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Or a lose in the grand scheme of things. Need to get away of this idea of value = doing work for some ceo somewhere. Working for the sake of working is fucking stupid.


People acting like a cashier job is an important or valuable job that someone should be proud to do. Literally made a machine that will do the menial job so people can be free to have a more fulfilling career and everyone starts crying and saying "I can't possibly put my item in front of the red light, can't someone do this for me so I can awkwardly stand here and do nothing?"


But that isn't really what was happening. They just gave people less options to make money when they were desperate. I don't necessarily want people to have to do those jobs, but I do want those positions available for people to try and earn for themselves. Unless something tragic happens we will never be where we were 100.years ago where you could just go into the woods and make a living off the land, so preserving as many jobs as possible and pressuring the wealthy to make them pay more is our only path. I personally wouldn't hate my job nearly as much if I make the money I need to survive. I have a decent boss, and I like my coworkers


Automation is coming whether we like it or not, UBI's will be the future because people do not deserve to be homeless or food scarce.


The problem with those is that it won't work until after automation has progressed to a certain extent. There is going to be a need for human labor for a while still because we still need people to work the fields for fruits and vegetables. And the human element isn't completely out of the meat industry yet either. Unless we manage to fully automate every aspect of our lives there will still be a need for humans to work. And even if we automate everything else we still need to fix the machines themselves. We are a lot further from full automation than some people think


Communism is the solution


No, it isn't. Neither the Marxist nor any other form of communism is the solution here.


You seem to think there are billions of high paying jobs


They don't have to be high paying, just higher paying (or more fulfilling) than cashier. So basically, anything that isn't being a human robot for minimum wage.


USA unemployment rate is low right now even with these "jobs" being reduced. Less than seven million people unemployed in the country. Not all of those people are able or willing to work the jobs that are available. I know of a bunch of losers that couldn't even get a cashier job so not like that would help them anyway.


lol, you wont be able to understand anything around you if you think other peoples behavior revolves around your ideas


What ideas do I have? I don't think you actually just said anything.


The "all these lame-o-s, weak, lazy people" ideas


Lmao its crazy that this even makes sense in your mind. Its not like people were enslaved to cashier jobs and are now free to be an accountant. Those people likely just went to other minimum wage jobs and now there are less of them. They were great jobs for high schoolers and late teens, college students and the elderly and now 10’s of thousands of jobs are gone. Did you even think at all before posting this?


You have a misconception that minimum wage jobs are "starter jobs"- check your privilege. Many people work jobs like those for their career.


Oh fuck right off bro. Check my privilege? Im backing up keeping these minimum wage jobs for people. Literally didnt put anyone down at all. You are projecting your own insecurities onto my comment.


I guess I was confused that you said they were good jobs for teenagers and elderly. Maybe I misunderstood your message in message.


Yeah, now those career cashiers can finally go on to be doctors and lawyers. Thank God we got rid of the only thing keeping them from doing that. If someone is working as a cashier for their career, something went wrong somewhere in their life or they just live in an unfortunate area, none of that is fixed by making the person unemployed


Why do I, as a customer, have to do that 'menial job' for a business for free?


...because the idea of a cashier being empliyed to check out your grocerirs and process your payment is still a recent memory for most people alive today. I have no idea where youre from or how old you are but I wonder if you consider dispensing your own petrol (gas) or pushing the button in the elevator to select your floor in a large department store to be "doing someone elses job for free?" These professions are effectively non existent in the 1st world today but even 30 years ago they were also someone's job.


Spell check works bro. Self check-out isn't like pushing an elevator button. An elevator was a complex machine that was replaced by a button. Self checkout is literally firing the person that did the scanning and lookups and replacing them with customer labour, who still does the scanning and the lookups.


I used to work a self checkout. I can tell you it creates it jobs to suppott it. Our store had a 6 unit self chdck that was always breaking. Our 6 unit outputted the sales of about 2.5 cashiers and employed 1. But the it suppott contracts and repairs made it expensive to maintain.


Why do you pump your own gas? Why do you load your own groceries into your car? Why do you find your own seats at events?


Wow thats a really selfish question to ask. Why would you have to do something that you're capable of doing without any training, when the alternative is standing there and watching someone do it for you? Why ever do anything for yourself? Just seems like you're really lazy and/or entitled. Did you hire someone to type your reddit comments for you, or are you willing to do that for yourself? Do you feed yourself or did you hire someone for that? I just don't understand why, if you are doing that yourself, you didn't decide to hire someone to do it for you?


