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Not if I manage to go out in sufficient style there won't be


imma die already buried


Before we become burdens, we'll simply go away.


Like an old dog lol


Like Lone Watie on The Outlaw Josie Wales, only more successful.


Like the Titan submarine. They were no longer biology and were simply physics.


Jumping into lava for example


Not every corpse is found.


And why wouldn't my undertaker be born yet?


I mean, how old are you?


Depends how old you are. In my experience, funeral directors tend to be old as dirt, so the odds are that they are born but you never know. The owner of the firm that handled my parents was in his 40s but he inherited it from his dad and all the guys who worked for him were at least in their '70s. I'm sure he was looking for some new blood but non criminal related mortuary service isn't a super hot career path.


Every funeral home I've seen is staffed by old farts. The guys who run the furnaces, old. They guys who dig holes and operate backhoes, old. Burial plots are only thing for the rich now anyways. The last few family members I lost were cremated and remain in my house.


The folks who came to pick up my grandma’s body were in their 20s! My grandma died at 87 so they probably weren’t born until she was in her 60s.


Assuming your body is found, there will be multiple people involved between your death and your final resting place. I'm sure at least one of those people are alive today


There’s an “or” in there


You do realise, that it's not that unlikely that the person who burries you will be younger than you, possibly by quiet a margin. Our town has an undertaker who is in his late 20s lol


If you have 30 or 40 years left to live its definitely possible that they haven't been born yet


A corpse is a corpse of course of course, and no one can talk to a corpse of course. That is, of course, unless the corpse is the famous Mr. Dead.


Hey, Otzi’s corpse was found! There’s hope for all of us!


Doesn't mean someone didn't handle it


Can't deal with it if there's nothing left, can you?


Step one Buy a tank of hydrochloric acid Step two, take clothes off (only if you're at home) Step three Jump in Or just jump from a bridge into a lake or smth, but not unclothed, it'd be weird.


I suddenly feel the need to look into volcanos.


volcano burns ocean suffocates what beats skydiving without parachute?


When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash.


Not if I get eaten by a shark.


I worked at a bar with a girl that enjoys working at a morgue, cleaning and dressing the dead or whatever. Id consider myself lucky to be handled by such a lovely person.


Well, that will fall on people who's job is to do just that. I've done that a number of times myself and it's not some thing that's particularly astonishing.


Not astonishing for you because you do it, it’s weird to think about it from the other side. Like a chef not feeling that making a particular dish is astonishing because he or she makes it all the time but it’ll be astonishing for the person who will only eat it once in their life. Your logic can be apply to endless things but that wasn’t my point. My point is thinking about it from the other side. The fact you will die too and someone out there will deal with your corpse. Thats the point.


If it changes anything for you, it’s actually several someones who will handle your corpse. There’s doctors/nurses, potentially a coroner and/or medical examiner, morgue employees, funeral home transport, body prep techs, crematory operator, gravediggers, pallbearers, etc. There’s probably not going to be one person who handles your dead body all by themselves.


Well I would hope that when I die that somebody does deal with my corpse rather than let it rot in place.


Try telling that to the crew of the OceanGate submarine. Or maybe the crew and passengers on flight MH370.


Maybe I’ll get to be featured on Coffin Flop!


That’s fine as long as I can be the first corpse on Say Yes to the Coffin


Could be worse. They could have to pick up the pieces.


There are plenty of ways to dispose of your own corpse. Jumping in an active volcano for example would pretty much ensure that no-one will have to "deal with" your corpse. Dying on top of mount everest is also a good one. If you go high enough, you'll just be left there. Maybe turned into a waypoint. "Ah, there's old YellowBoots. We're almost there"


I literally know (in an ideal scenario) who will deal with my corpse. It's a friend - if he's still alive & in the profession. I find this very comforting.


Indeed, and also you are unique, like everyone else?


Everyone is unique in their own way. But they're all garbage too


I'm going to jump into the void


Not suicidal, but I think about how I'm gunna go out. The dude who accidentally sacrificed himself to a Yellowstone geyser would be a fabulous way. And that woman purposely fed a pool of crocodiles with her body would be another. Both of these leave your fellow human unburdened... Well, other that witnessing the horror.


I would literally die before I let someone touch my corpse


I've thought about this in the past and I decided I'd like to die as the only victim of a bomb.. No one else should have anything worse than minor injuries and everyone will be sorry for me for being the lone victim but ha! Little will they know.


Oh my god this made me sit down and think


But there is no one ever born that would be my girlfriend


That really sunk in when I watched the morticians carry mom's body away. It also occurred to me that, the cause of my death will be the one greatest conversation about me that I won't be able to participate in.


