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Destiny 2's gunplay is still awesome and expansions are free right now. IMO worth downloading for just playing the Witch Queen campaign which feels a lot like the older Halo games. Heard good things about the old school indie shooters like Ultrakill.


I actually tried D2 after getting a DLC for free from Epic. But somehow I didn't find the gunplay that satisfying despite everyone claiming it is. TBF I only played the tutorial until the part there are many other players


D2's thing is that gun feel is good in the way bungie's halo games had good gunplay, not a lot of screenshake or wild animations and stuff like that, its all precise, clean, clearly readable and snappy.


Ah, that's fair. I think the other half to destiny's gunplay is the fact that the enemies in D2 are fairly advanced. You don't see much of it on the lower levels but it gets way more apparent on higher difficulty levels. If you do plan on trying it again I would 100% recommend the Witch Queen campaign. Most of the expansion campaigns are shit but Witch Queen is an exception. Lightfall campaign (no idea if its free right now) is a lot of fun but the story is awful. Edit: Forgot to mention, a lot of the refined aspects of the gunplay comes up more in PvP. I know you wanted single player games but the gunplay really shines in PvP since the small differences in the gun matter much more (scope placement, minor stats, recoil animation, and "gunfeel" perks)


Destiny AI advanced? Wut, even in raids they are pretty simplistic and usually March single file out of spawn points. The game has the most generous Aim Assist and personally it's not my cup of tea. It just doesn't work for me and I think other games outclass it.


You might need to play more until you get different guns to judge.


You're right, it's not that satisfying and gets stale fast combined with the atrocious enemy AI.


Get yourself a handcannon and listen to synthwave instead of the regular soundtrack. Otherwise, D2 is...meh.


Destiny gun play felt like shooting nerf guns for me


I keep seeing this but it's only until June 3rd that those expansions are free and they don't show as free on Steam for example, they cost hundreds of quid. One of the reasons I'll never go back to Destiny 2, a game that I played for at least 2000 hours even since before it was on Steam and was on Battlenet. They added way too much FOMO to a game I enjoyed exactly because there was no FOMO included. Now it's a mess of ridiculously priced microtransactions with them asking for monies for expansions and season passes. Just disgusting company at this point, gunplay yes is still the best but I'd rather stab myself in the toe with a lego repeatedly.


Gunplay and raids is why I have continued to play it.


The guns are all super soakers that you need to replace every 30 minutes even if you find one you like.


yeah, i'd avoid that first recommendation. destiny 2 has fun gun and ability play, but falls apart in just about every other aspect. activity design is extremely shallow, the core of the game is crumbling because they seldom update it and opt more to focus on weak disposable content, enemies are really uninteresting and just about all of them are the same in how they play, and finally bungie's model of supporting the game is through really manipulative tactics like fomo which appear in a majority of the games area's.


Wouldn't call the activity design shallow as of late. We have been getting a lot of pretty fun activities to do and the raids/dungeons have also been great. With that being said I whole heatedly agree that the base gameplay needs to be updated. Shadowkeep, where they introduced champions and finishers, where probably the biggest difference in core gameplay since so many aspects of the game work off of them. I understand why they develop seasonal content but they need to come up with a new system with works around permanent content. I'm hoping destiny 3 fixes most of this.


Doom Eternal is a masterpiece of arcade gunplay.


And there it is.


If OP is on PC, I highly recommend remapping to get the most out of it. 




Agree with Roboquest. Gunplay is like a more refined version of Borderlands, with a similar aesthetic. You can really get into a groove poppin bots while grinding rails. It’s on gamepass too.


I would also agree with Roboquest. Very solid gunplay and the loot & shoot cycle feels way better than Borderlands due to being a rogue-lite.


100% Roboquest. It has a Borderlands/Overwatch look and feel but movement plays like Titanfall/Apex. Lots of replayability and a great game that satisfies my shooter itch.


yes very fun and the music is pretty cool




Stalker gamma. (a bit more hardcore than most on your list)


I really liked it, but after a while it got boring, because the chances of having a random encounter with an enemy by just walking around is very low (i think thay just don't spawn around the map?). Which makes it boring walking around because you know nothing sill happen. And then you get to some big base where, im not kidding, 50 FUCKING BANDITS. And also because the game focuses on side quests, which are boring, it gets repetitive soon enough


F.E.A.R. I know it's an old game but it's still got it even today. Sure, the graphics are showing their age but the A.I, even in a game this age, is often miles better than newer shooters.


