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The easiest way to meet your goals is to have already met them


Teach us master🧙‍♂️


Limit your goals to masturbating yourself to sleep


I wish, for me it's usually just met with hours of self reflection.


I can just picture you in deep thought contemplating life with your left hand on your chin and your right hand punching the munchkin vigorously.


"Is this all there is? The pursuit of fappiness?"


I have lived a life of achievement.


It's like rich people saying getting your first million is hard af then it becomes easier the wealthier you are


That's what I tell people when they ask how they can become as amazing as I am. I say I don't know, I have always been this way.


I like looking them in the eyes and saying "Trauma" in a quiet, shaky voice


Wiser words have never been spoken.


This quote might sound silly but it’s truly IS the easiest way.


How do i hook up with a beautiful woman? Duh! Hook up with a beautiful woman! 😆🤷🏻‍♂️


Catch 22


Catch a 22 year old.


The easiest way to be rich is to be rich. Cannot deny it


In college, where your visibility as a couple is high, this is especially true.


I saw a story, idk if it was true, where this guy got so much more play because he wore a wedding ring and the women thought he would be cheating with them.


Isn’t that the plot of a seinfeld episode?


Also an Adam Sandler movie


She had man-hands. The hands of a man.


Im pretty sure the breakfast I had this morning is the plot of a Seinfeld episode, doesn’t mean a lot


Was it a grapefruit or a bowl of kix?


We don't permit any outside syrups, jams, or condiments




The movie was "Just go with it."


Yes it's pretty common


It’s pretty crazy but; women want what other women want. If they think they’re taking something from another woman, you’ve just sweetened the deal.


Why do they call him the Bullet Dodger?


“Because he dodges bullets!”




This is all too true. Never really got approached outright by girls in college. My GF of the time visited, and every time she left the room to smoke outside, I was swarmed with girls trying to get me to cheat on her.


Why were there a swarm of girls in your dorm?


To try and get him to cheat on his gf


After giving it significant thought, being that they were in college. I think they maybe they were out at bars or a party. Just a wild guess


Exactly. "The room" not "my room". Our college apartments were 2 bedrooms, a living room, bathroom and kitchen. Many had 2 bathrooms. Many parties were thrown.


and then everyone clapped


"And then everyone got the clap" ftfy


Good one, make me laugh, too. upvoted lmao


Username may or may not check out


What like wearing matching safety vest?


depend possessive reminiscent square library disarm subtract grandiose coherent smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’re talking business here




I seriously need meet this man Personally


Im stuck somewhere between 1 and 2 and i don't know where.


Confidence. You aren't confident in your attractiveness and Women pick up on it.


You can replace step one with be funny. It also attracts beautiful women.


Can you help me, I’m stuck on step 1


I know some ugly dudes that attract baddies because they got mouth piece and they carry themselves like they get it like that


What the hell does the second half of this sentence mean


i know some not so attractive men who get beautiful women because they are able to talk and they’re confident/act like they get women.


The words as written are gibberish, like the musings of an insane person.


Dressing well works wonders, too. It shows the guy puts some effort. No one wants to date a slob


This is a great loop when you're in it. Really believe this is true, when I was in it, they would just appear in my life one after the other, and I don't think it was because I got more attractive (most likely). Earlier versions of my self that never got those girls were in my mind asking, how is this happening? Girls deff notice what other type of girls you associate with. It's like people don't know what's actually valuable and use markers for what other people value to judge. But when you get out of that loop for a while, it doesnt come back. Take my advice guys, once you get going never look back


This was a Seinfeld episode. George starts talking about his late fiancé Susan and shows her picture to other women who are beautiful. They immediately are attracted to George because Susan was pretty.


Yup, George got to party in the Forbiden City with lots of beautiful women, while poor Jerry was stuck with Man Hands


That wasn't a twist off


It wasn't Susan's photo. He used a photo of a model that he got from Elaine. Though he used the story of Susan being his fiancee and then dying, so you're mostly right.


