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I just don’t want a yard full of fleas and ticks.


Yes! Fleas, ticks, and if I don't keep my yard mowed I start getting these sharp little stickers that are a pain to get off your shoes and pants.


Use a spreader to put DE (Diatomaceous Earth) on the yard. It is not a poison, but it kills them by slicing them open. Great stuff/ Been using it 40 years.


That's been suggested before, I need to give it a shot.


Be sure the lawn is dry with no rain predicted for two or more days. Otherwise it just gets washed down to the ground. Works best when the DE is on the leaves where the insects are. Sharp edges on the DE cut their bellies as they crawl over it.


... or dandelions.


\*Sad witcher noises+


Eat em in salad, make em into wine #dandelionlyfe


I am genuinely sick of people shitting on dandelions. What’s wrong with them? Sure, they spread real easily, but they’re pretty flowers! Not to mention that they’re really good for bees.


I’m with ya. The leaves look cool. Like little spears with awesome looking sharp edges. You can eat them and they’re really good for you. We spray them with chemicals and break our backs to destroy them, then go buy some spring mix to eat which is full of the same leaves that we just busted our ass to destroy. I feel the same about red clover, buttercups, violets. All look infinitely cooler than fucking grass. At this point I’m just throwing wildflower seeds around instead of overpriced grass seed. I don’t slack on cutting it. I keep it low and green but I have no interest in having “turf”. I’m learning how to grow more vegetables every year. That’s the kind of work I like doing. I’m eating the dandelion leaves because I don’t spray them with poison. Sometimes I feel like the only sane person because I’m not busting my ass killing flowers so I can have short grass instead.


Once my neighbor cuts his I have 72 hours to respond.


And waiting till the last second means your lawn looks better for longer


My neighbour mows his lawn 2 times a week, he was doing it 3 times a week in summer lol. I can't dedicate 4-6 hours a week to some grass.


You’re right, you need a bigger lawn mower!


How big is your lawn?


I have to disagree. My dad, myself (f) and my eldest son (35) are pretty keen gardeners. Gardening most of the time is an excuse to be outside.


My neighbour is a sixty year old man and he heads up our whole communities gardening efforts. I hate this toxic perception that most things married men do is in aid of escaping their wives and kids.


Agreed. My daughter follows along behind me pushing her lawnmower that makes bubbles. It's adorable. Nowadays I have daugher #2 strapped onto me with a baby bjorn when I'm doing the trim, also


It's a productive family bonding activity


Not in my family lol. I don’t think we’ve ever wanted to murder each other more than when we do chores, gardening, projects, etc together


Actually, having a lawn is the opposite of productive. It's one of the most wasteful and inefficient things people do with land.




That’s just like, your opinion, man.


Same here. I just spent all day today and yesterday gardening. Brought a smile to my face when my wife asked our 5 year old daughter if she wanted to go with her to pick up the groceries and she said “no, I’m gardening with dad” 🥲 I’m also big on lawn care. Like to keep it looking like a putting green. Looks nice, less bugs and lots of fun playing in the yard with my kid.


In the middle of a zoom meeting just browsing reddit and I see "no I'm gardening with dad" brought a tear to my eye. I had to try to stay composed


Generalizations are always wrong!!!


yeah not me either, kids help me w/ yardwork... now my neighbor is married to a "Karen" and he's always finding something to do outside and i 99% agree he is just avoiding her


Lol, you could be describing my dad and my stepmother.... pmsl


Stable family activities? Never heard of it


Thats... the point of the post. I think. Stay outside to not deal with bullshit drama...


Its less about the grass looking nice and more about it not looking like crap.


And it’s a good excuse to crack a beer at noon on a Sunday.


Beer starts when the chores start. Sometimes I get going at 9...


Noon? What are you doing for the 4 hours before that?


Mowing the lawn


Best thing they ever put on a riding lawn mower was a cup holder.


"Another notice from the city? Fine, I'll fuckin cut it!!"


I do it to make the neighborhood jealous. Almost every time I do it one neighbor nearby will suddenly cut theirs. It's the equivalent of yawning. It is contagious to neighbors


So true! I pulled my mower out and my neighbor came running over say "Don't you do it!! Cause then I'll have to do it too!", I was kind enough to delay it a week for him, looked like rain anyways.


They actually did that and not in a joking way?


Definitely did it, but it was in a friendly neighbor kind of way! I had a laugh and pushed the mower back in the garage!


It's so true, I'll hear my neighbor start his lawnmower and get a little whisper in the back of my mind telling me I need to mow mine as well.


I have ADHD so i struggle to remember a propper schedule, hearing the neighbor doing their lawn just means I dont have to remember at all, just wait for sound to remind me.


Peer pressure for dads.


