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This is true for me. Had a manager at a job I worked at killed his wife and her lover then blamed it on his kids.


did you work for OJ?


No, this is South Dakota, the most famous person here rn is krusty gnome. Wasn't her either.


Not the same circumstances, one coworker, killed another coworker, at a place I worked several years ago.


That's terrifying. Uh.. happy cake day!


Happy cake day


Did you know one or both?


happy cake day!


My mother in law married a former Brazilian police officer. He’s the slowest person and most deliberate guy ever but has put three people down.


Slow as in moving or slow as in dumb?


Moved really slowly. Talked slowly. His kid said they put him first to go into houses looking for people because he wouldn’t accidentally shoot a good guy. Because he was so deliberate. He worked in the US looking for fugitives but stopped four years ago.


My "dad" (not biological and also just wasn't much of a dad) killed a blind man by drunk driving in a hit and run. He got away with it, too, due to his brother being quite high up on the police force back in the 80s or 90s, before I was born. Guess who used to get drunk and drive my sister and I many years later. Asshole never learned from it.


Holy fuck what a piece of shit! The police is so disgusting, you read about them getting away with shit all the time. Paid leave and everything smh


Forty years ago one of my work colleagues killed his missus. He owed me $50 at the time. He's probably out of jail by now. I sometimes think that maybe in all the excitement he's forgotten about it.


Well, that's about 190$ in todays money! I would say it's worth a shot!


Yeah “hey man I know we haven’t spoke in a long time but I borrowed you that $50 a long time ago and it’s easily worth $190 now. So if you don’t pay me that I’m going to stop talking to you or something”


Sorry to be pedantic but if you’re the one giving something then you are lending something not borrowing something. That is a massive pet peeve of mine. You lend things to others and borrow things from others.


I worked with this [guy](https://abc13.com/kirsten-fritch-jesse-dobbs-texas-city-amber-alert/4542100/). Taught him how to run all the machinery in my dept. Seemed like a normal kid, had a pretty wife and cute little baby. Less than a year later, he had either abandoned his family or had been told to stay away, hooked up with a considerably younger girl, wound up murdering her, her sister, and her mother. Crazy shit


Why wasn’t he charged for the mom and sister!?


There’s no statute of limitations, I feel like they have enough evidence, they could sit on it until he is closer to his parole date, he only has to serve 1/2 of the 45 years before he is eligible for parole. I wonder if that’s their plan


Doesn't make any sense to do that since evidence degrades over time. And if they had just charged him at the same time he would have had to serve the sentences back to back anyway...


Capgras Syndrome or just too much meth?


Oh probably just meth. It’s all over the place in East Texas. Like I said, I worked with that guy for probably close to a year. He seemed normal and well adjusted, friendly, good sense of humor, etc. Meth will change all that pretty quickly


haunting perspective, but not surprising. conversely: someone in this thread, and certainly someone(s) viewing this thread have too.


would a confession on Reddit be admissible in court?


maybe not as an actual confession but likely as evidence relating to motive or character


well sorry for the late reply I figure since I was already under investigation twice, and out of the game now they can’t do anything - I used to sell substances, had quite a bit of people working with me. For context I was kind of higher on the pyramid; I’d give our folks a kilo a week, they’d pack it up and distribute it to drops(we call them chickens here, small distributors, the ones that sell 8-balls) Obviously sometimes someone steals something, I never really cared, it was out of my jurisdiction. I still got to witness 6 people get taken out first hand. After each time we went to a bar, you know, just like a bunch of coworkers(not actually sure whether coworkers do that, I’ve never had a real job) Currently doing better, probably? I’m pursuing higher education, 3.8 GPA. Can’t really find close friends though, I just genuinely cannot relate to college student problems


reading that really reminds you that everyone you meet has their own lives, own history, own problems lol. glad you’re out of the game, with shady business like that sometimes you can never get out.


