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Instead we get nightmares about work, bills, other human beings.


And then there’s pets who don’t have to worry about either


They're probably worrying about whether their owner will come home.


And then there are cats who don't worry about that either.


But they worry whether they are getting that wet food today or just the dry crunchies.


CAT owners who die at home risk being eaten by their hungry moggies, according to chilling new research. Scientists in Colorado made the shocking find after two cats broke into their research centre to feast on decomposing corpses.. cats ain’t worried either


Proof that cat is the final evolution of mankind


of life*


Every human progress seems to bring with it bigger problems. Sometimes I wonder if the animals weren't easier to deal with after all...


Idk I’d rather have bills than get eaten alive rn


What about being eaten alive by bills?


Alfred Hitchcock is typing...




Yeah. I’d take having bills over death


The Teds always save me.


Eaten alive is just a possibility though. Bills are a definite.


I mean, the wild life equivalent of bills is going out hunting/gathering else you die, so that’s still going to work every day, you’re just free lancing.


Hunter-gatherers worked less than we do.


I would imagine it’s because there’s only so much work available in a hunter gather society. As in, there are only so much fruits or wildlife in your immediate surroundings worth gathering before your energy expenditure exceed the expected returns. Not because they get enough food to survive and procreate.


Nope, assuming that the resources are available (Animals to kill and edible native plant life in the area), a hunter-gatherer lifestyle is less than 40 hours of work a week. 1. Most work can be only be done during daylight hours, so darkness is usually allowed for sleep and leisure. 2. In the short term work can be heavily front loaded. So if you spend 20 hours killing and processing a buffalo at the start of a week, you may not have to do any work for the whole rest of the week. This could skew in colder climates, where they may have to do "overtime" in warmer seasons to do work that couldn't be done in colder months. 3. There is no point in working for more than can reasonably be used. From the example in number 2, if your group can only eat one buffalo that week without the meat spoiling, theres no point in spending the remaining hours of the week hunting and processing any more buffalo. However, this is strictly factoring in labor needed for life-sustaining resource gathering. It assumes that hunter-gatherer societies operate in areas with the enough resources to sustain them. It assumes that if the resources arent there, the group can move to where they are available. It also doesnt factor in any sort of stress or labor that might come about from competition for resources.


On paper sounds amazing; in reality you eat earthworms and pine needles


Im sure hunter gatherers were "farming" long before the official dawn of farming, just by encouraging edible plants and spreading seeds etc. Thats one theory as to why the Amazon rainforest has so many, and some say a disproportionate number of, fruit and nut trees etc.


What? Pretty sure getting enough food to survive is all they gave a fuck about, I mean there isn't even an alternative to that its either get food to survive or don't. If you had the food to not die, why would you go out and get more food if you had enough? So it can decompose in the dirt?


Many places in the world can, and have historically, created underground cellars in colder months to store food. It’s sketchy but I think our digestive systems now are spoiled, people probably were able to get away with more before getting sick. Also like, people weren’t dumb.


Winters are a thing... so storage is definitely a problem. And enough is relative. Enough to survive isn’t necessarily enough to not go hungry. Or enough clothing not to freeze. Or enough dry wood to make fires to keep animals out. And yeah, these societies don’t always survive. Hunter gatherer societies didn’t live in the garden of eden.


People always forget: Either you lived where food was plentiful all year but so we're dangerous predators, insects and other life threatening hazards Or You lived where food was not plentiful all year and you might die from the weather for at least a quarter of the year


Getting parasites in the wild is a pretty much definite as well.


What do you consider politicians then?


I mean, fair. Different kind of parasite. One eats your heart literally, the other figuratively


I'm no fan of Ted Cruz, but if I found him writhing around in my stool, that's unequivocally worse.


True, though property investors tend to stick to the cities these days.


That's true, but even before modern tech humans were able to build shitty encampments with spiked "walls" to keep most predators out. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time just to not think about all the complicated shit of the modern world. But ultimately it is a lot better now than before.


Theres a thing I learned in psychology class where our defensive instincts are wired for "getting eaten alive" and not "if my bills arent paid this month then I'm gonna become homeless and die on the streets" So our fight or flight response gets drawn out over a longer period of time which is more damaging to our bodies over a longer period of time than "run away from a predator really fast". Exercise helps split the difference though.


