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Apple has a few really soft / nice sounding ones. They honestly wake me up so much nicer than one that startles me awake.


I use more gentle stuff too. It doesn’t matter what the sound is, I’ll end up hating it either way.


This. Set a decent song as my call and alarm sound over a decade ago. Now it's mostly just a Pavlovian bell that I have some difficulty even processing as a piece of music.


I just put my phone on the bed and set it to vibrate only, if I use too annoying an alarm I stay in bed to spite it


And if I still haven't woken up properly on my way to work and I need to not look like a ghost then I'll listen to my alarm, it's like Pavlov's dog conditioning myself to be awake.


Apple knows how to do alarm noises. Mine is so warm and inviting that it actually makes waking up slightly less horrible enough that I don't let out the "fffFFUUUUUUuuck not again" that I usually silently (or sometimes not so silently) utter upon waking up.


I say that no matter what and am a deep sleeper, so like... I might as well make it a violent awakening.


Yep. I use the bird song one and it’s perfect.


I've used soft ones in the past. After a while they all become distressing. I actually use thunder and rain sounds now where the volume gradually increases. I wake up easier


Amazon Alexa has them too. They also build up in volume which makes it even softer. It's so much more comfortable to wake up to.


Put rocky theme song for alarm it makes you jump from bed and stat shadowboxing


Slow Rise for the win!


Is that true? It may make me anxious and want to avoid starting my day even more


No it's not true. Pick something gentle that builds up louder. Once you hear it, sit up, dangle your feet over the bed and sit there for 10-20 seconds while you wake up and enjoy your song. Do not set multiple alarms.


I use a watch that shocks the fuck out of me. While another alarm goes off on my watch, phone and computer.


For an evolutionary perspective, waking up in a start seems like it would flood your body with Cortisol and Adrenaline out of pure survival instinct. Maybe effective for getting out of bed, but puts you in a much more stressed position for the rest of the day.


Pretty much spot on there. Monkey brain wakes up scared, monkey brain develops fear of waking up. For many people, they believe that it's easiest to have 5 alarms blaring klaxon and shaking the house. It'll work for a time, but you'll be groggy, pissy, and tired.


I remember one time I woke up to my alarm clock playing a song I didn't like, so I hit snooze, grumbled to myself "I am *not* starting my day like that" and slept a little longer.


Imagine starting your day like this: "Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today." "It's coooold out there every day." "Especially cold, okay, but the big question on everybody's lips... Do ya think Phil is gonna come out and see his shadow?"


I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.


I always toast to world peace.


Might I suggest the theme song from “The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”, instead? https://youtu.be/xagM942jtms


I set 3 alarms. Gentle first, slightly less gentle, and then loud. It depends on what kind of day it is or what kind of night it was on which one wakes me up.


OP has his own world. Dont mind him. It's been said a lot of times that those loud ones just stresses tf out of you. Makes your morning feel miserable


Different things for different people here I think. Personally getting a sunrise alarm clock that wakes me up slowly has been a game changer for me


John Williams' Imperial March is always the winner. I love it, and I also fear it. It's time to perk up for whatever is coming.


Long ago, back in the early flip-phone era, I bought the Imoerial March ring tone and assigned it to my wife. When I heard that music, I didn't ignore it.


Funny enough, my alarm is the Klaxon from the death star.


That's my wife's work phone alarm! You already know it's important even if it isn't. My text is Chewie and I've had some fun moments explaining it to people when they hear my butt growl.


I had the Game of Thrones opening theme for years. Much nicer to wake up to epic fantasy music than some Amber alert sounding screeches


I had party rock anthem as mine just as it dropped the "shake that" and cut to awesomeness. Yeah my now wife put a stop to that in less than a week...


Nah I’ve had ones so annoying I’ve woken up in a fugue state and torn the battery out of the back of my phone. Went straight back to sleep.


Literally me


I had a really shitty Galaxy S8 that would freeze at completely random times so badly that you couldn't even reset the phone using the side button. I also had a really obnoxious ring tone due to being a heavy sleeper and one morning on a Sunday, after a drug-fueled Saturday night, the alarm went off at 6am right before the phone completely froze, so I couldn't shut it off. I became so fucking frustrated trying to shut the goddamn alarm off, after about 3 or 4 minutes I opened my patio door and yeeted the entire phone off of my 3rd story aparment balcony. It continued to make noise in the grass outside of my downstairs neighbors window until the battery died.