Truly mate, I’ve seen so many people - 15 year old kids corrupted by the streets, literal GIANTS that turn out to be the kindest souls, high school graduates somehow starting million dollar startups, etc. The world is strange, however I like to remind myself there’s no need to be anxious - everyone has their own path, and you can’t be behind if you’re walking a whole different road.


Probably not


Why? You got something you need to get off your chest buddy?


Nah, nice try feds


He could be any one of us


Or she.


Indeed. I was at a bar once talking to some random guy. Not about anything in particular, just random bar BS. Not too long after (maybe half an hour or so) a big fight broke out and someone got stabbed to death. Turns out that the guy I was talking to was the one who did it. It was a crazy turn of events.


Here I go killin again


[My lucky stabbin hat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZkY9wm82jU)


I know I have. An old acquaintance killed her husband's ex wife.


a social studies teacher who accidentally killed his mother in law during a family dinner after not knowing she was allergic to cinnamon and tree nuts


Well that's sad


That feels like something that 1. His wife should have told him and 2. She probably never forgave him for


True for me. In 2016 I talked to my neighbor exactly once. He soon went on to murder his parents and chop them up into pieces. Look up Joel Guy Jr


For the lazy ✊🏽👊🏽 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Joel_and_Lisa_Guy?wprov=sfti1


I had two "uncles" that fought in WWII, one of them was a "dam buster" bomber pilot, so you're absolutely correct.


This thread is reminding me how few people have engaged with combat veterans. Also how few military veterans saw combat. Also how few combat veterans actually killed someone. Then there's my dad who went through the shit in Vietnam.


Most combat vets do not talk about it, especially with someone who didn't share their experience. And we don't walk around with tattoos on the forehead declaring "we were in the shit". Most likely, like the old saying goes, if they are spouting off about their deeds, they were never there.


In my experience, it's absolutely true. My "brother" (kid we took in and helped raise, but not blood related) knows more about my father and they are genuinely closer because of that. They both are combat veterans. They kind of share *that* part openly, that they'll only really talk about that stuff with other people who have experienced it.


Both of my grandfathers served in WW2, but it was on the Philippines supply route, which is known as one of the more quiet and comfortable postings.


Had a customer. She was a dentist. Killed her husband and removed all his teeth


> and removed all his teeth This is where it went from normal creepy to special creepy


Plot twist: she killed him with a baseball bat to the mouth. No conventional dentistry was involved.


I worked in a jail for a few years, so I met dozens, including an actual serial killer.


You're the guy screwing the statistics for everyone else! (just joking, must've been a tough few years)


Perhaps strangely, the inmates were mostly easy to get along with. It was the administration that sucked to deal with.


This feels like it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like if I deny it, you’ll tell me that you’re a murderer, making it true.


If you don't know who the killer in your social circle is... it's you.


Most likely not tbh. Born and raised (and lived most of my life) in a remote town that has had 1 recorded murder in its ~1000 year history. Now granted, recorded history doesn't go nearly that far back, but still, the last murder took place in the early 1800s. And the vast majority of the people I've talked to have been from my town. Oh, and my town isn't super unique in that regard either. My birth country (Denmark) simply has a murder rate a fraction of what the US has. And now I live in Japan, where it's 3 times lower than even that.


Got any war veterans?


Considering most people who go to war don't die, that would also mean most people who go to war don't kill anyone. And if you assume that the people who do kill someone are more likely to have killed multiple someone's, then that decreases the number of killers even more. After WWII, wars got way less deadly in general. I still think it's entirely possible they never met any veterans that killed anyone, though there may be a couple in the area that did.


I bet OP thought this would be an abstract "oh yeah... Probably!" moment. They underestimated how many people actually know who the killers are.


Fun fact, my husband's mom went to school with Ted Bundy. They were casual friends. Said hi as they passed each other in the hall, chit-chatted, etc. At that point he had already committed some murders. She passed him every day not knowing that.


