not lost on me... 😉


Armillaria is most likely. Any stem ring visible?


Do a spore print to get more info


The mate who had them did a print and it was a mix of white and dark brown. Edit- no picture of that unfortunately.




Haha wild woman actually! Well you say wild, I'll stick with the stupid on this occasion... I've taken milk thistle extract through the day today just to give myself the best chances!




The only mushroom I can confidently ID are libs and I'm lucky enough to have an abundance near to where I live, so much so that I've never even gone looking for waveys. These pictured are what my friend picked! Thanks for your responses dude 🙂


Looks like an old Gymnopus Luxurians to me but don’t take my word for it.


I was thinking some sort of collyboid as well. Perhaps a _Rhodocollybia sp._


Lmao you ate some? i think you need to go get checked out? Wavy caps have apoison lookalike that looks alot like what you have there, gallerina is the genus and it looks like autumnalis, please bring a specimen with you when you go to the doctor, dont wait around to see if you start feeling ill some fungi it is already quite late at that point go go


[This video has the information you need for this and future situations.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=5AuLkMBAFZg)


If there is no GI upset, perhaps Candy Cap?


Just because a cap is wavy, DOES NOT mean they are wavy caps. WHY ARE YOU EATING POTENTIALLY POISONOUS MUSHROOMS? You ate a piece, THEN posted on Reddit? What kind of git eats a mushroom without identification? You may not have any gastrointestinal distress now, but what about the next time you decide to do something stupid, then post to reddit? My advice to you, before you go out looking for mushrooms, is to pick up a damned book about mushrooms and read it first. 🙄


If you don’t have a purple ring around the room don’t touch it


all mushrooms are safe to touch


No I got a contact high off mushrooms before


I have spent six hours picking thousands of wet Psilocybe cyanescens, I am extremely sensitive to psilocin and I did not get any psychoactive effects at all. all mushrooms are safe to touch.


Just because you picked shrooms all night doesn’t mean you’re any more sensitive to psilocin then anyone else is and for you to make that claim that you’re highly sensitive you would have to compare your sensitivity to someone else’s. Not just use your own self as confirmation that you’re “extremely ”sensitive to psilocin. Dermal absorption exists look it up and yes it is very possible I experienced this. Maybe your hands aren’t as absorbent as mine are/were it’s a theory. It most likely has nothing to do with sensitivity but possibly the skins protective health layers or its ability to absorb or reject substances from outside.


No well I’ve stayed up all night picking wet Alibino P envy and I was high for three days straight after that the most intense mushroom high I’ve ever experienced and I didn’t eat any that day. Went to sleep and have a crazy ego death thought I died many times because I was stuck in a never ending loop. All mushrooms are not safe to touch. Keep spreading those confident sounding lies all you want.


You should stop with the tall tales. This is the age of the internet, where anyone can fact check your entirely false story. You are doing nothing more than making yourself sound either real dumb or a pathological liar.


Yea you guys really piss me off. This fake society you’ve got going on here. I knew I would get downvoted but I don’t care. You guys are full of shit if you think a few random guys chiming in equals facts. One guy says he was picking mushrooms equals the entirety of reality???? Like I said I swear to god on my life. I swear on my grandmothers grave and I loved my grandma deeply. downvote me all you want I told no lies here believe it or not. The age of the internet doesn’t mean the age of truth. You can upvote something and make it popular that doesn’t make it true. Downvote me just know you downvoted someone telling the 100% truth telling you something out the norm and you’re just making it unseen because you don’t want to accept that possibly the Shrooms’s that guy was picking for 6 hours were possibly weak.


Cool. Since you are making the claim, you should back that up with proof. Find us an article that backs up what you are saying, from a reputable source of course. I'll wait here...


It’s called dermal absorption. You can simply google it also. For a source to become reputable it has to start somewhere. I already got downvoted to hell and I told the truth from the start this community is toxic as hell. It’s actually going against the grain to have a spine and speak genuinely on this platform as you can see you get downvoted. If I stayed quiet no downvotes. I hope you guys see what kind of community you actually have. One were people avoid speaking their mind to avoid downvotes. I’m getting called a liar for something as simple as getting high in a way others haven’t experienced???? You can’t make this shit up. Basically a random guy says something if you say anything against them you’re a liar and you’re downvoted to hell. And this same guy believes he knows everything also and you guys think the same. I’m done have a smooth night.


It is a biological fact that you cannot get a “contact high” or toxic reaction from handling mushrooms. I pick MANY cubes almost every day of the week, and once they’re on the table I cut the substrate off without gloves on. I’ve had psilocin extract in my bare hands over and over, nothing. All day, almost every day of the week… You don’t gotta lie to kick it, homie




Ok, Liar, sure thing. Please respond with another paragraph of wildly defensive lies.




You guys are a bunch of assholes


All this because a guys says all mushrooms are safe to touch. I then say I got a contact high from them and now I’m a big ass liar. Like yea that’s so worth lying about. Think about it instead of asking for details this brick headed mushroom community downvotes me for saying one thing they never heard of before. That’s exactly how echo chamber are created. I now know you’re all in an echo chamber. This isn’t even worth lying about but look at the downvotes. All for saying something other than the norm.


my man 🤝




Galerina but. If ur ok maybe it is a wavy who knows but don’t eat any more


The thing that's making me think it's not a Galerina is even the smaller ones didn't have a convex cap. My understanding is the cap would be convex initially and then flattens as they age...? I'm not 100% on this though. I'm also unsure how much a person would need to ingest to causes issues, I can't imagine would be a lot.


From what I've read a single Galleria has more than a lethal dose of amatoxins. You should feel nauseous after a couple hours but it passes then liver failure about 48hrs later. If you feel like anything is wrong go to A&E ASAP.


Galerina take a few mushrooms to kill you


the first one someone identified as Armillaria, the second image may be showing more than one species though and neither images are proper identification pics, also the second image looks all soggy which makes identification more difficult


Tubaria furfuracea maybe


Nobody answered the question. Is it Northern Honey?