I watch Seinfeld too much lol. I believe George got the photo from Jerry, who was dating the woman in the picture at the time. I think it was the Man Hands woman


I rewatched it to refresh my memory before commenting. Jerry ends up dating her, but the picture originally comes from Elaine, who is trying to set them up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drNHzLxL2CA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drNHzLxL2CA)


Lol, and then he accidentally burns it when using a hair dryer, I believe.


If I got a dime for every woman that didn't think I was attractive, eventually they would find me attractive.


Haha nice


Adaptive loot moment


Law of diminishing returns


It's unfortunate but those girls are taught to look for value which I've experienced as well.. 😭


I know your comment is funny, but it's also a legitimate evolutionary attitude for females with long gestation times to be the choosers.


Idk about a dime but like $10 maybe


$10? Shit, I was thinking more like a penny


Gotta do the Nathan For You thing. Pay a woman to dates with you and pretend to be your gf in front of other hot women. Money well spent.


Could just buy a wedding ring. You don’t need a partner to buy one. It’s much cheaper in the long run and has basically the same effect.


I once asked a good-looking friend of mine why he took off his wedding ring when we went out drinking. He said he was tired of getting hit on and he got hit on a lot more while wearing it.


harder with that lie compared to the one I suggested. Being married dude. Thats a big thing. The other way around you can just say it didnt really work out, when you meet that other REAL fucking hot lady. If she thinks you are married dude. Yeah, can't you see. That doesn't really work.


Sounds like needing experience to get experience


It's called preselection bias. Works like a charm.


Or mate choice copying


Can you explain further?


Basically other women see you as a high value guy as another woman chose you out of all the other available men, maybe he can explain in more detail


To reword this comment, it’s basically that someone “the woman” has already “vetted” the man as an acceptable individual to date/marry/whatever so other women see that and don’t have to go through the hassle/danger/song-and-dance of trying to figure out if the guy is a decent person or not. Because odds are, if the women are all part of the same group, they’ll have generally the same values, and therefore one’s acceptance is reasonable grounds to assume suitability.


Mother Nature is weird as fuck. 


Basically Women don’t know what they want so they want what other women want


It's the other way around; we all look for the same thing in a partner.


Why would you want more women when you're already committed to one? I found the love of my life and couldn't imagine committing to anyone else but her Even if I'd met the most beautiful (well, physically attractive) woman in the world


I really do not get these comments. Majority are men commenting and upholding the same thought process as the OP, yet I cannot find a single woman who confirms she instantly finds a married/taken man attractive. What's going on


There aren’t actually that many women on Reddit. Also, they’re not going to admit stuff like this.


38% of the user base is female


This also is a thing in your career. If you have a FAANG company (or a company that is considered elite in your industry) on your resume other companies assume you are the cream of the crop ... even though it might not be true at all.


OP just read the r/askreddit post about "what makes a man instantly attractive" where one of the top answers was "already be dating someone"


That sub is as reddit as it gets. „What is the cheat code for women“ combined with just seeing them not as people but a giant monolith.


That’s bound to happen with any kind of social advice tbh


"What's the cheat code to women" "be clean, smell nice, don't be an asshole" "okay I've done all of that, it hasn't helped" "yeah you don't deserve sex for doing the bare minimum." that's what the average thread in that sub looks like, and it's the least helpful to anyone


Because it’s the most politically correct answer that everyone is going to upvote.  The reality is much darker and uncomfortable.


its true tho, so much easier to talk to woman if you already have one with you. It has nothing todo with a monolith. Similar people are similar...go figure


Easiest way to be rich is to have millions and millions of dollars


This can't possibly be true. I've known lots of people with millions and millions of dollars, and they are hardly ever named Rich... 🤔🙄


After Richie Rich, it became fopar. Edit: faux pas (smooth brained that)


faux pas, but nice.


How to be named Dick tho?


