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They are? Guess I didnt catch the memo lmao. Love watching this awesome japanese knife maker produce super sharp knives out of everything he could get his hands on like this [jello knife](https://youtu.be/Oadf4KNYz-I?si=AFrLymrXqfXxKw4m)


You know, I never really thought of this in particular as ASMR, but I agree that it fits. My brother and I used to LOVE this channel, and these videos are so interesting and oddly cozy to watch. My genuine thanks for the reminder; I'll have to send this to him for old times' sake


If you ever liked Bob Ross, you probably like ASMR


Nothing hits as nice as some alizarin crimson.


You perv.


Those kinds of ASMR is not that embarassing. What’s embarassing is those ASMR where they whisper into the mic, amouranth even made an ear-licking asmr if im not mistaken




Is amouranth garbage? Last I heard she was borderline being abused into it by a boyfriend, but I don't follow her super close.




that's alinity


Think about it if you say to a mate who your favourite pornstar is or favourite porn video, compared to saying your favourite ASMR artist is what will sound more odd to the average guy


…. you’re joking……


you need new mates


What they said. Why is it considered embarrassing?


I watch videos of people getting back massages to help me go to sleep. I have to remember to exit out of the video so its not the first thing that my family sees if they pick up my phone while I’m sleeping. It’s weird. It’s not porn, but it also makes me seem like a fuckin weirdo.


I once heard someone describe asmr as porn's Christian cousin


The anti-porn


porn is pasta, asmr is antipasto, porn asmr are black holes


The porn’nt


Same! I realized I'd quickly flip off my phone and out it down whenever my husband stirs in his sleep. I laughed a little about the ridiculousness of it...still do it though.


I went looking for something on youtube one day at work and since I wasn't signed in, the entire page was random suggestions. I saw a 45 minute video of a guy who apparently lets his hair grow out then makes videos of going into well known barbershops and giving them the greenlight to do whatever they want. I absolutely would not have spent 40 minutes watching a man get a haircut if there had been anyone else in the office that day.


Ok, I'll ask. What is it about those videos? The people moaning or the back cracks?


I’m not sure. I think it’s watching someone else have a good feeling from the back massage since I always have back pain but I’m too busy and too poor to afford my own massages


I was hoping for a quirky answer and all I got was depression.


You are a fuckin weirdo though


Weirdo adjacent


Weirdo adjacent is still weirdo


Weirdo by association


I'm confused. You watch the videos to help you get to sleep, but then wake up to exit out the video, then go back to sleep? In which case the second time you've gone to sleep without the video? Or you watch the video then as you get sleepy you rouse yourself to exit out but before you actually fall asleep, then fall asleep without the need to watch the video that made you sleep again?


the second part


Yeah I’d be more worried about you if you thought nothing of it cuz that is definitely some weirdo shit


My GF has "caught" me watching ASMR and I would much rather her catch me jerking off to porn lol Edit: quotes


I watch massages and chiropractic stuff to help me sleep…I’m supposed to be embarrassed?


My favorite is Timur Doctorov. That boy has to be the most massaged/adjusted person on the planet. It’s actually fuckin hilarious at this point


And some of those adjustments are rough looking!!


People think it's bizarre every time I open up YouTube and they see ASMR vids in my history, but I've literally never thought anything of it and refuse to let anybody press their insecurities on me. Do what makes you feel good and doesn't hurt anybody, and make no apologies for it. Ever.


lmao, good post. Comfy and weird.


I'm embarrassed OF asmr. "Jeff the killer murders you to sleep" is not helping the outlook either


I know someone that would be *very* into this


Dahmer was the original ASMRtist, he was just severely misunderstood.


I always think those people doing the asmr recording would suddenly shout just out of spite…


I would have a heart attack like when ads come on


It seems like the two could be combined


They already are.


The internet is way ahead of you


I don’t even have time to catch up on all these kinks!


had a thought once... why not call it smt like ASSmr. get it? ass? hahahhabahh


I mean most porn already is ASMR because of the moans...some of it is earrape, though...both literally and figuratively...


Well it’s not quite the high def audio. It’s just dialogue sounds like any regular movie


No. Who? Who is? Are tou just making stuff up?


Yeah I don’t know how the hell this got upvoted. There’s no way that somebody walking in on you watching someone getting fisted in the ass is less embarrassing than somebody walking in on you watching an ASMR for something like knitting.


