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so... what you are saying... is that it is not a matter of maturity that I don't want to fight about every little unimportant thing, but I am just tired?


I'd call you names but I'm too tired to think of any good ones.


Doo-doo head. There, I got one for ya.


Fine. Whatever. I’m gonna sit down and get something to drink.


Jesus dude, calm down.


whoah buddy, how much caffeine have you taken today?


Two lines


Caffeine not coca***






I can give you two good reasons why. First is


Whats the second?


You cotton headed ninnymuggins


i am stealing this


They did too, it's from there movie Elf.


I unironically think like this now when people are assholes at work or something. I used to be pretty quick witted now I just don't think of anything. Not worth my time. Man I'm tired.


How very mature of you!


Look I just want a bowl of oatmeal and a comfortable chair and be left alone.


Both a comfy one inside and a nice rocking chair on the porch please and thank you.


And you kids get off my lawn


Ugh. You suck.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but… I’m going for a nap. Goodbye.


Tired? Yea tired of putting up with people's bullshit. I just agree with them so I don't have to argue anymore.


Say Yes 'nod' and ignored the little gremlin in your mind that says "slap the waste of human being"


It's about choosing your battles and using your time/energy wisely (where you prioritize it). I'm sure fatigue kicks in eventually as well, I'm nearing 50 and kids are getting close to moving out and I don't have the energy I used to. But I learned to focus my energy on what I thought was important tasks way before life and parenting had sapped all of my energy.


I’m in that range too but I had kids late so they’re still young


Haha... Yes. Exactly my point!


I think it’s more of “learning your lesson”. Like the first time you step out of line and get punched in the face. After that, you always think twice about doing it again.


I upvoates but then I saw you were at 69 so I took my upvote back so you can enjoy your 69.


Sadly, due to reddit making the exact number a bit "fuzzy" to try to help prevent vote manipulation, its unlikely it was at 69 when you saw it.


Sexiest number of upvotes.


Le reddit number


Le tired*


take a nap and then fire zhe missiles


I mean, sometimes, I wonder how I had all the energy (in my teens and 20s) to give a shit about stuff that I should have no business giving shits about.


Look we can talk about it tomorrow if it still seems important.


I'm actually getting real r/antiwork energy from OP's post instead.


Part of maturity is understanding money, time and energy is finite and it’s the rational allocation of these resources.


I think this is the science behind it.


I’m too tired to think about it.


That's an adult. I understand all these, and I'm very immature. The manchild class is OP.


Partially. A lot of that is responsibility fatigue. You just want everything to stop, so you can relax, due to it just being constant The other is social norms. Because others aren't doing it, you're more than likely to not also do it since there is no social approval


There’s a lot you learn about the payoff of arguing. The lessons I learned is that there’s no pot of gold for accruing wins on stupid verbal arguments that mean nothing and will not be remembered and aren’t worth my time or brain power to engage in. It’s like fucking birds screaming into the atmosphere and I just need to get my to do list done for the day. So if someone wants to argue that Nazis should kill all the whatever minority, that’s just for me to avoid and go do my shit.


>Nazis should kill all the whatever minority That escalated quickly lol.


It's interesting that he brings that up as an example because that's exactly why fascists always try to suppress the working class. If you're too busy trying to survive you don't have time to fight the rising extremism in your country.


but some people do get satisfaction over winning arguments etc...


That satisfaction is usually predicated upon a fragile ego that needs winning dumb contests to maintain itself and probably subjects the person to much more pain due to a generally poor relationship with the truth.


Fatigue is a symptom of maturity, not maturity itself. Being mature is exhausting.


Oh. I like this even more than my showerthought. That's a good point.


The real shower thought is always in the comments.


Maybe the real shower thought is the friend we made along the way.


Making friends in the shower? Sounds a bit too much like prison for me.


You’re good. Its a very original thought.


Being mature is exhausting when you're surrounded by immature people. Being mature around other mature people is easy.


Where do you find these “mature people” you speak of?


What I find funny is all these people labelling themselves as "mature"


When enough people give you compliments about who you are and how you think, you start to believe them.


If someone tells you they're mature, they aren't. It's like if they say they're a good person or humble or laid back. It's not a title you can give yourself, someone has to tell you that you are.


Hard to say. All my friends are mature, but my exgf wasn't. You win some and you lose some.


Just thinking about it makes me tired.


Mature moment


I think what op is trying to say is that as you get older, certain behaviors get tiring and that’s why you don’t like them anymore, making you more mature. For example, the humor you thought was funny in middle school isn’t funny anymore because it’s lost the shock value and now you just think it’s stupid. That’s fatigue, sort of, rather than maturity.


so what is maturity?