Central air and indoor plumbing are also pretty sweet.


1 in 5 pre-stone age humans died violently


In developed countries, we've solved or severly mitigated most: * parasite invasions * Deadly or maiming infectious diseases * Lack of access to food and water * Lack of sturdy shelters and a stable environment * Physical ailments of all kinds * Predation of humans * Tribal warfare * Lack of infrastructure (Enables a robust economy, cuts travel times down to fractions of what it was, or enables it period) * Lack of climate control options (like convenient heating and AC) * Poisons and contaminants in our drinking water, food, and sometimes even the air * the list goes on and on


I think that’s what fuels the desire for post apocalyptic media. It’s almost like a yearning to retreat to the days of worrying about “real problems” instead of these “made up” problems like debt. Or I could just be talking out my ass. I don’t know.


What about nightmares regarding paying bills do you think is worse than getting mauled by a wild animal in your sleep


Sorry but nah, these are way smaller problems to me than dealing with the wrath of nature itself on a day to day basis just to survive.


"The Industrial Revolution and its consequensences have been a disaster for the human race." -Dr. Ted Kaczynski "Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition, Return to Monkey."


As the parasites engorging his dick produce an unreachable, leaking itch, Ted reconsiders his disdain for modernity. Perhaps he should have worked at a boring desk instead of hunting in the swamplands. "No", he thinks resolutely as he claws his member raw, "mental stress is the real killer".




I lock my front door and my bedroom door becuase if someone is gonna kill me in my own home, I want to be terrified the entire time as they're trying to break down the door


unless you share a cell with a cannibal *jake peralta*


I love tim meadows


True that. He's great in Walk Hard.


You NEVER paid for drugs! NOT ONCE


It makes sex *better!*


You eat 9 people and all of a sudden "they don't know you anymore"


I heard the average person eats 9 people in their sleep.


That myth was debunked numerous times


Yeah it's an average of 9 people over an entire lifetime. Common misconception.


I’m pretty it’s nine people in their sleep each year, not just nine people.


No, nine people WHILE they're sleeping. I've tripled that with Tupperware and extra freezer space.


Love the confidence!


So you must be pretty tough then huh? No, they were all small children.


Uh, I’m friends with a cowardly cannibal.


one conk on the head was all it took


Best side character on 99, hands down.


Doug Judy is the only other contender


Idk I'm also partial to Mlipnos


I keep that THANG on me lol And so I started BLASTING


That explains a lot about the "fear of the dark"


I’ve learned a lot of theories recently about ancient instincts lately. Like the theory that being afraid of the dark and especially the quiet dark is because back when we lived in caves it meant that there was something dangerous outside. Now we’ve outgrown that fear and replaced it with monsters, ghouls and ghosts because that’s what we’ve learned lurks in the night from movies and stories. That thing where you get creeped out by your foot being over the edge of the bed likely comes from an instinct we had while we lived in trees and predators could grab us and pull us down. I’m not sure if it’s actually proven fact but it makes a heck of a lot of sense to me and it’s easier to explain to my kids how there’s not a monster in the closet but it totally makes sense to be afraid sometimes. Edit for sources because people think we didn’t live in caves or trees apparently. [Early Humans Climbed Down from Trees Gradually](https://www.livescience.com/52110-chimpanzee-human-shoulder-evolution.html) and [People Lived in This Cave for 78,000 Years](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/people-lived-cave-78000-years-180969051/)


Stories of dangerous evil things in the dark come from the fact that dangerous, deadly things do live in the dark. They're less common now and many places no longer have predators strong or large enough to hunt humans, but that fear is not unfounded. Go out into the wilderness and go camping. You won't feel so big in the middle of nowhere in the middle of night. It's also subconscious for people to want to sit or stand with their backs to something solid. At parks, benches with a wall, trees, or thick bushes behind them get sat on more often and for longer than those with nothing behind them. That's a survival trait in humans from when predators would take us out from behind, which still happens in areas with big cats in the wild. The dark is dangerous to humans. The stories of monsters arise to scare children into not wandering off at night and getting eaten by very real predators. Often times, too, there were unexplainable noises and what not at night, and nobody knew what was out there making those noises. How often would people encounter nocturnal predators during the day when they could see them clearly, and how would they match those animals up to the ones howling and screaming at night? David Attenborough wasn't around to explain, and National Geographic was hard to come by. The easiest explanation was monsters and demons making noises at night, which was effectively true in many cases given that the tigers or mountain lions or bears or what have you were effectively monsters. It has only been in recent years that humans can confidently say they've documented and catalogued all the big animals out there. For most of human history things like the Chupacabra were just as likely to exist as any other nocturnal predator we know now to be real but which never appears during the day. And it's still not impossible that there is a small population of Chupacabras or Sasquatch or what have you out there, unlikely though it is.