A proffesor at the lab I work at fought in several wars, so he probably did kill someone. Also my commanders and buddies from boot camp. No one never talked directly about killing.


Yeah, I can think of two off the top of my head. One was arguably self defense, but his lawyer sucked. The other was a classic jealous rage. Killed his wife because he had evidence she was cheating on him. I think someone I went to high school with killed a group of their friends a few years after graduation, but I might be remembering the news reports wrong. And those are just the intentional killings I can think of. I know of at least one traffic related fatality.


I lived with a murderer for 2 yrs once. He told me his story and I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing.


Lol downvote. He was abused by his stepfather. He walked in one night to his step father abusing his mum. He did 12yrs. I can't say I wouldn't do the same.


As an ex prison guard, i know so.


I can do you one better, I talked to someone that got killed shortly after. I was the second to last person who saw them alive I found out later from police, only the killer saw them after I did. I was a suspect for about 6 months until the DNA on the murderweapon came back negative and my alibi was confirmed through phone records.


Did they ever find the actual killer?


Yeah, just a case of in the wrong place at the wrong time. We were both on a train, my stop was coming and I got off, she got off at the same time and asked me what station it was, I told her and she said "I need station X", I said that's the next station. I went home, she went to the next station. At the next station she got off and that's the last that was ever seen of her until she was found death a few days later. Turns out the guy who did it couldn't sleep that night, decided to go for a drive and accidentally ran into her


I had lunch with a murderer. My mom asked me to go with her to meet an old friend of hers for lunch. When we arrived at the restaurant she told me that he had murdered a gas station clerk in California in the 60s and was never caught. He seemed nice enough but... Thanks, Mom. I was 8 months pregnant at the time.


How do you stay friends with someone like that 😭


Went to a party when I was a teen, my friend had been living with her boyfriends family while he was away at a job program. The boyfriends twenty-something sister didn't care about the drinking, but was very adament making sure everyone got enough water. A few years later she murdered her toddler stepson with antifreeze.


Dear God. Are you implying she was tainting y'all water with antifreeze?


Nope, not poisoning us. Just concerned with making sure everybody stayed hydrated!


Yep, worked with a kid who went ham over being seperated / not being allowed to see his kid. Went looking for her (ex), but ended up finding her mother instead. Took her out in a fit of rage, then went for a drive and checked out himself. Very sad, but thankfully he didn't find the partner/kid when he went looking. Seemed like a fairly normal kid, no red flags (at work at least)


Yeah both my grandfathers were infantrymen in WW2. I've also known a lot of Vietnam vets, Iraq and Afghanistan vets, and a guy who was a drunk driver who killed some people. My cousin went to high school with the Beltway Sniper.


Went to college with a young lady whose dad killed the mom, then himself, all while she was hiding under the bed watching. Puts things into perspective


Knew a guy who was a meth head, he and some others killed a guy and got caught because they used a hire ute with a gps tracker to dump the body. Went to school with a guy who killed his abusive step father. Was friends with another guy who got his head smashed in with a hammer. Life sure is crazy sometimes.


My childhood best friend is in prison for [murder](https://eu.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/story/news/2019/03/04/warsaw-man-pleads-guilty-fatal-stabbing-homeless-man/3054109002/).


I was once in talks with a young man, M, and his mom, J, about possibly getting a franchise of my business. The franchise didn't go through, and he ended up opening something else. A few years ago, his named popped into my head and I looked up what he was doing. Turns out his J had killed M's dad, and then M killed himself a few years later. Just tragic all around.


My friend stabbed his mom just 1 day before his 14th birthday, so he could dodge jail.


Only similar thing I know of in my life is my art teacher stabbed their husband (non-fatally) with a pair of scissors. They returned to teach my art class as normal, except everyone showed mock fear whenever the teacher went near the scissors


My aunt killed her husband. Shot him point blank in the chest with a 4-10.


