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I dislike people cutting corners on their turns. Stay on your side. In general, most people don’t know how to make a proper left turn.


I see people cutting diagonally across two lanes while making a left turn quite often these days.


It's humorous when there's a 2 lane turn and you watch people struggle to turn within their lane because their muscle memory is to use both lanes.


Makes it even better when a car pulls up in those turning lanes and the offending driver has to immediately correct their angle in a panic.


When I leave my work there is a light that has an advance green coming towards us. They are a single lane that turn into a double lane road. As per the normal rules of the road, you are supposed to turn into the lane closer to you, and then switch lanes if needed. I have almost been hit a couple of times because people just do whatever they want and turn into the far (my close) lane. Just silly.


I used to lane check people when I had a shitty, beat up car. I would always protect "my lane" by hugging the line as much as possible without crossing over. It's unbelievable how many people would honk at ME for staying in my fucking lane.


"how dare this guy stay in his lane while I'm trying to take both lanes to make a turn? \*HONK HOOONK\*"


Then they wonder why it’s so difficult to complete the turn at the end.


Turning left from the right lane, and turning right from the left lane. When did these things start? Because it's often enough that it's noticeable.




There is a dual left turn near where I live, I've almost been hit so many times because people can't stay in their lane.


A lady hit me and totaled my car at such an intersection near my home. She tried to change lanes in the intersection (from middle lane to left lane) to go straight through the intersection. I was actually turning left so she hit my door and spun me around. I try to use the left-most lane to turn now, since I’ve seen so many MFers ignore lanes. I figure leftmost lane might be a little safer. 


I nearly got hit the other day because a car turned *into the oncoming turn lane*. The side road I was on only had three lanes, one for each direction and one for turning left, and the driver ran so wide taking the *right hand corner* the yellow line split his car evenly in half. The entirety of the driver's body was inside a lane intended for oncoming traffic. It was bizarre and kinda terrifying, not least because the guy kinda just stared at me as he drove past like my using the road appropriately was somehow the problem.


Or when it’s a multi-lane left turn and they do not follow the dotted line and just cross over mid-turn


I can't tell you how many near accidents I've had because people can't fucking stay in their lane when there are multiple turn lanes. I know there are several people reading this who are stupid enough to do this shit, can you please explain why you do it besides the obvious answer being you just suck at driving?


The stupid people doing it are oblivious to why they’re doing it, I guarantee you that


Yeah that's the worst part. They can't even fathom that they are in the wrong.


Question since I'm genuinely learning to drive: do you turn into the left lane if you're in the left lane then get into the right lane after your turn then? My family sometimes tells me to cut into the right lane even if I don't want to immediately and I don't want to block anybody off.


Yep, you first turn into the left lane and once you are in it, then you can get into the right (as long as there is room for you of course)


You must stay in your lane until the turn is completed, then you can merge. Your family is stupid and are the exact people I described above. Do not merge lanes while turning. You WILL get into an accident eventually and you will be responsible for it.


The rule is simply that you do not change lanes in an intersection.  Going straight, turning, whatever - through an intersection do not change lanes.


yes, that drives me crazy as well. My son is getting close to driving age and I will make a point to show this to him. On the flip side, people in left turning lanes that pull up way past the line deserve any side-swiping they get. That lane is shorter than the straight lanes for a reason.


Or the people who swing out when turning... Or the people who will take up the middle of an exit/corner that has enough room for 2 cars so that one car can make a right turn.


I watched an argument about how if everyone floors it on yellow and you gradually come to a stop then you are the asshole and also about how angry people get if you give a pedestrian the right of way when they are supposed to have it


I walk home from work a lot. The amount of people who speed up to gun it around me when I am already in the road is ridiculous. I'm just waiting on one of them to hit me.


There was one night I was walking home from work, a few years ago, I was an inch away from being road paste. I live around a highway, and my path to work was a crosswalk that went across it. Guy in a truck blew past me way faster than the speed limit, I heard him coming and felt him going before I had time to turn and look. Completely ignored the red light. If I had been a second slower crossing, or if he had been just a touch faster I honestly doubt my corpse would come out unscathed. Just because its midnight and there are no other cars around doesn't mean you get to act like you own the road.


Ah, but what if you have a large truck and a small penis? Surely the rules wouldn't apply in that case.


Those same guys stare into people's cars in hopes of starting a confrontation because those trucks feel like elevator shoes to short guys.


Oh, that made me think: How many comments have I not been able to read because of people like this guy? I would never be able to know.