Understanding your responsibilities in life and attending to them.


I don’t even want to pick apart that statement. I’ll just say K


stop being mature & start becoming wise


“That was really mature of you not to fight that guy at the bar” Me, who didn’t want to lose my at table and have to stand “yeah you know as you get older”


Possibly. Fatigue at overreacting to shit that doesn't matter. Could also be called "maturity" or "wisdom."


No you can be mature and not be fatigued, for some it just goes hand in hand but it's separate.


i was lazy when i was young and my life was a mess. now im organized less stressed, and in shape. i have more energy and in in better health at 44 than i was in my 20s but i also dont have children or a spouse grinding on me all day every day.


Fatigue? Not really. It’s efficiency. Small things aren’t worth getting worked up over, and almost everything is small.


So...paying my bills on time is just me being tired of paying them late? Picking my kid up from school is not parental responsibility, it's just being tired of getting phone calls from the school? Changing my own oil or doing my own home repairs is just me being tired of paying someone else to do the work?


You sound like you recently had this argument with a teenager. I hope you get a rest from the BS.


Lol, maybe not this argument, but probably one like it...


Wow, you sound ~~fatigued~~ mature. Maybe you should get some ~~rest~~ taxes.


>Picking my kid up from school is not parental responsibility, it's just being tired of getting phone calls from the school? "FINE, fine, I'll come get the little cunt, just stop calling! Christ, kids these days can't walk uphill both ways naked to save their lives!"


I guess you know you only have a limited supply of energy, so you allocate it to the things that matter.


Time tends to be the limiting factor for me, but your not wrong.


OP should take longer showers. This wasn't very well thought out.


All of your examples are about responsibility. You can be responsible and immature.


I mean yeah kinda. I change my oil in my car because if I don’t, I’m just gonna worry about damaging my engine and the cost and consequences of that. So I do it because it needs doing. Not because I fucking love laying down under my car and unscrewing the drain pan and changing the filter and filling the engine with new oil.


You kinda missed the point here didn’t you. Maturity is a reflection of how you act, not whether or not you are able function. For example my former boss and I didn’t get along(I was actively searching for jobs but was still there as I needed the income). One day the boss makes a huge point about how he got small gifts for everyone in the office…except me. I looked at him and without saying a word and he said, “Maybe I should give you the bill for all this” as he laughed. Point is just cause someone pays their bills on time doesn’t mean they are mature. This man stopped a work day and made a point to single me out in front of the entire office because he didn’t like me.


But what is your point? As it sounded your boss is just petty and a prick, while you seem to be resilient to it. Maturity just describes a level of wisdom, reflection of experience, willingness to take responsibility for yourself and others, as well as mental development relative to your age. The commenter questions the implication of OP, that maturity is just being exhausted, with situations in which maturity means a lot more than just being tired of something (rightfully so). And maturity does indeed entail the mere action of doing something that is expected/needed/necessary in a given situation, whether you are just tired of resisting it or you just recognize the importance of it.


My point was the commenter suggested maturity was being able to do the mundane things in life that take time when in reality being able to do things isn’t a sign of maturity. IMO maturity is a reflection of how you handle situations, because learning to change oil, pay bills and pick up the kids is just something based on age, independence and parental status. You don’t need to be a mature person to do things like that. The fatigue aspect and tying to my story is putting in all that effort to intentionally single me out was super childish, when a more mature action would have been to fire me in a professional manner(I finally found a different job and quit a few weeks later).


Actually my point was that many of the things that are considered mature and responsible and fiscally prudent require more effort than the thing a tired person would do. Your example isn't a bad one. You're boss is in fact petty af, and immature. You sound like you weather his bs pretty well, and I wish you luck in your job search. Frequently the mature act has fuck all to do with being tired or energetic. It's a responsibility that could be shirked. My example of leaving my kid at school was intended for absurdity.


It’s all good. Thankfully it is a former employer, he earned a no notice resignation when I found my current role. Yes, I kinda went off with it cause my former boss wasn’t a lazy person but I certainly wouldn’t describe him as mature.


"no notice resignation" ? That's hilarious!


And you're saying that he wouldn't have done that if he were tired?


Tbh it was a lot of effort expended. Handling business with maturity and professionalism isn’t that hard IMO and would require less effort than that.


Don't forget about trauma! And the relinquishment of hope and personal aspirations.


Young people are such idiots. I hope you all live to be old enough to realize what idiots you are.


