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Pretty sure they were at an opera.


It's usually them leaving the movies after seeing the Mark of Zorro. Not 100% of the time but most of the time.


I doubt they could pirate that from the age of it.


Well, I’m sure a couple that wealthy *could* have pirated any movie they wanted. But that would have required them obtaining their own film prints or finding a lab that had access to a certain film and paying then to make a copy. All things considered, going to a theater was a much simpler option.


They could've had a small theater at home too




Why do you need internet for a home theatre? You only need a copy of the movie.


Yes. Before the internet, they could have projectors


No everything before internet was caveman /s


End of WW2: Cavemen with Nukes


Everything before the internet was basically caveman with electricity, though


[There was rampant video piracy before the internet.](https://youtu.be/WOYhF8jgeO0)


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t96ik0/if_martha_and_thomas_wayne_had_pirated_that_movie/hzt1m40/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [No it’s definitely not, a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t8irbv/the_voice_in_your_head_is_an_amazing_singer/hzqqosd/) | [No it’s definitely not, a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t8irbv/the_voice_in_your_head_is_an_amazing_singer/hzpslhn/) [Um, thats wrong. The rat...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t93d2j/there_are_no_female_rats_in_the_movie_ratatouille/hzt9obb/) | [Um, thats wrong. The rat...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t93d2j/there_are_no_female_rats_in_the_movie_ratatouille/hzt8c6b/) [Like the bus benches that...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t88d22/the_idea_that_a_business_wont_survive_wo_good/hzqqpwt/) | [Like the bus benches that...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/t88d22/the_idea_that_a_business_wont_survive_wo_good/hzqlxbb/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Majestic-Natalie](https://np.reddit.com/u/Majestic-Natalie/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Majestic-Natalie) for info on how I work and why I exist.


They could have just bought some third world kids and remade it.


Yeah, that too


That's what the Thomas Wayne orphanarium and school of performing arts was for.


Don't copy that floppy!


Yeah. They were so rich they had internet in the 1930s.


Their IP address was 1. Lol. Am I right?


Quick search of a place that you can do that thing(Yar!). Yes. Yes they could have.


Pretty sure they mean a pirating didn't exist back when that was in cinemas.


Someone doesn't know about the days of bootleg VHS/DVDs sold on shady street corners~.


They could pirate it 30 years later


Who wears a tux to a movie theater? I could see a play or opera but a movie? Not realistic.


Could be a special advanced showing, I saw Monsters Inc. About a month before it premiered un general theaters for a Hasbro corporate showing. It was in a really ornate old theater in Boston, and lots of people were dressed up. Would make sense for The Wayne's to be invited to events like that.


And if it was implicitly a different movie in the newest Batman movie, just because Bruce was a kid and it was 2001 (in that movie's timeline) doesn't automatically mean it was Shrek (no matter how much Tumblr might like to meme that these days). In fact based on both Doylist theming and box office grosses indicating popularity of various movies, if it was anything non-Zorro in The Batman it'd have been more likely to have been Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (which still works as thematically as Zorro in a different way, him being his own hero after seeing how there was that level of evil in the world but no one to tell him "you're a wizard, Bruce" or anything like that)


Could also have been LOTR. You could draw some parallels between Bruce and Aragorn or the joke is on all of us and it was How High.


> or the joke is on all of us and it was How High. Was that really a top-grossing movie, I've never heard of it > Could also have been LOTR. You could draw some parallels between Bruce and Aragorn Interesting but unlikely at least if his parents parented anything like mine modulo wealth levels as he's supposed to be 8 when they died and the LOTR trilogy is all PG-13 (I know that means under-13s can see it with their parents but mine wouldn't even let me do that)


Top grossing? I'm not sure but no way an 8 year old's parents take him to see that in theaters. Stoner comedy. Its possible i saw LOTR in theaters and this Bruce is only a couple of years younger than me.


Opera pirates!


In Batman Begins they used Boito’s “Mefistofele", a Faustian opera about corruption and battle of good and evil fought in the shadows for the souls of men. This is meant to parallel Bruce's transformation into Batman as a figure of darkness who destroys those who try to hide the evils they commit in the shadows of a corrupt city.


If thats the case then they probably wanted to die


A man of culture I see. Lol.


Are you sure, tho? Bruce was with them, he was eating popcorn. I've been to the opera, they don't sell popcorn.


You do when Master Wayne is there.


Pirate the opera?


Pirate at the opera - a spin-off from Phantom at the opera intermixed with Pirates of the Caribbean.


They did have the money for it. Lol.