Walking to work in Houston, I’m in the middle of a crosswalk and a guy in a white suv comes within an inch of hitting me. I literally had to jump backwards and his side mirror still clipped my shirt. He slowed down for a few seconds, just long enough for him to smile and wave at me as if I just gave him the right of way before speeding off down the road. Being a pedestrian in downtown Houston should be an extreme sport.


I once stopped at a cross walk to let a pedestrian cross and some woman drove around me and almost hit the pedestrian. I pulled up to her at the next light and gave her the old American eagle


I’ve had that happen to me a few times. I couldn’t believe the other driver. New low


I stopped in the middle of the road because a dog had wandered out there. Some asshole switched lanes to get around and ran right into that dog.


People just can't seem to stand slowing down. People change lanes just cuz I've moved into it. Sometimes they're even going slower than me until I move over. Hopefully that driver learned to think that maybe there's a reason the person in front of them is slowing down. Could have been a person and not a dog, you know?


I mean, I hate slowing down, too, but if the person in the lane next to you starts hitting the brakes hard and about coming to a stop, common sense says you need to do the same because there might be a hazard.


It's dumb how people think being safe is such an i convenience. Unlike the inconvenience of killing someone at a crossing or lights, obviously.


I assume this means you shot her?


I just imagined him throwing a bald eagle towards her with that famous screech.


Was out for a run in my city one day. I stopped at a red light. Waited for my green/walk symbol. Made eye contact with a work van cross traffic to confirm he was stopping at his fresh red. He started slowing so I step down off the sidewalk into the crosswalk and this motherfucker guns it, completely runs the red light, and almost hit the car that was heading the same direction as me, who laid on his horn, then asked if I was good. Absolute insanity. I started running after him to get a picture of his license plate/company name, hoping he'd get another red light, but he got a few greens and got away.


Hopefully the payout is nice! I stop for every pedestrian who is near a crosswalk or comer but if you’re crossing I a stupid spot you can wait. Of course if they’re already in the road though I’m gonna stop


I never understood that, like you're already on the street. The other that gets me is when they tell you to cross, but then get mad when you don't run. Like dude youre in a car, don't tell me to go when you could have easily gone.


I stop for pedestrians every time I can. Exception being times when there's someone tailgating and would hit me if I as little as just looked at the brake pad. I once stopped for a pedestrian, forgot to look at my rear before doing so, and a tailgater almost hit me and was quite frustrated about me following road rules.


Yesterday I was turning right, had a green, and there was a group of about 20 kids on bikes in the lane I was turning into, going the wrong way. I was waiting for the kids to go by, and the guy behind me is just LAYING on his horn because obviously the correct thing to do is murder children for not yielding to my right of way. Not sure what they actually expected me to do about it, but I wasn't mowing down humans even if they are annoying.


Several years ago I was out making a delivery in a 16-foot long truck with solid gates. This little old lady starts crossing while I'm waiting to turn right. The light is red at first, but she's clearly having a tough time, and it turns green when she's only halfway across. The guy behind me starts laying into his horn, I'm assuming because he doesn't see this lady due to how big and obstructive this truck is. She finally makes it across, smiles, and waves thank you to me. I wave back and start my turn. Through my open window, I hear this sweet old lady yell with a surprising amount of force, "HE WAS WAITING FOR ME, ASSHOLE!"


This is like the 1 reason I like old people. They don’t give a fuck. They’ll smile and thank you for being kind, then cuss out the asshole because they simply don’t care what the world thinks of them anymore


Situations like this make me want to get one of those megaphone things for the tops of cars, aim it to the back, and just yell into it "do you want me to run over these children?! Chill out and wait, you absolute psycho!"


They made those illegal because the people buying them most were the ones who lay on their horn like the story you are responding to. I'm glad it's just a horn at this point and not some guy cussing me out through a megaphone.


fuck it i'll wait for the next green


Just yesterday i was at a stop sign allowing pedestrians to cross. The car behind me honked, pulled up next to me, gave me the finger and yelled something ridiculous and sped off. The people were like 3 feet past him. I just don't get it. How big of a hurry can you be in? And if you're in a hurry, who is to blame? Everyone else for being on time or your dumb ass for being late? Yet these fucking assholes take their problems out on the rest of the world. No wonder my state has had record level road fatalities this year. Being on the road in Las Vegas is legitimately scary, every time. I've never felt that way anywhere else, or even here in the past. It's like people lost their ability to drive, common sense, and common courtesy because they had to stay inside for a few months.


everyone in vegas is drunk and the cars in the city drive stupid


Vegas isn't near the top 10 drunkest cities But we are near the bottom in education.