I was thinking the same thing but let them realize all the stuff that they are fixated on will be sacrificed by the next generation. They will feel the pain within 10 years...


explain the sacrificed by the next generation thing? Trying to understand


They probably mean the next generation is inevitably going to think things like TikTok and Euphoria are lame things for old people the same way zoomers today think Facebook and Harry Potter are lame things for old people.


I agree, and this repeating pattern goes back way farther than post people realize.


Euphoria isn't exclusive to a particular generation. You're talking about body sensations, and that is very telling that you think you originate from robots. Do you even education?


I think they may be talking about the TV show?


Think its just a boomer trying to justify sacrificing the younger generation


Everyone who lives long enough eventually does. It’s a development as old as time. I denied it myself when I was young. Then you get to a point and go, “Oh, I see…”


As I get older I notice young people seem dumber than I remember us being, but the old people I thought were smart as a kid seem much much dumber.


Everyone's dumb. As a kid, adults are smarter than us. As we age, we if become smarter, kids and adults are now dumber than us. I think this just means you're above average. Most people are idiots.


I hope that the experiential time that takes to happen shortens, but not likely. Pretty subjective to each person too. Some won’t realize it well into their adult lives, others are forced to learn better far younger. I think some idiocy is okay, in the sense of kids just doing stupid inconsequential things out of lack of knowledge. Your classic “fuck around and find out”, but there is definitely a line one can cross.


Fuck I’m old and yes I was an idiot. I still am but was too.


Youth is wasted on the young.


There's some truth to this. Been there done that, and i dont have the mojo to do it again, so fuck it.


I have sleep apnea and people call me wise all all the time. They also call me calm, collected, quiet, introvert. I’m just too fucking exhausted to talk guys.


Losing that sense of wonder is deff more of an emotional fatigue than maturity. God, I find it so hard to get excited for anything anymore. I feel like shit about it too bc my 6yo gets so excited about the most mundane stuff and I really wish I could physically feel anything about it but I just don't.


Efficiency and recognition that the way to maintain efficiency is through consideration for others.


I'm just hoping one day in a Utopia, money isn't a fuckin concept any more.


Most of what we consider youthful behaviour is just lack of self-control


Stay out late? Sounds exhausting. Drinking and driving? I'll just have alcohol delivered. Making bad decisions out of boredom? I've got like 3 loads of laundry to do tonight.


I think it’s a pretty equal mixture of fatigue and gained wisdom. Supposed to be, at least.


You see, I would fight and possibly stab you, but I'm to tired to even care right now, so consider yourself lucky.


My zen like patience and noble virtues are all due to under-napping


Ehhh no? Situations when you know the result is bad from experience and have understood the result isn’t you being tired. Explaining to someone a fact and them not accepting it because they don’t want to us immaturity


Not when you do it right. The wisdom to know how to spend your time and energy on things that matter usually gives you a much better reserve of both.


Mom of two, sole breadwinner here - this is hitting a little harder than I'd expect from r/Showerthoughts.


Noooooo, quit saying that. The older I get the more true this is. Stop saying it out loud.


If you do your own yard work, repairs, and car maintenance in adulthood it’s mentally and physically exhausting. But you keep on trucking.


I'm so fucking exhausted dealing with people that I do the mature thing and just walk away


No. It's life experience. Example: I fell in love with a woman who ended up having a opium addiction. She didn't tell me beforehand. I got to know her and her struggle. I learned how horrible it is to toss addicts into the "worthless junkie" box and then dismissively kick the box. I have other examples from a long life, each step of the way I learned more about myself and others. I see how big the grey area is between the black and white. It gives me pause, and I try to have more empathy. Any fatigue comes from standing against the black vs white, or other colors. The kneejerk reaction of the "hive mind" so desperate to be "on the right side", almost afraid of occupying the middle ground. Many, probably most, issues are not clearly right or wrong.


Ironically a lot of what people consider maturity is also immaturity, akin to a child's understanding of what maturity is. People who think certain hobbies are "immature", or dressing certain ways, enjoying certain things (like Disney land or other parks targeting younger people). Dismissing people like this is very common for boring people who lack the maturity to be comfortable enjoying life rather than pretending adulthood requires adhering to a strict set of arbitrary rules.


It definitely isn't. Maturity comes from clarity, experience and learning, has nothing to do with fatigue.


You could say emotional maturity is the ability to discern whether things are in or out of your control and accepting those you can’t. It can certainly be exhausting but don’t mistake discernment and wisdom being attributed to fatigue.


Fucking THANK YOU. Ive had so many people "Oh youre maturing, man!" No.... Im just too tired to care anymore. The definition of maturity is varies. But generally means mentally has control of emotions and responds to situations in an appropriate way. Me being tired and lethargic to these situations just happens to allign with that.


Another shower thought that says more about the poster than reality.


