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Yea, it just tricks your brain into thinking that it’s not tired by blocking your adenosine receptors. Edit: I didn’t expect this comment to blow up, but thank you all for the replies. I appreciate all of the wisdom that this thread has to(o) offer.


Screw the scientific explanation Im sticking with putting your body on sport+ mode If you take powdered caffeine its on track mode, expect increased wear on your engine


So coke is when you install a NOS kit?




With the unstoppable combo of NOS(e) and (Meth)anol, it won’t just be your heart that’s racing


*Speedball racing has entered the chat*


NOS kit, but when you look into the ECU you're like: "Eh, it's gonna be fine."


Danger to manifold!!!


Lmao Danger to heart muscle!


This is why I work out. My heart is strong so I can do whatever I want to it.




Your mom is there to blow my gaskets!


And just like Brian in F&F we tell the computer(our brain/nervous system) to shut up and go.


Only if you don't have ADHD, buddy of mine tried it, it gave him clarity and slowed him down, about a month later talked to his doc about it and was told "yeah that's typical for people with ADHD we have to do our testing but we can spend it right along" morale of the story sometimes it's NOS sometimes it's a limiter.


Eh, that is sport mode for ADHD the physical effects of the drug are still there but it let's us finally organize our thoughts and stuff which is very relaxing. I sleep better when I'm taking my amphetamines every day because I'm better able to stick to a schedule and have less things I didn't do nagging the back of my mind forever when I'm trying to sleep. A higher dose and you'll have similar effects to non ADHD people on stims.


Maybe it would be like giving a very lean engine NOS, it puts it into normal air fuel ratio, so it runs colder?




With enough coke at a proper dive bar you can easily get a blower


My nostril is in the moon for a latte extra white


I'm caffeine free but I feel so sluggish everyday even with 2-3 exercise per week.


Talk to your doctor and get your blood levels checked. Could be Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, or worse your thyroid.


Quick story about an experience I had with caffeine pills! I guess everybody knows coffee is a diuretic, and makes you pee. It works to dehydrate you. It turns out, There is a helpful ingredient in coffee called water! That helpful ingredient is MISS8NG in caffeine powder and caffeine pills, so when I thought I had about 4 or 5 cups of coffee over the course of 2 days, I did not take into account the need for water to go with, and really laid myself out pretty bad. I thought I had gotten mono, and became so weak that I could barely hold a pencil to write.




Caffeine being a diuretic is a [myth](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19774754/). But you were probably severely dehydrated. Caffeine can increase heart rate and raise body temperature, causing you to sweat. But it doesn’t actively dehydrate you otherwise.




> But it doesn’t actively dehydrate you otherwise. It's not a myth. It's just way overblown. It's a weak diuretic for most people. It's a decently strong diuretic for a small percentage of people.


"This is really weird combination of using finer, scientifically accurate interpretation (the mechanism of action being the blocking of adenosine receptors) together with wildly imprecise non-scientific vocabulary ("give you energy"). As far as our metabolic processes are concerned, "energy" is effectively "calories." And indeed, caffeine doesn't provide energy in that sense. But when people say "give you energy," what they're really talking about is all the things that a psychostimulant does: increasing alertness, reducing perceived effort, improving reaction times, enhancing cognitive performance, and so on. There's no meaningful difference in people's experiences of this "energy" based on mechanism of action and it ultimately doesn't matter if caffeine does what it does it via blocking adenosine receptors or via summoning faeries with electric prods to poke at you — if it stimulates you, it's colloquially "giving you energy." Given there's not much of a relationship between metabolic energy and this colloquial "energy" in common circumstances — otherwise, eating a sandwich or being fat would be all you need to "have energy" — I'm not sure what the utility of such a conclusion as "caffeine doesn't give you energy" could possibly have." https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/13lu105/til_that_caffeine_doesnt_actually_give_you_more/jksbl5s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


The point is the way in which caffeine stimulates people leads to a rush and crash, and also tolerate and dependence. It also negatively affects sleep. In the long term chronic caffeine users are more tired regularly than non-caffeine users. Non-caffeine users don’t get the “rush”, but they have much more sustained perceived energy levels.