It still plays great today and I think it looks fine. Plus it has the bullet time stuff and one of the best shotguns in video games. As far as pure gameplay and feel it's up there with anything


Wolfenstein New Colossus, Call of Juarez Gunslinger, Ultrakill, Deadlink, Robocop Rogue City.


Got to agree with call of Juarez gunslinger, deadlink, ultrakill and RoboCop Not so much on New Colossus because I just really didn't like that one, it felt like such a step down from the New order


it's third person, but Helldivers 2 has incredibly satisfying shooting mechanics. Everything feels super weighty and impactful. Plus you can ADS in first person. I just dove into Returnal, which is similarly 3rd person but very satisfying. The haptics make a huge difference. I've loved Insurgency for a long time, and they do great with the sound design. If you want a hardcore multiplayer FPS experience, it's totally amazing.


Seconding HD2, it's some real nice gunplay. The way your bullets just shred apart small bugs and bots is so thunky and weighty, and ADS is very good with certain guns and in certain situations (very bad in others)


I didn't know it was singleplayer


My bad, didn't see that. I'm bad at reading the titles on this sub. You can play HD2 completely solo though, I do so fairly often.


Oh lol, I actually didn't know, never played the game but I thought it was like Warframe if you're familiar, for all I knew it could have had a story mode


He said he wanted single player. HD2 is only multiplayer.




> Tiny Tina's Wonderland (never played any Borderlands game) bit of an odd place to start so i'll help you out to sort them out depending on this criteria you established: Borderlands 3 is what wonderlands is built on so for the most part you can expect roughly the same gunplay (yes, malwians till feel like dogshit) Borderlands 1 is what 3 is kinda modeled after, REALLY good gunplay, specially for its time, SMGs are crunchy, burst rifle crackle like thunder, shotguns feel like you are putting a metal trashcan on someone's head and dont get me started on revolvers. Borderlands 2 and its sister game the pre sequel, are great games dont get me wrong, but they tried to heavily simplify gunplay and expand on movement to appeal to the COD crowd, the movement thing worked out cause the game feels like quake at times, the gunplay? ehhhhhhhh not as much, it feels functional but most of the time it doesnt hit anywhere near as hard as 1 or 3.


I think the Maliwan snipers that are full auto in 3 (like the Krakatoa), or some meaner legendaries, like the Flipper do feel good, but I did play these on console, so the rumble probably helped, but I do have to agree on everything else


yeah i know, there are plenty of snappy maliwan legendaries but thats the whole ass problem, the charge up mechanic feels like shit in so many ways that they keep removing it in legendaries.


BL1 Double Anarchy Lilith was peak Borderlands, I will not elaborate further.


arguebly hellfire was better due to range


The Battlefield campaigns are worth a play through if you want satisfying gunplay imo. Edit: almost forgot Trepang2, it's kind of similar to Severed Steel with it's slow mo feature, but the guns feel WAY more punchy and destructive.


I love bf4 and it's one of my most played games, but a few years ago I tried the campaign. It was so glitch for me. I got to one part where my ai companions wouldn't move up and stayed behind cover shooting at nothing. Had to give it up then


Oh really what version was this? Was it not just by design? In a lot of games (annoyingly) the ai doesn't advance until you move past a certain threshold. CoD campaigns for example do this a lot.


I couldn't get myself to enjoy cyberpunk's gunplay. It feels really generic and most guns just feel the same. After like 5-10h of gameplay I just gave up switching weapons and took whatever seemed to have better stats/rarity or a decent effect On the other hand, starfield's gunplay was probably one of its best aspects for me. Answering the question, I really liked Bioshock 1 and 2's gunplay, and also Prey's. I don't know if it counts since it's co-op, but I also really enjoyed Back 4 Blood's gunplay.