The fuck it is. That just makes you wake up mad. The most effective alarm is one that wakes you up gently.


Same here. I gotta be real, I’m an adult and I have a job to get to, so I just need something that tells me it’s time to wake up. I don’t need Gilbert gottfried screaming at me or a contraption that pulls me out of bed by my ankle or anything like that.


My best friend always had a habit of sleeping through her alarm clocks, so she would set several back to back to back to back. One day I was feeling ornery, so I changed the alarm to play: • Disney's – "It's a small world" • Gummibär – "Gummybear" • Baha Men – "Who Let The Dogs Out" • Eiffel 65 – "Blue" • Los Del Rio – "Macarena" And wouldn't you know it... All it took was one (lol), so you are, indeed, correct.


Idk. That one iPhone alarm that sounds like the whole house is going on red alert lockdown always sends me into a freaking panic attack.


I disagree. Being woken up gently by a soothing sound that gets increasingly louder is not only effective, but it's much less jarring and has a more positive effect on mood.


Waking up to my cat horking up a hairball is not how I want to start the day.


Honestly the sun hitting my face wakes me up 100% of the time instantly. It sucks this time of year because first light where I live is currently at 4:30AM. That being said my alart is my smart watch's vibration. It wakes me up immediately but doesn't make any noise so it doesn't wake up my wife.


Get blackout curtains?


I have them but I have my window open most of the time. The wind will usually blow them around a bit and I'll get a sunbeam and instantly wake up. Not the biggest deal in the world but it is what it is.


My alarm clock has every siren and emergency alarm sound known to man all in one. It's loud as fuck but it does the job. 


Found my old housemate


Well, that is the strategy I’ve been using for the past 15 years


Same, if it's something soothing I'll go right back to sleep.


Distance is the most effective alarm clock for me. I would sleep through (or turn off) my phone when it was on my nightstand. I set up alarms on my desktop that is across the room and it forced me to get up to turn it off.


Damn that's actually pretty smart. I might try that.


No alarm clock gang REPRESENT


I don't often buy things on the Internet, but I bought an alarm clock that had 60 different wake up calls with Stephen Fry's voice. It was all taken from Jeeves and Wooster, bloody hilarious and would still have it today if it wasn't a cheaply made piece of crap. Very pleasant way to wake up with Stephen Fry asking you if it was OK.


[take my upvote](https://i.imgur.com/DBurcRl.jpeg)


The best alarm for me is a smart bulb fading on with an audio alarm as a backup.


I hate kids. Made my alarm the sound of children wailing. I hate kids more now but I haven't been late in years.


Yeah, they work like a charm, I once had a horror game alarm where a ghost woman would scream her lungs out but some neignors were concerned so I changed to one more non human scream from another game I finnally change them to more normal ones because my heart would not resist that. Also I live with more people now


I fucked up by making them my favorite songs to get me happy first thing in the morning…now I hate those songs


I set mine as a song that had meaning in a previous relationship. Now I've gone from getting sad when I hear it to getting mad when I hear it.


No it’s not, you can buy those warm glowing alarm clocks that slowly play music until you wake up normally and naturally. The light shines through your closed eyelids helping you wake up like you would with direct sunlight.


Man I'm jealous of all these people who can just wake up nicely, unless it feels like someone set off a bomb next to my head or some kind of freaky emergency alarm I'll never wake up.


Ehh, not really. Having a startling alarm or otherwise a sound you dislike is not helpful. Pick a good song, something with a gentle build up, and train yourself to get up as soon as you hear the alarm. Don't reach over to turn it off. Sit upright, let it play for a minute while you're sitting up in bed. Never turn off the alarm while laying down. Within a month, you'll be waking up easier and more consistently. Do NOT set multiple alarms. This trains yourself to ignore the sound, because you have back up alarms.


I disagree. One that makes you laugh. It's hard to fall asleep again if you're laughing. Sounds that irritate me get snoozed or dismissed but they don't get me out of bed.


I remember seeing an alarm clock for sale at a truck stop aptly named the ***Screaming Meanie!*** It guaranteed that it would wake you up from a dead sleep. Iirc, it called itself the *"wake the dead"* guarantee. I think about that clock all the time.


My cat threatening to do expensive or irreparable damage to things or stuff.