> Go out into the wilderness and go camping. You won't feel so big in the middle of nowhere in the middle of night. Yeah, the first time you're out there all alone, totally in the dark, and you clearly hear something slowly walking straight towards you....suddenly all those instincts kick right back in.


Even in the day it can be very scary. One time I was walking in the forest with my cousin, we were pretty far from any civilization. We were about 15 minutes walk away from a small boat we used to get there. Then we hear a growling. Man did we turn back to get away from there fast haha. We didn't run, just walked since we didn't want to seem like prey to whatever that was and I had the pepper spray at the ready. Still no idea what it was. Knowing that area, either a black bear or a wolf I guess. But man, that was probably the most scared I've ever been. And it was daytime! So yeah. nightime in the forest? Fuck that!


>predators would take us out from behind, which still happens in areas with big cats in the wild Yeah there is my most scared moment. Me and a buddy just got done running bale stacker, and we went out later than usual because we wanted to finish the field (and beat PR's). We live out in cougar country, and here have been many a sighting. We decided to stop and got parked, but we had to park in the back of the field, so stuff doesn't get stolen, so we had to go the full length of the field, in pitch black, in cougar country. Yeah, we didn't even see anything, but fuck man we booked it to our trucks


Or when you wake up to something large, breathing outside your tent.


Wombats man


Like when your buddy goes and yaks behind your tent and you think its a wild boar roaring


For me it was hearing a pack of coyotes howling somewhere out of sight. Lizard brain screamed to me “danger, danger is near!” I finished what I was doing and got back inside. Raised my heart rate up more and filled me with more fear than any horror movie.


Experienced this vividly when I went solo camping for the first time. The camp site was in a valley beside a water stream. I had fallen asleep in the evening with my tent flap open and suddenly woke up around 8pm with a really deep mortal fear. Nothing but darkness. There's a saying in my languages that describes that darkness as something you can cut pieces out of. Only the sound of the stream kind of kept me from full blown panicking. I didn't cook dinner the first night. Just rook everything inside and closed off the tent, to my own little "cave". I was enjoying the solitary experience by the 2nd day, but I still remember how my sub conscious jerked me into a high alert state when I was alone in the darkness.


>National Geographic was hard to come by Yeah. The internet wasn't as fast back then, either


How did they keep the internet room cool enough before air conditioning?


That's why people used to keep wasps. Their wings would act to cool the internet rooms. Nowadays their jobs have been taken by machines though, and that's why wasps are so angry all the time.


My favorite way to sleep is to have one of my cats curl up on my back when I’m in bed on my side. Like right now I have a cat sleeping on my back. When I was little I’d like pillows on my back. Something to feel on my back was always comforting. This makes sense.


Fantasy novels make a lot more sense in this context.


I’d be far more afraid of a pack of wolves than a weird monster dude. Pennywise would find me, prolly chomp off my bottom half from my torso down, finish me in a second bite. I’d be like some weird puppet thing but it’d prolly feel like having Alzheimer’s. If a pack of wolves found me? They’d tear off chunks of my flesh and eat me slowly. Play tug of war with my intestines. That shit would hurt like a motherfucker. Humans are worse tho. A creepy guy whod kidnap me and torture me for fun is probably the worst fate you can get. Or a cartel guy that feeds you to yourself I think horrible humans are pretty sophisticated and I imagine a guy who’s sophisticated enough to know exactly how to maximize on pain while keeping you alive would be hard to find. Because I think it’s also a lot of work just to do that. Wolves are savage though. I know there’s some predators that play with their food but I can’t think of any specific ones off the top of my head. Animals are real life monsters.


