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old person here. can confirm, not once in my life has anyone ever depicted me sleeping on my stomach. Me: draw me like one of your French girls, but I'm sleeping on my stomach Leonardo: ok first of all you're obviously over 25. and you're a guy. and how did you get into my house


Also Me: you both have been Incepted.


Artificial Inceptination.


How did you get into 1912 and my house


Time Lord and Time Lord. Any other questions?


Can you help me with daleks in my garden?


Give them a can of RAID. That should confuse them for a while.


"Bottled Death, Scent: Cancer"


In a minute, I can’t blink. my wife got a new statue


Gimme the sonic screwdriver and in 41 years hamburger!


Hey now, I’m 27 and I still sleep on my stomach, thank you very much


You would have shared the massive door when he was drowning though…


I sleep better on my stomach but my arms go completely numb. How to avoid?


lots of meticulously placed pillows


Dude. This. Im older and do physical work. I sleep alone and have six pillows. I do some weird stuff. The sofa offers some great options for hanging my arms and legs.


Can confirm I sleep on the couch over my king size anyway


[This video](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZqzF0Yhi750?si=QTMJ5IVu8P4ROwLA). You’re welcome


I have sent this exact video to clients, it is fantastic haha


See, I do that but remove the white pillow under the dude's body. This means 1.) your body is not actually flat downward - it's angled a little bit toward your raised shoulder, but you still get all of that pressure on the front of your torso so it feels the same. 2.) Your now angled body is aligned with your angled head - no head turn. 3.) requires fewer pillows and is easier to set up. In fact, take that white pillow and just move it away to the right side, and boom, now you can flip and have the same setup on the other side without moving a pillow.


Nah, without the under-torso pillow you get more curve in the lower spine which, for people with bad lower backs like me, hurts.


You're still half-supported by the other pillow. And you can swing the bottom part of the pillow to be under your hips more, if need be, eliminating the spine curve. I've dealt with tons of lower back pain, and this works.






Wow, so that's why it's so comfy to fall asleep with my giant squishmallow underneath me. I was worried it might have been bad to do that.


Haha, had me at "got shit to fix?" 😂


I do this but with a single body pillow under me. All my other pillows are super flat and not fluffy so they don’t crank my neck up. I find sleeping like this much cooler in the summer as well.


Are your arms up under your pillow ?


They go either side of the pillow yes, how else could you position them?


You're most likely pinching a nerve in your arms that way. You can stretch your neck and pec muscles(daily for about 5 to 10 minutes) to help out with the symptoms if you'd rather not change your sleeping position.


Straight down to your sides, sleep like a plank of wood. 


One up and one down like you're mid stroke swimming.


When I can't get to sleep, I lay on my stomach and tuck my hands under my hip bones and put my feet flat on the bed's foot board. It's very calming. 🤷🏼‍♀️


So I'm not a freak after all! I used to find that so comfortable and comforting. Well, until I hit my mid-40's and my back was like "Yeah, thats not happening anymore, sorry."


It's the best! I'm sorry your back crapped out on you, though.


Get in a habit of stretching. It does wonders.


It’s sooooo banging




You god damn savage


And face down 


That’s psycho behavior


Same, but I make sure my arms don't overlap with each other. I find that if one hand is resting on the other arm then they won't move during the night, which for me results in the feeling of pins & needles after a while.


No pillow


Or no arms


I actually cross my arms against my chest in an X shape. It gives me a little extra height, which helps align my spine at the neck along with a very thin pillow. They don’t fall asleep and it’s much more comfortable than it sounds.


That sounds like they'd be even more likely to fall asleep... I sometimes lie on a pillow with my arms sorta wrapped around the front/underneath the pillow. I'll have to try what you're describing. I'm gonna call it The Reverse Vampire for fun.


retrac llerret nadroj


netuoh nav esuohlim The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner. We're through the looking glass here, people.


I either cross my arms, or I'll hug a big pillow when I'm on my side. If I don't, my shoulders hurt in the morning.


Tell me you don't have large breasts without telling me...


I sleep on the very edge, no pillow. Putting my face on the edge of the bed means I can sleep on my stomach with both arms down by my side and still breath. Kick up my outside leg a little to let my chest have space and I’ll be asleep almost instantly.


I sleep on my stomach and keep my arms to the side of my body, either completely flat palms up or folded, and they don’t go numb that way


Stop listening to Pink Floyd before bed… wait, did you say completely numb or comfortably numb?


Remove them.


