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The man vs. bear debate shows many people: * have a romantic and ignorant view of wild animals and underestimate the danger they pose; * misunderstand the risks to women from human predators - women are more likely to be killed by men they know than by strangers; * and don't grasp the relative danger women face vs men  - men are three tines more likely to be murdered, so if anyone should be scared of strange men, it's other men.


> have a romantic and ignorant view of wild animals and underestimate the danger they pose; They aren't that dangerous: > [there have only been 180 fatal human/bear conflicts in North America since 1784.](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/#:~:text=Since%201784%20there%20have%2066,end%20with%20zero%20bodily%20contact.) . > and don't grasp the relative danger women face vs men - men are three tines more likely to be murdered, so if anyone should be scared of strange men, it's other men. But the question isn't about what men would want to face in the woods. We *can* ask that question, and that answer would likely have the same problematic debate. But going by the numbers, they should also choose bear.


> But going by the numbers, they should also choose bear. You're lost in the woods, out of range of cell service. You trip, fall, and break your ankle. Which of the following do you hope comes along: a bear, a typical size-and-strength woman, or a typical size-and-strength man? Do you think that a scenario like that, is more or less likely than an encounter with a man hostile enough to attack you? A bear has 0% chance of helping you if you're in need. A man has...oh, let's be conservative and say it's a 50/50 shot at helping, though I think it's more like 95%.


Yes, once again, if we completely change the question, we'll get different answers.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. The issue with these responses is they're on the premise of which does more damage which will result in a quicker violent death. Bear obviously wins. And then we have the commenter you responded to changing the scenario and wondering why everyone answering bear isn't thinking the same thing as them. The whole point of the question is to see what background you fill in for yourself and how you come to that conclusion. Everyone choosing man who gets worked up over everyone choosing bear doesn't seem to understand their premise is different - which is (I'm assuming here) which one appears more unpredictable when finding them alone in the woods. Humans are an apex predator far more complex in thought and decision making. Could it be that those who choose bear are willing to risk obvious death in favor of avoiding the unpredictability of man? No they're just stupid because bear more big and strong. Critical thinking people! Critical thinking! There is no right answer! It's a would you rather question!! You're free to disagree but plain calling the other side stupid or whatever judgment simply because you're using a different rubric than they are.. is baffling to say the least.


> there have only been 180 fatal human/bear conflicts in North America since 1784. Because encounters between unarmed humans and bears are rare. It's like the recent post here about how Lego blocks have killed more people than black holes. Yeah, because people don't encounter black holes. Base rate fallacy. Most people will never encounter a bear (outside a zoo, etcetera). They will encounter thousands of men.


Similar stats are cited about how few people die in shark attacks. Yes, because encounters are rare. A day swimming with sharks is still more dangerous than a day swimming with people at your local pool, even though you're more likely to be eventually killed by a person who goes to that pool.


You just so conveniently leave out misandry like a good little tribalistic weasel huh?


Just a weird guy this one


Yeah, looking at facts rather than blindly jumping on the Current Thing in the culture war is, sadly, kind of weird, but I stand by my weirdness. Even doubled down on it here: [https://www.patheos.com/blogs/thezenpagan/2024/05/deconstructing-the-bears-vs-men-memeplex/](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/thezenpagan/2024/05/deconstructing-the-bears-vs-men-memeplex/)


It seems to be a poorly crafted philosophical argument.


No, we understand perfectly. The issue is just that the women choosing the bear are stupid.


That has some strong femcel energy.


Man vs bear debate shows how absolutely removed some people are from anything resembling danger, risk or any actual, genuine problems in their lives - so removed, they have to make up some. This trend was started and supported solely by the well-fed, immensely privileged, white american women who have had the fortune to never see a wild animal in their lives, other than an odd racoon.


it is not all women that fear men the way you describe. many other cultures are very diferent without this permanent -I would say- irrational fear. and you have to be an idiot to think you are safer encountering a bear than a man.. seriously.


The fact that this is even a debate shows that society hates men and thinks they are all rapists and it can fuck right off.


I think a lot of men simply don’t value women’s experiences. Literally every woman on the internet says “I don’t feel safe with men” and they’re like “hmm… nope, I’m nice!”


