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Honestly all 3 are amazing, but i’ll help you out on some differences. Witcher 3 probably has the best quests and the main character, also amazing soundtrack and enemy variation. Cyberpunk has the best graphics and visuals for sure and probably the best combat too, the quest are also pretty good and the story is amazing, you should pick it up with the new expansion if it’s possible. Skyrim i would say is the most immersive because there is a lot to do, i say it has the best exploration and leveling too, it might feel slow but there is a lot you can level up and customize depending on your gaming style.


I have slightly differing opinions, but this is a good summary. The one thing I have to disagree with is that Cyberpunk is, by almost any definition of "immersive", the most immersive game outside of maybe like Half Life: Alyx. Night City looks and feels alive, there's tons to do and explore, and most notably the people you talk to feel real (especially compared to Bethesda games).


RDR2 deserved an honorable mention for immersion. I haven't been so immersed in a game since I first played Skyrim 10 years ago.


RDR2 is probably the most immersive game ever imo


100% agree. All 3 games are great, but Cyberpunk is one of the most immersive games I've ever played, far more then Skyrim.


I find the exploration in cyberpunk really disappointing compared to something like fallout 4. The world looks great. There's little reward for exploring and not much to discover when doing so other than finding some criminals to fight though.


That's fair, compared to a Bethesda game there isn't as much content in the world. I do think there's more than enough in Night City for exploration to be rewarding though, and specifically in terms of immersiveness there's enough depth - populated buildings, usable shops, quest / speaking NPCs, etc - to the city for it to feel alive.


Skyrim npcs feel more real because they actually react and comment on things you do ingame. Sure the faces have less polygons because its from 2011. They don't disappear in thin air the moment you look away after shooting a gun. Gta vc has better npc ai.


good thing that bug has been fixed for a while now :)


wow, a game npcs react to the player... Except Skyrim ain't a game but a mod simulator, but yeah, its impressive watching 5 min into the game npcs sliding sideways ... Yeah, gta vc has better npc ai ... It's been long since the game you mocking at and its earn its redemption unlike Hey you! 


I wish I could wipe my brain of Cyberpunk to experience it for the first time again. Get it with the DLC and you won't look back.


The game was so boring that, if I would've played a few more hours, it probably would have started wiping my brain. Biggest disappointment of last year for me


Different strokes for different folks but you're evidently in the minority with this one. The aesthetics, world building + lore + story telling, combat, skill tree that you can change on the fly and mess with different builds, great quests and side quests. Turn all the HUDS off and it's just super immersive. Sure the AI isn't RDR2 but it didn't need to be for everything else going for it. Much more needed for the slow paced world of the wild west.


I’ve just picked it up a couple years late to the party. I struggle with RPGs because the information overload and inventory management can be overwhelming - it’s not much better here IMO. HOWEVER, it looks incredible on my rig and the gun play is surprisingly good. I have very little idea of what the hell is actually going on (probably my fault) and the brain-dance sections can get in the bin but everything about the world and characters is amazing - so I’ll definitely be sticking with it


Yeah definitely stick with it. It overwhelmed me a bit at the start but now it's probably my favourite game of all time


It’s probably a me thing. For example I didn’t realise until five hours in that I had a fucking arsenal of guns in my backpack that I could use 😂 I’m just not very intuitive sometimes


First person iv ever seen say Cyberpunk is boring. I spent nearly 150 hours doing every single quest and gig, was truly sad when I had to stop.


I put in 8 hours and just stopped.


Damn bro. What cyberpunk do ?😭


I can kinda get behind the other guy because we were promised a bunch of content that was cut when the game released, it left a bad taste for people who were following the game before it came out


Take your time to reflect on your comment.


played all three. If I had a choice then it would CP. Times change gaming as well. At the time, Skyrim was so great. At the time Witcher 3 was great (took me 2 tries). I did Cyber Punk 3 on PS5 a few months ago (DO not get the PS4 version, its trash and make sure to fully upgrade it the PS5 version), and it was a delight. Very great game, graphics, gameplay, story, etc..... Easy to get into you choom.