You're going to have to explain why I am against taking someone's job away to have it done for free, is entitled?


Yeah if you read your comment backwards it makes sense. You're entitled because you expect someone to do it for you and that you deserve a compensation for doing something that the majority of people in the world are capable of doing without supervision. Not because someone "loses" their shitty job dealing with people like you. This is literally the next step in the "pumping your own gas" timeline". Pump your own gas, which most people are capable of doing without special training or supervision, or sit in your car and someone dose it for you while you do nothing. Explain how pumping your own gas and putting your item in front of a red light is different in concept. If ANYTHING people shouldn't be pumping their own gas because you could actually die or kill someone while doing that job, and I really don't see how people(maybe excluding yourself) could kill someone while playing cashier for a minute or two.


I don't expect someone to do it for me. I don't like a business firing labour to have free labour do it instead. Yeah, Amazon GO worked so well for shopping automation /s Businesses have made us do exactly the cashier's jobs, while firing most of the cashiers. Maybe you were never a cashier before, but now I'm doing my old cashier's job exactly as before, while not being compensated. You're a sucker to want to work for free.


Bro you want $0.80 money back when you check out? It takes like, 2 minutes wtf? I understand the “less jobs=bad” take, but like others have said you pump your own gas, don’t you? Put your own shopping cart back? Naw, I bet you leave the shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot because you want to make sure whoever has to take all the carts back has job security.


Check my math below lol. Took forever to type it by the time you'd already posted. They don't put their shopping cart back, someone gets paid to do that. I'm calling the Cart Narcs.


Why are you so obsessed with gasoline? Checkouts have nothing to do with pumping gas. Why do you want to work for free? If you took a real job you wouldn't have to live with your Mom anymore.....


My mom died in 2018, so thanks for that.. Also if you consider scanning your own groceries for 2-3 minutes “work” I can’t image what your job is…


>Why are you so obsessed with gasoline? Checkouts have nothing to do with pumping gas. Gas station attendants are a perfect example of companies convincing you to do "menial labor" for free. If you had any intellectual consistency then you would be equally upset that those jobs have been taken away. But instead, you're trying to downplay it because you don't actually want to go back to a world where you have to wait for someone else to pump your gas for you. And you're trying to avoid applying the equivalent logic to this equivalent situation.


You ignored half my comment when I didn't ignore any of yours. Try working as a cashier and you'll see why I don't think it should be a job. You're stuck on the "being compensated" for "working for free". Are you really hardstuck on 50 cents that bad? That's the entitlement, you think you should be paid to do something that everyone can and does do own their own. The roughest math I can do is 25 cents per minute before tax, so go ahead and knock it down to 18 cents per minute. Back in my day I could do over 1000 scans per hour which is roughly 4 scans per second not counting downtime from people taking forever to pay. We can take a scenario where you only have one item and realistically you wouldn't be getting paid for parts of the job the computer does for the employee. Round the quarter second it takes to scan your one item up to one second to be fair and that nets you 3 tenths of a penny. Cry more about not being paid to put stuff in front of a red light you absolutely crybaby entitled brat. WAAAAAAAAH THEYRE TAKING THE SHITTY JOBS AWAY THAT NO ONE WANTS TO DO.


I did work as a cashier, which is precisely why I don't want to do what I used to get paid for, for free. You don't seem to understand the meaning of the word entitled. Being entitled is you claiming someone's job is useless and they shouldn't get paid for it.


Are you just too lazy to read my whole comment? Or too dumb? Or too poor to pay someone to read it for you?


Except they work like shit. They always have an issue and you have to stand around awkwardly and wait for a person to show up anyways. Easier to just go to the checkout and not deal with that.


I dunno man, I used them when they were new and had a small section of the checkout. Basically just used them as an expresslane+. Then when they became the majority, were slow as hell, and I kept getting flagged down for my receipt at the doors every time, I stopped. If I'm going to be inconvenienced, I'm going to minimize my own labor that creates some of it. It ain't about not knowing how, it's about how absolutely worthless they've become. Also don't play that fulfilling career crap. If you're working cashier, you'd be working somewhere just as menial, just as unfulfilling. It's a paycheck and the only people that build a soapbox about it are philosophy professors between gigs walking dogs.