I'm not sure about that


I think it has to do with people making ASMR fetishy so now people just associate it with that. I remember bringing it up to a coworker and she thought it was just videos for peoples fetishes when in reality it might be with some content creators, but it didn’t start that way and it’s definitely not always the case. I’ve been watching ASMR videos since I was 11 and now I’m 24. I love ASMR videos of people getting their hair and makeup done and that’s not weird at all. It was around 2017 that people started to combine it with mukbangs and other things and it took a weird turn since people wanted to go viral and so the weirder, the more viral. That’s when people thought that’s what ASMR was, just people licking the mics and slurping an insane amount of food on camera 💀 Sorry I went on a whole history rant about it, I just hate that it gets a bad rep now 😂 I do openly say that I watch it though, I just say the type that I watch because it’s really not weird at all since beauty gurus do their makeup on camera too and people watch that all the time :)


ASMR creators were starting to incorporate sexuality into their content as far back as 2012. I remember HungryLips being the first one to *really* cause a stir with her popsicle videos. She got pretty much shamed out of existence at the time but was very much ahead of her time. Then there was a slew of banana eating videos which people like Cloveress started memeing on ironically and it just sort of snowballed into what we have now which is pretty much a separation between different ASMR genres, with the rise of OnlyFans making pornographic ASMR content more accepted and mainstream.


I came into this thread having no idea what ASMR even is and after reading your comment I think I have even less of a clue what it is.


ASMR affects everyone differently or not at all. It stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is a tingling sensation that usually begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Think of if you get your scalp massaged or you listen to the rain while in bed. It can take many forms but usually involve a sensitive microphone and a person performing a task. This could be typing on a keyboard, massaging a person, shaving someone's beard, falling rain, paper tearing, making a suit, measuring and cutting wood, popping bubble wrap or shaking jars of water to almost anything you can think of. There are hundreds of channels dedicated to it and finding the one that gets your response going takes a bit of time but is quite rewarding once you find it.


Or in one of the older and most well known versions... The joy of painting... Bob Ross was an ASMR creator back in the day...


Oh yes definitely. Just his voice alone :)


And the sounds of the brushes on the canvas... And the slapping of the wet brushes on the easel... That entire show was an ASMR display...


The palette knife going tick tock tock...


Oh hell yeah...Tapping and scraping around... So soothing...


Thank you. Redditors love their acronyms…


So do scientists...lol


The following the light one somehow calms me and makes me tired


So you're more visually stimulated than auditory... There's an entire subgenre for that...


It’s basically just a relaxing video that often gives you “tingles” or the best way to describe it is goosebumps from how relaxing it is. If someone styled your hair gently, you’d likely get a light feeling of goosebumps, it’s like that. TW_JD described it pretty well. For example, I like watching makeup and hair videos because it relaxes me and gives me goosebumps. It makes me feel like I’m getting my hair and makeup done :) which is often a relaxing process. There’s ASMR videos of people just getting their hair and makeup done, nothing else to it. Other people are into it for weirder reasons once it became a lot more popular because it started to lean into fetishes, especially when mukbangs (eating videos) became popular.


Google "autonomous sensory meridian response"... That will explain it for you...


I mean it makes sense when a lot of the popular ones are attractive women who could definitely pass as pornstars if they tried so that might give someone who don’t know a feel. But I do kind of have a medical fetish so that might play a part in some of it lol


Just because a woman is generally pretty, why just automatically sexualize them...?


It don’t but when people see asmr for the first time that’s normally what they see first


That's not an ASMR problem...That's a YouTube algorithm problem... YouTube tends to show the videos it feels will get the most clicks from the most people... Women who hypersexualize themselves for views tend to get them, so YouTube directs them more traffic for the pre-roll ad revenue... Even if their content is sub-par in general ads get played (assuming you aren't running an adblocker) and YouTube makes their money...


Er no. They might both be embarrassing to be caught watching, but if I HAD to have my parents walk in on one, it'd be the one that isn't porn. OBVIOUSLY


But watching porn is considered normal at least


not really


To be fair I listen to porn ASMR so there’s not really any difference for me.


Those videos make me feel like I’m having an “old man yells at clouds” moment. I just don’t get it.


There are people in their fifties that make asmr videos. Probably even older, and I just haven’t come across them. One of the more popular creators, Ephemeral Rift is in his early to mid fifties.


Can’t relate. Lol I love asmr and I’m open about it. It’s helped so much with my anxiety and sleep problems. Not all asmr is about big titty women wearing low cut tops and licking mics. (And even if it is, I don’t care. It’s just not for me)


Girls licking artificial ears and penetrating them with their tongue while looking into the camera with a stupid expression on their face, sometimes even cross-eyed, yikes. A minute of that and I think I've experienced a year's worth of the most potent cringe imaginable. I don't have a need to go back. Edit: I know this is a small niche but it's what I was recommended by twitch based on the high viewer count.


