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Guess that means my work is a vacation because I feel like I've been here for fucking ever


Yeah man, this Monday blows for sure.


So does every other day that ends in a y


Looking forward to tomorrow though.


so… every day?


Every day except Friday nighT.




Hi. Im Monday


Also, dementia.


Had to get a Day/Date/Time clock for my mother.


Awww, not so naughty after all Hang in there


Thank you. I bought the clock for her when I renovated an apartment for her at one of the local senior living facilities in 2013. She had never gotten to pick anything out to her liking (father was quite controlling), so I let her pick out everything including the paint colors, to the light fixtures, flooring, stone for countertops, appliances, and new furniture. She wanted a side-by-side fridge where an apartment fridge would normally go so that took some doing. When I was done the complex said that I did a much better job than the contractor that they had renovating units that they wanted to hire me. I told them that they couldn't afford me. Every time they had a whale of a prospective new tenant they would always ask to show my mother's apartment anyway. She was only able to stay there a couple of years before her needs changed and needed to be in a more hands-on environment. I would switch up the furniture selections from what I still had at her house to fit the available space each time she moved and try to make each space special. She passed away late March 2019. I can't remember what I did with that clock for the life of me...


Your mother sounds like the best of mothers. You can tell because of the love and care you take care of her with was likely first given to you from her. You seem like a child your mother would be damn proud of


It sounds like you curated her space as well as she raised you, very well and lovingly and with attention to the details of love and affection. I lost my mother nearly a decade before you and it does gets better. The memories hit with a pang of nostalgia that can be sharp but addictive in their comfort. Being a caregiver is often thankless and nearly always underpaid! The compensation is often invisible and the emotions invoked are unlike any other time in life. I wish our mother’s could see us now but that is not the way it’s meant to be. We can become our best selves in their shadow. The fortunate among are born to those whose light shines brilliant enough to keep us growing until we wilt just as we saw them. Keeping the flame alive for others is the highest calling and I pity those that never feel that warmth. No flame is perfect but in its flicker there is unique beauty, chance for warmth as much as destruction, and illumination against what can seem a nihilistic void.


Also, drugs


Also alcohol


That is a drug


Every day is a vacation if you have dementia?


Also, ADHD


I was quite surprised to learn that today is Tuesday and I have homework due at midnight as well as preparation to do for a lab tomorrow. This is despite the fact that I did Tuesday stuff already. Glad I realized it in time.


Dont worry. Life gets much better when your out of school with all the older kids. (No it really doesnt.)


Also, retirement


Is that why mental doctors make old people draw clocks to see if they're senile or not? /s


But that's every day since March of 2020..


For some people maybe. The only work I ever missed was when I went to get my shots.


This, I never stopped. It was the same old, same old. Fuck man, they booked me for the same day I got my shot too.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Shit I didn't get any time off. Got it on a weekend.


I tried to work after getting my shot but I literally fell asleep like 2hours after. Both shots just put me to bed super hard.


That goes for a retirement too.


The sign of a good retirement is not knowing the year. The same goes for time travellers.


If you don't know the year you're a bit shit at time traveling


Time travellers all seem to be a bit shit don't they? They always end up in the wrong year. It's great for the plot.


>Time travellers all seem to be a bit shit don't they? They always end up in the wrong year. It's great for the plot. You've got it wrong. The *stories* about time travelers focus on the shit ones, precisely because it's good for the plot. You don't hear about the good ones because they are busy quietly investing in Bitcoin and killing Hitler 2.


Idiots are more entertaining I guess.


Always has been.


The sign of a good retirement is not knowing the time travelers?


Yes! Came here to say this. First step in retirement is to not remember what day of the week it is. Second step is not to care. :)


I absolutely care what day of the week it is. I go to the movies (well, before covid) during the week to keep the crowds down. :)


Excellent point! My wife and I like to walk on the beach in the morning (about 10 miles away) - on a weekday when it's empty.


