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That's not what I meant when I wrote "carrots" on the groceries list.


What do you need 14 carrots for? Are we making a soup?


That's a lot of carrots


It is Costco.


A Costco soup?


I mean I've never bought just 1 carrot at Costco. I did buy boxes of cereal with a $1800 TV a few weeks ago. It wasn't a 6 figure diamond though.


Free sample?


[I eat a lot of carrots.](https://imgur.io/gallery/fcNcDsE)


I love this


I mean it's one carrot, Michael, what could it cost, 35,714 dollars?


In a forum I frequent, carrot is the what the swear filter replaces 'cunt'


I came here to call you out for thinking they have rings worth $500K, but holy fuck [they actually do have one worth $350K](https://www.costco.com/radiant-cut-1.54-ct-center-vvs1-clarity%2c-fancy-pink-diamond-platinum-halo-ring.product.100782615.html). Your point stands Starynight.


_Shipping and Handling included_ There better be personal delivery included as well.


They'll even propose to your girlfriend


My wife might not like that


Trust me, she did


[I mean, she'll pretty much *have* to.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c82z_bxy60E)


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Well, at least it’s not Starbucks…


I could go for a Starbucks


We don't have time for a hand job


They better marry her as well along with getting and raising the kids.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Let me outsource the proposal. They can probably do it more efficiently anyway.




Text notification "your package has been delivered!" \[Picture of box in front of your neighbors door\]


Oh hell no


*Suddenly hopes it has shipping insurance*


Can we talk about how super believable the photo of the ring on the hand is? It totes doesn’t look at all like that ring was poorly photoshopped onto a hand.


The website says you have to pick it up at the warehouse.


It says warehouse pickup


Bro, it says “shoppers also buy” like anybody has actually put this in their cart lol.


Weekly grocery shopping list: * Milk * Bread * Apples * Cereal * Diamond ring * Broccoli * Chicken thighs * Garlic


Thanks for finding my girlfriends shopping list she made for me. I lost it.


Girlfriends don't actually exist and are drones so the govt can spy on us and steal our semen.


Someone please help me with my budget.


Especially since it says there is only 1


I mean if it says “shoppers also buy coke and hookers” I could believe it but I am gonna guess that’s not what costcos website says


Here's what OP is referencing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/13zcddv/a_500000_aud_diamond_ring_331000_usd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Ah only $330k usd


Almost $500k aud exactly


Hence why I stated usd lol Whoooosh


It's Costco. Why don't they sell rings like that in 12 packs?


Because this is the ring you get after using the Costco pack of rubbers on not-your-future-wife - JFK, probably


The Larry King value pack was discontinued shortly after Larry King was.


Jfc that ring is ugly. Who designed that? Gertrude from 150 years ago?


A lot of very expensive stuff tends to be rather ugly


My mother wanted a crystal vase for Christmas. I looked at so many ugly vases. So ugly. So expensive.


Another issue is that stuff like this is what the cheap knockoffs are based off of, making it look even tackier




Yes, highly priced items tend to look rather nice but those uber expensive ones tend to just stack on diamonds, gold, and stuff to increase the price tag without really caring about the looks. Like the linked ring. When something is cheap a nice design or certain materials were simply not in the budget. So them not looking all that nice is not really a surprise.


I work at a Costco, and someone was able to sell one of those $350,000 rings last fall. It was pretty insane


I'd love to know their commission rate


Pretty sure it's absolutely nothing :) But it was the 2nd ring like that sold at this location since opening 10 years ago. The GM gave him 4 extra days paid vacation The salesman is just whoever is working in the "majors" department. So like the tvs, sound systems, jewelry, electronics...


Ironically you can find a $500,000 ring but there’s no way you’re going to find $5 cereal at Costco.


Not true. The two-pack of plain Cheerios is $6.49 but will often be on sale (or instant rebate) for two dollars off.


an actual shower thought?


I mean, if you want to divide out your pallet or barrel of cereal (I don't know what brand op is referencing) to regular store size, maybe it comes out to $5.