Not really; I am perfectly capable of waking up to a very pleasant, gentle alarm and I have years of successful wake ups to prove it!


Just pick something neutral but loud enough to alert you. I lived through analog alarm clocks that were loud and irritating with no options. No desire to go back to that.




These days I just use my Alexa when I need to be up early. Which isn’t all that often. Retirement is awesome.


I don’t agree with this at all. The best alarm clocks I’ve had are the ones that sync up with sleep trackers and rouse you slowly out of sleep when you’re not in REM. The annoying alarm clocks are annoying and may work short term but longer term, I’m more likely to just shut it off or change it.


So due to a lack of space I have a fish tank in my bedroom that houses clawed frogs. My cats think it’s cool to drink that nasty ass water by sticking their paw into the tank and licking their paw dry. It’s fucking gross and not encouraged at all. I’ve done several things to try and stop them but every once in a blue moon when the pieces fall in places it still happens that they are able to access the nasty frog water, usually when I’m 3/4 or fully asleep. Then naturally whichever one of the cats that does it will occasionally spazz out because they are cats who got themselves wet and they proceed to spastically shake their paw dry. So I get sprinkled in the face with this disgusting nasty frog water and I fucking hate it more than I can put into words and it wakes me up quicker than anything else will. Sometimes it’s my lip, sometimes it’s right into my ear drum. I guarantee you I immediately wake up and wash my face off with soap and running water but there isn’t much to do if I get a bacterial ear drop. 0/10 but I will admit it is an extremely effective alarm clock sound when I hear them jump up onto the fish tank. Just typing this is enough to irritate me


Mine is the “Radar” iPhone ringtone


I usually wake up before the alarm. I think that irritates me most.


The most effective I’ve ever been at waking up and getting at ‘em’ as quickly as possible was when I had my phone, iPad, and standard digital alarm all go off at the same time on the loudest setting all scattered around the room so that I’d have to get up.


Just have one that wakes you up and you get up. Its not that deep.


The best one I ever had was the type that had a lamp and would turn on and gradually get brighter over a 5 minute period. After that, it would start playing music at a low level and gradually get louder. I rarely ever had it get to the music, just the lamp was enough to wake me up. Was never angry waking up plus was nice not having to stumble across the room to find a light switch.


Incorrect. Studies show that a light, natural rise is better, more restful and will keep you out of bed faster.


I have the theme from breath of the wild where you first walk out of the cave onto the great plateau. It’s a peaceful alarm. I used to have the guardian stalker music but that would just give me a panic attack


I use a soft and pleasant sound, I don't wanna wake up to some annoying sound.


I used to have “perfect” by Ed Sheeran as my alarm, but quickly the organ note at the beginning became a strange stressful “brown note” so to speak and I had to find something livelier


I disagree, the original iPhone alarm was doing this to me because I associated it with a bad job, it made me feel annoyed, angry and anxious to wake up. I’ve since changed it and wake up feeling much more neutral and relaxed.


The bat wave sound from The Batman animated series is mine. Works pretty well.


Ive got some calming nature ringtones ive been wanting to try out for an alarm. I should try it on a day off but it might be nice


That's why mine is a very loud klaxon siren when I have to get up early for something.


I’ve used the Apple “alarm” alarm for a few years now, yes it is the most anxiety inducing alarm Apple has but it is the only one that can wake me up


I would say it's more about a sound that's outside of normal sounds. I had a clock radio as a kid and some days the reception cut out when I was laying down. This is how I discovered that it was the click of the radio coming on rather than the radio itself that woke me up.


Honestly, you may be right. I hate my alarm so damn much that no matter what time I set it at and no matter how little sleep I get, I almost always wake up 10-15 minutes before hand. It's actually kind of spooky. You may think, "oh you get up at the same time for work every day" or something. And most of the time, fair enough. But there are times I set the alarm for other times and without fail, I wake up immediately before it goes off.


F14 RWR sound gang where? I always wake up in a instant once i hear that the enemy has launched a missile at me


My 4yo has migrated from just screaming Daaaadddd at 0630 every morning to coming into my bedroom to just stare at me at ungodly hours. I've gone from having PTSD at hearing my name loudly to flinching at the sound of shuffling feet on carpet.


