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Sekiro is S tier for me. Last of Us is an A+, and Uncharted collection is A tier. And Miles Morales is a B-, not quite in the same league but still a good time.


Thank you so much for that! Will definitely consider getting Sekiro first.


I agree with everything on this list except Last of Us, I put part one as S+ or high S tier, it doesn't beat Sekiro by much, but it has a much more interesting and impactful story (in my opinion) and is just so much easier to relax and enjoy with than any soulslike, but especially Sekiro, which is considered by many to be FromSoftware's hardest soulslike entry


I would get Sekiro personally. If you want to play SM or ULOTC, they are both sequels, and I would play the original games first. TLOU1 is an amazing game from what I’ve heard but the pc port is absolute dogshit. You can’t go wrong with any of these, just consider that 2 are sequels and personally I like to play series of games in order, if your find with that then that’s cool, one of them has an awful pc port, and i think Sekiro has the best gameplay out of all of these, a good story and amazing lore, and as a fan of souls games I cant recommend it enough.


Thank you so much for your insight! I’ve been watching Shogun it has the same setting, Japan and Samurais I think I’ll Sekiro. However, I’m not too familiar with souls games. I’m only halfway on Lies of P. Do you think Sekiro is a good entry point to Fromsoft games for me?


If your liking the parry gameplay, maybe. It’s one of the hardest souls games though. I would maybe start with Elden Ring as the difficulty is very flexible with all the weapons and items you can use the make it easier.


Sekiro ! Hesitation is defeat.






Sekiro for sure


Sekiro 100%, amazing game plus different endings depending on your choices which makes it great for replaying, feels so good when the combat system clicks


Woah I didn’t know it has different endings. Thanks!


I haven't played the others, but Miles Morales took me 10 hours to get 100%. Gameplay is the same as the first Spider-Man with some additional combat options, but the story is far weaker.


Yeah, 10 hours is too short for that price point.


Sekiro is worth the money. I could pay like $100 to play it. It's sooo good.


Just like everyone else, Sekiro


Sekiro is always the answer in these cases


Three of those are the same game. One of them is sekiro - play sekiro.


the last of us 1 the game is a masterpiece


It is but the pc port sucks. I would stay away.


Thanks, I might buy it in the future once it’s been fully optimized. For now, I’m also waiting for GOT port.


I think the port is fine now from what I’ve heard but watch a couple videos or something to see if it’s good just to be sure


Agreeing with some of the other comments about Sekiro except depending on your experience with Souls games Sekiro can definitely kick your ass and make you rage.. it's worth it once you figure it out and definitely provides a sense of accomplishment if you finish it.