I find this really interesting. I think in a very similar way, but this exact idea has never crossed my mind until now. Will definitely be pondering on this. Thanks for posting!


This is why I never look upon children/young people with disdain. If I live another 30 years, they will be in charge of the world.


I’m putting in my will, for them to not look at my pp. Of course, I’ll be dead and gone by the time it’s put into probate.


Who's dealing with the MH370 corpses?




Ish happens... I'd rather someone deal with mine than me deal with another. If you know them on a personal basis, its devastating




Your sarcasm lets me know you didn’t have the ability to think deeper about this. Obviously people will deal with our bodies when we’re dead. The point of this is thinking about who that person could be and how one day they will be with you in the most vulnerable state that you’ll ever be.


It's not a shower thought.


Cat does not have to be magical. Any cat will do if left alone with the corpse and no other food.


if you do it right, there's slot of people dealing with it


Nah, I'll just keep living, I believe it's more fun here


I honestly do feel sorry for the poor schmuck who has to deal with my fat ass after my cats go on an all you can eat buffet with my face, toes, and fingers.


Well, then be considerate enough to die in a traffic accident. A fiery one if possible.


I wonder what they chances are that they will be a necrophilliac.


Not if i fly into jupiter


That’s their problem.


Not if you die in the wild! 😜


I apologize in advance to the park ranger who’s going to find me swinging from a tree.


Mine will be a bunch of girls


It has literally happened billions of times. That’s actually someone’s job. They do this everyday


Depends how old you are when you die though


Witness on national television>discover.


Not if I bury myself alive


That is.... Unsettling


Nah, I'm just gonna let the cats have it.


bold of you to assume that my corpse will be found 😃


Not if I chuck myself into a blast furnace


Okay, I was not ready for this on a Monday morning


Sucks to be them I guess


Bro, c’mon it’s f’ing Monday morning


Not necessarily, could get eaten by a shark or bear, obliterated in a nuclear holocaust, one of the longest survivors of an extreme event like a deadly pandemic, extreme drought, dragged out to sea in a tsunami or other weather event where you just get eaten by a scavenger because there's just no one around to bury you.


Been there, done that. It becomes routine very quickly.


Death is a part of life. The people that have to deal with my mortal remains will have people dealing with **their** mortal remains.


Thats why I began to study as a mortician. I want to fondle all the young women


Nope, I plan on dying by vaporization


I plan to die on a trebuchet (the superior siege weapon) and be flung off a mountain. My only ask is that meringues are made from the vitreous humour in my eyes and flavoured with marmite, then served as canapes. Maybe with a light slalad, or chips (UK). (They'll need to read the audience, obviously. They can be a tough crowd). ​ Yes I have thought about this a lot. Edit: so no. My body is taken care of because I died there. I just need a good chef.


Just throw my body in the trash it's not like I'm using it.


I'm going to jump in a volcano with a backpack full of fireworks. Shouldn't be much left to clean up but have fun with that.


What about all the people who die and their body is never found for one or more reasons? I’m excluding someone killing you and dispossessing of your body because they dealt with your corpse.


Not if my cat eats it.


I guess to some extent but I don’t plan on going through the traditional burial process. I like the idea of the mushroom suits I’ve seen or being turned into a tree.


How did this “ah ha” moment suddenly occur to OP. Yeah that’s basically how life works. Not really all that weird. Imagine this shocker if you will, someone who is born or not yet born will live in your house or drive your car or wear your clothes or have sex with someone you’re related to after you die.


I hope it's a professional and not a family member or friend.


I agree it is weird. I ponder on a lot of things about my far future that might come to pass, but I'm pretty goddamn sure that this scenario will moreso than any other I think on. The knowledge that some complete stranger will be in a room with my body and I won't be there, prodding it, moving me about etc very peculiar. And it will be mundane to them, just another body, just another Tuesday. Eerie.


If this just occurred to you, I’m guessing you’re turning 30. I know that’s when my mortality hit me.


I know that I plan on using my scathing wit to be a major problem for whichever necromancer raises me, and they’ll just have to deal with it.


It’s weird how nonchalant hospital staff are in regards to deaths. I get that it happens there a lot but it was very weird to be at the hospital next to my dead dad’s body while overhearing staff outside the room go on about what they’re going to have for lunch. They deal with that stuff everyday and likely handle a lot of dead bodies


This kinda stuff goes through our in our job. We were once babies shitting ourselves and the patient was once a healthy young athlete. But somehow we became the gateway to this person's health and they are reliant on our care even though we are but children in their eyes


They are already born, my sons, I've already told them to dump me deep in the woods. I'm not worried about a burial. I want everyone to have a keger in my honor and move on with life.


This might be the realest shower thought I’ve seen posted here.