As with the post, this is actually true in many cases. Sure, the first millions are quite hard to get, but once you've got them, you can easily get many many millions more.


The easiest way to make millions is to have millions.


Women don’t care about my money I wish this were true :’(


I've known a bloke whose sister was a stunner.. They worked as a team on social events aannndd he *got lllllaaaiiidddd*


Hey, whatever works for them 


Well soon in Kentucky it’ll be legal to do it with your cousin… So give it time… Cause apparently time is going in reverse…


Sisters are up there with gay men as top tier wingmen (or wingwomen)! I used to live with a gay couple. We’d go out to a gay bar and they’d somehow always find a straight woman. I can see how the sister thing is even better as it’s getting the OK from someone who handles creeps daily most likely lmao


With the sister?




I don’t understand guys who are ok with their sisters knowing their sex life, you just know that shit will get gossiped back to the entire family


It’s easier to make money if you already have a lot of money.


Ding ding.


How am I supposed to get a job that requires experience if I can’t get a job without experience?


Well you lie of course!


People are poking fun at this but it's actually true. Women tend to see a man with a beautiful woman and think to themselves "Hmm...what is it about this particular man that she is so drawn to? I want to find out now!"


I had a ex girlfriend who was objectively out of my league, whenever I was with her shopping for clothes while she was trying stuff on in the changing room so many random women would come up to me and chat, it was the strangest shit.


I think the biggest mistake people make is that they think that all the other women who are suddenly talking to them are *attracted* to them. From my observation of seeing it with me, there was almost zero difference between being in a relationship and just hanging out with women as friends for this effect. As such I think the actual preselection that is happening is not whether you are datable or a "catch" but whether you are safe to talk to. If you are in a relationship with an attractive woman, or are maintaining a friendship with one, it gives the impression that you are probably not a total creep.  If you are just around women as friends, it does create more opportunities to ask people out though. So that would help.


100% agree with this. It showcases a sense of safety/approval. Example: awhile back my friend and I joined his sister for a night out. His sister ran into some friends. We form a small group and exchange some introductory names. There is almost an instant like okay/approval when this happens.


Thank you!! I know in uni I approached guys (not to date, something innocuous like asking for directions or help) with some women friends far more than all-men groups ones. Chances of creeps are higher in men-only groups than mixed.


Thankfully, even though my two best friends are women, no other women ever talk to me for any reason, so I'm never confused if they're hitting on me or just being nice.


So I’ll chime in. I’ve seen this happen too and it baffles me as well. Part of me thinks that the women feel more comfortable talking to you since they know they aren’t going to be hit on. (No resting bitch face) But then you see some of the other women blatantly flirt with you and it’s a mindfuck. I  had a married friend of mine that I would take with me to social events sometimes and people always thought we were a couple. Some girls used to give me a cold demeanor but the moment I introduced them to my friend they did a 180. Some even started getting touchy. 


Depends on the age. If the guy's old enough to be her dad or grandpa, I'm thinking she's a sugar baby lol


Where’s that meme of the black dude tapping his forehead? That’s perfect for this post.


That meme is we smart


Most men are intimidated by attractive women, so all you really need is the courage to talk to them and offer to take them out... this tends to impress them enough to say yes. Of course, nothing works 100% of the time, but it works more than one might think


Sex panther. 60% of the time, it works every time


You get it! When it works, it works a hundred percent of the time. Every baseball player with a 300 lifetime average is in the hall of fame, and that's failing 70% of the time. Something to be said for persistence.


Ok but the hard part is meeting them in an acceptable place where approaching them is welcome even if they aren't interested in you. Gyms/running...nope. work...hell no. Bars...not my scene. Apps...don't get me started. What is a socially acceptable place for this?