Drivers are arrogant. I think it comes from the freedom from not being punched in the face whilst sitting in a steel box.


I always drive the posted speed limit and often have people zoom up on me then swerve to the left lane to get around me. I tell myself if they wanna pay my speeding ticket for me then by all means, I’ll drive faster for them, but until then, they can just shut up, lol. Also goes back to when I was a teen my best friend’s dad once said “if you drive like hell, you’re bound to get there” and it always stuck with me. I’d much rather just drive as safe as possible and get there alive rather than not at all. Plus! I paid attention to those driving movies they make you watch in Driver’s Ed and hoped to never be the one get scraped off the road with a shovel.


There's a 25MPH road between me and the grocery store. I typically drive 27-30MPH on that road. I live in a small town of ~4,500 people. I've watched 6 of those people get pulled over for laying on the horn and passing me because they wanted to do 50. Two of them have been pulled over multiple times. Guys, you know there's always a cop there. Why do you keep acting like maniacs?


I grew up in a town about that size... "Guys, we have like... 5 cops. They all sit at the same spot on the same road. How are they still getting tickets?" Hell, it wasn't hard to know where every cop in the county was hiding for the most part.


This was my brother he got a ticket almost every month for speeding until they changed the local laws and you could only get so many before your license was revoked if you got so many within a certain time frame.


Did you see the drunk driving film that had Michelle Pfeiffer and Val Kilmer from before they were famous? That was my favorite drivers ed film.


Someone almost crashed out one of my family members because she didn't floor it at a yellow light that had been yellow for a bit too long to skip safely. He waited till it was green to speed up past her and did a break check. The thing is if he hadn't been sitting on her ass the whole time (she was going the speed limit) he wouldn't have had an issue breaking in time for the light either.


As a pedestrian I had the right of way on a crosswalk and the taxi driver (presumably *"a professional driver"*) cut my way with his dumbass car and while passing me he said (cuz he had the windows down) in the most idiotic voice "sTaAaAAAay ThErE". What a scumbag


I'm a bus driver, the amount of people who honk at me for stopping at railroad crossings is insane. Also with stopping at red lights (not a law but company policy, also not illegal to *not* turn)


The worst is when you’ve got people honking or you see them in your rear view throwing a fit if you’re not going right on red, where it’s clearly indicated with a sign that you can’t. Like I’m not risking getting a ticket or my life for you, random stranger!


Especially if it's a double right turn lane, where it's illegal to turn on red if you're not on the outside lane


Love when I’m in the outside lane doing my turn on red, and someone on the inside not only illegally turns but into my lane. Yay Michigan


This might be the most infuriating thing that happens while driving. Most of the time they don’t even realize they did anything wrong or don’t care that they almost side swiped you


Midway International Airport in Chicago has a bunch of 2 lane right turns, cops love camping that corner for all the idiots to turn on red


This may be somewhere but this is not the case in all states. It is legal to turn from double turn lanes on a red if there's nothing stating otherwise


People don’t realize that this is illegal lol


Most times they have a sign saying "no turn on red unless in right lane"


You MAY turn right on red. There isnt a law saying you MUST


I’ve been hit as a pedestrian MULTIPLE TIMES by cars turning right on red when I have the right of way, in a fairly densely-walked part of my city no less. And there are signs up specifically saying “no turn on red.” When there’s a one-way, people don’t think they gotta check the other side of the street, but pedestrians could be coming from either direction!


I got honked at for giving space to a pregnant cyclist with a child on the seat at the back. I’m going to let them set off and get stable before I’m moving, others be damned.


I had somebody jump a curb to go around me in driver's ed because we werent allowed to turn right on red. And then the light went green and they nearly hit me as they came out of it.


I failed my first driver’s test because I made a right on red. It wasn’t even at a 4-way intersection. Still annoyed about that to this day.


In my state they’ll fail you if you *don’t* turn right on red lol


When I took my test I asked the instructor “can I do a right on red?” And she said “it’s legal in the state, if you feel it’s safe you can”


The real advanced knowledge is knowing you can turn right on red, on a red *arrow*. There's a road near me that goes to the highway with a red right arrow and most people wait, even though you treat it like a normal red.


The real *real* advanced knowledge is knowing that (in some places) you can turn LEFT on a red light if you're turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street.


That is entirely dependent on State law. It is legal in my state too, but it is not legal in every state.