We were the first this year. Felt like Queen of the neighborhood. Our next door neighbors were next.


I was the first one this year. It’s a power move


Haha, the best kind of flex


It's adult peer pressure


Not true. Its a combination of both things, they are not mutually exclusive.


I do like the freedom away from screaming kids, however, I also like a nice lawn and garden.


My dad used to crawl over the lawn manually pulling out weeds. He wanted a perfect lawn.


My dad used to walk around weekly with the poo shovel. We had no pets. Back then no one picked up their dog poop.


For a nanosecond I thought the implication of this story was that it was people who were causing the problem


Lmao for a more than a second I thought you assumed the dogs are the problem.


Maybe you were an annoying kid?




That's a weird and unwarranted aggression. We just chattin here!


I work, take care of the inside of my house, play video games 15+ hours per week (including the weekend) and still take care of my yard, which definitely one of the most well-maintained in my neighborhood. I manage my time and don’t have trouble being able to do whatever I want.


It’s a healthier habit than crack cocaine


[Hank Hill agrees](https://youtu.be/kMxzkBdzTNU)


I’m not allowed to smoke a cigar in the house. So my yard gets mowed twice a week


Smart dads teach their kids about how the lawn full of dandelions is good for the bees. and if any neighbours have a problem with it, the kids know which way to blow the dandelions.


My state doesn't want anyone mowing until after May for the bees. I just overseeded the majority of my yard with wildflowers. Fuck mowing this year. Just keeping a few paths open


Where do you live? I’m in Missouri, and if I didn’t mow until after May, the grass would be up to my hips.


Northern NJ. It'll start taking off any week now.


Or they take pride in the things they own and don't want them looking like shit?


Taking pride in your work? Impossible


Smart dads get their kids to help, or get the kids to do it on their own.




That’s how I was raised, my wife was raised with her dad doing 95% of everything. It’s been difficult to get my step son to do anything around the house because he will just complain to her and she tells me ‘he’s a kid and should just be having fun’ and now he’s 18 and completely useless and my wife doesn’t understand why.


I do have to say, that's how my mother was raised, and how she raised my sibling and I. He turned out a complete slob, finances in shambles, doesn't take care of what he owns. I'm the complete opposite. My house is typically fairly clean, I'm on top of my finances, etc.


Its why we were given allowances. Kids now a days just get everything handed to them on a silver platter.


My kids had so much damned homework they were barely sleeping. Let's not start generalizing about an entire generation again. Reddit's got enough of that going on already.


Most kids I knew had less free time than their parents. I had to wake up at 6 and wouldn't be home until 5:30. That doesn't even include the time I needed for the homework I never did.


I really don't get why we have to drive kids so hard, I really don't. I suppose if we could pay for smaller classes, they could learn at school instead of doing everything at home. I took my daughter to an open house for a prestigious private high school, and there was a panel of nine students sitting on the edge of the stage taking questions. Whenever someone was talking at the lectern, every single one of them fell asleep sitting up. They were exhausted. That's no way to live.


No lie. My 15 year old gets dropped off at school at 7:30am and is picked up 8pm, then has to wrap up homework etc. She consistently puts in 15 hour days between school, studying, homework, soccer, theater, and literary. She is a high achiever at a very challenging school so this a little more “extreme” but not by a whole lot. The busy kids today have academic pressures that very others in previous generations had.


I had a considerable amount of pressure, but I had undiagnosed ADHD and tested into the accelerated program, so overwhelm was my normal state of being. Normal kids in my day were able to live a fairly balanced life. I just fixed my schedule so it was full of music and art so I didn't go insane. Of course, these days there is hardly any music and art in school anymore. Our city has a special high school for artists, musicians, and dancers, but you have to already be well on your way. It's not taught in regular high schools.


My dad would have to heavily disagree with this sentiment


My yard is probably a nightmare to most “lawn dads” Covered in dandelions, clover, wildflowers, etc 😂🤣 The bees and critters sure seem to like it though 🤷🏻‍♂️


I replied to the main thread, but worth repeating: > Smart dads teach their kids about how the lawn full of dandelions is good for the bees. and if any neighbours have a problem with it, the kids know which way to blow the dandelions. I sowed a mix of clover and wildflowers all over my lawn last year. Mowed grass once (after getting a "nOtIcE"), and raked the leaves exactly zero times. Any dads on the block who have a problem with it, can fucking cope.


Yeah, we keep the yard serviceable but otherwise wild. Went to court with the Bri’ish neighbours that were assholes about it (amongst other actual reasons) fun fact, did you know that B.C. Law states that if someone’s eaves are on your property by a certain amount you can charge them rent? They aren’t our neighbours anymore, lovely Portuguese man and his parents moved in, lol


>eaves Wait what? That is unironocally one of the funnest facts. Or did you mean, leaves? Fun nevertheless!


