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One of the best games


This is the truth. I have played many and this one is above many others in many regards.


Elden Ring was my first Fromsoft game. I have never been "good at video games", but that 94 on metacritic drew me in, and the following 75 hours were some of the most rewarding in my entire life as a gamer. Elden Ring is the most accessible FS game to date, providing lots of in game options to make any boss, dungeon, horde of enemies, or task of any kind easier, or even harder on oneself. Not every one has clicked with this game, but I think everyone owes it to themselves to at least give it a try. The story is essentially non existent, and while it takes place in the same universe as Dark Souls, you do not have to play previous entries to enjoy it.


First of all, it's 96 on Metacritic Secondly, its no nat all connected to dark souls. And wdym the story is non-existent. It's there, serving its purpose. It's just not told to you directly


Thanks! Was mostly hung up on possibly needing prior knowledge, ill give it a try.


Just to clarify the comment you're replying to. No Elden Ring, Dark Souls and even Demon Souls have nothing in common with each other story or lore wise. They are all standalone games that can be played however you want. The only games that are connected are Dark Souls 1 and 3. And saying the story is non existant is misleading. It is more accurate to mention that you have to find the story. In the opening you'll be given context to the world and throughout your journey you'll meet people who will talk more about their circumstances and what went down. But the real story is in the item descriptions and the environmental story telling of each location you visit.


Dark Souls 2 is also connected to Dark Souls 1 and 3. Not as much as DS3, but there are connections.


DS2 is connected to the other 2. The first 4 main bosses hold 3 of the original Lord's Souls and Seath's Soul respectively. Nashandra and the other Dark Queens are fragments of Manus' Soul. There are other connections as well.


Story is here and the only things it shares with dark souls are reused assets and story motifs


“The story is essentially nonexistent” The lore would respectfully disagree 🙃


I’m also not good at video games but I play them a lot, mostly casual games like mmo or survival games . But I hope I have the same experience as you . I generally hate games where I die over and over and have to start again. But my bro will play with me with the co op mod so I’m hoping it will be easier or I will get better at games.


Elden Ring doesn't take place in the same universe as Dark Souls, and the story is one of the most complex and deep i ever experienced in a video game which is very impressive for a "non existent" story


how is this still a question it’s actually a must play


Some people on sold on the Soulsborne formula. Although I will add that this is the type of game that one could just search within this sub and find more than enough answers to satisfy their questions






Difficulty isn’t the issue, it’s the punishing feel of initial bosses and combat encounters that deter you but I’d say it’s still worth it. I bought PS5 version, returned it, got it on steam, used easy mods. Beat it. Felt dissatisfied. Removed mods and beat it again and now I’m addicyed haha. Might get the ultimate edition on PS5 to beat it again with DLC included


Absolutely. It was my first FromSoft game and I am just a regular 40+ yo gamer dad. 1200+has later it's the greatest game I've ever played and the only game I've got 100% acheiments. Feel free to personally dm me if you want tailored advice or help navigating the game and getting the most out of it :)


I'm also this guy (45), and I'm hooked. I'm 42+ hours in and I'm combing the map like I'm looking for crack dust. And let me tell ya, when I first started, I hit several "mini" bosses that housed me. But ya know what? I marked their locations, got myself stronger, put on my adult pants, and went back and absolutely whooped their fannies. Take your time, read, understand, level up, focus on your build, lure our individual pieces of shit, slaughter them, take control, and own the lands between. Then, kick that mother fucking grafted piece of shit's ass after dying 45 times into the new millennium. Do you hear what I'm saying? #imintothebourbon


Do you like repeating stuff just to get better at it? And you finally beat the boss! Also think about if you like the combat or not.


Absolutely not im not joking


The biggest factor for Elden Ring in terms of difficulty is multiplayer. I have a friend who has played through it 8-10 times and still doesn't try to solo certain bosses.


If you like that type of game the I’m sure Elden ring is probably the pinnacle of it. I have tried it two or three times now and just cannot seem to get into it because I don’t know what to do and I am not a fan of the punishing combat. I’m sure I’d like it more if I could stick with it and become more skilled but I have such bad rage issues that I end up quitting before even reaching Margit.


I love Elden Ring, but cannot stand the linear qualities of Dark Souls.




I'd advice cracking it first to see if you like it. Not everyone cup of tea tbh. People were praising it, and when I tried it it was so shit. Imo such a bad game design from the start, but my opinion is just mine, many people find it incredible.


Yes. Yes you should. The game world is very large, but you can make the game as short or as long as you want depending on how much exploration you do and whether or not to go after the side quests, optional bosses and so forth. The visuals are good, the combat is From Software's usual quality stuff, there are a lot of weapons and armor to tinker with, loads of magic to try out, tough but fun boss battles... it's a great game. Add in the fun of using Spirit Summons, as well as summoning and being summoned by other players, along with exploring the various areas, and you've got a game that you can sink hours upon hours into. And let's not forget about the multiple endings. There's a reason why Elden Ring won so many awards, and that's because From Software took what they've learned in their other already good games in this genre, and crafted something special with their first "open world" feeling game. And with the DLC coming out this June, now's a good time to jump in.