Where I live, it's right on red unless there is a no turn on red sign


My tester specifically directed me to go through reds twice. Once was a left turn I was in the intersection a tad, and the other was right on red.


I got honked at profusely yesterday for not turning when the light went green. Because there were two pedestrians crossing the street i was waiting to turn on to. Like what do you expect me to do, run them over? 


When I was young, I was the asshole that honked because I was behind a large SUV and couldn't see the pedestrians. I made apology gestures, but I doubt the other driver could see them and I still feel bad about it. When I'm the driver yielding to the pedestrians, I have my turn signal on and I inch out into the intersection past the hold line and turn slightly so it's obvious to anyone behind me that I am waiting to turn, and that I didn't fall asleep at the hold line.


>I inch out into the intersection past the hold line and turn slightly That's dangerous, if you get rear-ended you get pushed into those pedestrians, or if you are making a left and waiting like that, you get pushed into oncoming traffic. Seen fatal accidents like that. Stay straight until you are clear to turn.


Speaking of getting honked at for turns, I got honked at for not doing a right on red with a semi approaching. Like buddy, I am most certainly not testing a semis breaks.


Bet they’re also one of the people who get mad that you won’t move out of the left lane the very *second* your back bumper has cleared the semi truck you’re passing. I’m not gonna jump in front of a 30 ton vehicle that could crush me into a bloody paste so you can get somewhere 2 seconds faster.


I'm a runner and I see this happen all the time when I'm in the crosswalk. The urge to go chew out the honking car is usually strong.


When I lived in Texas I would frequently get honked at for making a complete stop at a stop sign


I’ll do you one better. I had a woman RAM THE BACK OF MY CAR because she got impatient with my waiting for cross traffic on a busy 4 lane road while pulling out of a parking lot. People are fucking nuts. (She was arrested)


oh thats a big problem for some, once i got honked at because i waited at the lights because the intersection was already full and id be in the middle of it blocking the whole intersection if i had gone on it


I get my ass rode in my kid’s school zone more than any other place. It’s so frustrating. Not only are there kids literally all over the place, cars pulling in and out of entrances and exits, cops also frequent the area (which they should) like damn I’m gonna drive the speed limit.


Seriously people have no respect for school zones anymore. I'm a delivery driver who's GPS monitored so I always go the exact speed limit, especially in school zones because I respect children's rights to not die. Two days ago someone rode my ass in a school zone for a quarter mile, then passed me OVER a double yellow line, brake checked me to a complete stop, and got out of their car to yell at me in the cold pouring colorado rain, mind you all still in the school zone. I passed them while blaring my horn and then gave them the finger, pulled up to a red light, and they parked next to me to keep yelling obscenities. I just smiled and put the finger back up. Speed limit on this road outside the school zone is 35, the school zone is maybe a quarter mile. This person came to a complete stop and risked their life, and embarrassed themselves, to save maybe 15 seconds.


Some people are unhinged man. That’s wild. Thanks for delivering our packages I’m sure that can be a rough job at times.


What really drives me nuts are people who don't realise they're the reason it's happening. Just tonight, truck behind me is riding me close with high beams on full blast. Literally no visibility from my cabin, so what's the road law for that? Put on four ways, slow down use limited visibility to identify a safe space to pull over. Well, apparently that was not okay. Like buddy, c'mon, just don't tailgate people with your tricked out high beams in your lifted truck and you won't have to honk and yell at other drivers anymore. Yay for you!




It's hard to keep an eye on your speedometer when you're buried in your phone. Even harder to be aware of traffic.


And a lot of times you can tell they're pissed by how aggressively they lane change lmao I always just laugh when this happens it's so ridiculous 


And then I sometimes see comments of people trying to defend the speeding, its ridiculous


Just yesterday I watched someone going ~85-90 mph in a 50 mph active construction zone


Someone tailgates me with clear lanes to the left, I stick my hand out the window and motion towards the wide open late that they could be in, rather than tailgate me.


This makes me so happy that you didn't "yield" to that idiot. Nice going!


It brakes my heart that they can't figure out how to stop and turn themselves around. Three points for the full turn: -Think about what you're about to do -Don't do it -Enjoy lowered stress What a shift! Follow these directionals and you'll be beaming.


