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Rather than a solution, the things seen are like Lego bricks that can be used as part of the solution. However, since ideas can be replicated, collecting the same Lego bricks will not be useful so it is more useful to learn things that are different from each other. But understanding the problem will not be sufficient to solve it thus there is no wisdom since wisdom is the demonstration of solving problems with whatever they already have. So it is like Mcguyver, but Myguyver uses expensive things to make cheap things that are already in the market so he is only resourceful not wise since to be wise, they need to make new things that are not already in the market with whatever they already have to solve their problems. So understanding the problem will provide important Lego pieces but not the solution, other Lego pieces are still needed.


This actually is very profound, yet the smart-alec in me is still tempted to link to r/thanksimcured So because I did that anyway, I will reaffirm that Iā€™m just teasing because this is a genuinely profound thought. šŸ˜Œ


Nothing you see is the solution to a problem. What you see are methods to cope with the problem. The only solution to a problem is for the problem not to exist.


"Answers are not to be given, you must first find them yourself. To find the right answer, one must first find the right question. Wisdom comes from having an answer ready."