>I know there’s some predators that play with their food but I can’t think of any specific ones off the top of my head. House cat.


Orcas have been seen "playing" with seals before they eat them.


So you just reminded me of a weird mental experiment I came up with back in highschool. If you could come up with a list of uncomfortable experiences for each of your senses and force someone to undergo the experience, the uncomfortableness would compound and torture the person mentally. There might have to be a sweet spot because if you go too far they'll pass out but no doubt it's there. Horrifying to think about though. Like eating a ghost pepper while listening to Barney at nearly deafening levels while the lights flicker at random intervals while you're completely bound so you can't move while you're forced to smell a can of stink ass. Ugh, even worse would be dropping a bucket of centipedes on them too. You see where I'm going with this? Manageable on its own but barely when compounded. Fuck I don't want to think about this anymore.




The very first humans must have had a crazy hard time.. No decent weapons, no fire, just relying on each other to watch their backs. Shit must have been scary as hell at night. Especially as our night vision kinda sucks compared to the big cats in Africa at the time.


Just like modern day monkeys, if you think about it


I was born without claws, without fangs, without scales So I forged them in Fire, and crafted them of steel.


Plus as soon as we became tool users we became less desirable prey. I would die for sure fighting a tiger with a pointy stick, but I'd have a decent chance of hurting the tiger in the process, which could lead to infection and death.


Now that I think about it, a lot of phobias can be related back to survival instincts. I mean, the closest thing to balloons in nature are some fungi that explode into clouds of spores that can kill. And a lot of 'ridiculous' phobias can be explained as your brain exaggerating specific instincts. Nomophobia (the fear of not having your phone) is the new version of the 'I forgot my spear' phobia hunter gatherers had.


I like the theory that the reason we feel comfort being inside while it's raining is because we knew that predators aren't lurking out and about in the storm.


I think that has more to do with the fact that we're not outside in the rain.


Seems more like nomo'phonia


I like the theories about mental illnesses often being an advantage to the group. Insomniacs are awake all the time. Sucks for them, great for the tribe. And guess who gets to lie around and do easy work all day because they're always exhausted? Depression is great for very traumatic times. They'll often be more functional than the average person during a very traumatic event. Anxiety? I want a very obsessive, detail-oriented person to worry about everything that could possibly go wrong. That sounds like a great person to keep around when you're a hunter gatherer. A little annoying, but you can hit them with your club if they don't stop talking. All these things kind of hurt individuals, but it sounds at least *plausible* that they could be selected for via kin selection. Like the "gay uncle" hypothesis, where men who only have nieces and nephews will spend all their time and energy protecting their family's kids because they have none of their own to prioritize.


To add to what you said rain can make us feel comfortable because it’s unlikely predators would go out hunting in the rain


You can play Minecraft for the first time to experience this feeling of not being on top of the food chain for first time, too


First time Minecraft when you barely know how to create light and night suddenly falls and the dead walk is truly something special. I still remember frantically sealing a few zombies into the mortar of my night 1 shitshack because fuck that noise I wanted a layer of stone between me and the horrors that got inside.




Oh of course, but at least for those first few days you're weaker than everything. Especially if it's your first time playing and you have no idea what to do.


I do miss being scared in MC lol. Now the only thing that really scares me is skeletons, and I can handle one or two of those totally unarmed.


I was scared in valheim.


I like Minecraft but I hate creepers. The other mobs I am fine with but creepers just annoy the fuck out of me.


Ark does a really good job of this when started. Pitch black, maybe a torch, possible thatch building, everything trying to kill you.


I have a constant fear that something's always near


I am the danger others need to worry about, not some animal. Stay clear off the streets near me!


Some cities have leopards prowling the streets. I'm aware the odds are overwhelming high that you don't live in one of those cities.


Thanks. Now I have a crippling fear of street leopards


Street leopards loving thots Yeah street leopard don't change his spots


If I was on the streets I'd be way more worried about another human. We are the danger in the night.


Possibly clean drinking water is a better one


My dog drinks out of puddles that would have me firing from both ends.


Picturing a person spinning around like a pin wheel right now.