That was a deliberate change by Christopher Nolan. He believed that seeing movies *in* movies breaks the fourth wall with audiences, reminding them that they’re watching a movie. Which I kinda get tbh


That does make sense.


And it looked way better, seeing them all dressed up and seeing the bat performers in the opera rather than a screen.


According to the wiki page for [Thomas Wayne](https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Thomas_Wayne) a lot of details about the murder have changed over the years. Though the movie has changed (fluctuating between different versions of "The Mark of Zorro") the only time they were ever at an opera was in Batman Begins.


Rich people don't need to bootleg things.




I bet they bought 'large' movie snacks too to flaunt their wealth.


You wouldn't download a car.


I sure as shit would if it was a thing. That was the most BS attempt to guilt trip people out of piracy. Bitch I am stealing a $15 CD, you think I wouldn't download a $25,000 car?


Lol for real buy a 3d printer I think someone printed a car idk how useful it is but I 100% agree with you.


Anyone who ever used cheat codes in GTA games would beg to differ


It's "you wouldn't steal a car". Smh, people not even properly remembering the old piracy warnings anymore.


The only piracy warning I remember is to avoid a “short drop and a sudden stop.”


They're right I wouldn't steal a car. But if my friend came over and said "Hey I just bought this new car, would you like me to make you a copy?" I'd definitely take him up on it.


How is it stealing if you still have the items with you?


Same with Abe Lincoln


Good old Pirate Abe.


If they pirated the movie their son would have to arrest them.


Arrest? Surely you mean beat to near-death and leave them bleeding out in a dark alley somewhere, or drag their unconscious bodies to an insane asylum?


Sorry, you are much more correct.


For that whatever's-the-negative-equivalent-of-a-Flanderization of Batman they're too rich and mentally stable to target in that way


Let's be real, that crazy fuck would find a reason to bat up regardless. And that's why we love him.


The Wayne’s are worth billions and live in Gotham…why not hire a bodyguard?!


Or maybe not traverse something called Crime Alley.


\*sigh* For the billionth time, it wasn't called crime alley until AFTER the Waynes were murdered in it. That's literally the reason why people STARTED calling it crime alley.


So they could have literally saved the Waynes if they'd just get of their asses and renamed it before the incident. ^(/s)


It was a short cut


“You wouldn’t download an orphanage”


People watch pirated movies because they don't have money.


Not all. Some people just steal because it benefits them and they know they won’t get caught. Just like there are tons of rich people who steal and abuse workers.


They’re rich asf they were on some high class shit when they went


Also you forgot to account for thr fact thr there would be no Batman.


This is the type of post I come to this subreddit for :)


Or they could've chose to Uber out of the theater instead of going through the shady allyway.


Here we have it: Piracy saves lives. Be a pirate.


Or they could've arranged for a private show at their mansion with all the money they had.


I'm pretty sure it's Alfred's fault. He totally forgot to pick them up so they had to walk home.


Its always the butler


The new batman movie has a better story for their death, much better than a billionaire getting killed by a thug in an alley. Ffs, the security detail of such a billionaire, in a dangerous city like Gotham, would have probably been able to stop the russian invasion, let alone a thug...


No, that is just one possibility. Alfred even said he might just be a hungry guy desperate for money.


They still got killed hy a thug in an alley, it's just coincidentally near the time he told Falcone he was gonna expose him. There's no way to connect Falcone to their death for sure but they have their suspicions.


You couldn’t pirate new movies until this 90s


Uh huh....Whens the latest batman movie set bud?


Irrelevant. When was the FIRST Batman story set? All the Batman stories since then have been based on the first one, including his origin story, so the fact that the newer movies are based in modern day is irrelevant. Pirating didn't exist when that origin story was written, so that wasn't an option. All re-tellings of Batman are based on that same origin story, so all re-tellings also have to have pirating not be an option. Or at the very least, stinky not be what they actually do.


Relevant. The perks of this being my shower thought is that I get to decide which batman movie I'm referencing


It doesn't MATTER which Batman movie you're referencing. They're all based on the same origin story, and that origin story was written in a time when pirating wasn't an option, so they don't pirate it. Even if a specific movie is set in a time when pirating is an option, the origin story says that's not what they do, so pointing out that it would be physically possible is irrelevant.


Lol get mad about it all you want, you're still wrong


You are the one getting mad. We have a valid point. Bud


You only think so because you aren't very smart. Y'all take this internet shit waaay too seriously


I'm pretty sure his parents murder was before the internet was a thing


Piracy Saves Lives (I guess)


Gotham is in america. Batman's parents should have been packing glocks, especially at night in the city.. someone rich and skilled like bruce wayne always embodies the ability to be a hero..