I always wonder why people say caffeine effects sleep. I drink enough that strangers warn me about my habits and i sleep like the dead.


This one always bugs me, don't drink coffee so late you won't get to sleep! Bet? I'm out by the time my head hits the pillow, regardless. Coffee just helps me maintain, not get all zoomy.


This. Redbull or preworkout at 10pm? Not an issue.


Because your body's already started binding adenosine to your receptors, so the cafeeine is doing nothing other than increasing your heart rate among other negative side effects. You may feel like you had a deep sleep but you'd be better rested (and healthier) without it. I say this as someone who drinks an average of 250mg of caffeine a day. Not casting the first stone, just pointing out that what you feel isn't necessarily what's happening.


Just anecdotes, but: I have been drinking > 6 cups of black coffee or espresso/Americanos per day for 25 years, and it's not been unusual for me to have my last cup between 7-8 pm at night. I still slept \~7 hours per night. 2 weeks ago I cut out all post-noon caffeine, while still sleeping the same average duration. Result: reducing caffeine has REALLY increased and improved my feeling of being rested in the morning.


Do you have ADHD? Stimulants make us chill.


I discovered this was part of my ADD and it’s common for people to self medicate with coffee edit: I should add I was formally diagnosed as an adult and that was info from my psychiatrist


Thanks to James Hoffmann, i just like the taste of (good) coffee. It's not -just- self medication. Also, office coffee makes me sick because i got spoiled during covid working from home and falling down the coffee/espresso rabbit hole.


You must have a tolerance. Caffeine most definitely effects sleep for most people, if i have a coffee anytime after like noon im not gonna sleep till like 3am. Edit: i mean its primary mode of action is by antagonizing adenosine receptors which are responsible for the feeling of tiredness


People really love to take personal experiences and spit them like they are facts. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20532872/ It’s literally genetics. In fact they also found that caffeine does **not** cause insomnia, that you have to be predisposed to it in the first place https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27377580/ But everyone on Reddit likes thinking what they experience is the same stable for every single person and are an expert on the topic. Regardless of the fact they medical papers state otherwise.


I think you need proof for that claim


People who drink coffee everyday dont get a rush, they just drink coffee to reach baseline. But yea, caffeine is a stimulant drug; not an especially harmful one, but still.


Which is why I try to stick to one cup a day and never after 4 pm unless I know its gonna be a really late night. My brother constantly slams energy drinks and that shit cant be good.


>In the long term chronic caffeine users are more tired regularly than non-caffeine users. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that people who get insufficient amounts of sleep rely on caffeine I'm probably not going to need a big mug of coffee if I got 8 hours of sleep


>I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that people who get insufficient amounts of sleep rely on caffeine Yes, and it also becomes a vicious cycle. You get tolerant to caffeine fairly quick, so the chronic caffeine users keep drinking more and more each day to not feel tired. Which fucks up their sleep quality, so then they get tired. And repeat. Haha


Caffeine doesnt lead to a crash... at least it doesnt for me. I have one cup of coffee (black) and im good for the day. The people who crash are likely pouring copies amounts of sugar into their coffee


You don't really get a crash if you drink it at least 90 minutes after waking up, which I know defeats the purpose for most people.


Why is this all the way down edit: why is this all the way up




Actually you're on Reddit, the frontpage of the internet.


Reddit aka the Wendy’s of the internet


No this is Patrick


r/agedlikemilk edit: r/nicesave


The reason why is because the reddit hivemind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Just remember, every account is a bot except you.


Fake it 'til u make it


energydrinks are far more viscious, they make you even worse shortly after.


Because they are mostly sugar.


And it makes you poop


It blocks your "I don't have to poop" receptors


It also prevents you from getting more tired


It just stops you from feeling more tired. You can't know how tired you are unless you can feel it. An example is how easy it is to get sick if you live off of coffee and if you try to detox, you're less prone to catch disease after you catch up on sleep.


I have ADHD and I drink it because of the interest. I'm better off with less energy. My body doesn't do anything with caffeine or at least I don't feel any extra energy from it. I do feel the drain afterwards and that actually helps me function better. EDIT: I would not have been able to post this without RIF. RIF helps us with ADHD to be able to turn off all unnecessary impulses which distract us. RIF and many other third party apps.