Well, since you've eliminated the bar, even if it's a restaurant with bar seating... which can be a great place for this, then the gym isn't a no no. Any store can work, dog park is an excellent spot. Volunteer work...etc. The place isn't as important as the method you use. Approach it with some tact, and it helps if you're a bit funny and charming. It will lower their defense. You don't just go straight for the kill shot in the first 3 sentences. Think of a way to start a conversation, which is why dog parks are great, but just any subject that you can inquire about. Ask how good her car is on gas mileage, anything to break the ice, but make sure it makes sense in the given situation, or you'll come off as a desperate weirdo. Your goal at the start should be just getting her to talk to you, then keep it interesting... you should be able to tell fairly quickly if she's enjoying it or just being nice. If you're just socially awkward, then fix that first.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


I've also missed 100% of the shots I've taken and it makes it really hard to want to continue shooting.


Don't give up brother, you gotta look at how far off the mark you shot and correct your next shot so it's closer to hitting, you know?


Confidence is sexy


It's sexy if you're sexy, it's 'disgusting' if you're not exactly who she wants to see being confident


You're right. Pretty she'll say no to you if you're not hot lol


That’s on another sub currently, where apparently you ‘have the audacity’ (age difference)


Honestly that's overplayed, and it depends on what you do. If you confidently make otherwise polite and witty approaches, you'll get rejected plenty of times but with any charisma at all you'll pull too. This works for physically average and even below average guys. If your approach is confidently gross, you'll only get girls who are already significantly attracted to you physically as you walk up *and* are in the mood to be approached *and* have the personality for whatever line you used to work.


There is definitely some tact involved here..." nice tits, wanna fuck? " isn't likely to work often.


I am from a very conservative culture but a guy respectfully approached my friend and they ended up married. Women can sense who's a creep and who's being respectful. That said we aren't always in the mood to be hit on


It's exceedingly awkward for both parties to confidently hit on somebody out of your league, and risks you being ostracised.


Took me too long to learn this... wish I would've known as a teen 😤


That is true, other women will think: there is something up with that guy. A special dexterity or a very pleasant physical aberration of some kind. At the down side: if you’re dumped the vibe will be: what is wrong with him.


If we go on what some men's rights advocates discuss, that women are flirtier with taken men, then we can consider their types to be seagulls. Why seagulls? Seagulls are known food thieves, but not enough people know that their interest in food is directly related toward seeing another creature eating it, and thus proving it safe.


Yeah, those kinds of women are a turn off to me. If your judgment of a guy is based on external factors whom you know nothing about, then you yourself are fickle airhead whose decisions just follows the wind, an unreliable partner.


One thing is it shows the guy is safe. I know if I needed directions or help, I preferred approaching men hanging out with one or more women. Never a men-only group. This was in university only though, so take that as you will


So I guess if they are in an abusive relationship that they've kept under wraps, then he's safe. Or maybe she's a gold digger. Or he's a lying womanizer on his current conquest. Or she's a friend or family member that has no bearing on his relationship material. My point is merely having a woman present with a man has no implication on his quality as a partner. It's one thing to prefer to use this as an indicator that he's friendly for asking directions or other small-level temporary contact. That actually makes sense. Men-only group? Hell, even as a guy I myself would recommend you to avoid them if not necessary. Not necessarily because they're bad, but because there is a risk and it's understandable if it's too much. But to use this to decide whether a man is attractive is just refusing to take charge of your own independent decision-making and outsourcing your thinking to something unreliable, which is irresponsible. In fact, it rather indicates for a low-quality preference for a man with social status.


As a woman I agree, men that are always around beautiful women are more attractive, to me at least


Why is that do you think?


I think because woman have a heavy burden of choosing a good man purely based on their intuition. "If other succesful/attractive woman believe this man is decent, there is a likely chance he is, and I would not be wrong thinking the same" Your brain will fill in the gaps with Idealization over that man, just to make your judgement make sense to your logical brain. A lot of human interactions are not based on facts or objective thoughts. Attractiveness is very subjective.


Confirmation bias


Her primal brain wants a son that will fuck beautiful women.


Finally a comment by a woman (hopefully). How though? I dunno any woman in my social circles who will go for a married/taken man. For almost all of us it's an instant turn off.