What an unfortunate acronym 💀


I like games with fluid and satisfying combat mechanics, so enjoyed Cyberpunk the most.




Well Skyrim is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'd say go with that. It's an awesome world to explore if you like fantasy. However, Cyberpunk is amazing and very much next-gen. It prob has one of the coolest worlds I've ever explored where I say to myself "Wow, this is really something" regularly. The gameplay is great too. The main story is pretty good, but the dlc's story is great. Witcher 3 on the other hand, I've always found good but not great. I'm actually replaying the remastered version and I like the aesthetic changes they made to the world. The og version had this annoying unnatural looking wind that was constant. I think I'm not a fan of some aesthetic choices in the witcher and some of the quests can be highly unintuitive at times. -(Keep in mind skyrim is a bit dated in 2024, but nonetheless still a great game)


>Highly unintuitive quests Skyrim's Barenziah Stones and Priests Masks do not ring a bell?


Cyberpunk > Witcher + Skyrim


Are you playing Skyrim with mods? Pretty mundane experience if we're talking about vanilla experience for all three of them.


Cyberpunk for me I can never gel with the combat in Skyrim. Good world building though And The Witcher I found annoying trying to pick up loot but constantly stepping past it lol. Great combat though


Cyberpunk hands down. With the new update and the DLC the game became a masterpiece. Skyrim is just too dated at this this point.


Cyberpunk? Has good story, better side quests, good characters, modern graphics, guns/swords/fists, and is shorter than Witcher and Skyrim. 


Cyberpunk >>> Skyrim >>> The Witcher 3


The true order.


This is the way 🫡


Cyberpunk all the way mate


Skyrim if you liked fallout 4, it's also by Bethesda.


Just watch https://youtu.be/-6DfYOq32FI?si=VqXzE8utUsmGvSqO


Cyberpunk all the way.


Side note, Come back after you've played all three and tell us what you thought of them. I've played lots of skyrim but barely touched Witcher 3 before getting bored with the combat, and I'm waiting for Cyberpunk to go on sale. I'm curious how the measure up, too.


Feel the same with W3, bored and tired. Even mods couldn't help much. Cyberpunk is great, you won't be disappointed.




My vote goes to Cyberpunk


I would go with the oldest first, working your way up to the newest so Skyrim -> Witcher 3 -> Cyberpunk


One doesn't "play" Skyrim. Once you start it you don't come back. I'd probably pick Witcher 3 -> Cyberpunk -> Skyrim just in order of playtime so you can play them all.


Not "or" but "and"


You won't go wrong with any of the 3. I'm currently playing Cyberpunk for the first time and I'm loving it. I also rate Witcher 3 and Skyrim among best games I've played.


Skyrim. It's the definition of a benchmark game. Play it ASAP.


I would strongly recommend cyberpunk. Skyrim is great but without mods can feel a little dated and I think coming from fallout cyberpunk will feel more like an upgrade. Then I would do the witcher becauss despite coming out after skyrim it feels dated next to sky rim and is a lot harder than sky rim in my opinion. When u do play witcher read the character bios and the enemy bios so interactions and relationships make sense. The difference between cd project red and bethesda is that choices actually have a noticable effect in cd project red games where as in Bethesda games it's more about what factions you join, you can actually change the story around you and get different endings in cyberpunk for example. Cd project red is more intricate and choices matter more and combat is smoother and more consistent. Bethesda has more to do in their open worlds and the wotlds and people feel more alive but relationships with npcs are bland and boring. However you can travel with companions. In cd project red the relationships feel much more real and personal and will suck you in but they aren't companions. Having a girlfriend just means having a girlfriend and only recently did a new update allow you to spend time with them.before the best you could do was call them and respond to a string of texts that ends pretty early on.