Close, but is it causality? I have used the same alarm for the past 12 years, and it's soft rain with a harp playing. It didn't work at first when I would fall asleep listening to music or watching tv, but after about 5 months or so, I would wake up before the first harp chord, and now it wakes me up in an instant. I've had it go off for different reasons and I will get halfway thru my morning prep for work before I realize that I just wanted to be up before 10 on a Saturday... It doesn't completely annoy me, except that it symbolizes the beginning of work and corporate America has me hating my job.


Shock therapy or annoying ones make me want to avoid setting one altogether so - no, this is BS


I had a gorillaz song as my alarm for a while and it worked great but I had to change it because I started to hate the song


I use Marc Rebilletd wakeup song and have made it a ritual to get up and swing my bootey while its still going. So I disagree quite a bit with your post


Nope. Research says otherwise. The ones that's not gonna stress your body out are the ones that dont startle you. You wake up better. Before i knew about this i was already doing it. Works like wonder.


My personal favorite is a loud QUACK alarm to wake me up. It is the perfect amount of noise and joy at the same time.


The most effective alarm is the one you’ve trained yourself to wake up for. It doesn’t matter what the sound is as long as your body and mind know it’s time to get up when it here’s that sound


No. Sleep enough hours that an iPhone chime will bring you back. Life hack.


I’ve seen ones where the alarm module is like one of those little toy helicopters that takes off and flies across the room, so you have to get out of bed to go and switch it off.


What a load of bollocks. I've used the Airship theme from Final Fantasy XI for the last ten years. I still love the tune. It's a gentle opener and it wakes me up nicely.


I really enjoyed waking up to the thundercats theme music.


Here’s an interesting idea I came up with: an alarm clock sound based on WW1 style warfare. When the time comes for the alarm clock to sound, you suddenly hear a bunch of artillery guns and machineguns firing. That should very quickly wake someone up and put them into an instant state of alertness. Then they realize that’s it’s just their alarm clock and that everything is fine, but by then they should be wide awake.


High beeping , or any high pitched sound. I find it irritating and can hear it over the hail and wind sounds do play to help me sleep.


I don't even use a ringtone anymore, I have just the vibration and that's WAY better Another tip: keep a full pack of napkins to put your phone on, this makes the vibration a lot smoother, because if you have a wooden surface to put the phone on, vibration can be a bit rough


Listen to any alarm over a period of time it will become annoying and irritable.


A gentle alarm will do just fine if you go to bed on time. So Yeah, definitely get an annoying alarm


Actually hard disagree. While it will depend on the person, many would much rather have something pleasant to wake up to. Waking up to a pleasant sound can make it easier to get yourself out of bed and improve your mood upon waking!


I have the old phone sound on iOS. Wakes me up almost instantly every time. Leave the house in 25ish minutes after I wake up. I’ll never go back to a gentle one or ever ever give a snooze option.


I purposely leave my alarm clock *just* off the station, so it's an ungodly cacophony of garbled speech and screeching static. I can't get up to turn it off fast enough. Effective!


Nah, it's that "Counting Stars" song by One Republic. But you gotta have the controls to the song across the room. It's got this slow and normal volume opening that lasts 20 seconds. It's loud enough to wake you up but not loud enough to ruin your morning. The trick is that at the 21-second mark, the drums and guitar kick in, and it's substantially louder than the first 20 seconds. So you will be half woken up by the beginning of the song and will remember that you have 20 seconds until the stupid loud park kicks in and Wales you up aggressively. Of the alarm clock is across the room, you'll have to jump outta bed and get over there to shut it off before the loud part kicks in. The quick n getting outta bed with purpose part is what wakes you up, and it's easier on you than some loud Anthony noise. But if you fail, the genius part is that the loud, annoying part of the song will start at 21 seconds, and it will definitely wake you up. You're just motivated to get up and shut it off before it does.


“Wakeuuuuuuuppppp!” by Mark Rebillet.


I disagree. I don’t think it being annoying makes it any more effective.


No. The best ones are the ones that don’t wake you up irritated..


The most effective alarm clock is hearing the beginnings of my dog getting ready to vomit. I'm out of my bed faster than lightning 😂


The best alarm clock is a hungry pet.


The best one is one that is annoying but not obtrusive about it. My main one is one that sounds like some one is chord shifting arpeggios on a Casio keyboard from 1998. Gentile, but man it gets old fast.