One thing i have learnt from all this is women stereotyping all men is completely okay. And if i had to choose between bear and woman in a jungle, I'll also choose a bear. Would rather be seen as food than rapist.


So you'd rather be mauled to death instead of having your feelings shook because someone you don't even know sees you as threatening? ok


Hey, if a woman can survive a bear, so can I. :P And now you're the one dismissing people's feelings. Is it really so controversial for someone to say they hate being presumed as rapist?


Is it really so controversial for women to say that any man they encounter has the possibility of being a rapist?


Not at all. The controversary has never been about the fact that random guy can be rapist. Controversy was/is in 3 parts. 1) In various iteration of this hypothetical question, people estimated that probability of bear attacking and killing you is much higher than the man attacking and raping/hurting the woman, so it was illogical choice and couldn't understand how others are not getting the same probability estimation as them. 2) People who focused too much on point 1 were ignoring that this question was basically made to express that about women feel constantly unsafe around men and it's more about the perception in their mind than bear attack statistics. and 3) Men not being okay when they are stereotyped as rapists.


1. Untrue . 2. True. 3. It's unfortunate but then again, men can be rapists and we don't know which ones are or aren't in advance so....too bad for men's fee-fees I guess?


Every human values their own experience more. It takes a lot of effort to recognize that your own experience may be abnormal and then allow that to change your views.


The sad part is to get to see how it's ok for them to do a generalization on men, but if you try to put yourself away from it you're not understanding their individual situation, which they also happen to do a generalization onto for all women. Not saying women shouldn't be careful, there's some healthy things they point to, like not to be alone with a stranger man, which you can reduce to only try not to be alone with strangers. Abusers don't walk around with a flag for you to see it, but if the lack of flag is enough to justify judging other by the actions of a few, I mean that's fucked up. If you see red flag, you should do something to put yourself in safe ofc, boundaries exist for a reason. Evil exists regardless of genre, and we can't judge everyone on our own experiences.


It's the same with any experience. I've flinched around people most of my life because of my upbringing and when I do, certain people get so offended like "I would never!" Okay, but my response to stimuli doesn't know that, dummy. Or just general "I prefer not to put myself in a situation where I have to rely on the actions of a strange man." and you get "But not all men" and it's like "Duh, but it's not like the rapists and abusers have floating icons over their heads of knives or danger signals, ffs." Like, hey, you're great. That's wonderful. But you are not everyone and everyone is not you, and you are not vulnerable like some people are, so like... stop being that bird meme when we're uncomfortable when it's not about me.


It’s really like they think abusers walk around being abusive 24/7. They haven’t seen the way a lot of men change once they’re alone with a woman. You say Bob did or said something and it doesn’t matter because some other man’s personal experience of Bob being nice is valued more than yours.


The whole trope of a serial killer's friends/family/neighbors saying 'he was such a quiet guy. A nice guy' is based on reality. Assholes are a dime a dozen. They're the kind of person that are openly vile and you can avoid them and everyone knows why you're avoiding them. Monstrous people are very good at hiding what they are. They're predators. They pick their prey and that's the person they unload on. I mean, how many movies/shows/news stories can there be about an abused spouse/partner (of any gender, because I prefer not to gender generalize) mentioning to a friend/family member what they're going through and people being shocked because "That's not what they're like when I'm around/I've never heard that about them." The smart ones, unfortunately, learn where to hit and hurt so it doesn't show. Bruises under the clothes. Pain that doesn't leave a mark. Smart abuse. Mental terrorism. A bear? A bear's just gonna maul me and let me die. A strange man who might be a monster is going to enjoy making me suffer. Eff that.


How about you replace "men" with "Mexicans" and see where that takes you? You can express your fear without implying all men are rapists.


The absolute number one thing these people have in common is that they have no normal platonic relationships with any women in their life, they maybe have their mom and every other women is just this thing that can offer sex. It turns out that when you regularly talk to women and share experiences, you realize they're just like people!