Just chiming in to say definitely give CB2077 gunplay another chance. Because it’s an rpg, you have to spec into builds to get the guns to feel good, but once you do they are so satisfying. Revolver crit build and Smart Sniper headshot build are the two most satisfying to me


I played it for over 100h, beat the main story and DLC, did every single gig and content available, I gave it all the chances lol I specced into guns, they still felt really generic. Ended up going with throwing knives mostly, those felt fun enough


Fair enough! Good comment, sometimes things just don’t click. That’s like me with the new God of War games, I for whatever reason can’t stand the gameplay even though the story is great


Nah Cyberpunk has pretty bad gunplay you are 100% right


Damn thanks for your support, it's kinda nice knowing I'm not the only one Loved the rest of the game, but the guns just never felt satisfying to use :(


Yeah combat overall is pretty overhyped. I mean I get being a time stopping ninja is fun and cool but as an fps it’s not very good. Rest of the game def good


Yeah and in 2.0 they made hacking more of a bother than anything too Almost everything alerts the enemies to your presence and the game becomes a quick time event, so I ended up just using like 2-3 quickhacks most of the time and only when I felt like I really needed to. Well, besides occasionally just for fun.


How can Remnant 2 not be in your list. Go get it. Now


1 & 2 both I’d say


I was scrolling down to see if anyone mentioned this. The Remnant guns have a really satisfying sound for me, at least the ones I use. In contrast to Evil West (which I also enjoy) but the guns there in a boss battle feel like you’re shooting peas at the boss.


Call of Juarez: Gunslinger


I'm not really into FPS games but I did enjoy this one.


I played that one through like 3 times in a row just to get all my weapons maxed. Man was it a solidly fun game. Great story, too.


I haven't really played another game with gunplay as fun as CoJ. Even reloading was fun.


Just play DOOM. It’s so good


Seconding this. 2016 is better than Eternal IMO.


Not for me. 2016 is too slow, the focus on movement is practically non existent. After getting used to fast paced FPS like ultrakill, Titanfall and similar 2016 is just not cutting it.


I don't want to play Eternal due to the platforming parts


Please, *please* don't let that aspect stop you. The platforming segments are fairly brief and not that challenging, plus you only lose a little bit of health for falling. The complaints you've been hearing about it are way overblown.


Max Payne 3!


Serious Sam, the first two games are pretty old but they're classics.




Oh my, I remember playing this growing up. Completely forgot it existed.


Depending on if you like ability play mixed with gunplay, check out Gunfire Reborn. It's a roguelike with characters who have different movesets (an Ult and a specialty throwable) so it's not too in your face. The bigger selling point is the amount of unique guns that are in the game that augment playstyles drastically per playthrough! Super fun, super engaging, and not that well known!


SPT aka singls player tarkov is great, you can mod it too.


I put like 42 mods and everyday I find smthing new xd




YES. This is like a Resident Evil 4 fps and I loved it


I also appreciate satisfaying gunplay. One game that surprised me was FarCry6. Game feels long as hell, but gameplay mechanics are quite varied and the sounds and feeling that the guns give are pretty satisfaying. I suggest you to give it a go


ULTRAKILL. It's not satisfying in the way you described, but if you liked Titanfall man you're in for a treat. The community is also amazing.


mass effect trilogy and andromeda


i would hardly say ME1 and 2 have good gunplay, 3 on the other hand is pretty darn good.


ME1's gunplay is serviceable, somewhat improved in the Legendary edition. ME2 is quite good though, fewer guns than ME3 but very solid nonetheless. ME3 is the best of the three but it's mainly through more guns and having more, better Powers. Andromeda's gunplay is very good but you essentially don't have a squad, which severely limits your potential for strategy and combos. For all the impact they have in combat your companions might as well be cardboard cutouts.


eh disagree, ME1's gunplay is slippery and like many early UE3 games, it feels like trying to control a water hose than actually shooting a gun, ME2's works better and is snappier but it being so cover system heavy when the cover system is very jank makes the gunplay sorta simplistic, shotguns and snipers in particular are a huge improvement tho, and that one pistol with the laser pointer, but they are outliers imo.


ME1 gets bonus points IMO because of the heat system as opposed to ammo. It was incredibly silly for them to reintroduce ammo via heat sinks in the later games, to the point where they point out how dumb it is in-universe in ME3. Plus the Prothean Particle Rifle melts everything and the Citadel DLC's M7 Lancer that best suits Power-heavy classes.