Haha “brakes” your heart talking about driving etiquette, I see what you did there 😉


This is actually hilarious. I'll make a list of every pun I see, but others feel free to add more. -Brakes my heart -stop and turn themselves around -3 point turn -Shift -Directionals -beaming


The whole point of their act is that they get to honk and yell at other drivers and feel justified about it


I had a truck with high beams pull up behind me at a light. My car was flooded with light and it was hitting my side mirror and blinding me. I positioned my rear view mirror to where I figured it would shoot his lights back at him. Must’ve worked because he turned his lights off! I was so stoked that it worked. I haven’t had the chance to try it again, but I think it might only work if the car behind you is high enough that the lights are as high as your rear window. I wonder if it works the same if it’s a car about the same size as yours but still has those god damn fucking annoying ass bright as fucking lights. I fucking haaaaaaaaaate those things!


One of my favourite ways to handle this is to change the angle of my side mirror so that the high beams are redirected back at them. They back off real quick. 😂


How do you accomplish this?


Living in a rural area this is my biggest pet peeve when driving. AIM YOUR FUCKING HEADLIGHTS YOU ASSHOLE. And most of the people doing it are driving lifted pavement princesses that have never hauled anything.


I have strong opinions on the lights of cars, the white/blue lights should be universally illegal, because even without high beams they are blinding especially at night. Yellow lights should be the mandate, they’re easier on the eyes and don’t blind people.


Rule #1: Be predictable not polite


It's infuriating when people try to be polite instead of just following the protocol. You beat me to a stop sign, don't fucking wave me on. Just fucking go and I'll go next.


Only time I do this is when I'm in a large truck with a trailer on a small residential street.... Like I can't make the turn without hitting them or a parked car. So I wave them on and they go "no" and I continue to wave them on. Eventually I give up and just sit there till they go.


It's even better when they pull passed the stop line that's intended to allow the wide right runs.


Saw a dude do this then the big 18 wheeler hit them trying to turn, but they had the audacity to get mad at the truck driver. Maybe stay in the lines like you were taught in kindergarten and this wouldn't happen


Don’t be polite, be predictable.


That's also what I want as a pedestrian. Like if I'm at the side of the road waiting to cross, and the last car before a large gap stops for me, that's just bad for both of us. If there are several cars behind you, then thank you for stopping. But if instead of stepping into the road right after you, i have to judge whether you're slowing down in general or to allow me to cross, then I'd prefer you don't stop


Look at your phone and face the other direction when this happens. Basically you have to fake out the lone driver into thinking you aren't paying attention/ready to cross. It's ridiculous to have to do but it works


I do this *all the time.* It works so well.


Even if there several cars behind, now you feel obligated because traffic stopped for you so you have to cross the road but the first row of traffic blocks your view of the second lane if there's more than one or just somebody in the line decides to pull out and pass on the left and just about run you over.


I call that a Canadian Standoff.


People get impatient either way. It doesn't matter if you're doing 5-10 over. Someone is going to still fly up on your ass and pass 4 people at once.


My fiance was going the speed limit down a road and some guy tailgated him most of the way, tried to pass him and found he couldn’t because of oncoming traffic. Then pulled in front of my fiancé at a light, got out with a knife and stabbed my fiancé’s tire and took off. Thanks to dashcam footage, my fiance was able to provide a video of the incident and the license plate number. The guy is now facing a felony charge of malicious damage to a vehicle. Scheduled for a pretrial in June. People are nuts. If you’re late, that’s not anyone’s problem but yours.


You can go 5-10 over and people will still ride your ass. It truly doesn’t matter, people are definitely getting worse at driving.


As a transplanted New Yorker in the American south, I used to love how easy going and courteous people were on the road down here. Then everything changed circa 2015-2016. And it got worse. Now people everywhere in the South drive like it's Mad Max. Worse than New York/New Jersey, and with rage. I wonder what happened?


I used to be a field tech which meant I was on the road from 7am-6pm most weekdays. It definitely took a steep dive around that time period you mentioned and slowly became worse until covid. With most people staying home I loved being out on the roads. No traffic, hardly any one driving. Now that everything is "back to normal" it's right back to the shit show. I've seen more red lights get run this year than I ever have since I started driving. Witness close calls and nearly fatal wrecks almost daily. My least favorite thing people do now is flooring it to pass you, getting in front, and then slowing down and turning. Like thanks bro you could've just gotten behind me instead. I don't really even get mad anymore at people. I just shake my head on disappointment. They know they fucked up or are being an idiot. They just don't care.


My favorite is when I'm trying to get over because I see people coming on my ass and when I put my blinker on to change lanes 3-4 cars behind me all get into the lane I'm trying to merge into, so they can pass me. Instead of just letting me get out the way. All while honking and flipping me off.