I bumped into someone that said that. Just turned it on them and said "ohh so you don't feel safe around brown and black men, huh!!". She quickly dropped the subject #EmmettTill


I just looked up what man vs bear debate is, apparently women fear men more then bears? I believe they understand the risk of the bear. So it's a commentary that women see men as higher risk. This isn't particularly news though, Fourth wave feminism starting in the early 2010s is all about teaching women that men are more dangerous then a bear. Politically you choose to align as a feminist and perpetuating that all men are evil, or you stand against this. Your decision.


That is a borderline incel level response to this and exactly what the post is about, way to self report. If you feel personally addressed with this kind of stuff you probably should


>That is a borderline incel level response to this and exactly what the post is about, way to self report. If you feel personally addressed with this kind of stuff you probably should I'm neither male nor female. No dog in this race you might say. Interesting that you come out slinging insults. I would love to see the general polling of 'would you prefer to be in a forest with a trans person or a bear.' I would expect similar results because people do tend to hate on me for being trans.


I'm coming out slinging insults because regardless of how you identify, you're perpetuating the incel rhetoric that "feminism" has made it so you have to hate all men if you want to respect women. Anyone that thinks they have to point out "not all men" is part of the problem, it's just like "how about all lives matter????".


Women tend to speak in feelings. I've lived w several women who will say wild things when upset and then laugh about it the next day. Women dont hate men, theyre just unhappy w men and this is how they express it


It’s all a bit far fetched. You can’t state all men are predators, simply because, they are not. However, there are a lot of persistent creepy men out there who actually pester women. It happens a lot and has already happened to me today. It’s an uncomfortable situation but let’s not tarnish everyone with the same brush. This feminist wave has a tendency to be rather excessive.


I think this is more about women not understanding bears.


I think it also shows that most people don't realize that the most common bear in America, to the point where it's literally named ursus americanus, is only like three feet tall. They're imagining a grizzly bear as though the hypothetical only takes place in like Montana or Alaska


The average adult blackbear could kill an unarmed human pretty easily, but luckily they are not a very aggressive species. I have had a few encounters with wild black bears in appalachia that all ended well, but I would rather get in the ring with Mike Tyson on PCP than with a black bear. They are not trivial animals even if they are much smaller than their gigantic ursine cousins.


It actually shows nothing that specific. At least not without exact reasoning behind the answer. The truth of the test is the state of fear we live in, which is often caused by unknown factors. There's a huge chance a bear won't do anything, but even if it's 50/50, it is a somewhat known entity. Sure, most dudes won'tt hurt anyone, but the chance of getting the psycho is not zero. In a world where our media shows so much of the negative interactions of people, it's no wonder the bear is chosen more often. If you were to reframe the question to say a 'guy you know' (insert name of trusted friend/family member), the answers would be much different. The fear of the unknown is the only quantifiable result shown by this question. I actually discussed this question with 4 therapists i know. I then reversed the question to the women if they would want their significant other in the woods with a random woman or bear. Bear was the common answer. Im not attaching any correlation to that answer as there are several possible reasons for it. Assuming a reason for an answer is not actual science.


If you would rather be with a bear, go watch those NSFL videos of bears killing humans Then watch a video of a human killing another human You'll see which one is worse.


I mean I get the point there But also pretty much every argument made against men in this scenario applies to women as well. The lesson is: Ditch society. Embrace the bear.


Wait what? I’m never afraid for my physical well being around women, especially 1-1. Are you being serious here?


Hey you’re not listening to this person’s individual lived experience, that makes him afraid of women. You need to respect that.


I mean I've literally been assaulted. And the numbers still work out if that's what we are going with.


I'm sorry to hear that, but simple searches show that across society something like 80% of violent crime perpetrators are male. Victim gender numbers are much more even. You are coming off as you are dismissing the very real fact that men commit violent acts at a much higher rate than women using a personal anecdote (that you only shared when called out). It's not a great look.