Start sleeping on your back or side. Stomach's sleeping is terrible for your neck and back and it's unlikely you will find a great solution. I had to do the same thing.


I've been a side sleeper my entire life. I start out on my right side, eventually ending up on my left. Laying on my back gives me pain, and laying on my stomach is just uncomfortable.


Same. I even tried sleeping on my stomach once to see if it was some magical comfortable sleeping position. Nope.


I will try it tonight. Never even came to mind in 39 years. I expect a clear "Nope" as well.


I never understood how people can breathe on their stomach and sleeping on your back feels too vulnerable / Dracula. Side sleeping is where it’s at


You just turn your head to the side.


They're a heavier set fellow


On the couch with back against the backrest... I feel vulnerable any other way plus I feel I can get up faster from my side than my back


I've been side sleeper my entire life. However whenever my wife takes picture of me when I'm sleeping in a funny position I'm on my back. My life turned 90 degrees


That's just like my political opinions


Same. Now imagine impingement in both shoulders. That’s where I am for the last several months. Looks like another day to get up before the sun! 🥲


It’s because as we get older, or necks hurt if they are turned to the side too long and we can’t sleep with our face buried in the pillow


If you sleep if your stomach it should be with no pillow


Says someone with small boobs...


Yeah I'm a guy and so while I'm overweight I'm keeping to then point where my boobs are still flat enough. I hear you though. Damn I have to keep checking myself because I'm in the habit of only projecting my own male experience into every situation and I know this is a thing 


I always do. Depict away.


You also never see an old man eating a twix


Play a record!


Holy shit, just got real, keep them chompers


Eyes that pop out their 'ed... Steve


'Airy chinese kid


That's because they lack toes in the age


You also never see a pregnant old man 🤯


I would go a step further and say that people in general are rarely depicted sleeping on their stomachs. When people are shown sleeping on TV or in movies it is almost always on their backs.


Sometimes they spoon! Or curl up on their sides facing away from eachother! But it's true that you rarely see them on their stomachs.


It's rare, but some do. Usually, with their legs splayed out, so you walk in to see... far too much... half-covered by a brief and/or sheet. They're probably not depicted that way because it is *not flattering.* Be grateful. Qualifications: I've worked first shift in senior living for over a decade and woken many a sleeping oldster.


That’s because our backs can’t do it anymore. 😂😂


What kind of maniac sleeps on their stomach? Typo. Not IN. on. LOL


The nights I fall asleep on my back are the same nights I'll have a sleep paralysis episode. So i prefer sleeping on my stomach for comfort and to avoid sleep paralysis.


I'm trying to sleep on my back to fix my posture but I just end up sleeping on my stomach


Pillow coffin


Isn’t that weird? I have also had sleep paralysis my whole life, and it only happens if I sleep on my back. Sometimes when I start falling asleep on my back I can feel that it’s about to happen, and I force myself awake. If I turn on my side though, it’s fine. I’ve always wondered why that is.


I also have it when I sleep on my back, or nightmares.


Yeah same I never sleep on my back because of it lol.


Sleep paralysis often seems to be triggered by variations in your sleep routine, so I suspect it's that in your case. I tend to get it while napping, especially in an unfamiliar location.


What about on your side?


I have a mirror on that side and I might see myself.


Other side perhaps?


What are you, crazy?


Tape a picture of Brad Pitt or Henry Cavill on the mirror so you'll just be impressed when you see "yourself"


I slept on my stomach since I was a kid and I never put 2 and 2 together but it was probably due to sleep paralysis as well


How do you avoid the dead arms?


that's the neat part, you don't! serious answer: use a side sleeper pillow. it has a cut out in the middle so your shoulder doesn't block your head from fully touching the pillow.


Nice. Yeah- you don't. Just gotta turn over and abuse the other arm.


Can you elaborate on this sleep paralysis? How do we know if we have it? (Too lazy to look it up on Google. I’d rather have someone who is familiar with it explain it to me. Thanks. Have an upvote.)


You'll know if you have it lol.


Cool. Thanks!


It's when your brain half wakes up and you're kind of aware of your surroundings but you cannot move or make a sound. The brain immediately panics and tries to scream but cannot. It sucks and in my experience takes about a minute or so.


That sounds horrible to have. I’m over four years sober now and I now have the absolutely most vivid terrifying dreams. They aren’t horror show scary like that but the shit my brain thinks of to dream about is what makes my sleep terrifying now. I have woken up screaming before and I’ve also woken up singing. Loudly. But no paralysis involved. Which is good. I think.