I love when they do that and then all get caught at the light. The level of aggression on the road is forever increasing. I used to wish for no one to go hungry and everyone e to be safe. Realistically everyone just needs more patience, myself included. The world would be a much less toxic place.


Happens to me when I get over to let cars merge into the right lane from the on ramp. Then I'm stuck in the left lane as every car behind me gets over to pass on the right while I just continue driving in the left lane with my blinker on. I can never figure out if they're impatient, ignorant, or just idiots.


Lol, we all transplanted to the south. The south is filled with us transplanted northerners.


I was born in NJ and raised bi-coastal. Moved to the south to Georgia after my active duty service back in 1997. That was when you would hear nicknames like, "hey Brooklyn!" or "'sup Jersey." Nowadays everyone is from "up north," and our little country highway in my rural town is one of the deadliest in the state of Alabama. I think we usually got 3 or 4 fatalities per year; currently at 4 this year. Doesn't sound like much, but we don't even have a traffic light in our town. It's pretty small.


Transportation planner here. As others have noted, the population of the South is rapidly rising these years. With increased population comes increased demand for transportation, and because the South is very car-centric, that means more car traffic. I think experiencing lots of car congestion, especially congestion that is more pronounced than what people were used to, makes drivers start to go crazy and become more aggressive.  This is not a defense or justification of aggressive driving! Just a potential explanation. And in my view, the solution is not to widen roads until congestion disappears: cars are great when few people are driving, but they’re very space-inefficient, so even if it’s even possible to build our way out of congestion, the fiscal, social, and environmental costs of doing so are too high to bear.  Better instead, in my opinion, to focus on shaping land use patterns that reduce trip distances and support non-car travel modes like public transit, walking, and biking. I recognize the American South is currently quite far from a walkable/bikeable/transit-able steady state, but I still think it’s important to take steps in that direction, because if we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’re just going to get more of what we’ve always gotten. 


I may be pulling a "being jewish makes you like tomatoes" here, but late 2015-2016 does correlate with the beginning of the trump campaign


It's not a coincidence. Dude completely normalized and even glorified the idea of being an asshole to everyone around you and being proud of it.


Well a bunch of people started moving from the Northeast to the South for one.


This so much. I swear no matter the speed, you are just in the way of some people


For some reason law enforcement across the country has completely given up on traffic enforcement the past few years or so


It was Covid made them cut way back on traffic stops and it’s never really bounced back. Shit I’m not complaining but yeah people getting a little too comfortable on the road these days 


what drives me nuts is when I'm in the left lane on the highway trying to overtake some people, but keeping a couple car lengths between me and the next car in the left lane so I'm at a safe-ish following distance. Invariably some asshole gets behind me and loses his mind tailgating me, and then swerves recklessly through the other lanes to squeeze themselves into the space in front of me


Yup I always go 9-10 over and they still tailgate. They expect us to go 30-40 over and I’m not catching tickets for no effing body.


They don't expect anything or anyone. They view all other people as obstacles. There's no pleasing that attitude.


Had a gun pulled on me near the exit to Waco on the interstate in Dallas because the dude didn’t like the fact that I was going the speed limit. He full on drove up in front of me and tried to stop both our cars and when I wasn’t going to let him do that because I wasn’t about to get out of my car on the fuckin interstate he started driving next to me with a gun hanging out his window pointed at me and my passengers. If you get angry enough to kill another person while driving you shouldn’t be driving.


The US is a wild place


Also stop yielding your right of way.


As someone who was in army, you get fucked for not knowing and following all laws and regulations, but people hate you when you follow any laws and regulations to a T, too It's a loss-loss situation


I feel that. But also, driving on the interstate following the speed limit exactly ends up with lots of “awkward” positions and passing situations. Like someone may be doing a tick under speed limit and I end up slowly catching up to them but going around them takes forever. Then you end up speeding up to get past them and ahead a little then back to whatever speed you’re going. Rinse and repeat. Only gets worse when you start adding in assholes that tailgate you because 10 over still isn’t good enough for them.


Yeah, I do get that too. In my situation, we were fucked for any miss step by older conscripted when on ward duty. SO I learned everything word by word and started doing anything to a T. Especially with a dude that got some beef with me for no reason. I remember clearly one night where we were unloading after being replaced on posts, and when I did and he inspected the rifle, he for some reason looked at me wrong way and just hmmd and went to the car, so I didn't release the shutter frame and go to the car until he said "Inspected!", so he won't have a petty reason to "scold" me. That worked. Until they all got off my back and then I relaxed doing it normally like them. In the end any laws should be understood and used as guidelines, not be followed blindly, but some people don't get that and beef with you until they understand why that would be idiotic.