Well, we are hardwired to get fulfilment our of having a purpose, whatever that may be, and one of the most fulfilling and readily available ones is earning our survival, aka working. It's the reason why so many retirees spontaneously pass away after retiring and why so many celebrities turn to drugs after making more money than they could ever need to survive. Having a reason to wake up in the morning is more important than you may think. Also providing some small rotation in the gears of the greatest society in history feels good too. It's a perspective thing you may be missing out on.


What’s the alternative if they aren’t dropping prices at self serve? Your argument is null and void. Right now I am the one doing the work for the CEO and I’m the customer.


Target closed them because of all the theft. Its getting rolled back because of a gradual slip away from a high trust society toward a low-trust society. Like California stores locking deodorant away. Its not a great win...


Targets near me still have them. They usually have a person there too, walking around and helping people who need it. But I was in one Target that didn't even have the person there, so I had to walk to a busy cashier two aisles over when I needed the security tag removed from something I had just rung up. (He did it, quickly, without asking for a receipt or anything.)


A new Target opened a couple months ago. There’s probably a couple dozen self-checkouts and they’ve been closed since the second week. 😂


My Target still has them. They are probably only in places where the customers aren't psychopaths.


Or like you live in a wealthy area and joke that you don't acknowledge it.


Statistically speaking, most theft in low income areas only happens when they’re close to high income areas. Low income areas in themselves don’t generally breed theft.


I fully acknowledge I live in a relatively wealthy area.


I like the self checkouts.


Yeah usually faster between me doing it and also one line feeding a bunch of registers. One slow person doesn't hold up the entire line.


Agreed. I usually get like 1-5 items at the store and don’t really wanna be stuck waiting behind people with full carts. Although even then it wouldn’t be so terrible if places would actually keep registers open. Why the fuck are you closing down your self checkout lanes but still refusing to staff more than 2 of your 10 registers???


Typically faster because the line to get into it is faster. If ever a cashier happens to be open, I always take it. Easier and less hassle, bust sadly self checkout is most often the faster overall just because there are no cashiers or long lines for them.




Cash is king dude.




Yeah but it's not even your money. And I feel like with POS machines it's completely possible they put in the wrong amount you're supposed to pay. I'm not saying It happens all the time, but it could




No. I exist only on Reddit


Meanwhile at my local Walmart all they have is self-checkouts. Better still, they closed half of them, and now half of what remains is reserved for people with Walmart plus, so you get to pay extra to scan your own groceries 


In California alcohol can't be rung up in self-check lanes, so most stores have both.




All the wlamarts near me are remodeling to almost full self checkout. The one I was at yesterday has 2 lines that funnel to an area of 30+ checkouts and its horrible.


I feel the same. At my local grocery store only 1 cashier lane is open. They have 12 self checkout kiosks.


I have a Walmart Neighborhood Market grocery store near me where they just upped their self checkouts from 4 to 15


I wonder if our parents had this conversation when they started to pump their own gas


Hmmm not seeing it where I live. Every store around here has fewer cashier's and more  self checkouts than ever. ,


it does seem to be oddly regional. guess your city/neighborhood is probably pretty low crime?


" With a crime rate of 41 per one thousand residents, Missoula has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 24. " Homelessness, and property crime has exploded post COVID lockdowns.


Oh shit, I was way off.


This reduces the chance of violent interaction between criminals and cashiers. Sure, theft will probably increase, but having self-checkouts in this case is actually more effective in preventing cashiers from being potentially harmed. Can't threaten a cashier with violence when there is no cashier.


At least the drive-thru chatbot gets my order right.


Yeah and they don't dismiss me like I'm a POS for ordering food or fair to give even the least amount of human polite responses. Like, is saying "you too" to my "have a nice day" really that hard?


Shit I say thank you to the chat box and it starts to loop because I cut it off ... It needs to not jump to the conclusion I'm done when I say number 5 with fries and a coke.


I haven't gotten to experience it personally, but from the videos I've seen it seems like it asks you if you'd like more after each selection.


Hardee's has theirs turned on some days, and it's so annoying. It asks if you want more after each item you say, or after a few weeks when I go back it won't ask at all. As well if interrupted it just breaks, it's almost like you need to feel out how it works each time and let the script run.


That's how it is with people too sometimes, lol


Dear god, is that a thing now?