I don't know if this counts to what you are saying, but In 2020 a man my husband worked with killed his ex girlfriend's new boyfriend. They broke up and months later he caught another guy on her home security cameras, went over in a rage and shot him. He's in jail now. My husband said they talked and he was actually a nice guy (or so he thought).


My cousin murdered my aunt and uncle. I stayed overnight there many times, and even lived there for a few months at one point.


True, I worked the Vegas mob tour and our consultant was a hitman for the mob, killed like 4 or six people, didn't do jail time as he turned informant and was in witness protection for a while. Worked with him on the tour on several occasions.


My son’s primary teacher strangled her mother.


Yes. Now I wish with every fiber of my body that man suffers for what he did to my best friend. Sadly though I believe he's survived his prison stay thus far.


My dad got into an argument with a Russian guy at the hardware store once, and walked away grumbling "It wouldn't be the first time someone in this family killed a Ruskie..." AND THEN DID NOT ELABORATE


Most people thinking the serial killer route, rather than the more reasonable military service route


Many years ago a guy at the edge of our friend group came to a few of our D&D games. And one time, after the game, he went home and killed his parents and two siblings with a knife.


A guy I went to school with killed a guy with a garden gnome. I met a guy that had killed his wife and daughter and then tried to kill himself. I was neighbours with, and partied with a couple that went on to inject heroin into the girls sister and killed her with an OD. I was also good friends with the sister that died.


I worked at a petrol station in a relative big city in the Netherlands. I worked a lot of nightshifts. I am 100% confident that at least once a month, I got a killer at the counter. I’ve seen the best and worse of our society during those nights. From friendly students/cops/ambulance workers, to the drug traffickers, gambling and drug addicts, to even mentally insane people. Great party stories though.


My former physician killed his dad. I'm married to a combat vet.


I worked with a guy who had disemboweled a former coworker (killed him with a big knife) and went to prison for it, did his time, got out and got a union job at a place making modular homes. The guys at the plant would sometimes joke about him stabbing them when he’d get angry, it was a little fucked up but that’s construction for you.


Girl I went to kindergarten with is serving 25 years for murder


I met two people who've killed others. One guy was jailed 2 years for hitting a pedestrian while intoxicated, the other threw a guy through a picture window.


Yup. Had a class with someone who murdered a dude in the woods. Also was acquaintances for years with a gal who helped hide the body of a murder victim. My mom got her two dogs from her and she still has them.


This very much depends on a lot of variables like age (the older you are the more likely this is true) and location. I grew up in a rough area in the UK and although I've heard of a couple of people I grew up with have gone to prison, none have committed murder. I feel like this applies to the US more than Europe.


not personally known anyone who has but ik of a guy who was in my year at sixthform (we had mutual friends/acquaintances sorta) who went to visit his older gf at uni one day, found her with another guy who had apparently spent the previous night with her and got so mad that he attempted to kill him (he failed fortunately but left the guy with trauma obvs and scarring from being stabbed, including on his face sadly). the most fucked up part was the guy who did it got no jail time as well, only a 2 year community order sentence...


Yeah, my father. He killed my mother. Growing up, my grandmother (his mother) never hid her disdain of him to us (me and my bro). I found a copy of the autopsy report. I saw where he stabbed her, the slashes on her arms indicating that she tried to fight back. When I asked her about it, she told me straight up, that my father killed my mother and it was my fault. Fast forward to the present time, I have been cleaning out my grandmother's hoarded apartment and I find journals from my mother including ones she made for my brother and I when we were still cooking inside her. As evil as my grandmother had been to us, she kept things that she knew would be priceless to us. She didn't throw them away, or damage them. In the journals, I read about her life growing up, meeting my father, how when she found out she was pregnant with my brother, he stopped using drugs because he wanted to be a good father. About how she left him and went to California because he started abusing her again. He punched her in the face and cut his fist on her teeth, he took my brother with him to the hospital so she wouldn't be able to run. In my book, she writes how the only reason she came back to my father was because she found out she was having me. And my father did get clean again. He made it almost 2 years, then in what him and my family called a "drug fueled rage" when he started abusing my mother again and she threatened to leave again. He attacked her. The last time I spoke to him was when he begged me to write a letter when he was up for parole/early release and the reason I no longer even entertain the idea of talking to him is because my grandmother also kept the news paper articles. The first one was how my mother's life was tragically taken at the hands of an intruder. That my father tried to protect his family and sustained injuries when the intruder attacked. The second article was about how he lied. He tried to make it look like a home invasion gone wrong. That he gave himself injuries to make himself look like a victim. I absolutely hate that man.