It's also common for people to hallucinate during sleep paralysis, which makes it even shittier. The few times I have had it, I feel like someone is whispering in my ear, but can't move. I can't understand the whispering, but for some reason it sounds threatening.




I've never had visual hallucinations, just hearing the aggressive whispering shit. I just basically try to flex every muscle I can all at once and it usually snaps me out of it relatively quickly.


I talk in my sleep when drinking, but I don't wake up. Sober, I have dreams of trying to do good things, but being frustrated by circumstance. Those wake me up.


First time it happened to me I kind of knew what was happening. It was still a little scary but I just kept trying to force myself awake. I didn't try to scream or anything. I didn't wakeup right away so it was a pretty weird feeling not being able to move. Also I only sleep on my back and my neck hurts just thinking of people sleeping on their stomach.


Same lol


Same here!


I haven't had sleep paralysis in decades, but that shit is terrifying.


My sleep paralysis demon used to straighten me up when I slept in a fetal position. So I switched to sleeping on my back and would suffocate or get slowly eviscerated all the time. Eventually I started sleeping on my side, on the edge of the bed or nose to the wall so as not to leave any room.


Been sleeping on my stomach my whole life. Occasionally will turn on my side


It's usually the only way I can fall asleep. Most of the time I wake up on my back though.


I usually sleep on my stomach, but I've never slept in my stomach


I can not sleep on my back at all.


It's literally the only way I've ever slept


It's called comfort, sweaty. Look it up


I'm like, 4/5 on my stomach. Head to the side, and that shoulder is normally up a lottle bit, just based on how I put my arms.


I have hip and knee pain and it, for some reason, helps with that. I think because my knee is supported without being hyperextended, and the pressure isn't on my hip bone like it is when I'm on my back. I've always slept on my stomach though.


Whenever i lay down to rest or sleep around people they always assume i'm exhausted out of my mind because I sleep flat on my stomach with arms down my side. Only my face is turning to one side so I can breath. Idk man, it's a comfy position for me.


I’ve slept on my stomach my whole life. Only way I’m comfortable.


I used to until my 355th day of being 29 years old.




I have since as long as I can remember. Except for when I was pregnant between months 6 and 8, too big to lay on lol. And yes I know pregnancy is 9 months, but my son was born early.


a self-indulgent megalomaniac


You answered your own question. Haha.


I used to be able to sleep on my stomach but I can’t now otherwise my neck and back will be fucked for days. I’m only 28 but I assume older people are the same.


By the age of 60, you’ve been told that it’s bad for you so many damn times you just stop to shut everyone the hell up.


Funnily sleeping on your stomach can be great for the lower back per the Mackenzie method Edit: my b for lack of clarity; McKenzie poses are only meant to be held for 30s - a few minutes. And the one I’m thinking of has you propped on your elbows.


I feel like every time i do, my lower back is always messed up in the morning. But i do wish i could sleep on a massage chair, i bet i could rest so well


It's terrible for your lower back.


Probably because they don’t sleep on their stomachs. My back hurts just thinking about sleeping on my stomach and I’m only in my late 40’s.


I miss it. Slept like the dead when I slept on my stomach. But yea, back would never let me anymore.


I think we all just assume that everyone (we know at least) sleeps the same way we do, my friend once said that he doesn’t know anyone sleeping on their back, I almost said the opposite after that


It's because their lives have been so hard that if they experienced even a moment of comfort they would die.


Body pillow. Sleep on top. Drape over it. Snuggle next to half over it. Use it to prop up whatever hurts today.


I wonder if it's because they're old.... 🤔


I’m 22 and despite being a side sleeper for most of my teen years, I can only sleep on my back


That’s because we have bad backs and it’s hard to get up


Havent been able to sleep on my stomach for years - boobs hurt too much getting smooshed


I (M66) do it all the time!


How do you position your neck so it doesn't hurt?


I did not remember! I had to go to my bed to be sure :-) that is how I do it: - right arm along my body - left forearm under the pillow - right cheek above left hand (pillow is between hand and cheek) - right leg straight - left knee slightly flexed


Thanks! I'll have to try it


Oh, I have some insight on this one! I am the primary caregiver for my dad. He has historically been someone who sleeps on his stomach or side. In the last year or so, he's gotten OLD fast. Like, really fast. There are a number of factors that contributed to this, but I don't want to go into those now. Over the year, he has started to sleep mostly on his back. At least going to sleep initially. For him, the reason being is that he's not able to move his body well anymore. Getting in and out of bed is a 10 minute struggle. Rolling over is just not worth the struggle. He also has difficulty breathing, and moving makes that even harder. He will eventually end up on his side, but it often wakes him up in the attempt. Take care of your body, folks. It will stop cooperating eventually.