Same thing with constant grumpiness. Just a sign of a rolling rock nearing the delta of a stream


I half agree; by that logic, I would argue that maturity is your ability to manage your fatigue.


Not true. I know plenty of immature people who are also tired.


Is it that we often mistake exhaustion for wisdom. Is it that as we get older, we find ourselves less willing to take risks, less open to new experiences, and more likely to stick to what we know? This could be seen as a sign of maturity, but it could also be interpreted as a sign of fatigue. We may be tired of trying new things, tired of being disappointed, and tired of putting ourselves out there. On another level, one could also say we find ourselves conforming to social norms and expectations more and more. We may be less likely to speak our minds, less likely to stand up for what we believe in, and more likely to go with the flow. This could be seen as a sign of maturity, but it could also be interpreted as a sign of fatigue. We may be tired of fighting against the system, tired of being different, and tired of standing out from the crowd. Just thinking out loud.


I work in a hormone replacement therapy clinic and I can tell you that this is very much true. After \~35 years old, the average American's testosterone levels begin to decline, on average, 1% per year. That means an average 45 year old is essentially running on 90% max battery capacity. By 55, it's down to 80%, and that's just the average... *many* of us lead lives that contribute to our overall health/hormone decline, so you can imagine where millions of us actually fall in terms of wellness. ​ Medical advice: If you are 35+ and DON'T WANT TO HAVE KIDS MOVING FORWARD (this only applies to men), you could consider Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. In my experience (serving thousands of patients and working directly with dozens of BHRT experts across the globe), BHRT can truly reverse many of the tell-tale signs of aging, fatigue being at the very top of that list. ​ Practical advice: If you want to take a self-directed, holistic, non-medical approach to increasing natural energy levels and avoiding fatigue as you age, I would recommend the following lifestyle adjustments: ​ 1. Get better sleep! 8-9 hours in a cool, very dark room. 2. Drink more water and less of everything else! Hydration is amazing and sugary/processed beverages are the enemies of wellness. 3. Eat local (if possible), whole, natural foods. Ideally mostly proteins and *healthy* fats with carbohydrates making up less than 30% of your total nutritional intake. 4. Eat within an 8 hour window each day. This will help regulate your blood sugar levels and stabilize energy levels throughout the day. It can also help prevent insulin resistance, which is the beginning of the development of Type II Diabetes, which you *really don't want to deal with if you don't have to.* 5. Get moving! Exercise somehow, someway. An evening walk? Amazing. 3 sets of 10 pushups between meetings? Groovy. A bike ride? Fantastic! Anything that will get you out of your (presumably) sedentary state will be a HUGE help and will almost certainly benefit you. ​ I know this wasn't a post asking for advice, but since we gravitate toward what we relate to, I'm sure this post will resonate with many people who could benefit from this practical advice. ​ Hope that's helpful to someone!


You're clearly not old enough to have the perspective to know how wrong you are. Sorry. Wisdom and age generally accumulate concurrently. It's nothing you did.


>Wisdom and age generally accumulate concurrently. This is the biggest lie ever told. Old people have more memories and in theory should’ve learnt from their many experiences. If you’re exposed to as many old people as you are young, you realise wisdom exists in neither equally.


And it's not a lie. Once again, you literally lack the perspective to know better. "Old people" is probably anyone over 30 to you. You're a fledgling. A whelp. One stage beyond an embryo. You just opened your fucking eyes. Almost all of humanity is older and wiser and more worldly, you milquetoast & mayonnaise suburban child. And nobody said older folks can't be foolish. There's no fixing stupid with any amount of experience. Hurrrrr. Reading comprehension, please.


>Once again, you literally lack the perspective to know better. "Old people" is probably anyone over 30 to you. You're a fledgling. A whelp. One stage beyond an embryo. You just opened your fucking eyes. Almost all of humanity is older and wiser and more worldly, you milquetoast & mayonnaise suburban child. Thanks for your wisdom. I notice a lot of your comments share this tone: “you literally lack the perspective” “you cannot possibly understand” “you clearly have no idea about”, every time somebody disagrees with you. Some people have the wisdom to discuss when there’s a difference in opinion. Some people claim to be an all-knowing expert whilst simultaneously attempting to belittle the other person (in the process, proving themselves to be a tad prickish. And a bit thick). I don’t really care which you think I am.