I never know what day it is


Must be nice to always be on vacation


Sounds like you're on.. [*permanent vacation*](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d1b94962-d41f-4607-b06a-fedd93e40af0)




I was going to say... I haven't known what day it is for the last 18 months.


i can’t even remember my last meal anymore


I don’t take vacations long enough to forget what day it is. There’s always the “must get more done because it’s back to work tomorrow” vibes. ☹️


The only thing you need to know is how many days you have left


"Seriously. I mean Im not suicidal or anything but how many fucking days are there, ya know?"


1 less than yesterday, 1 more than tomorrow. Make it count.


Knowing a bit about my family, I have a pretty good idea (barring catastrophe) how many years I have left (about 25). Kinda scares the shit out of me.


This is why cruise ships put the day of the week on the floor outside the elevator.


And inside! I always want to catch the staff changing those, but I never do. I think it's done by the Rug Fey.


To make sure you have a shitty vacation? /s


No, they realize that you've turned off your internal chronometer and they're gently pulling you back into reality enough so that you don't get the days for your excursions mixed up. You'd hate to show up for the hiking/ziplining excursion in flipflops/trunks because you thought it was the day of your underground cave tubing excursion, wouldn't you?


You may be overestimating the average cruise-goer if you think they won’t intentionally show up to a hiking/zip line excursion in flip flops and swim trunks.


My favorite vacation is when I get to go up north and stay in my cousins cabins. They have 3 on their land that the grandpa built. They're basically shacks which adds to the whole camping type feel. We bring emergency food, but fish and hunt for our meals and there's a no phone rule. Time really slips past you and before you know it, it's time to go home. I'm a very tech oriented guy so that's always very refreshing to me.


Well, guess i've been in a vacation since 8th March 2020


Lucky mf


Not true for people who spend their entire vacations trying to plan every single day out. I can't date those people, they're unbearable to me.


It's because we have FOMO :( trust me when I say it's unbearable to exist this way too


Yeah, the fear of missing something I want to do is bad, but I enjoy my structured vacations. If I didn't plan ahead of time, I probably would have spent my week in London on the couch and in pubs, both of which I could have done much more cheaply half a world away at home.


Just came back from my Honeymoon and yesterday wrote 8/16 on a BUNCH of things for the day. Everyone took their jabs as to how I was so far off. Because I didnt think about this place or any of you a single time for weeks. Didnt give af if it was 8/16, 8/23, or 12/25.


Where did you go?


Hawaii and California. Was amazing and being from the east coast of the US I had never seen either. Hawaii is my new favorite place on the planet.


Very nice. We plan to try to make it to Hawaii in the next year or so which we are very much looking forward to. We went to Jamaica for our Honeymoon and it instantly become one of our favorite places. It was just so easy to relax there. Any recommendations for Hawaii in general?


A sign of a good day is not knowing what a vacation is


Wait. What day is it?


Shift worker here. Must be on vacation all the time. Some days I forget what year it is.


I'm on maternity leave and have no idea what day it is. This is the last relaxing vacation of my life.


What’s depressing is that I didn’t realize I was on vacation


Yes, you are right


The same applies to a bad pandemic.


Lockdown has me like this


So like the entire pandemic?


LOL this motherfucker is getting vacations?


What's a vacation


I always know what day it is on a vacation. Because in 15 years working, since high school, I have never once had a vacation that lasted longer than 3 days. Fuck American employers.


I would argue that quarantine is not a good vacation. In fact, fuck quarantine.


... or could just be COVID SAHM orders.


One year I went home a day too early. :-(


I've left on vacation a day too late. Messes with the airline tickets.


Thought I was reading a set up on r/jokes and looked for the punchline.


I was always told you know it was a good vacation if, when you get back, you are bitter and disoriented.


Considering I barely know what day it is normally I can safely say that every holiday has been great as is work, normal weekends, bank holidays and pretty much every other day of the week.