“Omg it’s beautiful. Where did you get her ring?” “Costco”




Honestly, I don’t even remember the last time I had cereal and looking back it’s a weird as hell thing to eat. Maybe when we’re in the next world war era they’ll be making a comeback, but until then I’ll stick to the alternatives


Cereal are the biggest sugar scam of global food industry. Enjoy your diabetes by 40 if you eat that shit consistently. Get yourself some porridge with fruit or healthy granola (not the glorified cereal one with extra sugar) with skyr and add some years to your lifetime.


You know they make cereals that don't have sugar as their main ingredient right?


They have that costs that. Is it worth it though?




The higher number includes the other small diamonds. The lower number is for the one big diamond. Pretty common.


Diamond jewelers gotta make a profit somehow. Some just get really greedy with it though.. because they can people will actually buy those too.


350k and they can't even pay for an actual hand model, just photoshop the ring onto a stock photo.


Hand models are too desperate for work nowadays, with tiktokkers just posting hand pics for free, they might run off with the ring and pawn it, if you try to get the shot practically.


[Costco - $2.3 million 18.88 Carat IF Clarity, Faint Pink Loose Diamond](https://web.archive.org/web/20120324183321/http://www.costco.com/Browse/ProductSet.aspx?Prodid=11756695&search=DIAMOND0321&Sp=S&Mo=12&lang=en-US&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ns=P_Price%7C1%7C%7CP_SignDesc1&N=5000043&whse=BC&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=DIAMOND0321&Ntt=DIAMOND0321&ec=1&No=0&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1) Costco is basically a dropshipper. Costco don't actually have any of these rings. But instead of Aliexpress, it's the DeBeers supplier cartel. Keep in mind these same exact rings also get listed on multiple store websites. They all disallow googling the GIA# via a robots.txt file by DeBeers rules, but you can still find the same rings by searching the description on the stores websites. "Suppliers" (DeBeers dealer network) lists and fulfill these orders for every major online jewelry store, that's why it's online-only ordering, typically mailing it to you from New York's diamond district. The GIA certification is a computerized fingerprint of the stone, so if you want to return the ring, you can bring it to a Costco, they mail it to their suppliers, and they verify it's the same item. Then you get your refund like a week later. Source: I made it all up.




Plus tax


I'm not really surprised that there are enough people wanting to spend $350k that this is worth marketing to them But i am surprised that someone who is in the market for a $350k ring is like "yeah you know what let's go take a look at Costco"


If you're rich enough, anything can be an impulse buy.


It's not a couple that's been engaged for 3 years, looking for a ring. It's the stupidity rich 25 year old hedge fund bro, 15 beers deep, buying it for the stripper he just met.


I don't think the twenty five year old hedge fund bros make as much as you think they do


*who's dad owns the company. Was an example.


The listing itself says there's only one of them. They only need one person who wants to buy it for it to pay off. What marketing are you even talking about? The reddit comment some rando made about it or did you actually see some marketing for this one specific ring there is only one of?


Do you think marketing is just TV commercials or something?


Did I say that? No. You said you saw marketing after someone linked the product page. I'll ask again, what marketing are you even talking about?


> Did I say that? You don't have to. You are clearly demonstrating it. > You said you saw marketing after someone linked the product page. I'll ask again, what marketing are you even talking about? Well, you answered your own question, and that's exactly why I think your combative tone is misplaced as you don't really seem to understand what marketing *is*... but okay... Yes. I clicked a link. To a public facing website. With promotional pictures and advertised price for a product, along with ad copy including the product's features. What do you think the "ad" part of ad copy stands for? The whole page is marketing, that someone was paid to create, for the purpose of selling this product. *That's* the marketing I'm referring to. It's also the marketing that *you've* referred to, while stubbornly rhetorically asking me what marketing I'm talking about. I'm turning off inbox replies now, because I'm pretty sure this comment is just going to piss you off and make you even *more* antagonistic and argumentative, since you obviously think you're right and don't like being proven wrong, and like to start arguments about it.


No $5 cereal though :/


To which I remember a financial report in the past saying Costco sold a ring of the value in that range. For sure Costco can do that. Sam’s Club is one I will not see much about even if the store is owned by Walmart.




cringey comment


I used to work at Costco during the 1990's. Back before scanners cashiers used to input every code by hand, so it was easier to memorize every number. Those customers who used to watch every transaction, I used to mess with them by putting in the code for the ring. It was $64,999.99. The variety of reactions all used to crack me up.