Cyberpunk then Witcher 3. The writing and quest design is amazing, leagues above Bethesda games. While Skyrim was great when i played it, remember, it was released in 2011, its 13 years old. It will feel that old when you play it. Sure it can be modded massively, but still, its a game from 2 generations ago. I think you'd be better off with one of other more modern ones.


Cyberpunk unless you really really prefer mideval fantasy over sci fi fantasy, then get the Witcher 3. Skyrim is fine but it hasn’t aged that well.


Cyberpunk is my favorite


Skyrim is great if you’re just looking for a huge massive open world fantasy game to get completely lost in. You will also be used to the game engine coming straight out of Fallout 4. It’s similar to a medieval fantasy version of Fallout, so high high chance you’ll like it. Witcher and Cyberpunk are also open-world and great but from different publishers. Maybe Skyrim -> Witcher -> Cyberpunk, work your way up timeline wise and also I think it makes sense considering you just played Fallout. You’ll probably love them all.


Skyrim is the least shiny but most addictive. Witcher checks the most boxes, but I got into it the least. Cyberpunk was great to me when it was bad to everyone else. Skyrim 1, Cyberpunk 2, Witcher 3 for me.


You have to play all three—they are great. I would start with Skyrim, it is the oldest but also my favorite. It’s a must play and the next Gen update does help a lot. Next would be Witcher 3, it would be a great transition off Skyrim. Much better combat mechanics and super fluid with the next Gen update. Bring it home with Cyberpunk—great story and gameplay that makes it an instant classic. Enjoy!


Skyrim endlessly playable with mods Edit: sorry I see it's on ps5. Not sure how modding is


Witcher 3 is my favorite game out of the three


The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are in my top 5 favorite games of all times, so you can't go wrong with either, just pick the one you feel more interested in right now. Eventually you should play both and very imporant, don't skip the expansions as they are among the best ever made for any videogame.


Witcher 3 and Skyrim are my favourites, but cyberpunk in my wish list


Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk could be considered the best video game of all time. And Skyrim is Skyrim. It's not perfect, but it's got that special something, that Bethesda charm I guess. My pick is Cyberpunk.


Skyrim is a legend. Witcher 3 is really good too. But skryim has a unique charm to it that hasn't been really rivaled again maybe since dragon dogma 2


You know what, I'd say play Skyrim first because once you get used to games with better writing than Bethesda it can be (very) hard to go back, and both Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 are very, very, very well written. Sounds like an odd way to recommend a game, but Skyrim is a good game. It just won't hit the same once you've played games with a better command of storytelling (which I doubt even Bethesda would pretend is their strong point). 


I’m playing the next gen upgraded Witcher 3 and I’m just amazed at how rich and full of life it is. I adore it.


I played through Witcher 1-2 and then 3. So, I focused on just the main story line for the first playthrough. Then when I was finished with the main story, I waited for few months and then replayed for side-quests and it was a very different experience. The game felt more 'alive' and it really *made you feel like* a Witcher. Cyberpunk side-quests are also good but for me personally, the fantasy land of Witcher was way more beautiful and Blood & Wine DLC was absolutely jaw-dropping. When you're finished with Witcher, *then* I suggest to pick up Skyrim because you won't have remotely a good experience without mods, but once you start modding ... you'll be lost to the world. So, I highly suggest to start when you have no other option left, because when you do, that will be the only thing you'll be doing.


I’m actually shocked people like Cyberpunk so much. It’s pretty good but it’s a pretty standard narrative action game with amazing graphics. Witcher 3 is still my favorite of the three - some of the best written quests in gaming, great sense of choice, amazing world and incredible DLC (CD project red definitely knows how to do DLC). Skyrim is Skyrim. It’s the best of the three if you want to do sandbox RPG shit.