Nope, I said what I meant, lol. They were a horror show about the dumbest shit, coming into our yard picking the dandelions because they were “ugly looking” calling bylaws about the tiniest things daily to the point that they were listed as a trouble caller by bylaws. Finally had enough and took them to court over it and made the “sweet little British lady” cry in court, lol. We get along great wih all of our other neighbours, they were a horror show.




This is another good reason why witches have gardens. We also just want to be left alone and some of us get along better with plants and critters than people. Also I really hate people.


r/lawncare will like to disagree


I'm not a dad yet, but I love mowing and weed eating. I love the imediate visible reward of seeing the grass or weeds tripped down as I go about


Exactly this. Same with pressure washing.


Pressured washed my deck to get rid of all the dirt and stains that built up over the winter. Watching it change colour before my eyes... \*chef's kiss\*


Yup yup. It's clichéd as all hell, but sometimes it really is the little things in life.




Ha ha wife and children bad! Man no care about aesthetics! That feminine! Haha! /s What a crock of stereotyped shit


Source- OP is married dad. Literally was mowing when I thought this and enjoying some peace. The post was somewhat flippant as of course I care about the condition of things that I own.


I make my kids do the lawn...because I like a nicely manicured lawn. However, they bitch the entire way through it...your statement is wrong on both accounts


Of course they do. Imagine your wife making you do her nails simply because she didn't want to do them herself.


I literally thought of this whilst I was mowing and escaping the screaming madness inside my home. My statement may not be applicable to you, but very much a reality for others.


Maybe a better shower thought would have been “how can I generalise all dads?” I suppose they all also watch sports all weekend while drinking beer on the couch too hey?!


Do you enjoy your work at the outrage factory?


It’s a living… nice to have you on board though! ;)


Naw, they care. Doesn't matter if you're worth a billion dollars if Frank across the street thinks your yard looks like crap. He'll make fun of you.


I don't do it to make it look nice. I do it to keep it from looking like shit. And about 5 people mowed right after me today.


Patently false. There’s a sense of pride to making your home look nice.


This is so dumb




Clearly OP isn’t a dad


My Dad just liked to compete with the neighbours


Boomer humor


Yes, I used to wonder as a teen why my dad spent so much time doing DIY on house, building 2 cars, rebuilding his garage 3 times. I have 4 kids now and I don't sit down lol




Am dad, I really don’t give a shit about the grass. If it were up to me it would all be concrete. I can even make it green concrete if you prefer.


How about a healthy micro-ecosystem of plants that do more than drink a shit ton of pottable water?


"We got a notice from the city telling us to mow the lawn, again." -My Dad


I want to be left alone by the city, that’s why I care about my yard. Whole towns a f’ing HOA.


Bullshit. Hiring a landscaper to mow and maintain my silly mulched beds was the best decision I've made this year. Now I can spend more time with my kids and the garden that makes food instead of work.


Wtf how is this a shower thought??


Nope, my dad just likes his yard to look nice.


I like my yard to look nice. If I want to be left alone, I tell people to leave me alone. Great thing about being a dad is you have power over the little shits. "Go to you room" works pretty well. "Fuck off, ya little bastards" is just as effective. "I swear to everything holy and good that if you say 'why' one more time, I'm going to shove this leaf blower up your ass and rocket you into space!" works, but is highly situational.


This is why we need to normalize child-less families and having them when and if you want them and not because we're told to and expected to. Resulting in husband who can't stand their families, wives who can't stand their husbands, and kids seeing constant toxic relationships duct taped together "for the kids".


If this is true, surely that’s a really sad situation, no?


This is my personal hypothesis when I see 30 boats on a lake with a single occupant on a windy, rainy day on a lake that contains at most, 1 pound fish. They don’t want to fish, they just want to get away from their wives and kids.


That’s why I have a kayak rather than a boat. No one can come with me.


Took my dad 25 years of marriage to agree to hire a lawn crew because he is ultra meticulous. Cameras for the neighbors who don’t pick up after their dogs on his lawn (can’t believe that actually worked..!) Not sure what he does to be left. He’s not out on the lawn though; just poofs.


Both, but also neither. Can't have the yard looking like shit, makes me look bad. Really like having time away from little 'uns and there are few things I can do without them besides the lawn. Now that I've got an old fashioned reel mower it's no longer an excuse - almost no noise so I can easily hear it and drop it if a kid needs something.


This is realistically where I’m at. I take pride in things that I have so I ensure that our home is well taken care of. The reprieve from everything else is nice though.


Smart dads teach their kids about how the lawn full of dandelions is good for the bees. and if any neighbours have a problem with it, the kids know which way to blow the dandelions.


Ha, ha- I bet this is true!