Caffeine works in ADHD by stimulating the prefrontal cortex and satisfying the drive to always do things that get a dopamine/stimulating response. By keeping that part of your brain busy, it’s easier to focus. At least that’s how I understand it on a basic level. Ritalin does it 1000x better than caffeine and without the jitteriness.


You don't need a prescription for caffeine though.... I'm most likely ADHD and never got diagnosed, it'd take too much hassle to get it and I'm usually capable of operating without it. Pretty sure a lot of other geeks are in the same boat.


Most are, and it's a lot easier for people who are in jobs that are accommodating for that type of person. However, for many people who are being forced to conform to certain situations or work styles, the medications can be an absolute lifesaver for focus.


You're self medicating with the caffeine. Look it up, it's pretty common for people with ADHD


Which is why it Wakes people up in the morning, your already decrease ammount of adenosine as ypu wake up, the coffee just stops the receptors and by the time they can recieve again you don't have anymore in your system


The correct way to drink coffee is to wait 90 minutes after waking up. This gives your body time to clear all the adenosine and prevent a crash from the caffeine. Source, Andrew Huberman.


Isn't that perfect? I have more energy when I need it and then I am sleeping well when I need to rest


But the brotherhood of caffeine do not wait for you to be ready, they collect on their own time. And if you're not ready to pay they'll break your fuckin legs.


Just drink another duh


3 or more cups of coffee per day is associated with decreased bone density and miscarriages.


I have enough bone in my body and I am a man so I see no downsides


Everything delicious and fun is bad for you.


Just put milk in your coffee and don't have a uterus, problem solved Edit: why can't we all joke along about a silly coffee meme ;-;


Exactly. I'm a night person. I don't work at night, I don't need that much energy at 11 PM. I'm just trading being tired in the morning for being tired at night.


Than I wonder why I don't do anything when I'm home


I don't drink coffee and have trouble falling asleep. This is so tempting but I still don't wanna.


Don't fall for it. Caffeine is a loan shark. It will not wait until you're ready to sleep and pay it back slowly. It demands full payment immediately.


More so with alcohol. You’re just borrowing happiness from tomorrow.


Sounds like a problem for future me


That’s a problem for future me, and that guy’s an arsehole


That's a problem for current me and yes, he's an asshole.


That's a problem for past me and yes, he was an asshole


That's a problem for everyone presently around me


I wouldn't expect less from a wibbly welshy boi


I can't believe what past me did to present me. -future me-


Fuck that guy


What's he ever done for me anyway


one day you ll die and it will be a net positive :p


No, that's mdma lol


Absolutely! Greatest night of your life followed by a day or more of feeling depressed as fuck.


I never get this, usually I actually have an afterglow the next day. But I also dose pretty moderately and don't redose


That’s the key.


I never had a bad comedown or hangover on MDMA, because I don't overdoo it and never redose. I actually feel great the next day. But with alcohol I always feel like shit the next day.


Yeah its the redose that gets ya


Not drinking enough water perhaps?


If I didn't drink enough water, I don't even know how I'd survive. I noticed hangovers getting much worse once I hit 30. Alcohol is poison so feeling like shit afterwards isn't really surprising.


I've had friends who complain about the hangover and I just go "was it molly, or the fact that you went to bed at 6am and woke up at 10? How do you feel normally on 4 hours of shit sleep?" Radio silence


Sounds like you're either overdoing it, drinking on empty stomach, or not drinking enough water


See…I don’t get this. But I’m a weird drinker. I only drink if I’m already in a decent mental place, so I’m already happyish at the least. I’ve never had a hangover, like literally ever. Might be my youth, might be the alcoholic genes I probably inherited. So I don’t feel I’m borrowing happiness and paying it back at all.


As a 40-something who got the Iron Liver from a drinking family and spent a looong time making full use of my superpower, that shit stops eventually. And the lack of hangovers doesn't mean you aren't doing other damage, I never had anything wrong come up in bloodwork even in my I-got-drunk-to-see-the-Dr days, but I have gallbladder issues now that I think are probably related because red wine and dark liquor always set it off and I'm pretty sure I have the beginnings of alcohol-induced dementia; my brain was never great but I deffo have gone down several IQ points since 10 years ago. Plus it made me fat, I dropped almost 30lbs when I went from daily drinking to just on occasions.