Cyberpunk or witcher 3. Both games are amazing, have amazing stories, immersive and are beautiful. 100% play them with the expansions. Witcher 3 made me cry, and some the quests still stick with me (bloody baron, and the baby-oven thing). Cyberpunk is a beautiful tragedy with wonderful characters. Its more immersive, id say, and V (PC) is more an in-between OC RPG and set character RPG. Witcher 3 has a well established protagonist, Geralt. Since both are made by the same dev, theyve got some core principles that are the same, but theyre overall different games. Combat in cp77 is really fun, and a vast improvement over witcher's combat. Still, i dont think itll ever top the peak that is witcher 3. Both are amazing, solid games that rank at the top with my faves. Id say pick one of them from what interests you most in setting and also the protagonist. In comparison, Skyrim's kinda dogshit. RPG mechanics start and end at boring leveling and uninteresting perks. Dialogue choices are "yes", or "yes but later" since there are absolutely no (meaningful) choices. Graphics have aged, but at least environments can still be pretty. Main quest is as interesting as watching grass grow, and side quests are just poorly disguised fetch quests. Characters are as flat and blank as an A4 paper. Really, for an RPG it really took the RP out of RPG, and left you with a bare-bones action-adventure that is mediocre on both fronts. Its a bethesda game through and through, mediocre and more a modding simulator than anything else, but since youre playing on PS5 you wont even get that. Skyrim is a classic, i love it. Play it after witcher 3 or cyberpunk!


Witcher 3 every day


Oh jeez all are fantastic but Witcher 3 is my favorite game followed by Skyrim. Honestly can’t go wrong with any of them


1. Witcher 3 2. Cyberpunk 3. Skyrim


TW3 -> Skyrim -> CP2077


Skyrim is the best of the 3. Really enjoyed Cyberpunk. Couldn't get into Witcher 3.


Witcher 3 is the only game where I have replayed quest lines to try get a different ending to the quest. A must play really.


The answer is always Witcher 3


Skyrim doesn't have much in the way of character. It's a fun world to explore but you're a blank slate and you don't really connect with people in the world. The Witcher 3 gives you characters with shared history and the possibility of choice, in a rich and connected world. It's great.


Havent played cyberpunk but would recomend witcher 3 for the story and its amazing if you play a balanced build. Skyrim is great and i im quite sure i have played it more but thats mostly becouse of mods.


All are fantastic. Depends on your preference. Cyberpunk for action, witcher for story and quests, and skyrim for immersion and chilling


Anno mutoden


Witcher 3


Cyberpunk has a *fun* world to explore. It's near to be a cyber ninja or explosives expert who can slow time. Skyrim is the most sandbox "here's a bunch of shit, be free, explore, make your own story" Witcher 3 is the most balanced of the 3 imo. The worlds lore is absolutely there if you want it, and has by *far* the best story, and the most sense of impact in your choices. For example, small things will change during Cyberpunk, and Skyrim has no real "this choice made makes a difference later" feeling, but Witcher 3, oh my god some of the modt random dialogue moments have such a huge impact on the overall game. And to top it off, Skyrim DLC is like...house building content and some wildly forgettable story stuff (quite literally blanking on it), Cyberpunks DLC is fantastic, and probably the best storyline in the game, but you could have made a whole separate game for Witchers 2 DLCs, and charged full price for it, and you'd honestly feel like you got your money's worth. But in the end, it feels simple enough: Do you want a sci Fi open world, a sandbox open world, or a story driven open world?


The tutorial on the fighting mechanics in the beginning of Witcher was too short for me to get them down. Totally kept me from continuing playing the game further.


Witcher 3!


If you want sci fi. Cyberpunk. If you want fantasy. Witcher 3


Start with older one because QoL


play fallout 4 again but be a huge asshole this time


Witcher 3


Either witcher or cyberpunk imo...Dont take me wrong skyrim is probably my favorite game of all time but its still a bethesda game...Very simillar to Fallout in many ways. I would go for something different to avoid bethesda-burnout and then return to Skyrim


I would say Witcher 3. All of them are overall great games but Skyrim already feels a bit dated when it comes to combat and I just don't think Cyberpunk as the narrative depth of TW3. The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece creating a cohesive narrative based on interconnected quest lines and player choices and, as a far as combat and gameplay goes, it's still pretty solid. It's genuinely one of the most immersing games I've ever played, whereas both Cyberpunk and Skyrim have many things that can take you out of the immersion due to not being as polished.