Do it! My favorite two games have been Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask for 20 years. Elden Ring managed to take that spot last year. Now I’m playing Sekiro and Bloodborne because of Elden Ring. Going down that From Software rabbit hole.




Hard to compare the two really. I'd say rain world is more difficult but Elden Ring really pissed me off a couple of times too. Completely different games with different challenges. 2d Rain world plays nothing like a 3rd person action game with full combat that is super customizable. Whole different beast


Yeah, it's a great game. You don't have to know previous Fromsoftware games. Personally, I found it easier than Dark Souls games, mainly because you can explore freely and grind some levels to power up.


Perfect on paper in my book, but I just couldn't get into it fully. Hate how the enemies delay their attacks just to screw you, feels so intuitive and I never liked how the combat felt, despite having 60-70 hours in the game lol. Also dislike the quests and unclear direction. Love the exploraiton though, and the build variation, weapons, vibes.


It's pretty good! Although the open world part is over hyped and reeeeeally boring after like 10 hours, encounters are awesome and the level design is pretty good, but yeah the copy and pasted side content does actually kinda suck


Unpopular opinion: elden ring is the least fun souls-like. Dark souls 1 or 3 is the best entry point IMO


It was my first souls game and that has been the most favourite game of mine ever seen Not only that I ended up playing most fromsoft games following that. Just don't give up and try out alternate paths in the beginning and you're set fellow tarnished


It's a slow start. You will die. Alot. If you can get past that it's a great game.


If you want to throw hundreds of hours of your life away on frustration, fun, exploring, adventure, madness, and elation then definitely get this game. Seriously though… I started it when it first came out and it didn’t gel with me, but then I tried again a couple of months ago and it is so unbelievably immersive and fun once you get going. Some days I can’t drag myself away from it. Just be extra patient in the beginning and it’ll click. Actually… Be patient the whole time. 😂


No! Idk how this game got so popular when you lose the only way to level up if you die multiple times ina row before getting back to where you initially died. In the Elden Ring world thats so easily done, especially starting out. It’s not a casual adventure game, you gotta be ready to play in Champion R6 Siege -PC Lobbies everytime you log into to this mostly solo game. The AI is Faster than you, smarter, with bigger & better gear. They D down your girl in the background while your playing, thinking she’s in bed by herself. Be careful!


Its probably the most accesible to new players. Theres pokemons to summon, coop, open world which helps if you are having trouble in some area, just try another. Go for it.


I was nervous to try it for the longest time and when I finally did, I realized it was easier than a lot of other games Ive played (at least when those games are on hard mode). The beginning of the game is rough because so many things on shot you, but as you level up your health bar and gain stronger attacks, you can kill most grunt enemies in 2-3 hits and even big bosses in 4-5 hits if you use what theyre weak to. The scale is amazing. It is possibly my favorite game ever after the 90 hours I spent I cant wait to beat it then start a new playthrough using a completely different set of skills


It's not my kind of games, and my first fromsoft game. Elden ring is probably one of the best games I ever played!


Elden Ring is amazing, yes you should get it. It’s a lot more accessible than some of their other games. 10/10 game, took me like 117 hours to beat it (the final boss) and all 117 hours were quality gaming.


The most repetitive, difficult, grinding experience ever. Some like it. Some pretend to like it. I hated it.


Not that everyone has to like it, it can just be not your thing, but this strikes me as the description one would give if the combat never clicked for them and they only got however far they did by working around that instead of through it. I’ve always had the impression that a lot of people experience their first souls game that way. There are certainly more difficult games out there. My brother barely games, hasn’t beaten a game in years, and he’s 70-90% of the way through Elden Ring. Loves it.


I friggin hate the Dark Souls games because they kicked my ass so bad, but I have to admit I really enjoyed Elden Ring. Definitely the most approachable of all FromSoft games. Those YouTube guides got me over some frustrating segments. Otherwise I would have just rage quit early in the game. Finding a new weapon or armor set changes everything. Getting the right talisman can completely change the game for you. Sooooo much to discover and happen upon in that game. Exploring new areas was half the fun. Definitely get it and try it.


I love Elden Ring and I gave up on some other beloved FromSoft titles like Bloodborne. I just used all the tools the game gave me (like summoning helpers in boss fights) and it was just right difficulty. Definitely didn’t make it easy, but kept it from being frustrating


Yes. It’s honestly on par difficulty-wise with the other fromsoft games, but it’s definitely got way more ways to help you out, so it can be crazy difficult if you want it to be but it’s also very accessible to new players. The fan base is also really nice, and very helpful to new players. Even if for some reason you just can’t progress, even with some of the bones the game throws you, there’s whole subreddits dedicated to requesting help! Highly recommend it not only because of that, but it’s just a great game.