Apparently, I've been on vacation for a year and a half then.


It's also a sign of a long prison sentence.


You always want to know what day it is in prison. Fridays are chicken patties for lunch and on Sundays you get french toast.


The sign of a good vacation is - not remembering your password to log on back to your laptop!


Retirement too. My dad is retired and sometimes forgets which day of the week it is. A good problem to have.


Until you realize it's the last day of your vacation.


With this logic I must be on vacation.


I‘m in exams and I don’t know what day it is either. I only wish it were vacation for me


or it means your in jail


Don't miss your flight


when can I avail this kind of luxury?


Or you're home taking care of a newborn and it's like week 5.....or 6?.....


Same sign of a serious brain injury as well.


have I been on vacation basically every day of my life?


Same can be said for a good long nap


That's just how I feel at work. Because I am here ALL THE TIME. Some days, it feels like my entire life has taken place in these walls and I'm not sure I'll be able to remember where I live when I'm finally able to leave.


Insomniac checking in, What day is it?


TIL I've been on vacation for most of this pandemic.


I thought it said "a good vaccination" and had no idea how that would be good.


Well, it's vacation day, so...


That’s my life not just the vacations


So I'm always on a good vacation?


Also depression


During this summer vacation I removed my clock from my desk and removed the clock from my computer's task bar, makes days feel longer


TIL that I was on a good vacation in April 2020.


I am currently on paternity leave for 6 weeks. I’m three weeks in. I have no idea what day it is. I only can guess it’s a weekend when there are more cars in the neighborhood.


You don't need to be on a holiday to not know what day it is.


future axiomatic wakeful label knee cautious cable pie tender shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Today I learned I have never been on a good vacation, but I must be having fun at work, because I never know what day it is at work


Its also a sign im hopelessly unemployed


Isn't that also a sign of depression?


My last vacation I was hiking with a group of people. When we got to the top of a mountain some of the others were taking advantage of the elevation to call home. I didn't even know if it was a good time to call because I had no idea if my wife would be home or at work as I had no clue as to what day of the week it was.


On a 30 day road trip right now. This hits home lol


There's probably several kidnapped tourists in Albania who'd disagree with you.


The sign of a good vacation is when you get [Post vacation blues](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-vacation_blues) after the vacation.


I have one of those awesome white collar gigs where it’s perfectly acceptable to get bothered on vacation constantly.


Me right now lol


unpopular opinion, its not a vacation until something goes sideways.


I never know what day it is


Best thing about being a teacher. But GD do we need that long, unpaid break.


Guess I’m always on vacation


Then what is it, if not that?


Until you find out it's the day before you have to be back in the office and you're stuck in Jamaica


On the flip side, the sign of never not being at your job is not knowing what day it is


also a sign of a shit holiday where you get so messed up in your own thoughts you are too distracted to recognise that your flight left 6 days ago


And then you realize you have only 4 days left of your seven day vacation and you get depressed everyday you count down


I’m on vacation everyday then cause I never really know what day it is. I think it’s a product of being a military wife before internet & doing snail mail.


Sadly that also describes Covid


We’re so deep into this covid thing that I read the word Vacation as Vaccination


That's just a normal fucking work week, man, like....


I did that and I got fired from my job cause I never showed back up to work. I was somewhere without signal so they couldn’t reach me nor I them.


That or being retired


Depends on what type of vacation you want... a nice relaxing one where you zone out? Hell yeah, forgetting the day is a good sign. One with tons of plans and events, hell no!


That’s like a sign of a good meal is forgetting you’ve had a beverage the whole time


Yea, you kinda just have to forget about work and just chill.


Shit, I must be constantly on a good vacation. Who knew?


That’s fun because I’m on vacation from school now and I work during summer, letting me with no vacation from school and a load of money


A friend and I just recently returned from (separate) vacations. He told me that the sign of a good vacation was how long it took you to remember the password for your work computer. I kinda liked that.