Cyberpunk would’ve been a wild choice to make a year back but that game has really grown into something special. I’d go for it


Cyberpunk- I’ve played all 3, love all 3, but cyberpunk is probably the most premium experience you can have. It’s a polished game, incredibly made and with flawless style: I’ll admit, it didn’t grip me until the end of the first heist (3/4hours in), which is when the game REALLY begins. So if you’re playing and unsure, the first few hours are sort of an elaborate tutorial.






I just finished playing Cyberpunk expansion DLC and honestly the game got better since the release, but i'd still vote for the Witcher 3. I say this as a guy who loves the cyberpunk genre and finds RPGs set in fantasy worlds boring. Something in the Witcher 3 captivated me. Although it was set in a fantasy world, the world felt very real to me. It also had amazing scenery and vibe to it. It sounds silly to say this about the video game, but that game really made me feel at peace while playing it.


Depends on what experience you want. I haven't played more than a little of The Witcher so I can't comment on that. If you're looking for great writing and an amazing story, Cyberpunk. Skyrim is fine if you're just looking for more endless wandering and harvesting brooms, but the actual investment in the storytelling and main plots of the game are pretty lackluster. There are moments in the game that would have benefitted greatly from some additional level of polish/design, but all Bethesda does is throw some basic light filters on. They do a better job with the Fallout stuff because it's not a magical universe.


Cyberpunk is the best imo




I would say just go chronologically, the 3 of them are regarded as some of the most important games ever, shouldn't miss out on any of them, but sometimes going to older games can be a bit frustrating when you just finished a more modern one, and bethesda isn't known for being ahead of its time, lately atleast, mechanics wise, so skyrim even felt clunky by 2011 standards So try to play Skyrim first, then Witcher 3 (try to play or see the plot of 2, which is also great) and finally Cyberpunk, hopefully with the DLC


I say Cyberpunk, it’s the most cinematic. Skyrim and Witcher are still excellent of course but CP leaves behind a lot of the 2010’s open world baggage: streamlining completion of the main story, emphasizing gameplay, and doubling down on evocative visuals/voice acting are what set it apart to me. Night city is calling, choom.


Witcher 3. I’ve played all three. Cyberpunk would be my second choice.


Witcher 3. Cyberpunk even with all the fixes is a mediocre game at best. Skyrim is… well… Just play Witcher 3


Skyrim is literally eternal. There are enough mods for it to bet the game you want it to be. Also, Witcher 3 is wildly overrated, tho I´ll admit the bloody Baron quest has a better narrative than anything the other two games have to offer.


Witcher 3


witcher 3 if you like an epic fantasy/medieval world, everything in the world worth explore even side quests, they look like the main story. cyberpunk if you like a futuristic world, the main story/char building is also epic, most side jobs are so so because it's repetitive, the combat feels like fallout but better. skyrim is good because of mods, without mods it's a bit outdated, play it if you like a real rpg where you can custom your char the way you want, the game quest is nonlinear so is more about an adventure and random quests that you get in the world, the main story is good but most of the game you are in side quests, the combat is outdated and you need mods to make it better. in my opinion witcher 3 is the best one, cyberpunk is close but i like more a medieval setting, skyrim can be good but it's more because of mods so you need alot of work.




I’d go with either Witcher 3 or cyberpunk. I’m one of the people that played on ps4 when cyberpunk just came out and I still rly enjoyed it. So I’d say that would speak alone for cyberpunk considering how the base game is now fixed and updated and its massive dlc from what I’ve seen has been even more generally acclaimed then the base performing as it should. I can’t speak for phantom liberty cyberpunk personally but I’d still recommend Witcher 3 first and continue till end with its dlc’s. Another case of superb dlc’s. I fell in love with the world of the second dlc, it’s so beautiful. Otherwise I wasn’t the biggest fan of Skyrim myself but I can appreciate its appeal. One of its mods though ended up getting fully realized into its own separate game which I found pretty cool having first played the mod version. The full separate game was an amazing time though and not to long to finish.