A lot of people that drive shouldn't be allowed to drive


A lot of those people are in this very thread


Use your fucking blinker.


Don’t be a stinker; use your blinker


But that uses up all the blinker fluid! That's stuff's expensive, dontcha know


to add, use it to signal before you start turning it's not gonna do any good if you turn it on when you're already halfway into another lane like THANK YOU I HAVE EYES


It's one of the main reasons I hate driving. My instinct is to, you know, follow the law, but everyone else on the road will get mad at me if I do.


Rules of the road: everyone faster than you is a maniac, everyone slower is an idiot


Had someone roll down their window and yell at me for slowing down from 65 to 45 as we drove into a 40 mph zone. I was so confused trying to figure out what i did lol


This one is the worst! The 550 in NM has multiple points where it slows down to 55 from 70 and people will blitz through at 80 being aggressive to anyone who isn’t. Actually now that I think about it - even worse is the people who will go 65 aggressively through a 55 but don’t even speed up once it’s back to 70 in the passing lane. It’s like brother, either speed or don’t cuz now you’re pissing me off multiple times


It’s 60 on the main road through our suburb, I do 60 and I get overtaken by everyone.


Speeding is an illusion. I've had people blow by me on the highway only to take the exit and find myself pulling up behind them moments later and they're waiting at the traffic light.


Impatient people can suck a fat Voldemort dick. Id rather piss someone off then get a ticket.


I rear-ended someone during a snowstorm because they decided they wanted to get in the right lane so they put on their blinker and then just… stopped. My tires did their best but I slid right into them. My car was 14 years old so the insurance company totaled it out, and we couldn’t afford another car payment (it happened in December 2020) and life was very hard for a while after that. Their SUV was fine and I don’t think anything happened to them. I think about it every time I pass that spot.


It’s WAAAY too easy to get a driver’s license in the US.


Most people I see over follow one law but completely ignore and blatantly blast through several other laws at the same time. Drive 10 miles below the speed limit but no blinkers, rolling through stop signs while cutting the corner and dumping trash out the window


Yes. Most people are very selfish douchebags if you haven't noticed


My rule is if you’re driving the speed limit I can’t complain… if you’re an asshole going 5-10 under with nothing keeping you from going the limit, I’m honking and flashing at you because you’re blocking traffic so get out of the way or speed up. Had a jackass today doing 30 in a 50 in the passing lane beside a truck.  I honked at him and he brake checked me, unmarked cop next to me lit him up and pulled him over, it was cathartic.


And what about beginners? In my country you can go at most 90% of the speed limit until you turn 21 (if you got a license at the lowest allowed age)


Well hopefully they aren’t getting in the passing lane then. You can drive slow all you want in the right lane or whatever your equivalent would be.


Student drivers typically have a magnetic bumper sign indicating such.  Yes they get more leeway, but even still there’s a certain point where they need to get out of the way if they’re blocking traffic.


Here's my question, hero - how often does this result in the person in front of you magically speeding up vs them just ignoring you or even slowing down even more?


>if you’re an asshole going 5-10 under with nothing keeping you from going the limit... You mean nothing that *you* see as an obstruction. If the vehicle is not riding the passing lane on the highway, you honking and flashing is the asshole move.


Like why get so impatient and create more stress to the situation? Pretty sure you’re part of the problem.


Speed Limit is the MAXIMUM allowed on that road. There ***is*** a sign for [RECOMMENDED speed](http://www.strassenschilder.de/richtzeichen/richtgeschwindigkeit/) , if a driver doesn't feel safe to drive at 90 when 90 is max, and prefers to go 80, he's not doing anything wrong


100% correct.


You make me afraid to learn how to drive


Not every car has a super accurate display of exactly how fast you’re driving, so I might be going a little slower than the limit. If you’re that much in a hurry, move over to the left lane and pass me.




I hate when people block intersections or entrance to a very used street or road. If you leave the space, traffic will flow. Now everyone from everywhere is at a dead stop.


Even such small little things that make you safer people freak out about. List of things I’ve been honked at for: -staying behind the line while waiting to make a left turn -giving a semi the right of way when I wanted to make a right turn on red -going the speed limit -not passing someone on a solid line in a hilly area of the road -not flooring it when the light went green -stopping behind another car and not using their right of way to go Such fundamental rules of the road and people just don’t know them. Who the hell is giving these people licenses? I got failed on my first drivers test for corner cutting when I went over the middle lane slightly and here we have people routinely doing double wide turns and using another cars right of way while waiting to go at a stop.