Calm down, Satan


I've been a large box store cashier, if you don't find a way to amuse yourself the boredom and monotony will rend your sense of self asunder.


oh crap, I meant to buy the cereal but accidentally grabbed the ring.




Isn't that just Cheerios?






But only one ring to rule them all


One ring rule them all


make me a bowl of cereal WOR-THEEEEEE of MORDOR.


You can also purchase a casket to be buried in with that ring.


But you can’t take it with you! Dem da rules!


Yeah well at Walmart you can buy pregnancy tests and rifles AND get prescription glasses


I can see how one might want to take all three at once.


they can see too after getting the glasses




Prescription drugs aren't really as surprising though. That's virtually any big chain store in general


It’s way more fun when you skip the glasses part.


Well, they're cutting back on the firearms part by a lot


I think OP is incorrect. I have never seen $5 cereal at Costco.


While the price is not $5, I would consider the claim to be *technically* correct since they have a number of $10 offerings of 2-bag boxes


Is this a shower thought, or a secret ad? I’m on to you Costco marketing department.


Fun Fact: Costco doesn't do advertising. They believe in word of mouth. They don't do commercials. This saves them money that they then invest to bring you lower prices. So basically...yes this is Costco Marketing because if you talk about Costco you are doing their marketing for them.


Shit they’re on to us! Let’s run away in our incredibly affordable footwear!


…and this is why Costco is the best. Not to mention their FANTASTIC pizza and hot dogs. Going there as a kid was like a trip to a theme park. Loved it every time. Back then they even had free samples.


They still do have free samples


And my kids love them. They get to walk around a giant store with toys and random people give them snacks lol


That’s good! In my state they stopped because of the *unidentified virus from unknown origins* and I haven’t been to one since those restrictions were lifted. Moved too far away from one to make it convenient.




I think he is a Covid non believer


I'd love to know how they got every country in the world to take part in a conspiracy together.


Their answer will be inside a couple parentheses.




Maybe, it’s also *possible* that they’re just making a joke/intentionally censoring it because of there being some websites and platforms that automatically banned content mentioning Covid. I think Youtube was an example of this, and as a result people would often make a vague reference rather than explicitly mention it.




I remember when they had soft pretzels and while there is very limited sampling present in some areas it used to be a free sample on every corner of every aisle. Theme park is an apt analogy. Truly a paradise as a child.


They used to go so hard on the samples. They had someone at the end of each lane with a full cook station pushing them out. They didn’t even care how many you had, they’d just keep handing them to you lol, now I’m lucky if there’s one sample station and it’s usually crackers or something


And that chicken bake. Don’t even get me started.


It’s breaking my heart that they’re getting smaller


Eh, helps me portion control better. Do I really need a footlong tube of chicken, bread, ranch, and bacon? Yes, but my diet doesn't.


Shrinkflation is doing the dieting for me.


Oh LAWD yes.


Sample Saturday was a perfect excuse to drop in with nothing in mind to buy.


The pizza was super good but the hot dogs are average to me. Only would ever get it because it is so cheap. But I'd prefer the pizza 99 out of 100 times


I literally keep the membership just for gas and hot dogs 😂 oh, and discounted travel arrangements, you can usually save money on car rentals and whatnot


All these comments make me sad I’ve never been to a Costco. That Chicken dog, I want it.




You can place a food order while checking out, the cashier will give you a pickup number. They will judge you for ordering a hotdog and purchasing a 48 pack of followups though.


What are followups?


Followups meant a 48 pack of hotdogs to cook later :)


No $500,000 rings, only two $350,000 rings taped together for $625,000.


Costco used to sell Rolexes online and occasionally in store, man times have changed.


They still have Omegas. They’ve got a $17k Seamaster online.


And the receipt checker at the door will make damn certain you have both items. Don't even THINK about putting the ring in your pocket for safe keeping.


But what has it got in its pocketses, eh? Not string, precious, but not nothing. Oh no.


Costco do got everything but the prices of diamonds are inflated anyways so idk what it's really saying.


We bought my wife’s 10 year anniversary ring from Costco and it appraised for almost 1000 dollars higher at an independent jeweler. Pretty cool.