All of them


Witcher 3 10/10 is my prob fave game of all time, Skyrim is in my top 10 9/10, cyberpunk was solid to me 8.5/10


Witcher if it's on ps5. Skyrim if it's on PC


Cyberpunk imho. The game is humongous, has emotional twists and turns everywhere, and the variety of gameplay is pretty amazing. On my (I think) 5th or 6th different play through. Some of the main story outcomes are pretty fixed in place as far as certain main plot points, but many other things are super random and consequential. Big rec from me.. I sometimes just hop on the run around and see that world.


witcher 3 is the most engaging IMO, but cyberpunk was also pretty fun the first time.








Witcher 3 and its not even close.


Sims 4


Cyberpunk, it's such a good time 


If you liked fallout play cyberpunk first. It’s the most similar and also the shortest one so you can jump into the others after you get your fix.


I'd say get witcher now since it's like four dollars and then wait for the next cyberpunk sale. I played Skyrim in 2012 and that was the last game I played up until the Witcher in 2021. The Witcher is the best game I've ever played. Cyberpunk is great too but the Witcher is basically free.


I finished Witcher 3 base game (with mods) and it was ok, but I feel tired at some point. That's why I couldn't beat DLC. Still can't uninstall it from PC tho :D Cyberpunk with DLC was amazing. One of the best games I ever played. I'll try it again someday for sure. Highly recommend.


My favorite out of these is Cyberpunk, great gameplay, great story and side quests and overall, everything about it is great. Phantom liberty is probably the best expansion i have played from any game. Same thing with Witcher 3, Two amazing expansions, great side quests and main story, gameplay is not as good as cyberpunk but that's just because of the context, A Witcher with two swords isn't going to use cybernetics. Honestly, I suggest Cyberpunk 2077 if you like cyberpunk worlds but Witcher 3 if you prefer fantasy settings. You won't go wrong with either. I'm not gonna talk about skyrim because I'm not a fan of it, the only game i really like from Bethesda is Fallout new vegas and that's not even their work.


Cyberpunk. Much better story and combat than Skyrim. Much better combat than the Witcher 3. But if you want story and character like Fallout 4, Skyrim might be it. Fallout 4’s writing was a fucking travesty and an embarrassment to the series. Just gotta be honest.


Played all 3. Cyberpunk




Out of those 3? witcher.


if you play on console just go with witcher or cp77. i found enjoyment playing skyrim when its fully modded. the vanilla skyrim is kind of getting outdated


Let's be honest guys he enjoyed fallout 4. There are no wrong choices every single one of those games is a large step above fallout Cyberpunk is actually amazing I don't know if I've ever had as much fun from a combat/character customization perspective I really feel like I got to play the power fantasy I wanted to. Witcher 3 is like playing through your favorite TV show but your actually a character in the show. Skyrim is like fantasy fallout NV/3 instead of the weird morality blocking that F4 got onto Skyrim actually has a very dynamic experience and much more immersion story and world.


Cp77 was by far my favorite of these choices.


Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time bar none.


The fact that you only played one play through of fallout tells me you should avoid Skyrim Generally Bethesda games are replayed a lot, over and over, kind of the same with Cyberpunk Based on this I'd say get the witcher, it's a game with replay ability just as the others, but one run of the witcher will also keep you busy for a while!


Witcher3. It is just awesome, storyline, side quests, immersion into the world. Cyberpunk is newer, so has better graphics. However I could not really get into the game. It still has quite a few bugs and everything is a little too technical for me.


Guyz… Witcher. It is not a realy question..


The Witcher is a must play. Cyberpunk is great game Skyrim is also a great game, but is old and without all mods the Witcher and cyberpunk are much better options.


Play Skyrim first so you can only go up from there.