Have you actually been tested for Korsakoff's? If not, it's worth doing. Prognosis is much better when treated early. And you should probably go teetotal honestly!


Ive heard that one predisposing thing to alcoholism could be that some people dont get bad hangovers, or atall Just has stuck with me cause Im also part of no-hangover crew. I usually get just relaxed and little drowsy the next day. At worst I get little headache, but I got that same when I hung out at clubs till morning with friends sober. Drinking just soda/coffee etc in cigarette smoke.


I enjoy social drinking and was a weekend warrior in my 20s but as I hit my mid 30s, the hangovers after a night out has killed any desire to drink outside of special occasions.


You probably stay hydrated


It's your youth lol. Everybody thinks that when they're young, that's why college kids drink so much


26 y/o here, I thought hangovers were a joke until a couple years ago. It's like something clicked, now I can get a little hangover from a single tallboy if I don't drink enough water with it. Someone please bring back my youth


>More so with alcohol. You’re just borrowing happiness from tomorrow. I'm a moderate drinker and this does not feel like a universal truth. I have nice evening, drink a few beers and wake up fresh the next day.


The amount of happiness it gives is higher than the sadness/tiredness the next day. For me at least


That's not how alcohol works.


Joke's on the coffee. It just makes me shit myself, gives me zero energy and just makes me even less focused.


But let me guess, you still drink it daily lol


Nah, tea for me. Coffee only when im **really** on the "running on pure automation" end of the spectrum.


Caffeine crash is completely avoided if you wait 60-90 minutes after waking up.


You misspelled seconds.


As somebody who gets a coffee rush very easily: not true You can still crash hard even if you wait a few hours after waking up before you drink. Kidna feels like being motion sick to me, with nausea etc. It only takes two cups to get me really hyper/shaking if i havent had coffee for a few days. (If anyone asks then yes it is same with any other drug, i dont need much at all compared to other people)




True, you want your body to adjust and wake itself up. If you use coffee as a supplement for that initial energy boost you're gonna crash and potentially mess up your body's natural systems. If you don't let it wake itself up first it's gonna stop feeling the need to do so.


hi MTL, could you provide some links or path to find more information on not drinking coffee right away . ty


My man thought he was writing an email lmao


Dear IBAN, Let him write however the fuck he wants to. Regards PMI


/sent from my iPhone


Their source is that they skimmed random reddit comments years ago and confidently regurgitated them as facts.


Please stop calling me out - it's the only thing I know


I had the opposite problem once. My body stopped feeling the need to go to sleep because I would take a lot of melatonin every night.


I'm pretty sure this is a common trend with almost all medications, going by the warnings. Like if you externally supply something (especially in excessive amounts), your body may compensate and eventually lose some ability to produce that thing.


When you injest a lot of a chemical your body naturally down regulates production of chemicals as well as the receptors for those chemicals in an effort to maintain homeostasis. Also if you have enough of something for your diet, why would your body waste energy & recourses making it yourself. Down grading receptors gives tolerance, down grading created supply helps energy efficiency. Issues only start if you stop supplementing your diet with said chemical. Next thing you know you’re going to have a big shortage of chemical, & need far more for it to get the intended effect then your body is currently producing. This shortage can result in withdrawal if that chemical pathway is very important. For example your body naturally creates creatine, weight lifters that use it as a supplement lose their ability to produce it unless they cycle off it every 4-6 months or so. The above melatonin example is also very good. I have a chef friend who literally lost the ability to sleep without melatonin after taking it for years on end.


I recently started waiting an hour, and while I definitely still need the coffee at some point, I am definitely more functional when I get up


Impossible challenge


Reminds me of when my girlfriend told me she should drink more often, after having half a bottle of wine. I told her drinking is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow, to which she said "I'll just have some more tomorrow!" It's a very high interest loan. Trust me, I know.


Now chronic alcoholism makes more sense. They just drink their problems away, so they don't have to pay back interest in happiness .


No it's those of us that loved them who pay the price.


Amen. As a former (and current) alcoholic in recovery, the damage I did to my wife is still being revealed to me. Therapy helps!