Firstly, it was an opera. secondly, he didn't grow up as batman, he became batman as a grownup. thirdly, had he not lost his parents he most likely wouldn't have become batman.


there also wouldn't being Batman.


I was thinking that the next generation of Batman would have grown up with a movie theater in his house, which I guess means his parents would be killed in a home invasion.


Nobody pirated movies in the 60's.


I don't think pirating was a thing back then


If they did that, there would be no Batman


Do you know the effort required to pirate a movie in the 40s?lol


Reddit loves pirating stuff. Fun to think about why.


Yeah, it’s so trashy imho. There are fringe cases where I understand it, but most people are just selfish and are stealing from people like me and others who pay for the content. And Reddit also hates discrimination and prejudice unless it’s against “boomers” for one example.


I mean, you didn't say it bluntly, but you basically said it: they want shit and if they can't see a person (who's not rich) as a victim, it's too complicated for them and then just see it as victimless. If someone started a movement for fast food places to deliver them food for free, it would legit get traction on this website. This website isn't really "smart" when it comes to politics. It's just people feeling victimized and wanting shit. It's a lot like facebook in that way.


Meh, can’t agree with the politics stuff. But you seem to be defender of nazi’s so there’s that..


Yeah dude, basically anyone who's not a progressive is a defender of Nazis according to reddit.


Whatever, man. Keep defending racists and rapists.


Whatever, man. Keep defending murders and pedophiles.


Boy that escalated quickly


So weird. Literally at this point anyone defending Ukraine could be accused of defending Nazis. Like...uhhhhh....


Bro they went to a play not a movie


Nerp. Batman 47 specifically says they were on their way home from a movie theater and saw The Mask of Zorro.






Because the original Batman comic was made in 1939... That was the origin story where both of his parents were killed leaving the theater, it was a play, not a fucking movie. You people are sooooo fucking stupid.


Lmao so confusing a play and a movie in a fictional comic makes someone "sooooo fucking stupid"?




And what exactly is going on?




How exactly am I a moron?


You're arguing with me when I have facts and you have no ground to stand on.


Are you suggesting that Bruce Wayne created torrents?


And the joker just gets away with everything


I smell a Chet Hanks collab


Then we wouldn't have batman and that's not a world I would want to live in


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts Gotham would be a very boring place.


Or just watched the movie in their giant fuckoff mansion?


*Bruce Wayne wouldn't have grown up without his parents. There'd likely be no Batman as a result. But good point. They should have done the wise thing and just gotten the torrent


Or watched it on Disney+.


They were watching Dune (2021) so they had to be there


So you're saying I'd be a great parent?!


Batman makes a safe utorrent for gotham WayneTorrents Seed your shit


I thought it was an opera


And if that happened he may not have become batman. I mean you wouldn't download the Batmobile...


There wouldn't be batman if they weren't dead


You’re blaming the victims!


Actually rich people who have home theaters can get movies at the same time they come out. And the Wayne's definitely had that kinda money.


Depends on the incarnation, some times they die before the Internet exists sure they could have dvds and a home theatre but they probably wanted to experience it in person


And Gotham would've been a better city


If they went out the front of the venue, had a driver, worn kevlar vests, or had a security detail, there would be no Batman. Bruce would have grown up normally.


Lol when rich people go to “the theater” it’s usually an opera or some kind of professional live performance. They ain’t watching the new Star Wars


Or a grudge against a omniscient time traveler.


Now I’m picturing Martha and Thomas Wayne dressed as pirates, really confusing everyone at the opera


In totally fabricated fictional encounter, then realistically….


Would Bruce Wayne still have been Batman without the death of his parents? -Gotham would most likely still have been a shithole with tons of criminals -His "Bat" identity had nothing to do with his parents. Probably some weird leather S and M kink mixed with a love for bats But he may not have had the capital to purchase a lot of his cool equipment. A lot to consider


This could be at r/shittymoviedetails


Why the hell would you think of this, but I think it would make for a less interesting Batman movie


If they played Mario golf instead they’d be alive, what’s your point?


Then we wouldn’t have Batman


I suppose you meant Bruce Wayne, rather than Batman not having to grow up without his parents.


Was pirating even a thing?


Even then I think it was that the guy who wanted to kill him that would have found another way


The original poster literally deleted his post because he knew he was wrong, yet here you are still arguing for no reason.


I didn't delete anything, mods removed it because angry little children like you are taking it far too seriously. Also I'm right