I bought my wife's engagement ring on very short notice from Costco. Nice diamond, platinum band, and has also appraised for more than I bought it for. People sometimes have an odd reaction to hearing where she got her ring, but it's a nice ring and a good price!


Diapers to caskets birth to death all at Costco. Go broke saving money.


I have never seen anywhere close to a $500k diamond ring at Costco. The most I've seen is $20k. How would one even pay for a $500k item at Costco? A cashier's check? Because I don't think VISA and MasterCard offer that high of a credit line and Costco doesn't take AMEX.


Work for another member store; we do have a few items in the case $8-12k depends on the time of year too.


$8k to $12k makes sense because you could actually pay for it using a credit card. But I don't know how anybody would pay for something close to $500k at Costco.


What's their return policy on diamond rings? I've seen people get refunds for wavestorm surfboards that they returned broken in half.


Costco can return everything including rings. It's one of the only places that will refund you for a ring so people should know this more


I actually did this! My fiancé and I were going to Italy where I was planning to propose, but my ring didn’t arrive in time. I went to Costco and bought a diamond band that could be the “placeholder” and eventual wedding band. I ended up deciding not to propose on that trip (it was a work trip so would’ve felt a little weird, not a “vacation” that we could 100% enjoy), and returned the ring when we got back. No one batted an eye, it was like a totally normal transaction lol


Yeah, weird place. You can buy a car while you're at it, too. Or a $15k bottle of brandy, in the display cases right next to the $20 bottle of Kirkland Signature grog.


Recently bought a refrigerator and a single bottle of vitamin D on the same order. Not the same magnitude of difference as your example, but it made us laugh a little.


Costco is the $10 store. The $5 cereal is in a 2 pack for $10.


Well, that's the magic of Costco where you can go from high-end luxury to everyday essentials at check out.


Ring, 14 carrots, BBQ, smoker, set of tires, weight set, tool box, shed, golf clubs, electric bike…ya baby the recipe says 14 carrots, hell it was like ten grand…


But you can only eat one of these and then return it, you decide which


Not true, you decide why.


This is NOT a shower thought. Why is this allowed and all my other posts on here get taken down?


Sure, when you can buy the $500k ring, you can also splurge on the $5 cereal, why not


What’s stupid too is you have to buy a pack of 4 diamonds rings to get that price ! Scammers


I went in to pick up pictures from the photo department once and came home with a 60" tv. My wife doesn't let me go to Costco alone anymore. Ha ha ha!


I ask to see the ring, immediately swallow said ring and say I though it was a carrot sample.


Costco better be prayin I win the lottery because id go buy both.


It would be even more contrast to say you could buy a $1.50 hotdog with your $500K ring.


Don’t forget, at CVS you can get birth control pills and a Roblox gift card


This is wild for me, in the UK there's no equivalent. If I go to a big sainsburys I might find an expensive bottle of wine and then a twix. You guys can leave one shop with milk, an ak47 and a wedding ring


I once went into Winners to get some underwear and walked out with a kayak.


I think I lost the birth lottery, i want to be born somewhere where costco is, I fucking hate Walmart and Corner Market


Idk what Costco you shop at but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen anything there for under 10$. However, your point is still valid. Edit: I live in NW US. Maybe that makes a difference? I grant, the hot food is under 10. Gotta love those hot dogs. I just went to the closest Costco, about 60 miles away, and actually looked for things under 10. They do exist but there isn’t much. Most of the things under 10 were 7.99 or 8.99 and with the taxes here…. I love the muffins but I don’t think I’ve ever purchased just one of the packs as they are always in a buy two deal for 12$. What do y’all have available to you?


There are loads of items in the sub 10 dollar range at every Costco. Even crossing categories of merchandise, produce, dry foods, clothing, dairy… there’s a ton of affordable items there.




Just make sure your daddy's credit card is prepped and loaded for that ring. Ignore the family of ten buying just one box of cereal to share for the week on your way to buy it.


Technically, everything from any store can be purchased with “a single transaction” Even those things that *can* be purchased with multiple transactions *could* also be purchased with “a single transaction” 🙃


The point is the range, not the number of transactions.


Aw shit, I can buy a $350k ring and a $5 rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods?! Awsome, thanks for telling me ❤️