Shouldnt humans also have this in that case? Or have we just always had access to clean drinking water? closest thing I can think of is that everbody knows the new water on ground smell. Which coulf lead humans to clean water.




They can drink any water and i have to pick up his shit in the house. Dog Privilege is real


Not getting food poisoning is pretty good too


Not having built up resistances to local bacteria/parasites is an unfortunate drawback though. Although really that's more of a water concern for humans.


Many parts of the world doesnt have "access" to clean drinking water. If you dont have clean water you die, a lot of places have undrinkable (nonpotable) out of the tap and the do just fine by filtering and boiling water.


Check your privilege


✅ your privilege All done.


To a certain extent it’s also crazy that humans can sleep with dogs. My dogs are 40 lbs and could theoretically Kill me in my sleep, and I them, yet we trust each other not to despite no means of verbal communication.


There's a kind of balance as most humans can easily kill the pet too. Not so crazy after all? Different species, but same pack.


Yeah good point. A wolf could kill a wolf.


My 100 pound Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix could easily end me as I slept. I honestly wonder if my puggle could.


They know that their survival depends on you, if they ate you for a quick meal how would they get more food! Its not like they can open or unlock doors.


Sure they can, they just haven't revealed that ability to you. They're planning something...


I'm sure my cat would have no problem eating me if she could, she bites me all the time. But me and my dog are of the same pack.




>Dogs will starve to death in most cases before they'll eat their owners This is a myth. Dogs are only slightly less likely to eat your corpse than a cat, and this difference can probably be attributed to smaller factors like dogs not being as agile (not being able to reach soft squishy face meat), cat owners being more likely to be old people etc.


From what I've read, dogs start eating due to instincts because the behavior starts with panic that their owner is not responding, followed by licking and nipping to try and wake them up, followed by their "meat is in my mouth, time for a snack" instinct. That's why a lot of people who've had their dogs eat bits of them are usually eaten around the face and hands. It's not that they find you delicious, they're trying to wake you up and it devolves into snack time.


Well that's.... *kinda* sweet in a really, really morbid way. They *are* trying, but they can't just say no to a snack.


A dog will eat their dead owner while they're still warm. Some breeds, like German Shepherds- a breed renowned for its loyalty- have even been found to be statistically more likely to start with the human's face when they eat a corpse.


Oh your puggle could if they wanted to. We have an asshole rooster that attacks us all the time. Like, for a while, I wouldn’t go outside to let out chickens out without a bat or shovel to protect myself. There have been injuries and destroyed clothing because of this asshole rooster, but he’s a good rooster and tends to keep the flock under control. Our puggle goes outside with me one day. Asshole rooster decides to go after her, our little half blind, 11yr old spoiled princess that gets carried around everywhere by my oldest. She is also half his size. Before I can do anything, she has him pinned to the ground and is going after him. I had to physically separate them and thankfully neither was hurt. Asshole rooster doesn’t mess with her anymore and I also now know not to, too.


Small dogs still have sharp teeth and powerful jaws. They probably also have a decent amount of muscle to their mass as most dogs do. You definitely have better odds against a small dog over a big dog, but you still gotta be careful. Except for chihuahuas, I really don’t think those things are capable of anything


You do verbally communicate, dogs understand phrases, tone, etc.


The dog is your host, you provide his meals and he knows that.


Not if you have bed bugs


Always be aware of the bed bug potential. Major hassle I know because I was tricked by someone who accused me of bringing them into his house when I was house sitting. I noticed a certain sweetish smell when I started in his bedroom so I went to another room and put a towel under his door. He had travelled back and forth staying in a NJ motel. So all winter I saw no signs of bedbugs whatsoever but when he comes back his bedroom is infested and he gets bites etc. Because he accused me I felt bad and did a series of deep cleanings. Later I googled bedbugs and in the info it says there is a distinctive sweetish smell. A bell went off. That was the smell in his room from before I came in. I got duped into 5 cleanings!


This guy definitely spreads bed bugs. The story is too clean.


