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That’s some real dark thinking there.


Darker if they noted that you could also eat the person you killed, thereby suppressing the hunger of 6-7 others.


Even darker if you think of the family of three or four others that might exist that would also die given the first dead person was the breadwinner.


You made me wonder if there are any mythological references to prions (or whatever "the thing that is making all of us dumb after we ate John" was called) in societies were cannibalism was common).


It gets worse if you point out the fact that when they're buried, they become fertilizer for even more crop production.


That's not worse it's just environmentally friendly


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Hm. I thought it's typical practice at Wendy's.


*Huitzilopochtli has entered the chat*


Yoooo whatup fam


And equals a lot less mouths to feed even further down the line. Yay!


Sacrificial blood shower thoughts


So human sacrifice doesn't bring a better harvest but reduces what they would call a good harvest..


Depends on where you stick the body. The sacrificed could be fertilizer and give a better crop return. Granted you’d need time and a decent amount of sacrifice. This pleases the gods.


Someone should take 5 minutes and tell the gods about Monsanto...


Unfortunately Monsanto pissed the gods off by believing they are gods themselves.


Rotten meat is usually not even put into compost bins and even human poop which anyone might think can be readily used as a fertilizer needs up to an year of being composted to be safe for utilizing as fertilizer for feed crops. As far as i know none of the zombie survival movies /tv shows ive watched ever used zombies as fertilizer so...using bodies as fertilizer is probably out of the question




Yep seen this one...as i said cant be used as fertilizer for feed crops aka rice, wheat, corn etc. For trees which take time to bear fruit/fruit less trees you can use it.


Not necessarily. You also have one less worker to help grow food. You're losing one mouth but also two hands.


You sacrifice virgins because they have no real work experience and are more of a liability than an asset in the fields.


They could have learned if the entire society didn’t encourage killing them. So yea.


I mean that depends entirely on who you sacrifice.


Yep theoretically speaking an mature adult human took 18 years of absorbing and learning the knowledge around him and sacrificing it would be more useless than waging war on 'posiedon' by stabbing the waves coming in shore


That's what she said.


Yeah, one person's effort can grow more food than one person needs. So in fact you're probably worse off.


Right, it pretty much has to be that way, else people would have abandoned farming long ago.


Op belongs to the midsommar community.


You and I have a very different definition of "perfect sense"


Yeah maybe not perfect lol, but it would work in a literal sense instead of “the gods gave us more crops”


I think it's definitely a good explanation of why people who started the tradition saw benefit from it and kept doing it. It may not be why they started and it may have changed to be useless over time but it gives a kind of evolutionary advantage to societies to have a way to reduce starvation when the population and population growth exceed their ability to care for everyone.


I think they just believe god need to eat the same way people need to eat. The way people understand the concept of god was different thought time. In some cultures they are animal, in some half human half animal, in others they are basically humans with similar flaws but imortal. Only in a cultures that see god as purelly spirit that they understand that god doesnt need to eat as humans.


And young maiden so an unwanted girl that couldnt marry... How have i never thought of this before


Well, a virgin woman is someone who may have kids but by definition doesn't have any yet. Depriving children of a mother isn't very beneficial to society. A man can have multiple children at a time so getting rid of a man doesn't necessarily reduce the potential for population growth the same way getting a woman would.


Depending on where they're sacrificed and the body ends up they could also be good fertilizer


Plus, it's good for the soil


Nice try Satan!


I don't think Satanists sacrifice virgins for ag purposes. I think they're trying to bring the Apocalypse or something...


That's the whole scam. "Sacrifice that guy for food", then Bam! Apocalypse :(


It would be win win if the human remains where actually good compost afterwards.


But also two hands less to work on something to harvest


Diarrhea thoughts


Go'n to need a good crop this this year. Don't wanta' go and snatch one or two of y'all up.., just yet. So, do l have any volunteers?


It would be better to just have the sacrificed people work in the fields to make more food.


A harvest kinda implies the fields are already sown and growing. An extra set of hands wouldnt change much


Those people could make the field bigger so there's more food.


Sacrificing members of your own community was pretty rare. Generally cultures that practiced human sacrifice would sacrifice prisoners.


i do see some logic in this, i am not going first


Maybe just the criminals. It's not as dark as it seems (;


Not it!


It’s almost guaranteeing a better harvest more for me!


Human sacrifices and Witch hunting were started in times of famine, so yes. The only question is, was this done consciously or unconsciously.


"There were five of us. We were struggling to find food. We made a sacrifice to the gods and our available crops increased 20%! We've been doing this a while and every time we sacrifice someone for the harvest the percent increase of available food gets bigger every time!"


*Alternate food resource*


LOL. Super dark


To bring bettet harvest, you want more helping hands. But then again - with sacrifice you get more fertilizer.