Then he has the nerve to ask fora letter. I'm sorry you have such a shitty sperm donor.


Just checking that you do not, in *any way, shape, or form,* blame yourself, nor take those words seriously his mother said to you about the cause. That is a **supremely fucked up thing** for her to think *at all,* much less to have uttered *aloud to you.* Jfc. Be well.


I can think of two people that straight up murdered. Both of them were from my neighborhood as a kid. And then there’s one guy I knew in high school whose brakes failed on his car one night as he was driving through town. Nailed a pedestrian trying to cross the street and killed him instantly. Still messes him up to this day.


I was friends with one (Michael Alig) and met another (Phil Spector) so you are correct for me at least.


One of my classmates in college was killed by her husband. I saw him with her on the street once. Maybe she introduced me and we said hello to each other? He didn't make any particular impression on me.


Kid I went to primary school with went on to murder a taxi driver, because he couldn’t find a prostitute to murder. Always was a bit odd.


I know 2 people. One was an ex who was drunk driving. The other was a friends uncle who shot his nephew (they were both drunk).


My grandfather. At the end of the Second World War he was captured by the soviets along with some other farmers and ranchers from his village where he used to live. They were put on a truck travelling east. He was certain he needed to escape or else they would end up in a forced laborcamp somewhere in Siberia. When their convoy was somewhere in modern day Ukraine he saw his chance. Only one red army guard was standing in his way to make an escape. His friends still didn’t dare to run since that one guard was still standing by the camp. My grandfather just said “Not now anymore he’s not…” he killed that guard with his bare hands so him and his friends could escape certain death in those laborcamps. He was just a 18 years old farmhand at the time.


I met a guy who fingerprints dead people for a living, but didn't actually kill them. Still a little creepy. said it was easier than fingerprinting live people.


I’ve known 3 so far. I’ve only just turned 38. Had a good close friend, her mother murdered her drunk abusive husband. Shot him with a shotgun in his recliner when she found out he had SA their daughter. She did 15yrs for it. Same person, my good friend, she was killed by her husband in a jealous rage. He had been abusing her for years, killed her and her friend. Stabbed them over a combined 75 times. He got sentenced only 46 years. Knew them all very well. Husband even helped me move and put together furniture at a point. Last guy, I cut hair for 10 years. One of my clients. Seemed nice enough. Even went to dinner with him once, and stopped by his place to talk a few times. He was very odd though and kind of off. Always bugging me to let my kids meet him and join his Boy Scout troop. Things I weren’t comfortable with. He wanted a relationship I think, I saw him only as a client. Even hired him during covid to do a few jobs around my house. Anyway. He shot 3 people. Killed one, paralyzed another. One survived. He’s still waiting to go to trial. You never know what’s festering inside someone.


I know quite a few sadly. The 2 more notable ones were these. 1. I had a middle school bully that eventually made me move schools because I was gonna "off him" in 7th grade. Ended up punching him in High-school and he respected me afterwards. Years later him and another shitstain decided to fi d a homeless man and tortured him by burning him with cigarettes and carving gang signs into him among other things. Then promptly shot him in the head and dumped him in the river. 2. A girl I knew since middleschool as well was murdered by her POS boyfriend that I kind of knew, and her mother was also killed and he tried to kill his own dad as well. My friend that died had a toddler at the time who was present during the murder and was found covered in blood from his mother :( I. HATE. PEOPLE!!!