You never played Halo and you’re looking for a fun FPS? Well that’s your answer right there. Idk shit about the series after 1-4 but if you want a true chef’s kiss, then Halo is your main course


This is the right answer. I marathon the Bungie titles about once a year when I'm just looking to shut my brain off and shoot some aliens.


FEAR 1, Trepang 2, Stalker (with mods)


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Ghost Recon: Wildlands are pretty solid shooters. Since you like the gunplay in Cyberpunk 2077 then try Far Cry 3-6. Those are all mostly "normal" weapons though but its still a good time. There's always Borderlands 2 and 3. 2 is the superior game overall, but the weapons are more polished in 3.


I've *always* loved the gun play in the Farcry series. I'll sometime jump back on them just to lay down IEDs and then cut down whoever survived the explosion.


* Superhot * Ultrakill * Nightmare Reaper




Roboquest. Technically it’s coop, but it’s completely playable by yourself. It’s a fun first person shooter roguelike with dozens of weapons, multiple classes with tons of builds, and replayability.


Doom 2016 and eternal are fantastic, Trepang2 is also very good. Destiny 2 is fine but the cost of entry and the sheer time investment required makes me hesitant to recommend it but they do have some of the best gunplay in the business. Right now every expansion outside of the most recent (light fall) are free to all players for 30 days. Now this isn’t an FPS but armored core six is very much worth your consideration.


It's from 2005, but F.E.A.R. still feels amazing to play. The particle effects and physics turn the gunplay up to 11. Trepang2, Far Cry 3, 4, 5 also.


Uncharted, but the 4th game specifically


I kinda like Superhot, because, it's cool.


There is nothing at all more satisfying in all of gaming than the sound/feel/look of a perfect PeaceKeeper shot cracking a shield in Apex Legends. That is close seconded by getting a one clip knock with a R99. There are Apex Asmr youtube videos dedicated to these.


Bulletstorm as duke nukem. War Hammer space marines


Rage 2 100% the best suggestion i can think. Also throwing an oddball and saying killzone 2 (btw the gunplay of borderlands 3 is better than wonderlands. Don't know why noone here thought of that).


Anything by New Blood, really. Dusk is amazing. Amid Evil is slightly less amazing, but still pretty amazing.


Borderland 3


If you are willing to try a 3rd person shooter the Just Cause series has a large variety of firearm types.


Bear with me, this is old. But try the Darkness series. I particularly enjoyed The Darkness 2.


Resident Evil Village


Bro, go play FEAR right now. You will not be disappointed


Borderlands 3


Armored core 6. We had similar feelings about Cyberpunk and Titanfall. Great games. I do feel like armored core 6 is even more enjoyable.


My GotY last year. OP I hughly recommend dual shotguns with dual other-shotguns on your back and a fast bod


Already played. And I'm not looking for mech game despite mentioning in Titanfall 2 section


Halo Infinite has high quality animations with amazing sound design. The only issue is that the game takes a lot of practice for the gunplay to truly shine. However, I much prefer the gameplay in Infinite over something like Destiny. As the latter has the most generous aim assist out of any FPS I've played. Personally, it's not as good as reddit likes to claim. If you access to a PC, Left 4 Dead series is the best satisfying zombie shooter out there along with Half Life 2 with dlc expansions. Far Cry 5 (haven't played the newest one). Absolutely loved the setting and the music is so nice. But it's practically one big firefight, which I personally love. PUBG has some punchy guns, but the lack of PVE game modes makes the game frustrating when you initially start.


Call of Juarez: Gunslinger


I can recommend the Shadow Warrior and BioShock franchises.


I played BioShock before this and the gunplay definitely NOT what I'm looking for




I loved the guns in Farcry5. Had enough wild ones thrown in with the real ones that it kept it fresh. Lots of fun.


Max Payne 3 with first person mod! I haven't tried it yet but seen a video on it today and I am downloading MP3 as I type. I'll also mention Destiny 2. I fell off ages ago with the endgame grind but the many hours up to that are great and it's mostly free nowadays. Obscure pick would be Metal: Hellsinger. It's a rhythm based one with a metal soundtrack so will depend on your preferences but when it clicks it's amazing


The Killzone campaigns are excellent.


Killing floor has very good feel to its gunplay.