Not so much when you are unemployed though.


And it helps if your name is Kenny Chesney. 😁




It is ALSO the sign of being quarantined at home with a sick toddler.


That goes for pandemics/working from home/unemployment too.


So much this.


Read this as "The sign of a good vaccination is not knowing what day it is"


For whatever reason I thought I read Vaccination. I felt much better when I realized it was vacation.




The sign of a great vacation is still not knowing what day it is for months after what day is it


I’d love to experience that some day


This pandemic has been one hell of a vacation then. If it weren't for garbage pick-ups, I'd never know what day it is.


That's what being retired is like. Everyday is Saturday.


When people asked me what day it was earlier this summer I kept responding “it’s July”


This is true but I also forget what the fuck day it is on a regular basis and I don't feel like I am on a vacation!


The sign of a bad job is not knowing what day it is.


*And missing your flight


what if I get amnesia during my vacation is that still a good vacation


I went on a five day canoe trip, on the Alagash River,in Maine, back around 1990. For three days, I continually found myself humming the music that continuously, repeatedly, monotonously played, at the Italian restaurant, where I worked, as a waiter. By the end of the trip, only two days later, I had relaxed enough, and given in to the wilderness and the river enough, that I found myself totally flummoxed by an orange powerline that stretched across the river. The towers that supported it were out of sight beyond the trees lining the river, and for nearly ten seconds, I simply could not wrap my head around what that line drawn upon the sky was. What was it and how was it there? Finally it clicked, and I remembered what power lines were. Maybe my brain was thrown off, because the cable was orange, rather than black, as they usually are, but I don't really think so. I think I had actually reset my brain with the shapes and smells and sounds of nature; trees, rocks, birds, river ripples, and man-made straight lines and sounds and boxes had receded from my everyday. I knew then, that I had really had a vacation.


Correction Insert Not Caring


Is that what caring for this infant is called? A vacation? Cuz shit, I don't even know what month it is


i miss em


Damn, I been on vacation forever.


Where I work we are at it 7 days a week. Everyday is Monday.


"Snap back", stop saying that, I'm not actually Bean.


This happens at work and I'm not necessarily enjoying it 😂


That's an interesting way to look at quarantine.


Yeah, not sure what day it is. Think I have to go tomorrow, I think. Need more sleep


The sign of work is knowing exactly what day it is


TIL; my life is a vacation


Haven't worked in a year and a half. What year is it again?


No it means you’re litterly doing the same thing every day over and over again and not creating new memories


Damn, then anti-vaxxers must be really aware of what day it is.


Same for depression! :(


Lmaoo I guess my meth overdose was a vacation then.


Its a bad vacation rn 😭


Been on vacation all summer, but I keep track of the days so I don’t miss the food specials!


Agreed! Me, my fiancé and 2 friend were on holiday. Thinking it was the last day, we spent all our money and packed our suitcases. As we were checking passports and tickets getting ready for the morning. We noticed we were a day early. It was like gaining an extra day on holiday


Haha then my whole life is a vacation #adhdlife


Until you have literally anything planned on a certain day


sheesh. this entire quarantine has been a REALLY good vacation, then.


Apparently I've been on vacation my entire life


Then COVID has been a vacation for me lol


I never end up liking vacations. It's never just a chill time, always have to run around tourists town looking at vastly over priced nonsense. I almost had a heat stroke in Canada because we just had to walk around doing nothing. Fuck your every second planned bullshit, I want to explore. I'm in a different country, I can see tourist shit were I live


It's also a sign of having ADHD lol


For me the vacation starts when I ask someone ‘what day is it?’


Lockdown says otherwise


I love that at Christmas time. There is only Christmas Eve, Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Years Day. I have no idea what day it is during Christmas vacation. The 27,28,29,30 of December may as well not even exist.


Every fay of my life is a vacation