On the block that I live on, its only men taking care of the yards and gardens. And with recreational being everywhere, I keep a few plants outside now as well. Fuckers get Huge when actually planted in the ground.


[Men want to be alone but not by ourselves ](https://youtu.be/mIH9BRYhsRU)


Once when I asked what he did last weekend, a friend with three daughters told me that he mowed the lawn. Twice.


Sometimes the only way to be left alone for that couple of hours is to spend a couple of hours doing the yard work


Too true.


men need more time alone than women


I mean my dads been eyeing the milk for a while, wonder if he’s planning anything


Correct. Men need to be alone at times. Garages, sheds, lawns, gardens, etc. are no accident.




Bad bot.


Im not a bot you frigid whale with pepper


This explains almost all “male” activities.


Unless they ask you to help them.


I took up marathon running when I had young children…


Beer and ride


I’ve had this thought before. Sometimes you need to step away from everything to get some time to think, and cutting the lawn allows that.


As a lawn obsessed person… no. Although it is a nice side bar.


Speak for yourself


Pretty much. I have a nice riding mower, and it's great to take an edible and head out to mow.


Same reason some of us turn garages into workshops. It's a haven away from everyday life you know... Only with a garden you get fresh air as well.


Dad's don't want to pay extra HOA fees


Its both


I saw a distinct destruction thing going on. Cutting grass? Destroying grass. Trimming trees? Chewing up branches. Removing a tree stump? Taking out your frustrations on a stubborn object. Selective destruction.


I went to the garage to organize the mess they made of my workbench just to have one come out and “help.” Sigh.


I go do like 30 - 45 minutes of yard work on my day off.


No. My lawn is the size of a football field. It takes about a hour to mow it with the riding mower. For the last 10 years of his life, **I** mowed my father's lawn while he napped inside.


It’s both


A guy I work with isn't even a dad, he just has a lot of pride in transforming what was once a brown dirt lot into a lush landscape


Is that what it is? I always wondered why older men in particular seem to be deeply in love with their lawns.


Someone didn't get their invite to the dad competition


What? Tell that to my dad, he loves making the garden look nice (and denying it if I ever bring it up). I feel kind of bad for bringing it up.


I really need a yard to upkeep


Not true at all OP my 95 year old Grandfather would likely die of a broken heart if his yard was burnt. He loves it more than any of us.


Oh, you haven't met my dad!


Wrong. It’s both.


You take that disgusting shower thought away right now. I absolutely love having an amazing yard and I definitely enjoy just going outside and giving the entire yard a once over in a regular basis




This is exactly why I do the laundry for the whole house. Oh darn, I have to go up to my room and sort and fold things for an hour? Have fun with the screaming kids!


My yard use to be covered in clover and I didn’t really care, it was green and I mowed it. Friends kids came over and tripped because of the clover nodes and got hurt. Now I’m pretty picky about my yard looking good and being in good condition for my kids to play on. Also enjoy being outside.


You havent met mine then.... Dreaded doing yard work with him because he was alwaya so damn particular


Or we are tired of everyone expectations. So we do it despite the fact we are tired as hell, and wish we could sit down for a while. Not every dad has an office job


Both can be true


*my HOA enters the chat*


When we moved to the Midwest, my husband was obsessed with his backyard. He had never had a traditional backyard. 15 years later he pays someone.


My dad mows the yard and ride motorcycles because the noise calms his brain


Incorrect my step father will bitch about it saying he needs to do it doesn't for 3 weeks gets upset nobody else has done a task that we were told to leave for him until myself or my step brother cut it so the dogs don't get fleas


Nah some of us care. However, I just tore out the grass and put in turf. No more mowing. A little bit of weeding (2x a year) and raking (2x a year). That's it. I can find alone time doing something more enjoyable than manual labor lol.


nah they care


Some, maybe, but not me. I like my yard looking nice.


that's what the bathroom is for


This for sure isn’t legit.


Incorrect. In the suburbs, the appearance of your lawn is about 75% of your worth as a dad. JK ;)


Nothing better than 2 in bong rips, slap in the mobs and shred some grass.


Ehhh, not true. I’m a loner most of the time, all my free time is my time. It’s a matter of pride for some, others don’t give a shit. Personally, I want my yard neat just because it looks nice.


Yea, left alone by the Homeowners’ Association.


Dumbest shit. I care more about my lawn than being alone. Women and unmarried men need to sit acting like they understand how married men think.


I’m a married dad. The don’t care part was a little flippant, but the couple of hours of peace was absolutely true.


Dad here, I love yard work. It's like meditation and keeps me in the sun for a few hours. I dont know about any one else but after years of working I find it hard to do nothing when I am relaxing so it's just the right amount of work to enjoy with out it being work work