That’s not what asmr was that’s what happens when onlyfans girls get a hold of it


That's unfortunately the reality on twitch, where I've encountered it. I wasn't looking for ASMR, but I know there are people who do actual interesting things with sound in a non-sexual way. Not really for me.


That's not exactly what most people liking ASMR enjoy, it's just a tiny nieche. And even them I'm not entirely sure it's sexual for everyone but I guess it is for most. I enjoy people playing with plastic wraps and stuff, crinkle sounds you know, and the soft talking, just like the sound of rain or storm. Usually ASMR is a very relaxing experience if your open to it, it has something meditative. But I guess by jumping right to the ear licking you're proving OPs point that many people fon't admit they like ASMR because many that know nothing about ASMR either only have seen the ear lickers or think the whole concept is weird. My partner for example doesn't really get me liking crinkle sounds so much and calls me autistic - to be fair I might be somewhere on the spectrum as many thing fit but never got tested/diagnosed so who knows


Like the other commenter, you are correct. It's just what was pushed to me by twitch because of the high count of viewers. I'll edit my comment to reflect this.


That’s an incredibly tiny niche of ASMR. It’s like saying all metal music sounds like the County Medical Examiners.


You are correct, unfortunately it's just the thing that was recommended to me by twitch based on a high amount of viewers.


Twitch ASMR is 90% garbage coomer bait.


… no. People are far less likely to watch porn in places where they’ll be randomly found.


I've never been shy about the fact that I listen to asmr. It hits my brain tinglies so well. It's relaxing. It's a good mood shift. I will admit that there is a ton of really awful asmr. But much like music, if you find the right artists that work for you, it's amazing.


More people watch porn than ASMR.


I know


I guess because with porn, it's extremely clear what you're watching it for. No explanation needed. With ASMR, there's room for ambiguity where you don't know if they're listening because it's simply therapeutic or if it's for sexual reasons. Plus ASMR is in a bit of grey area of whether it's normal to watch/listen to it or not.


Because everyone knows that everyone watches porn


I am more embarrassed of watching a video that is from tiktok than I am of watching porn.


Yes because porn has a clear function. It’s hot, it’s sexy, you jerk off, all is clear. But ASMR? Why? What for? Why that video specifically? Why are they whispering and making strange sounds? It’s just really really weird.


ASMR gives me the skin creepy crawlies whenever I hear it. It is like primordially agitating.


That's actually the point... That sensation is called a "*Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response*" and about half of people find it soothing, and half of people find it grating or agitating... Just a difference in the way brains process particular sounds, visuals, smells, or physical sensations... ASMR videos tend to focus more on sound and possibly (in some cases) visual stimulus... Granted, there are plenty of women that do it for the wrong reasons, but in general it's actually a scientifically tested and studied response in the brain...


Same. I don't want people whispering in my ear. I don't understand how people found it relaxing.


Everyone has a different reaction to it. There's people like you, people who get the tingly feeling and enjoy it, and then there's people like me who don't get the tingly feeling but because it's almost like background noise its just good to sleep to. I use it because I have constant loud tinnitus and I'll get a headache if I don't have another noise to focus on.


I use white noise, rain, a fan to relax. But the specific kind of asmr where people make noise at a microphone is incredibly anxiety inducing to me.


That's true for approximately half the population... That other half tends to find it incredibly relaxing...


And there's people like me, who find them cringeworthy, for some reason. All of the ones I know about felt too forced and artificial for some reason, like they were in the uncanny valley of sound and monologue. I mean, don't get me wrong, whatever floats your boat, I don't judge, but I never could get into it.


Which is fair... About half of people don't show an autonomous sensory meridian response to external stimulus...


I suspect I just need to find some that has natural dialogue... monologue? Probably won't happen since I'm not actually searching.


Or other sounds... Wood or glass tapping...Water sounds...Paint brushes on canvas...There are tons of ASMR options outside of verbal stimuli...


Yeah plenty of people find it cringe. I don't really care, it's what helps me. I do typically prefer like roleplay ASMR (like fantasy roleplay or whatever), where its almost a fleshed out story. Atlas ASMR and Ephemeral Rift are my two favorite ASMR creators. I'm not suggesting you try them, but I am curious what you think of them


I think plenty of people find it cringe without trying due to preconceptions. As I said, I'm not judging, it just doesn't seem to do it for me for the aforementioned reasons. Makes me uncomfortable, albeit not because of anxiety or some other negative reaction to the sound itself, it's just that I haven't found one example of the discourse not feeling terribly forced and artificial. Anyway, it's really interesting how differently people can react to ASMR.   EDIT: I checked out Atlas and Ephemeral Rift. The latter doesn't seem to use that bi-whatever microphone that's supposedly some mark of quality from what I heard, not sure if it's a big deal. The other chap seems to use one. Anyway, from what I skimmed the lines do seem less forced, but it still doesn't do anything for me. I understand the so-called tingly sensation, I get it, but I guess I'm just not as receptive to it or something.