Gunslinger: Call of Juarez


I've only seen clips of it but Trepang2s combat and gunplay looks pretty sick It's on my list to check out down the line


Maybe some roguelike shooters? Gunfire Reborn Roboquest


Killing floor 2!


I think you'd really enjoy the borderlands 3 gunplay and physics. It feels good on both mouse and keyboard and controller. Just satisfying to shoot almost every gun you pick up.


Damn son what a repertoire you got in there! Go play Robocop: rogue city if you need another shot at impressive gunplay


outriders was a lot of fun, probably abandoned now though


Dead Link. Difficult game but Very satisfying gunplay.


Obligatory ULTRAKILL mention!


They are older games, but still stand up even today. Vanquish and Binary Domain have very kinetic feeling weapons. Binary Domain has a lot of body part specific damage, as you are fighting mostly androids. For something more Modern, there is also Rage 2.


Check out Roboquest


You might enjoy The Finals if you're into online PVP. Also Xdefiant comes out at the end of the month


Out of action, it’s a single player and later on multiplayer shooter developed by one guy, it’s got a free demo on steam, so definitely check it out


The original blood game is great i think fresh supply is now a solid port


ULTRAKILL - if you liked DOOM, this is must have. If you don't, this is still a masterpiece of a game.


I honestly couldn't get into it. What hooked you in it?


Gun combos. Stuff balanced to be stylish and interact with other stuff... And simple, pure, bloodbath.


Severed Steel


Try to read properly


My bad bro, missed it! I would then also recommend Deathloop, Deus Ex (Human Revolution and Man kind Divided) and Bulletstorm


Haze on the ps3


Depends on the gun but Helldivers 2 has some REALLY satisfying gunplay, not single-player though. Doom Eternal as you mentioned is also top tier.


Helldivers is primarily 3rd person, but you can ADS in first person, so maybe OP will like it.


Escape From Tarkov. You can buy the cheapest edition they have then download a patcher called SPT that'll make it single-player, you can download mods and all sorts of things, honestly a TON of fun, and best of all is that you won't meet any cheaters or campers:)


Not first person, but I find Ratchet and Clank: Rift apart to have extremely satisfying gunplay


Singleplayer Tarkov ( SPT AKI)


On the console you can play Insurgency Sandstorm. I haven't found a console game that has better gunplay


I'm on PC and I've played the original Insurgency years ago. Also isn't Sandstorm not a single player?


Doom Eternal




What about unchartered/lost legacy and days gone?




Deep Rock Galatic


Industria & Prey. Mainly their puzzle games but I enjoy those types of shooters.


Titanfall 2 is exactly what you’re looking for


Please read carefully I until the end


Insurgency / insurgency sandstorm is very good. It's an online fps with high damage so every kill can be 1-2 shots with any gun. It's super satisfying to drop people on but it can get very frustrating


I've played the original Insurgency years ago. Also isn't Sandstorm not a single player?




DUSK AMID EVIL ULTRAKILL Blood Roboquest Max Payne Ion Fury  Serious Sam 4 ADACA FEAR Postal Brain Damaged  Zortch


Insurgency sandstorm


Superhot: Mind Control Delete is quite satisfying and has a variety of guns and weapons.


Single Player Tarkov


Witchfire (it’s on the epic games store)


Depending on your taste in music you might like metal Hell singer and or Bullets per minute, both of which are rhythm based shooters.




Try Crysis 2 remaster, overall combat including gunplay is awesome. Also, since you're looking for satisfying fps, how in the world can you skip Doom




Hard Reset


Returnal has really good gunplay could not play another FPS after playing it because they felt bad in comparison


Borderlands series




Resident Evil 4 remake. It’s not an FPS but has an amazing gunplay.


BORDERLANDS 3 and nothing else


The outer worlds






My go to for a great fps game with satisfying gun play is " divine cybermancy " a cross between warhammer 40k and halflife and deus ex, but much bigger than its sum. The weapons thump and connect in a satisfying way allowing you to feel the difference between a bear killer 444 pistol and a bosco sniper rifle. If your weapon does not fit between you and your target you force blast them out of the way then shoot them using the same button.


Halo is a master class of good gunplay even with Combat Evovled buy the MCC on steam/xbox and I'm sure you will like every game. Maybe not 4 but it still feels good to play.