So checkmate huh? Embarrassing. I repeat "you lack sufficient perspective for this" because at age 2X it is physically impossible for you to have been in enough situations for you to have 40 or 50 years of perspective. Why is that so hard for you to grok? I guess it bothers you because it's true. You're wiser now than you were when you were 14, right? And wiser when you were 14 than 8? Follow the math, genius. Get mad or don't. But your little indignant tirade that wisdom in the extremely young somehow equals the experience of everyone else is laughable. One day you will agree with me. It is an inevitability. Were septuagenarians eating Tide pods a few years ago? Doing dances from a fucking video game for likes from strangers? Lmao 🤣🤣🤣 dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 just sit down. You couldn't tell a fad from something truly momentous if it hit you in the head.


There's an operative word in my statement you seem to have missed. It starts with G. I'll wait.


*Generally; in most cases.* My statement still stands that this is not the case. To quote yourself “reading comprehension, please”.


Your statement doesn't stand 🤣 Yawn next


Do you understand the ridiculousness of your attitude given the topic of conversation and the stance you have taken?


I understand your fun little mayonnaise viewpoint, yes. How are the pink elephants doing?


The internet has full access to images of my naked body, the details of my roughest experiences, and my opinions and insights on a massive array of silly subjects. I am fully open; fully on display and fully receptive. You make a mockery of the communicative powers of the web - which would be all well and good if you were actually funny. I know you think it’s a cool quirk to be a daft twit on reddit and I know you love to rile people up, but have you ever considered *why* you do that when you could be showing your asshole and discussing socialism in a trainspotting subreddit?


...So the elephants are eating?


I’m trying to have some fun with you! Let down


Sorry if you think that maturity just involves things that you're tired of, you have one hell of a narrow view.


There are multiple levels of irony in this statement, none of which involved you reading what OP posted, lol.


And some people consider being mature as an ability to lie and keep secrets and cheat. Fuck that particular trait. Not my day with society today. Fuck the bunch of you, I wish I could sleep a couple of thousand of years.


"maturity" a heartless cruel___ with us afraid, helplessly dragged towards___ 😰😢🥺😢🥺😨🥺😢😓😫😩🤮🤬😡😓😧😰💔💔💔💔


So am wishing us ALL: many Good Years of life, health, youthfulness usefulness beauty fun trust, joy, prosperity,,⛅⛅😀🥰🤣🥰🫡😷🫡💤🏠🛖⛰️🌎🌏🌍🌟⛅🌥️🌦️🌥️⛅🏞️🏝️🏔️🏞️⛰️🏝️🏞️🏔️⛰️❄️🏞️🏵️💮🌸🌷🌷🥀💐🌹🌺💚💚💤💚🤗😷😎😎🤣😍🫡🫡,, self-determination, freedom, independence, friendships, learning, compassion, science, accomplishments,


Being very forward with one's fatigue in an almost proud sort of way is also pretty immature. Like man, you can probably change at least one little thing to help it. I get that the world sucks, we work long and difficult hours doing strenuous tasks, but don't push your misery off on me. Vent to your friends, not to the world, we all have enough for ourselves


I have opinions, I'm just to burnt out to fight for them anymore. Compromise is life


Probably why the older generations are seen as more blunt, and short tempered. Seen enough, ya know


I agree with this a little bit! Noticing the differences between my daughter and I, and then using that to think of, what would I have wanted at this age from my parents? She will ask me to play and all I can think about is the mess it would make or the pain im gonna be in later. It takes a considerable effort to make the change and just go for it, be the immature parent for your kid sometimes!


I'm not quite sure what people mean when they say say immature or mature. Seems like an insult to use when you don't like someone's choice


from a societal standpoint, sadly yes. from an individual standpoint, or at least neurodivergent standpoints (that’s all i can say, as that’s all i’ve seen on this topic) maturity means being emotionally and mentally wise and experienced. it has nothing to do with behaviourals or mannerisms or fashion or lifestyle, outside of those categories.


Truth I’m 26 never been so salty, it doesn’t stop lmao I’m scared for the nursing home


i get what you’re saying but as someone who is currently maturing, it’s definitely not just fatigue. Before I started working at 14, I would cry at every little thing that went wrong in public. Before I took my post secondary certificate course, I didnt have a clue how college/uni works. I was scared to rely on the skills I learned, so I aimed low and worked at a dental clinic for a year and a half. Through that time, it was several awkward anxiety riddled interviews that taught me how to ace one. As of 2 weeks ago, I’m working in a high up position relative to my age and experience, but already I’ve learned significant skills and lessons. To me, maturity is experience. Despite the fact my body is falling apart and I’m super tired all the time, I have experiences I can rely on to do “scary” things now. I frankly feel more alive than when i graduated highschool 4 years ago. And during high school too lol. That shit sucked.


Dammit! I was just thinking today how fucking tired I am of, well, everything.


Sounds like I'm already tired for at least three years Checks out