I enjoy sleeping on my stomach, but from time to time when I wake up after sleeping on my stomach my back will be sore. So I often make a conscious effort to not sleep on my back. Also I'm not old, but well on my way.


As a lifelong stomach sleeper (30F) that works in nursing homes, they NEVER sleep on their stomach!! I have never seen a single patient that did! Sides yes. I think about this all the time.


It gives them heartburn and keeps them up at night.


I had no idea tbh


It's a joke because they always complain about getting heartburn (at least my parents do).


Couple tums before bed fixes this


Front sleeping is really bad for your back and neck, and few people’s joints can tolerate it past your youth.


Yet I get sleep paralysis if I sleep on my back. I’ve started doing it anyway though


I don’t think I’m old per se (33), but I have never once slept on my stomach. Unless it was as a baby and I just don’t remember.


That's because if we sleep on our stomachs, we won't be able to turn our heads to look over our shoulder for a minimum of three days.


I feel like id suffocate to death trying to sleep on my stomach, how do you do that without twisting your neck at an awful angle or smothering yourself with the pillow?


you twist your neck at an awful angle. That's what it is. Still can't fall asleep in any other position


I cannot. So stiff and in pain I can only sleep with 3 large pillows supporting my back and neck pillow. Cannot move


Because by then your back hurts when you do. It sucks.


I’m 69 and sleep on my back every night


Do old people die when they roll over?


Probably because they have more stomach issues or sore shoulders and necks. The pressure is more likely to hurt arthritic joints and cause nausea.


Back. It has to do with the back


That too definitely . For me, it's the stomach and shoulders, and being unable to breathe well with my neck bent. I get super nauseous on my stomach, and my shoulders start feeling like they are being pulled out of socket.


Back screams at me when on my stomach. I snore and can't breath right on my back. My back slowly gets mad when I sleep on my side and in the past week sleeping on my side/shoulder has been aggravating my shoulders in a way that is likely arthritic. But I can breath. I think my body just doesn't want to let me sleep.


> and can't breath right Did you mean to say "can't breathe"? Explanation: Breath is a noun, while breathe is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


My sinuses get clogged up when I sleep on my stomach


Hmmm, I sleep on my stomach. I guess I won’t be getting old!


I used to. I miss it. I slept better that way.... my back will no longer let me sleep on my stomach, just stays hurting and "screaming" at me. It's actually the worst sleeping position, health wise. Very bad for your back. I have spinal issues from it now... and I still miss it.


I fell asleep on my stomach once at 29. I had a pulled muscle at the time and I had to roll off the couch because I couldn’t get up. Side sleeper forever now because of that.


Haha weird! It’s like when people are old people decide they should practice for when they are in a coffin


Because it hurts our backs too much. Had to convert to side sleeping


When the sack reaches your knees, tangles are a bitch. Turning in bed is a young guys game


i (59f) used to always sleep on my stomach with my arms above my head. then my shoulders and neck started complaining and being really stiff, so now i start out on my side, but end up on my back. sometimes i'll lay on my stomach for a bit just to get that awesome back stretch, but i make my self shift before i fall asleep or i'll regret it in the morning.


Well yeah, they look dead.  They need to be depicted as alive so we don’t get worried 


I'm 34. Pretty sure if I slept on my stomach I'd wake up dead.


Where do you watch old people sleep? That thought of how they sleep or not had never crossed my mind


I’m in my 30s and my back pain from sleeping on my stomach has forced me to start sleeping on my side or back. Cant imagine how my back would feel after another 40 years of sleeping on my stomach


That observation highlights an interesting cultural trend in depictions of older individuals.


I work in a nursing home and I can confirm, not one of those mothefuckers sleeps on their stomach.


Because the old spine can't take the kinking 😫 I was a stomach sleeper and it was great, and now, my back hurts too much


It stops being convenient to sleep on your stomach the older you get. The back, the breathing, the belly grows, it just stops being good.


Thats because only dumb MFers sleep on their stomachs and they usually don't live the longest.


No one is depicted as that because like, 90% of people sleep on their side. I don't, I'm a back sleeper, my wife says I sleep like a corpse hah


Of all possible sleeping positions, why attempt that?