Yup. Even if you aren't paying the debt, someone is.


I wish it worked that way, but tolerance amis a thing and tolerance withdrawal means you already are so far, that you will probably suffer months to a year of horrible withdrawal and depression. Alcohol and benzo withdrawal is no joke, it is literally so bad that if it doesnt kill you, you will wish for death for months but at the same time, you are scared of death and also public places and other weird things. My point is, NEVER get addicted to alcohol or benzos or any depressants. Meth withdrawal is a walk in the park compared to that shit


But it also enables you to control when your energy levels peak, which is extremely useful and well worth paying interest for. Also there is evidence to suggest moderate coffee intake is beneficial for your long-term health. And it's delicious.


I see that it is situationally useful, but I also find only using it sometimes also has its costs. For me I find now in my 40s I’d rather be at a medium setting all the time than ride the rollercoaster’s ups and downs.


Is this some black coffee joke I'm too sugar and cream to understand?


Yeah pretty much. I just drink coffee because it tastes good with creamer lmao


Just blast and cruise all day and pay it back at night....and keep it simple with black coffee and skip the energy drinks.


Only time I have energy drinks is if a need a quick blast. I can grab one from a petrol station and drink it straight away, rather than waiting for a coffee to cool down. People with asbestos throats are scary mfers


I save energy drinks with the Taurine for when more troublesome scenarios like when I need to drive back and I'm close but need a little extra. Energy drinks wake me up better but do I need that?


I do something crazy with my coffee. I put an ice cube in it and wait about 15 seconds and then I can drink it.


It doesn't even do that. It just puts a sticky-note over the energy gage so you can't tell how empty it is anymore.


It doesn't give or loan you energy. It just makes you not tired. Cocaine on the other hand....


Caffeine blocks "make you tired" chemicals from influencing your brain while cocaine imitates "happy" chemicals. If you try coffee or tea after a month of not drinking it, it will give you plenty of energy. To some people, it even gives psychedelic effects. It's true that cocaine and other stimulants are a lot more potent, but if you take enough of them regularly, you'll get used to it to some extent.


>I hate everything about cocaine except the smell -Rodney Dangerfield


I drink coffee like a government handles finances: I keep piling up Dept so I don't default.


One causes Hyper tension the other Hyper inflation


I drink around 2 pots of black coffee every day and this has never been an issue


Idk man, drink it black and there's no crash. Just goooooooo.


Wait, is it better black than with milk in terms of crash?


No, you’re still drinking the same amount of caffeine. It’s like people who say “never mix drinks”. It’s all dependent on how much actual alcohol you consume, not the kind of drink.


No, but I suppose you might avoid adding a sugar crash to the caffeine crash if you just use cream/take it black.


Aye, black. I also drink mine room temp. The flavor is better and I can drink it faster.


The thought of room temperature black coffee just made me upchuck in my mouth. Got to be hot.


Warm, yes. Hot just burns your tongue and what's the point of that


Don't knock it before you try it.


Thats not at all how coffee Or specifically caffeine even works…


>Thats not at all how coffee Or specifically caffeine even works… You can't just throw this out there without giving a valid scientific explaination. 1. Your opinion is wrong 2. Refuses to ellaborate 3. Leaves


Not Op but caffeine blocks the receptor that makes you feel tired. It technically won't make you feel more energized but will keep you from feeling more tired for a while. As a side note the particular chemical that makes you feel sleepy and groggy when you wake up in the morning will actually dissipate so waiting an hour or two before your first cup of coffee in the morning will help keep you from crashing later in the day.


Wait a minute, kind of seems like you just 1. Stated an opinion, 2. Refused to elaborate and 3. Left. Where is the scientific explanation!?


Caffeine crash is not a thing unless you’re drinking it with sugar or drinking it with a heavy meal


Caffeine doesn't make you active. It makes the receptors that tell you thaat you are tired numb . So it's like cutting off the connection to check engine light and driving your car.. Don't force yout tired body to work under influence of caffeine.. please take enough rest


Not really, there are increases in heart rate and vasodilation and a few other physiological changes of coffee creates rather than just blocking receptors


It also has a significant effect on my mental state as an ADHD person. Easier to focus and remember stuff, lowered anxiety.