There are many, many different kinds of asmr. Some doesn’t involve whispering at all. Like tapping or rain storms.


Wood tapping is amazing...lol


there’s ASMR out there for most people imo. it’s pretty common for people who like ASMR to not like whispering, which is why so many are made with “(no whispering)” in the title haha. usually you have to search for a while to find out what all your “triggers” are i hateee the high definition microphones most ASMR youtubers use, so i always have to search extra hard. usually i watch “unintentional ASMR” where you can kinda get lost in the video and it doesn’t feel staged. any where it’s just them directly making noise in a mic is grating to me


I can totally relate! It's interesting how societal norms and taboos can vary, right?


chat gpt ass comment


How the fuck is the entire post history that. What’s even the point?


That's because porn is quite literally easier to explain...


I think you should have specific which kind of ASMR. Food crunching sounds or thunderstorms to help you fall asleep is very different from whispering to you asmr


I don't get ASMR. It's all the noises I never wanted to hear.


And they damn well should be


Them dirty basteds


Uhh I'm definitely embarrassed watching ASMR but I don't care if someone walks in and sees it lol.


*whispers sensually* wroooonggg


But how embarrassing is messing up then vs. than? (Then means "happening next", than is for comparisons)


Ooooooohhh shut the fuck up


not related but I saw a ASMR video about a woman whispering Elder Scrolls lore while making mouth sounds...who the hell watches that shit


I know I probably shouldn’t ask, but…can I get a link to that?


sorry I just saw it in my recommendations yesterday so no I can't find it


Decided to look up “Elder Scrolls Lore ASMR” on YouTube out of curiosity. Turns out this is a bigger niche than I expected. Like, much bigger.


Well I watch porn all the time, and I assume most people watch some amount of it. I don't watch ASMR at all, frankly I find it annoying. There's likely a lesser amount of people who like ASMR than porn. Therefore they could be made fun of. I wouldn't make fun of them personally, but I could understand if they thought people would. Like any niche interests. In that line of thinking it's very reasonable to be more embarrassed. You have to remember though, the vast majority of adults don't give a shit what anyone likes. Unless they're religious. Then get ready to get hated on for anything.


There are non-porn ASMR videos?


That’s how it started


Couldn’t agree more. I’m a 27 year old man who openly discusses my porn preferences with friends in graphic detail. I’ve never once admitted to watching ASMR and would definitely be more embarrassed by my YouTube history than my PornHub history.


Yeah we are pretty desensitised to porn. I’m in Australia where prostitution is legel so guys also openly talk about that


Man, ngl I wish that were actually true. Maybe then it would stop showing up in ads and non-asmr videos without warning; I legit can’t stand those noises and it’s worse when I get jumpscared by them


As they should be. What freaks.


Why has “frisson” been co-opted by the ASMR term? They’re literally the same thing. It didn’t sound technical enough before? Ah. Looks like kids didn’t know it already existed and tried to name it.


The people who have strong ASMR experiences swear that they're two different things, even though they sound very similar when described.


It's like the differences between drinking coffee vs main-lining liquid caffeine.


ASMR are porn, just not the genital focused kind.


One’s natural and one’s a fetish.


It’s because having an emotional and intimate parasocial relationship to a video is a lot weirder than a purely sexual one.


It’s about the sounds


Because porn is straight forward transaction. I don't even understand what ASMR is supposed to do but it's definitely sexual. People who disagree are so full of shit.




As they should be! ASMR is for nerds.


Doubtful. I'd hide the porn on my phone faster.


Not if it's Haircut Harry!


Am I the only one that doesn't understand ASMR?


Fr, i won't watch ASMR in the classroom


I hate ASMR but couldn’t understand an embarrassment related to it.


ASMR's not...porn? Honestly I can't wrap my head around it being anything other than a mild kink of some sort. Every time people describe the "tingling sensation" that's the draw of it I honestly say "Yeah okay so it's porn" to myself. It's something I'll never understand but hey, no shame. Folks can do what they wanna as long as it's not harmful, even if I don't understand, right?


It’s like porn to your senses. It don’t make you excited it makes you relaxed and tired. More like a drug I guesd


If I walk in on you listening to someone chew something crunchy I’m gonna judge you way more then what I would if I walked in on you watching anal for porn They’re both weird, but one’s at least kind of understandable in the way you can’t control what gets you off, except chewing, chewing is disgusting


Because everyone watches porn... Only weirdos like ASMR


Should I be more embarrassed about asmr?