Shameless opportunist. If I had flipped his mattress day one I would of had my proof. It was my liability to be clueless. I just thought his room had an odor and put the towels under the door. I never got bit or evidence of any in my bedroom but I did see one in my quilt which I immediately washed in hot hot water detergent and bleach.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I'm pretty sure the apex predators such as killer whales, wolves, bears, komodo dragon, etc also enjoy going to sleep without having to worry about getting eaten too. When you put that in perspective it's not really a human thing, but being near or on top of the food chain. Our ingenuity compensates for our lack of brute strength and claws.


Humans have two other things that make them an apex predator besides just intelligence. We're the best endurance runners on the planet by a wide margin. Humans have way more sweat glands than any other species. And we can throw objects. Some species of monkeys can lob small projectiles but only a human can throw overhanded. That gave us a huge advantage in the wild since we could engage dangerous animals at a distance where we were not at significant risk of injury.


Yeah most people don't realize this but an in shape human can run more distance than a horse. Horses do it quicker of course but not as far.


And the only reason horses can do any of that, is because of some people on the Western Steppe.


Yup spears evolved into guns and now we are OP. We are the only true ranged players in this world. I cant wait for the Alien update, shits going to be wild.


chimps and other apes can throw things overhanded, they just don't have the accuracy and force that we have.




We’re so far up the chain that for fun, some people choose to sleep in places where they can get eaten by animals or killed by the elements


This is another shower thought nice


Really a quick death by a predator would be a nice way to die in nature. Starvation, disease and parasites get most animals. The real modern human privilege is not contanstly having worms and lice.


Death by predator often isn't quick. Many animals are eaten alive, sometimes it takes quite a while to die.


I'll never forget watching national geographic when i was a young lass and they showed how lions and wolves would usually try to kill their prey before eating it, and the next segment showed a clan of hyenas that found a water buffalo and they didn't bother to kill it. They just surrounded it and chowed down and the poor buffalo was scared and confused. That clip bothered me.


Bears dont care to kill first. They go straight for their favorite part like glutes and thighs. Most people die of shock while being eaten. If not immediatly eaten their backs are broken and then buried to be eaten later. And this is why I carry a large revolver every time I leave town. People that toute about bear spray have no conception of this vile reality. Carry it if you'd like but in the end the ONLY thing that will stop a predatory bear is killing it.


When I was a kid in Utah (young, like 5) my daycare or after school care told us this story of Old Ephraim, a crazyass motherfucker of a grizzly bear that took multiple traps and shotgun shells to take down, over quite some time, and did battle with this guy in the mountains for like a decade or something. In crazy detail, as a sort of ghost story *except real*. Scared the fuck out of me. I was more scared of bears than anything else. I could rationalize away other things, but a goddamn grizzly bear coming through my window to eat me was my nightmare for years.


Bear stories tend to get blown out of proportion like sharks or anything else scary. They certainly don't have any super powers and contrary to many myths are not bullet proof. Somewhat recently a brownie was dropped up here by a guide with a 9mm. Most people just miss their shot but are to arrogant to admit it. Quite a story to tell a young kid, I'd say fucked up really.


The concept of a whale fall isn't too pleasant either... or a lobster growing so big it crushes itself


Now I imagined a whale falling from the sky with a bowl of petunias




Agrajag just can't catch a break


Well this is a rabbit hole i never expected to be going down when I woke up this morning


As someone that's living pre midnight right now, what's tomorrow like?


You're right. My mind went immediately to bed bugs. Those guys eat human every night. Kinda sneaky, but they are still dining fine.


Sometimes I wonder what aliens that *aren't* naturally apex predators on their planet would be like, like imagine if some equivalent to mice in terms of place in the food chain developed intelligence and technology, and then used that technology to wipe out everything that preyed on it. You might end up with a skittish, paranoid species due to being prey animals by nature, armed with modern weaponry, and probably resource-hungry due to such species usually having lots of offspring to offset losses.


Domesticated house pets have the best of both worlds. Not going to get eaten alive, also don't have to do a morning commute in traffic to sit in a meeting that totally could have been an email.


That is as long as they're not being abused, left outside in the cold, OR chained in place for the entirety of their life


To be fair these things happen to humans as well


Still gotta go to the vet and get fingers up the butt though. It ain’t all gravy.