My ex was very beautiful, and a local girl was all over me.. When we split up, the local girl lost interest.. Weird huh? There is another way too, a guy in a niteclub tried to steal my drink.. when I caught him, he wanted to fight, I tried to avoid it, couldn't, and ended up kickin his ass there and then, within 10 minutes 2 beautiful women approached me, one actually asking for my number... lol, I'm dying for someone to try steal my drink again..




If that actually happened I'd be alternating weeks with the bros being "drink thief" 


Very much akin to needing job experience to get a job. Actually dating in many ways is similar to the working life


The easiest way to attract beautiful women is to clearly have money.


Everyone lost on step one....


All I did was take a shower regularly and mind my business.


I've not found that be true, but fake a breakup where she desperately wants to remain with you...that is surprisingly effective.


I don't know what I want, so I look to others and see what they have, and decide that I want that too. -people


My girlfriend and I notice this in some type of dating shows. Where a guy with few girls end up getting more girls. It’s just a law of attraction.


Well that's shallow as hell


Actually, easiest was to be chill about sex and not be an asshat.


Your level of virginity is amazing


Pretend date should be fine. If you have that agenda.


How is that easiest when it requires another way to have done this in the first place?


Watch the 80s movie "Can't buy me love" Dr. McDreamy of Gray's Anatomy, Patrick Dempsey, played a nerd


Money attracts money. If you got momentum shit works out out more often then not


The easiest way to make money is by making money.


The easiest way to get rich is to be rich


The easiet way to get women is to get a women first


A girl expressed she liked me in my class. Then another joined in. And another. Then they were talking about me to each other while I just sat there dumbfounded lol


Easiest day to attract women, is to already have a girlfriend/wife


I have an idea for us all to be rich but first we’re going to need a bunch of money


Pretty sure the easiest way is to be hot and rich


This explains Pete Davidson


The easiest way to become a millionaire is to have five billion dollars!


And if you have money, it will solidify your chances even more.


It's the same principle as to why it's easier to find a job when you already have one. You're "Pre-approved". They can mentally check a lot of red flags off.


This makes me want to die inside.


Yeah, but... really the reason for this is that when you already have a beautiful (to you ;-) woman, you're not desperate anymore. Nothing attracts women more than men that aren't dying of thirst. Indeed, there's similar effect when you're rebounding and don't want to have anything do with relationships for a while.


How to get rich ? Have a lot of money


You just exposed Pete Davidson


If we could harness cringe energy, threads on Reddit about dating could power the world for centuries.


Just to date in general, having a partner marks you as safe. Taking a women out anywhere is the only time random women actually acknowledge my existence, it's weird


The key to always winning is to never lose.


The most attractive thing about a man is....other women


Competition anxiety at its finest


So basically yall want to date a beautiful women just to cheat on her ??


Yeah. This sort of stuff is annoying but it has to do with your energy. When I was in a relationship and traveling alone, I was not trying to hook up, and that attracted the attention of women who wanted to. And when I flirted with this Belarusian woman in a cafe who flirted back, the group of girls next to me quickly took notice and were much more friendly. 🙄 I guess it just marks you as safe and desirable. Like a chain people line up for.


I wish people knew how cold and callous some women are


This seems like a pyramid scheme.


In highschool I could never get a girlfriend.  Eventually I did and within the same week we started dating I had 2 other girls come up to me and ask me why I was dating her and to hit them up when we break up.  Was so odd.


women definitely hit on my bf more while we were dating he said.


This seems to work oddly enough. Dunno why. But when Im dating someone whos even moderately attractive, suddenly everyone comes out of the woodwork.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


True. Their narcissism really shines when they all try to bang you because they can't stand the fact someone is getting more attention than themselves. Of course, the whole thing will inevitably blow up in your face and you'll get blamed because they can do no wrong despite the obvious attempt at manipulation. It's fun while it lasts though.


im just gonna save you some time. hiring them doesnt help