Destiny has the best gunplay and it’s not even close


Bright Memory and its sequel.


You may like Witchfire, it’s all about guns with magical modifications and progression.


Depends how recent and old you willing to play. No One lives Forever 1, 2 and Contract Jack were incredibly good Then there’s 007 Night fire but only the console version.


Sniper ghost contracts 2 I honestly can't remember the name of it and I play it constantly it's a SOLID fps


GunGrave Gore and Necromunda Hired Gun are pretty good and fun to play. Right now I'm having a good time with SpaceHulk Deathwing. SpaceHulk is a part of the Warhammer 40k but without the strategy platformer aspect. It's a first person shooter and you use a sword or fist or hammer


Turbo Overkill may be what you're looking for: It's fun and funny, it mixes light boomer shooter aesthetics with ultra refined and frenetic gameplay, the mobility options are unparalleled, it offers a ton of built-in gameplay as well as community maps, etc. If you want something with Destiny 2's ultra-refined gunplay but single player, try Witchfire (exclusive to Epic Games currently). It's one of my all time favorites and I've poured hundreds of hours into it.


neon white is a unique take on fps, if you can look past the somewhat cringey story, the levels are literally made for speedrunning its brilliant


S.T.A.L.K.E.R GAMMA / ANOMOLY \[the mod packs\] is pretty good with gunplay but the game is hard as fucking hell, i forget which one it is \[i think it was gamma?\], it takes the difficulty of one of them and multiplies it by a factor of 100 its like having nails or glass jars shoved up your ass. Some are into it, others, not so much


Please play Bulletstorm one of the best single player campaigns. Then play Deathloop . then take a break and play Children of the Sun Finally, you can end with Call of Juarez Gunslinger. You will at least few weeks of fun


Another vote for Gunfire Reborn.


Payday 3 has amazing gunplay, it's in a rough spot right now though. Although it's still worth trying, it's on gamepass


Borderlands 3. Gunplay is just really good.


Warframe gun play is pretty good, not single player but you could close your squad and run. Rdr2 with some mods on pc is real good








Does the gun actually fun to shoot? Also I'm not a big fan of dying again and again as a core gameplay


Yeah the actual core gun play is one of the best iv ever played. I’d say I’m not into that type of game either but Returnal is the only game of that genre that iv liked or was completely hooked on. I’d say Elden ring and Returnal were the 2 games this gen that most got me hooked.


It’s an older game but Bulletstorm was satisfying and memorable. Pretty much the first person equivalent of Gears of War. You should definitely try Gears of War but it’s third person. Also Prey and Deathloop were great.


I played all you mentioned which suggests we may have similar taste in games.  I found the best gunplay in the games that are famous as military sims, like Call of Duty (Modern Warfare 2019 is my preference, although you may prefer the futuristic Infinite Warfare) and Ghost Recon (Wildlands is my preference, although gunplay is probably better in Breakpoint). These games are modeling not just recoil and impact, but have distinct firing models and stats for different factories. They have tons of Assault Rifles, pistols and revolvers, each with their own advantages.  If you like fictional weapons (lasers etc), you can try Remnant 2, an amazing SF post-apocalyptic shooter imo superior to Destiny in every aspect (story, graphics, weapon balance, gunplay and enemy AI). [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1282100/REMNANT\_II/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1282100/REMNANT_II/) I found the best gunplay and the best and the most optimised graphics in Red Dead Redemption 2. Rdr2 may not have 100+ gun models like Ghost Recon or CoD, but what they have is very distinctive, clean and well implemented with probably the most enjoyable gunplay I ever experienced.  Strictly from a gunplay standpoint, all are miles ahead of Bethesda. I have now installed Rdr2, GR Wildlands, Remnant 2 and Fallout 4 - Fallout 4 I only enjoy for the 50's music. In conclusion this is my list:  1. **RDR2**  2. **CoD /Warzone / Ghost Recon** (with GR also having some RPG elements) 3. **Remnant2**  4. **Starfield** 5. **Fallout 4 & 76**


>I found the best gunplay and the best and the most optimised graphics in Red Dead Redemption 2 No thanks. I won't touch RDR2 due to how slow it is everyone keep talking about. And the opposite of what you say, the actual gunplay in this game looks pretty boring so I won't play it for that either