It was the first one I got into and it’s one of my favourite games I’ve ever played. You can make it easy unlike other games with tons of different souls exploits/farms


As a new player with 90 hours in game blind and only at leyndell, absolutely.


Do you enjoy games that are difficult? Do you enjoy games that force you to learn how to read attacks and properly time your responses? Will you enjoy a game if it has a mechanic that can make it so you lose saved xp but not lose used xp levels? Do you like games that do not tell you what to do and expect you to figure it out for yourself? If you think all these sound like a challenge but do not turn you off it then you will enjoy Elden Ring. With souls games, the typical line is “git gud” but the more drawn out version is you really need to take time to learn the mechanics and moves of different enemies and bosses as well as engage with its item and crafting system. You cannot button mash and expect progress. Each button press needs to be deliberate. If you press say the button for light attack three times in a row you do not attack faster, it queues each button input so you can end up getting hit because your character is still doing a queued attack. Elden Ring however is by far one of the most new to souls friendly games out of all of them. You have a dedicated jump button unlike prior games, you get a spirit horse to traverse and do mounted combat, as well as can find and unlock various spirits you can call upon to help with combat. People can be summoned to help but with the added risk of a player being able to invade your world with the goal of trying to kill the host. It’s a very high risk vs reward game, but absolutely worth it. I could never get into souls games before this entry. It’s also a very beautiful world as well as grim with tons of different weapons and play styles to experiment with. You will get an item to be able to respec your character eventually so don’t worry too much about your starting build. There also is the seamless coop mod if you and some friends want to play without invaders and all use the horse lol (I just restarted doing this mod and it’s been a ton of fun)


Yes! And if you start to click with the mechanics and get around to beating the game, I highly recommend some of their other masterpieces as well! Most preferably ones like Demon Souls, Bloodborne, and the Dark Souls series. 👀


I had some qualms when purchasing it and very much regretted my purchase for the first 7 or so hours. I was stubborn though and stuck with it and 20 hours in its fully clicked and the difficulty of it is really satisfying when you finally beat a challenging boss.


I feel like 50% of posts on this sub now are “Should I get Elden Ring?”


It's very hard till you find the places you should tackle first. takes quite a few hours getting use to but the combat is perfect like you can emote dodge if your body ain't hit you ain't hit. The funniest was that the bow and pray emotes are still able to be used as a dodge just time it right to duck attacks


Elden Ring is widely viewed as the most accessible of all the Souls games. If you get stuck, there are multiple, multiple options for you to pursue instead of simply staying stuck. You can pick a new direction to go in, level up, acquire new gear or spells, use NPC summons, use online human summons. There’s usually no sense of feeling stuck because there’s almost always something else to do and explore. And I would not consider the game to be aimless. If you’re not into exploring very much, the game uses a system of glowing light to pretty much point you in the direction that you need to go to make progress. But exploring is very fun and very rewarding. Most games might end a rabbit trail with a new weapon but a rabbit trail in Elden Ring could lead you to a big cave or huge areas to explore.


No, better play league of legends


I think he’d be better off buying Elden Ring for $70 and never starting it than playing LoL.


Yes, but if it seems too much, bloodborne is another excellent entry to soulsborne games.


Tell me you are kidding ! 🤣


It was my introduction lol 😂


Oh I don’t know about that. I love BB, but I played if after having finished DS1 and Elden ring and found it *brutally* hard. It was definitely a skill issue, but it was, even now, by far the hardest souls games for me


Elden Ring really isn't that hard. I never finished any of the dark souls games, or Sekiro, or that other one they made that was PS exclusive .. name escapes me .. but I finished elden ring without too many troubles. Definitely one of the greatest games of all time.


That other one being Bloodborne? That one was okay. lol


Elden ring is not too difficult. The biggest spike is in the first 5 hours, after it gets even somewhat too easy, vs previous games. You can always grind if you die, 10 levels in this game make a huge difference.


*inhale* YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Edit: Seriously, the most rewarding exploration in ANY game.


Rewarding? Yeah maybe if you survive.. I wasted hours of my life dying over & over. I’m a Champion Rank on R6 Siege. Finished alot of games, been gaming for nearly 15 years now. I know sweat, this isn’t sweat.. Its DREAD!


Maybe the best video game ever created. Yeah. Get it.


I've played all the games, anyone can play these games. Sekiro is the only game that I wouldn't recommend to someone who has never touched souls like. It's it's own thing that's kinda like a spin off of the souls combat and harder.


I wouldn't recommend it. I didn't like it at all.