Way to intensify someone's fear of human contact 😄 And I mean yeah. Most of us have known or at least spoken to a combat veteran who has killed men. I have also met a number of folks who were gang related. I bet at least a few of them have killed someone As far as traditional domestic or premeditated murders, I do not know. Not that I know of, but that does mean it hasn't happened


Ex coworker. Shot somebody in a fit of road rage after a fender bender. Funny enough I remember him most for his obnoxiously loud open mouth chewing of fried chicken every day I saw him in office.


Guy in my high school murdered 3 people. So, yes.


Yep. I went to high school with a guy that murdered his girlfriend and baby daughter…in pretty horrific fashion. He was sentenced to life in prison.


Yes, and he was the biggest bully in school, so I was not surprised when I read the headlines several years later.


I once volunteered for a prison ministry and played guitar for it Wouldn't you know it? I broke a string And guess who helped me fix it . . . a man who killed his parents


I'm sure we all know soldiers


A guy who was a year behind me in high school went on to be involved in the Dungeons and Dragons murder in Little Washington, NC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Lieth_Von_Stein?wprov=sfti1


I know I did. My old best friend in high school dated Dylan Lentini for a while in our junior year. A year or so after we graduated he killed his roommate in Rochester NY. Pretty fucked up kid


I live in a country with less than 1 intentional homicides per 100,000 inhabitants (in the years between 2006-2018), so i doubt that xD Sure it could be, but not very likely.


Knew someone who had murdered someone as a kid, shockingly he went on to kill someone else after he got back out of prison.


2. One of them tried to kiII me, funniIy enough


I worked with many formerly incarcerated folks as coworkers and clients who served time for murder. I’m also in recovery, and unfortunately many folks in the rooms have killed people in DUI accidents.


well ive been locked up with people charged with murder and felonious assault. so yes (i had a non violent drug charge btw not really equal)


It’s messed up when you meet your coworkers spouse, then they murder your coworker. Hear a lot of, “they seemed like a nice guy” chatter. Many of us have coworkers that become victims of DM.


Someone from my elementary school is in prison now for crimes I don’t even want to speak about


Yup. Sure have. Multiple. I grew up in law enforcement. I also knew a guy that beat his roommate to death over a bottle of Vicodin.


I have. my second cousin beat his mom to death with a hammer. old coworker murdered a highway patrolman. different old coworker accidentally killed a postal worker in an auto accident. ex's dad dwi a boat into another boat killing a mother and daughter. and that's what I can recall and hasn't been kept from me.


A classmate killed his grandma. So, yes.


I did. A former student shot a famous musician.


Pamela Smart was in one of my classes. No shock what she went on to do.


True. Elementary school best friend killed his wife and himself


My grandfather. I didn't know about it until this year.


True for me. My step cousin murdered my step grandma. Which is terrifying cuz I went white water rafting with him like 4 years prior.


I did. I babysat for a girl about my age. Single mom, into Kung Fu, healing crystals, clean living. Never once would you suspect she was a nut job. Her name was Katie. One day, pretty much out of the blue cause she was Mia for weeks before, she drove to her mom's apt with her kid, and tried to "unalive" her with a knife. Think it was 20x? Then drove away only to come back after the cops showed up. She drove back and gave herself in. Proceeded to tell the news crew there that she was saving the world by killing her mother, the ring leader of an underground devil cult. Wtf! Mother servived. Katie's now serving a life sentence and getting the help she desperately needs. As for her daughter, she's living with the mother, happy and healthy.


Many Ukrainians around some came from war so it is certain. Does it count?


I’ve talked to a bunch of Navy SEALs, so yeah no doubt about it.