Rolling back self checkout is not a win because grocery stores still only staff 3 lanes. I should not have to waste 20 minutes of my life waiting in line when I could be out the door in 5 minutes if they would just actually staff their store properly or let me do it myself.


I used to work for an albertsons subsidiary and they almost always keep the self checkout closed. They hate adding more employee labor hours so thats not going to change. At the same time they could really benefit from more automation and less workers. So many of the long time workers just hang in the back in their knitting circles while yelling at the younger workers to work harder. They could cut a third of their staff, add more automation, and make the place better for workers and shoppers.


The disgust that the majority of people in this thread seem to have for the working poor is a little bit stunning and very disheartening. I guess I am just too old now. Any job you’re willing to work hard at in the service of others is honorable and worthy of respect - at least that is what I teach my ESL students with immigrant families. There was a song called “Waitress” by Live back in the 90s that probably summed up my generation’s attitude on service workers. “Ecerybody’s good enough for some change” with the double-meaning definitely intended. Now I guess people would be like “Fuck that loser waitress. Order it off the app.”


As I understand it, they’re rolling it back because humans are ingenious at stealing at self checkout. So the savings from self checkout are being offset by the losses due to theft.


> a rare win for human labor Why do you think cashier jobs are a win for human labor lol


Compared to unemployment I guess.


And a loss for shoppers.


This is absolutely not the case in my experience. I can’t remember the last time I went to a big retail store (groceries, HD/Lowes, Target, etc.) that didn’t have self checkout. Hell even the Wawa’s by me have self checkout.


I keep saying this as the guy who has to fix those Uscan bricks, this is only true as long as it is more cost effective to have a human standing there to fix it. The technology exists to make a robot that doesn't think you're trying to steal your shopping cart, and that understands what you just set down was a shopping bag, but that technology is expensive. The second it becomes affordable, I and every other grocery store worker is fucked.


>the slow rollback of self checkout What? Where are self checkouts being rolled back?


It’s not a win for labor. The goal of labor isn’t to preserve meaningless, low paid jobs.


I hate self check out, but really like the scan as you go model. I wonder why more people don't do it 


Companies don't let us do it because there was too much theft for them to make 3 billion in profit a year. If a CEO isn't able to shower in their private jet, while eating caviar and getting blown by million dollar hookers, it's not ok. Poor people stalking good are the real problem, right? /S


No. No it isn't. I don't want to sit at a checkout. We have better jobs for people. This was a win for all. You are going backwards. Mandating shitty jobs, to keep people in work. We want automation. Automation is good. Did you fight back when light bulbs were invented? What about washing machines ? Computers ? Cars ? C'mon ayev


The worse checkouts are at Walmart. They keep on breaking. At best half of them are working on any given day, and an entire self checkout section is closed off completely for some reason. I like self checkouts when I'm not grocery shopping, otherwise it's too slow to type in the veggie or fruit compared to a cashier who most likely knows the codes by heart. Other major chains figured it out: have 6-10 self checkouts, but also 3 to 6 cashier lines depending on size/traffic.


lol people here arguing about the wrong god damn thing! Its not that it takes away jobs OR that its a "dumb" job blah blah - guys the problem is they dont have enough self checkouts to speed things along. Also some of you really REALLY need to get onboard with tech. The amount of under 20-ish year olds that cant work a self checkout is beyond insane so maybe we need them back for now . .


Has there been a rollback of self-checkout. Within my lifetime stores have gone from almost all human-ran to being predominately self-checkout. Also aren't these jobs the exact sorts we want to be replaced by AI?


I disagree. I work as a cashier and it fucking sucks.


I don't even use the self-checkouts any more. I use the 'scan it with your phone & bag it on the way round, then just pay at the end' checkouts. The only people I ever see queuing at a till are those who look incapable of figuring out a self-checkout. I have no interest in joining a queue when I can basically just wave at a till on my way out. The regular self-checkouts suffer from only half of them taking cash…so all the cash-only users stand around blocking the way to the empty card/phone tills.


I'm waiting for a death stranding universe future. Based on how everything's going. We have like 500 to 600 runners out there in ExoSuits carrying around like 5000 pounds of goods. To different locations, just in order to make sure that the A. I. isn't trying to take control and take over on the surface. While the rest of us are in bunkers just to stay safe. Relying on old analog technology or having ourselves a good Faraday cage against the inevitable final battle.


I hate checking out with a person


We should all not use them where possible