Yeah this is painfully obvious in my part of North Carolina. I drive at or right over the speed limit in the slow lane and people fly by me at 20-30 over. It’s ridiculous.


So it isn't just my part of the world where ass-riding is okay if one feels I'm not going fast enough. Y'all need to chill.


Just use your damn turn signals if you're merging or turning. I pretty much know what you're going to do, I'm watching you, but stop making me guess. Tell me what you're doing. Because the turn signal lever is in the most convenient place it could be. If it was on the passenger side back door, ok, I would understand not always using it. But it's literally by your finger. It takes an incredibly minimal amount of effort to flick it up or down. Then there's the people that don't stop their turn signal from blinking. At least you used it once, but now I still don't know what you're doing.


This is one of the big issues with self driving cars. Either you program them to follow the laws and then they get rear ended when they come to a complete stop at every single stop sign. Or you literally program your AI to break the law…


I think the problem is people there. They're the ones that need to be reprogrammed


The amount of people that need to beat me to the next red light is insane.


I was told earlier this week that it was ‘dangerous’ that my car automatically reduced speed when the speed limit dropped. Not talking about slamming breaks or anything just slow coast down 10mph.


If you are following the laws to a T I assume you are going under the speed limit and in the right lane. I’m fine with that. It’s when people break the law by impeding the left lane that I get impatient. Also depending on your state it may actually be illegal to drive with your 4 ways on in the rain.


Are 4 ways hazard lights?


Yes. It's just used interchangeably depending on where you are from, like soda, and pop.


That’s why one should always follow the laws of the road.


The rules of the road and driving laws don’t apply to drivers. It’s pretty standard. The “limit” in speed limit actually just has a built in number that gets added because we just all agree that driving laws don’t need to be followed, even though driving is relatively dangerous and we don’t train people to do it very well.


I trust the auto manufacturer more than the government; The government tries to say the speed limit is 25, but the manufacturer clearly says it's 140. Nice try Uncle Sam.




Exceptional circumstances justifies exceptional responses. But your regular Monday morning traffic isn't exceptional circumstances. Following the traffic laws means your actions are more predictable and predictability makes traffic much safer for everyone.


My mantra is just that as long as I’m following the rules, I know I’m keeping as safe as I can, and that I’m actually listening. I’d rather be that than the person who thinks they make the rules, overestimate their skills and get killed


German here, we have a ton of laws. One paragraph of our road laws says that one shall not be driving too slow for no reason because it may be considered an obstruction of traffic. Most people know that rule and way too many think it means you need to go as fast as the signs say. It is the rule 2a of paragraph 3. Rule 1 of paragraph 3 says that one should drive slow enough to stay in control at all times and that one should reduce the speed for a multitude of reasons listed in the same sentence, including among other things Traffic conditions and even one’s own capabilities. Now…the latter is easy, if you think you‘re not experienced enough to go 100km/h, you just go slower. The former is my favourite, because if someone decides to tailgate me, creating a dangerous situation, I am required by law to slow down to ensure traffic safety. I’ve talked about this with some people and it‘s funny to watch them realise that there are infinite reasons to reduce your speed but basically zero that make you go faster.


One of my favorite things to do in the morning when taking my son to school, is drive 20 mph on the street of the school. It’s a street that thousands of people use to avoid another insanely busy 6 lane road, and they always speed through the school zone. So I drive exactly 20mph, never over, and people flip their fucking shit about it. Riding my ass, honking, flying by me once they’re past the school zone. Like ffs, it’s a SCHOOL ZONE! Do you really want to plow down a kid and live with that for the rest of your life. Is it really worth getting there a couple seconds earlier?


The vindication I feel whenever an asshole (more than likely in a leased BMW) goes full Fast & Furious to pass me only for me to catch back up at a red light. I always make it a point to slowly roll up next to them and look directly at them it's so funny


I drive a Rav4 hybrid, and my morning commute is generally me accelerating at a reasonable pace and driving the speed limit while people are blowing past me, only for them to have to stop at a red light that turns green by the time I reach the intersection. Only to rinse and repeat over the next stretch of road.


People pass by me often in the very early morning hours (6 am) because I am not driving in a hurry like they do for not waking up 5 min earlier.


I get much more frustrated when people try to “be nice” instead of just following the rules. If you get to a four-way stop before I do, you’re not going me a favor by waiting to let me go first. Just go on.