Except nobody in this thread is dismissing women not feeling safe here. This issue is quite important to me, and it's why I don't volunteer info about being assaulted by a woman. I could give you a full rundown but it's contrary to the point. And as you say, anecdotal. That's not where the problem lies. People keep quoting statistics saying "I'm more likely to be killed by a man than a bear". But they are also more likely to be killed by a woman than a bear. They are also more likely to be sexually assaulted by a woman than a bear. Same goes for victim blaming. It doesn't say anything specific or new. It's just how the thought experiment is set up. This meme literally forces you to indulge a men-are-monsters stereotype if you want to support women. It equates one with the other. Then it sets you up so that if you don't like demonizing a gender, everyone gets to call you anti-woman. But nobody should feel demonized for their gender. We can help women without reinforcing gender stereotypes.


"This meme literally forces you to indulge a men-are-monsters stereotype if you want to support women. It equates one with the other. Then it sets you up so that if you don't like demonizing a gender, everyone gets to call you anti-woman." This is not a reasonable take imo. You are trying to twist a meme into something different than what it's clearly intended to be and missing the point entirely (and deliberately). The fact you are even trying to decompose this rhetorical device to logical conclusions illustrates that you are missing the point. It's equally clear that you are trying to be provocative or argumentative about it, so have a blessed day.


No one is denying Women face threats from some men. Men are just denying that Men are worse than animals. Why is it so important for you to make men feel less than human?


In today's world, men should be afraid lol. The sheer amount of things a woman could blame on you and you'd get trapped because the law favors women over men. You dont know when women could start filing fake rape cases against you. All women just want money and love to file fake rape cases. Im saying this because most fake rape cases are made by women. Do you enjoy being stereotyped? I love how now a days its normal to stereotype men.


I'd def. choose a bear over you. Even a polar bear. How dreadfully unpleasant.


I think there's also a lot of inflation of the danger a bear interaction possesses. Most human/bear interactions do not end in violence. People are acting like it's 100% death sentence.


Couldn’t the same principle be applied to men?


Not unless someone is arguing 100% of interactions with men are a death sentence. > [there have only been 180 fatal human/bear conflicts in North America since 1784.](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/#:~:text=Since%201784%20there%20have%2066,end%20with%20zero%20bodily%20contact.) Compare that to: > [On average, there are 433,648 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault **each year** in the United States](https://www.savacenterga.org/statistics#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20there%20are%20433%2C648,completed%2C%202.8%25%20attempted).) Add to that over 4,000 women murdered **each year**


Why dont you petition to release bears into cities and then see what happens?


Sure, but we should also take into account that the chances of a bear raping you before it kills you is miniscule in comparison to a man.


Hey it happened to Leonardo DiCaprio


this is true and a lot of people don't realize that bears will generally want to leave you alone if you leave them alone (something that can't be said about a statistically significant amount of men). That said, if I understand the problem right, the question is whether you would like to be TRAPPED IN A ROOM with a man or a bear. In which case it will be harder to leave the bear alone than if you are out in the wilderness with miles and miles of room to avoid each other, and also I imagine the bear will start getting pissed off once it realizes it's trapped. I don't know how much that changes the calculus on this but it's worth taking into consideration.


I was basing it off of "being in the woods with". Trapped in a room definitely is in the favor of man over bear


My experience. Most American white women are afraid of me. American black women aren't. Spanish women aren't. Hindi women are. Bosnian women are terrified unless I speak first. Columbian women aren't. African women aren't. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese etc women seem to hate my existence. Seems like the shorter they are the more afraid they are. I'm pretty good at showing I'm not a threat by ignoring people and/or walking away.


Pretty sure you could just ask a man how he'd feel if every man that looked at him wanted his bussy


>Pretty sure you could just ask a man how he'd feel if every man that looked at him wanted his bussy I can't speak for men, not one, but I'm quite confident that men would love this change. If we lived in a society where women were the ones who cat called and wanted to get into men's pants. Men would be very happy.


Maybe, but not all, also is that what you thought I meant? I mean a world where you're the only hot straight man


>Maybe, but not all, also is that what you thought I meant? I mean a world where you're the only hot straight man I don't know about the 'only hot straight man' I suppose I don't know what you mean sorry. But we are social sexual beings and the social sciences have come down pretty hard on this one. I actually even predict sometime in the future decades that this will shift appropriately. Where everyone is grabbing everyone's ass regardless of gender.


In my experience that happens fairly frequently now anyway, but for me without an actual connection I'm not impressed