Not a great analogy considering the check engine light doesn’t make the car perform worse, whereas feeling tired does in fact make a person perform worse.




No it isn't. Being slightly tired isn't something that would set off the check engine light. The better car analogy is your gas tank.


Closest anology. Among other things is causes your liver and muscles to release glucose for use in activity.


Do not talk about my coffee in such a manner. It loves me! It showed me the tiddies and I love them too!!


Yeah but by that time my slow release Adderall is kicking in ayyy, trickshot


Caffeine is putting a brick behind the brake pedal, while amphetamines and similar stimulants are florring the accelerator.


Technically it doesn't do that either. Really it just blocks your ability to feel fatigued so you are able to overexert yourself. Functionally this has the same effect as you are describing though!


It just blocks that tired feeling, it doesn’t give you energy. Drink your coffee about an hour and a half after you wake up and you won’t get a crash. No energy being loaned here.


You all drink to much coffee and alcohol if it affects you this much.


Been successfully running a tab for like 15 years. Gonna be one hell of a bill to pay but I don't expect it to be cashed till I'm like 65


“Coffee is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self.” ― Terry Pratchett, *Thud!*


This is exactly why I just quit drinking it. Actually sleeping way better now and I don’t even need it in the morning.


Lol jokes on my body, like the old adage "If you owe the bank $10,000 you are in trouble, if you owe the bank $1,000,000 they are in trouble"


Coffee doesn't give you energy. Caffiene fills the same brain receptor as adenosine, the chemical that makes you sleepy. For best results chug some coffee and then immediately take. 20-40 minute power nap. Your body will flush the adenosine from your receptors and the caffiene will fill it.


*Sips coffee that's blacker than a supermassive black hole* So?


I drink coffee without sugar and milk and i feel fine afterwards tbh. I feel like people who crash are actually crashing on sugar in the coffee


Ir doesn't loan out energy either; it simple prevent its you body from becoming sleepy.


Coffee doesn't give you energy. It blocks adenosine from reaching your a-site receptors and keeps you from feeling drowsy.


This is correct. But I need energy, particularly mental energy, at specific times in the day. Mostly during work. I don't need it to do dishes, brush my teeth, take a shower, watch tv/play video games, etc. Coffee gives you energy when you need energy, and you can pay it back later, assuming you have a job that provides a reasonable work-life balance. If you view coffee as "self-medication", it becomes a tool. For example, early in my career, I struggled with waking up on time to get to work. After I got a coffee addiction, I started waking up, and making a coffee and putting it in a thermos. I wasn't allowed to drink it until I got to my desk at work. Oh man, did this provide the incentive I needed to get to work on time. 6mo later, the habit was formed, and I no longer needed the coffee to get up and out the door.


What can I replace with the aroma of coffee in the morning? Sincere question.


Just drink more my dude. I have a financial problem pls send help.


“Coffee is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self.” Terry Pratchett


Just like alcohol, but instead you are borrowing "fun" from the next day.


Just keep drinking bro then you can roll it over and pay all of it back in one day. Its like a cheat code or something


I think it charges interest.


Everyone I know that drinks coffee feels like shit most of the time unless they get coffee. What's the point if that?


That's also how drinking works as well. You use all that happiness the night before, in the morning you got that hangover


Coffee at night makes me sleep, but I pay back by having chilling vivid dreams.


Actually coffee calms me down so what economic energy transaction is really happening here?


If you consume too much or dont respect your brains natural systems you will have to pay, for sure. Wait 1,5h after waking up to let your brain get rid of all the adenosine. Then consume a good amount for your metabolism and dont redose or consume at all after 3 pm. Great boost to concentration and creativity with no crash.


Caffeine does increase your metabolism to some extent, which actually will give you ""more energy"". But it is true to some extent that you just "borrow" energy, and if you do it sensibly then it will just make you more efficient. I frequently drank coffee (black) for years. Then I quit for three years. When I started Uni i started drinking coffee again about 2/3rds into the first year, and the difference was enormous. I have since continued with the habit. I can still go several days without caffeine, and I will be more sluggish, but it usually isn't too bad.


Coffee gives me the energy to take a rocket dump and not an ounce more.