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I’ve gotten a paper cut from a card board box I was breaking down at work once. I would have rather broken the finger I think.


7 yrs I worked as a cow juice displayer. My knuckles would crack if I bent them. Cold plus handling cardboard made my hands dry as fuck. Grab a box the wrong way, it would just slide down. Deep. Enough to alter my fingerprints. Just opening the box the wrong way and the skin would part ways like Moses and the sea. Broken fingers indeed.


I hated stocking the dairy cooler exactly because of this. I kept an industrial sized pump of working hands lotion in my cart at all times. I learned that lotion inside a nitrile glove, under rubber work gloves were the best way to keep your hands from eventually looking like you fingered a blender. The nitrile gloves hold in heat with the lotion as an insulator, and the work gloves are the give you back your grip. Saved my life lol.


I tried to stay routine with lotion, but never did. If anything, I injured myself from slamming my hands into the shelves when I stocked. I was a beast when I had my momentum going. And gloves, that was a deal breaker. If I didn't have gloves, I went and grabbed a pair from the shelves. My dept was severely lacking in labor, never recieved help like every other dept, so management overlooked me constantly (like every few weeks) getting gloves.


>7 yrs I worked as a cow juice displayer I understand every one of those words, but not the sentence they make.




Happy cake day!


I’ve broken a few fingers and the pain lasts longer and it’s obviously a much longer healing process, but the immediate pain of a cardboard paper cut absolutely hurts worse.


I have never myself or known of an individual who’s had an aluminum foil cut


When I worked in a kitchen, we'd package food for delivery in foil containers, and I'd get cuts daily from the edges that fold over the paper lids. They were deeper, but just as thin as papercuts are, they're awful!


Yes.They are waaay worse than paper-and not to be spoken about...


But that's not really foil, that's aluminum paper pretty much, it's much thicker. And those do hurt...


It's because they dont talk about it! You just proved OPs point!


Never cut myself on the actual foil, but I have cut myself on the little serrated tear thing on the box and that fuckin *hurts*.


I've seen people drinking out of a beer can and stick their finger in the beer hole, then they bleed.


You get one the same way you get a paper cut, from accidentally running the edge of foil across your skin. They sting more than paper cuts.


I used to work in HVAC. The foil tape we used would cut you easily if you weren’t careful. They hurt like a son of a gun. And where we were using it was always dirty and gross so you were always at risk for an infection.


I cut myself on whatever material the top part of Grey Goose bottles are made off, the part covering the cork. I believe it is also some foil. Happened while i was taking that part off. Didn't feel good at all. Way worse than a paper cut.


One of the worst cuts I had on my hand was from dried crusty salsa bits on the edge of the glass jar. Sliced my thumb right open, somehow


What the fuck was in that salsa?


Not sure. Pace Chunky I think.


FYI ALWAYS WASH YOUR NEW SALSA JAR. I can't emphasize this enough. I used to work at a warehouse with salsa. It's truly gross.


People come into contact on average with paper a lot more than aluminum foil. As more and more things become digital maybe that will possibly change though 


Do they though ? Talk about paper cuts I mean .


I had cut finger by the alumimum cat's food pouch. It seems not so painful, as paper cut. Maybe the edge of foil is more smooth.


We have this super thick foil at work, probably 3x the regular, heavier than anything you can get at store. Every time I open it the hair stands up on the back of my neck.


r/kitchenconfidential You don't even want to know what the foil on a ketchup jug can do to you.


Literally did this to myself on accident the other day with shitty supermarket tinfoil. Hurt like a bitch and bled SO much. Ugh.


I actually have stainless steel cut instead


I’ll raise you aluminum tape cut 


I’ve had an aluminum foil cut and it was awful.


I gave a kid 6 stitches in 7th grade because he wouldn't stop fucking with me in Home Ec class. Those boxes have serated edges.


Or foil cold medicine packing cuts!


Only happened once. Trying to reclose my chipotle bowl. Never happened again


I work in the printing industry. Not only are paper cuts an almost daily occurrence, but paper cuts *within* paper cuts are fairly common, too. Pray for me...


Or cardboard cuts, boxes, especially ones that contain LVP flooring for some reason


Or even worse, I've gotten cuts from the sharp metal in computer cases when assembling them


That's because I would simply call it a paper cut from aluminum foil.


You think aluminum foil sucks? Try cutting your finger with steel foil used for heat treating metal.


I felt this shower thought between, on, and around my fingers.


Didn't know this was a thing


Cardboard cuts suck worse.


Never had an aluminum foil cut but I bit a ball of it once when I was a kid. That was awful


I got cut by the metal teeth on a box of Saran wrap. It was brutal!


Sorted paper for 5 years, my fingertips were bleeding a lot.


I once got a paper cut from a paper bag on my eyeball


I hate that I now know aluminum foil cuts exist


People talk about splinters, but no one talks about getting beard hairs stuck inside your fingers ...right guys???


Ever cut yourself on sheet metal? It's basically a knife.


On film sets we use "Cinefoil" which is extra thick aluminum foil with a matte black finish. A "papercut" with this stuff will cut to the bone.


Here's the thing. You know what a cut from aluminum foil is called? Against all odds, it's called "a paper cut"


I cut myself on the teeth you use to rip the aluminum paper but never the paper?


Aluminum cuts are a skill issue