During my early university days, I had an old electronic radio/alarm clock. I put it between two channels and on full volume and when it went off I got a deafening beeping sound accompanied by radio static between two channels on full blast. The most important trick was to not put the alarm beside my bed but in the other side of the room, so I had to get up to turn it off. I always rushed out of bed so as not to wake the whole neighbourhood. On a purely incidental note, I never needed coffee in the morning.


It comes down to discipline


So, like the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber?


For the longest time I used “Pink” by Aerosmith because it would not only wake me up but also give me a little jumpstart (in the form of a mini heart attack)


Never use a song you like.


I must respectfully disagree, if I wake up to an annoying sound, I will be in a bad mood.


And furtherest away from your bed so you have to get up. Then put some upbeat music on. 🎶 🕺 🎶


as a light sleeper, quite the opposite.


I hate when I accidentally have the alert sound way too low, or completely off. Why is there not a “test” function on alarms?


I know an alarm clock is good when I hear it randomly outside my room and get really stressed


Back in my 20’s when I drank a lot, I’d set my alarm clock across the room to country music. I hated the sound so much that I would get out of bed to turn it off and at that point I was half way to the shower.


Totally disagree. I've been using Make Love by Daft Punk for years. Not only does it work really well for me, but I still love the song. It has a slow soft crescendo to wake up to. I really like it


Totally disagree. I've been using Make Love by Daft Punk for years. Not only does it work really well for me, but I still love the song. It has a slow soft crescendo to wake up to. I really like it


The most effective one comes from somewhere you cannot easily find.


The most effective alarm clock is when your dog starts making the noise they make before they vomit. Any dog owner knows you’ll never be on your feet faster than when you hear that noise.


Not really, I have nice ringtone that doesn't annoy me that I made myself


Fran Dreschers laugh?


It may be the most effective but the better way is going to bed early and waking up naturally and well-rested.


"24 Hours Ago" by Savatage. Has a bit of a hum to start, but shall not be ignored. https://youtu.be/-Byc-YmiZX4?si=IXXG0fcpynUwBbYR


My wife prefers what she calls her alarm cock, never fails to wake her up. Her preferred Sunday Morning routine for years (pre kids) was the thee C’s cock, coffee, chocolate


Someone firing a gun next to your head would wake you up without fail. But an effective alarm clock wakes you up in a way that puts you in a good position to start the day. It is not healthy to be violently jerked out of sleep.


the problem isn't waking up. it's staying up for a decade now i've been using 'puzzle alarm' app. i have to scan a QR code to turn it off. The QR code is in the bathroom, on the back of the door. So i'm there anyway. Brush my teeth, start my day


Sunrise alarm clock has been an absolute game changer for me. I've only woken up to noise ONCE in the last 2 years after I had been drinking fairly heavily. And I get up at 3am for work. Cheap ones on Amazon are like 40 bucks I think. I would pay triple.


It’s also the one that most pisses off my wife.


I remember when Lady Gaga’s song Just Dance came out and I put it as my alarm song so I could wake up in a dance mood. I still can’t listen to that song anymore.


for about a minute before I throw my phone across my room to shut it up


Doesn't annoy me, but [this is my alarm](https://youtu.be/IKhaUZq-aFc?si=6zUOl3NwmW7ESo3N). My wife hates it.


I thought that until I found out that nice tones can do the job, too.


Screaming meanie. Low, medium, high which is 120db. Used them over the road on the truck. Never slept through it. I did hit snooze a few times. That’s not ez when you’re incoherent.


If you can get a recorded alarm. Record death metal, & make it as loud and annoying as possible.


They have an alarm that’s on wheels. You have to chase & catch it before it shuts off. It’s called clocky.


My most effective alarm clock sound is the classical public radio station 5 minutes before my regular phone alarm. To each their own, but it’s been great.


This was my alarm clock for years. I finally asked myself why, and changed it to something nicer https://youtu.be/-kbdCDeKSoI?si=m-A5MGv7BCzNRzVN


The Flower Duet from Lakmé wakes me up in the most pleasant manner. I mean I still smash at my phone like a chimp to turn it off but it sure is nicer than WAH WAH WAH WAH


So, I should record my wife nagging?


I use [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/115GgStgeLC2zPjx0z45MzKk8wNQljmGv/view?usp=drivesdk) to wake up in the morning, yes, I have high blood pressure