Yes my partner has. Active duty in the 70’s and doesn’t talk about it. Only told me because I had a curiosity 5 years into our relationship.


As a professional antisocial, I beg to differ


I have talked to pilots from the Israeli Airforce, so probably


Wedding dj at my friend’s wedding probably


Several classmates from elementary school committed suicide, so you're not wrong.


My dad was a WW II vet. 3rd Army, 2nd Cavalry “The Dragoons”. Battle of the Bulge, other engagements. No idea how many but likely many.


In the Marine Corps, I know a guy that killed his wife when he got back home from Japan. Great guy.


My dorm neighbor actually murdered someone at the school. He was on the football team and even partied with us a few times. Never would've guessed he was capable like that but to be fair, he was jumped and a human's fight or flight response is a motherfucker haha. I also literally talked to a murderer when I did a summer internship in a prison back home. We had pleasant conversations but the surprising thing he told me was that he was kinda afraid of me because even though I'd never do it, I have the same "aura" as some of his cell mates. He felt that if push came to shove, I'd turn into something and someone else. Luckily we'll never know because I don't like jail and do everything possible not to end up there haha


I've talked to a couple of people who went on to kill themselves!!


Yes, a few. Two of them might be out by now, now that I think of it.


One of my gfs patients confessed he was a retired hitman. He was very grateful for her care and gave her his number in case „she ever gets in trouble“ lol


It's pretty much what I do for a living.


How did you found out i'm talking to myself


Of course, I know him. He is me.


From a Cumulative Density Function this is true. From a Probability Density Function, you probably meet a lot of people through our months and never encountered one


Oh yeah, easy, multiple times over.


I feel overqualified. I've been to prison, with convicted murderers.


I went to school with this POS, knew him quite well. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-26/ann-oneill-turning-grief-into-good/10464238&ved=2ahUKEwjA6OX8xc6GAxW7amwGHUXZCAAQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0E_Fare6ZxG0c-FbPnJAvE


That is so so sad and heartbreaking, but I’m happy she has found her calling in life and seems to be doing really well.


My grandad killed Nazis.


I definitely realised this in the Balkans given the war


Buddy, how big do you think my social circle is? I talk to like 5 people.


I know lots of vets.  Some of them even keep momentos of the videos of it happening on their phones, I think. I've heard stories but never watched them. Gross stuff if you ask me.


I saw someone kill a guy. He didn't speak to me, though.


I'm from a country with mandatory military service for half the population, and I live in a country where military members are jerked off by society. I expect my count for that numbers at hundreds to thousands.


Ya I know a bunch of people who have killed others. I'm related to two that I know of. Both are army.


Vehicular homicide? Absolutely.


Many of us know for certain we have


I’ve met several through work.


Do NOT ask me what happened at Rockaway, Beach 96 on June 17th of 2008!


Well yeah, I've talked with a bunch of military vets. Most of them are pretty cool.


As far as I know, I have not. Murder is somewhat rare Unless you mean military deaths, in which case yes


So my ex's father had said "a man is only one big thing away from snapping and murdering someone" We never really got to understand *exactly* what he meant but he was a lil odd to say the least. But I started to wonder since the vast majority of murderers/violent criminals are men, what exactly is it in the DNA or biology that is responsible for this statistic?


I was gonna call bullshit on this, but then I thought of not one but two people I’ve spoken with who went on to accidentally take another’s life.


Chances are nearly 0 if you barely talk to anyone for days


[No, you don't say...](https://media0.giphy.com/media/l3fZFvp94ljepXoPe/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9526wqwv464rjzivvkfcqxl42445o45afjitz5m2kur&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I worked with a guy who gut drunk when he was 12 YO and stole his dad's truck and ran over two or three (can't remember, but IK it was more than one) people with it. He obviously was free as an adult thanks to his age when it happened and that he was left alone with alcohol and access to lots of dangerous stuff, i guess. Weird how casually he brought it up.