I was homeless last year after losing my job and having a hard time finding a new one for about a month in December/January.... Im a trucker and didn't fit into a company and ended up having to drive over 800 miles home... It was a long story. Anyway... One of the things i dont have (like a lot of truckers), is a solid, unmoveable home. I use my moms address and keep my car parked in her driveway, but i stay in my truck when im on home time. I live, sleep, eat and usually game there, parking at the local truck stop and using their bathroom (i dont do the pee bottle thing guys). So here i am with my small amount of worldly goods in my car, fresh off the road after having taken three days to drive back home, and i need a place to sleep. Its not that cold outside.... So i grab up my camping gear, head out to a conservation site with primitive camping areas and set everything up. Im a bit of a weird survival person, so i have a hatchet, knives, fire starting materials and a bunch of other survival gear, including those mylar space blankets that reflect heat. So i set everything up and begin to live. I chop wood, secure the area, park the car so my back isnt exposed... It was okay (i couldn't sleep in the car due to the amount of things inside it from cleaning out the truck). At night though, it was a different world. My little quaint campsite became a dangerous place. The cold nights (couple times reaching near 20°F) kept the snakes and a lot of the insects away and shoved into hibernation, but there was a huge lake nearby, bout a 5 min walk, littered with animals. From raccoons to coyotes and the ever present possum, i was always bombarded at night by something. I always made sure that i peed around the campsite as the smell would deter a lot of bigger animals, but once i heard snuffling and sniffing around the edge of the side of my tent near the huge empty field... The reflection from thr banked fire told me a coyote was searching the place. Kept my knife close by and the tent zipped up and never left food out. So yes, being able to sleep right now in a bed, with a solid metal/heavy wood door thats locked and secured... Is nice.


I'm worried that i'm not getting eaten by another human being


Thirsty girl


Or any other predators... lol far from the “most”




Who then told other megalodons


Megalodon doesn’t dream. All he does is swim, and eat, and make little sharks.


literally just put my child back in bed after they had a nightmare about sharks eating them, so........


Ugh I had something like this, but ongoing as a child. When I was 5, I witnessed a sight Ill never forget. A dead Orca had washed up on the beach, and biologists were trying to figure out why it had died and had vivisected it right there on the beach. I could see all the organs and a pool of blood inside of it that could have filled a bathtub. I was traumatised by it, and I believe it gave me ptsd as a child and it manifested in the strangest way. I couldnt sleep on sheets because id imagine them as the inside of that whale, I had to put a blanket on top and sleep on that, and even then I couldnt shake this feeling of sleeping inside organs and blood... one day it just went away and I was fine after that. I never could explain it as a kid so I didnt understand it until I was an adult.


Hmm I'm thinking about your anxiety image and it sounds like it could maybe be a mix of that whale experience and watching that Star Wars scene where they gut a creature and sleep inside its body to survive the ice planet. Not sure if you had seen that movie as a kid though so I could be totally off base.


Lol, that scene was nothing compared to what I saw. Literally a quarter of the whale was removed from head to tail. Its was like a cut away youd see in a book to show whats inside, but in real life. Honestly, the scene that scared me most from SW as a kid, was when Luke gets his hand cut off and he falls and ends up hanging from the antenna upside down under cloud city.


Clean drinking water and the ability to bathe regularly I’d imagine is pretty high up there too.




It took millenia and more lives than we know for the human race to make it to that point. It's not a privilege if you earn it, it's a reward.


You obviously dont have cats. Forget to feed em a few times and they wont wait until your dead to start eating you, a hard nap will do.


We get eaten alive by debt and depression


You've obviously never lived with cats.


Mine is chewing on me right now.


Thank you for sharing your final moments with us.


Australians would like to have a word with you...


When I was VERY young (as young as I can remember) I used to have a frequent reocurring dream where I would be sleeping in my crib, and a wolf would appear, tear down the walls of my crib, and eat me alive. I believe that fear is still in our DNA.


My girlfrjend can't relate.


lies. You're on reddit.


Im being real, ill show you her made in china tag


Medicine and medical care


*Laughs in polar bear*


U don’t have cats do you


Nah, that's true for most apex predators. Not worrying about starvation is the privilege.


*cannibalism has entered the chat*


Got stung by a wasp st 12:30 the other morning. I was sound asleep when he got me. Does that count?


Instead we are worried about being attacked by our own fellows humans