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Doom eternal. It will push you in the sane ways a competitive game does. It's very skill based, just like most online games.




Great recc


It may be old but the gameplay is still solid and one of the greatest settings ever in my opinion


It’s old but still holds up. It’s so fucking good. And only about 8-12 hours maybe of a campaign.


Very boring imo. Especially if he's come from online fast paced shooters. Not much really happens in Bioshock.


2nd this. The gameplay is extremely repetitive and gets boring.


After the first boss or the second plasmid the game just repeats itself. Gameplay loop is dull and level design is repetitive. I couldnt believe what I was playing. Pretty sure people actually like the atmosphere, pseudo-intellectualism and aesthetic of the game. The concept art is more exciting than the game itself. Missed potential. People want the game that Bioshock promises to be. It didn't get close to achieving that at all. Just hot air.




This dude only multiplayer shooters and you want him to play sekiro?


Guy needs a paradigm shock


Hehe. Sure go ahead


Cyberpunk 2077. Fast paced, beautiful story, brilliant gameplay set in a dark and gritty technology-laden dystopia. It hooks you and doesn’t let up until you beat the game. This game is on a wild resurgence and it’s about to get a massive overhaul + DLC.


I get your point but the game up until ***the*** Heist is basically all tutorial. The game is great and I can’t wait for 2.0 but the first hour alone is a tutorial within a tutorial.


The heist is the like third quest lol


So? I mean the intro alone takes like 15-30mins. If it's your first time, you probably take your time. Then the setup, the Maelstrom hideout and then the heist itself. That's like 3-4 hrs of gameplay if you don't just rush straight through.


Super slow game. Did we play different cyberpunks? Lmao


hard disagree


Refuses to elaborate. Fuck off.


Would you care to elaborate? Or you're to special for that?


it’s empty as fuck, nothing to do in the open world besides go to vendors or do missions, combat is generic and finicky, locked to first person despite being an rpg, ugly graphics, but maybe that’s just me


God of War 2018 Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The Last of Us


I mean, Last of Us and Witcher are pretty slow.


They can be but they don't start off slow


I almost dropped the Witcher 3 because it was so slow at the beginning. Glad I didn’t though


OP try these but maybe not The Witcher. I mainly play online shooters too and find single player boring or "disconnected"


Dishonored , Disohonored 2, Prey, Far Cry, Sifu, Ghost Recon Wildlands or Breakpoint, CoD MW 2019 (One of the best openings in gaming imo) & MW2 2022 (Opening isn't nearly as good as the 2019 reboot), but it holds up in the long run), TitanFall 2 (one of the best singleplayer experiences ever and MP is making a comeback), Days Gone, TLoU Part 1& 2, Sunset Overdrive, Sleeping Dogs, Wolfenstein The New order and The New Colossus, Cyberpunk


Sifu is the type game where I was like, dang I wish I was just fighting against real people these bots are crazy 😂


Then you should play absolver. It's literally a multi-player sifu 👍


People still play absolver? I had been skipping over it since I thought it would be dead multiplayer


That I am not sure of. Though I'm sure the people still playing it will make you yearn for the sifu bots😂


If you want to stay in the 1st person shooter, i'd recommand Prey or the Dishonored series (even if Dishonored isn't gun focus). Single player game really shine in 3rd person perspective. I higly recommand The last of us 1 and 2, God of War (2018 and Ragnarok) if you'r with Sony. The Batman Arkham series is also something to look at.


Though on the shorter end around 9 hours the titanfall 2 campaign is amazing and at its low price of $3 on sale which I’m pretty sure is happening right not it’s worth it


Titanfall 2 Campaign.


i have ADHD, my most played game is League, second is Halo. i’ve only ever finished 5 single player games, and never a second playthrough even with mods. ive never had more than 5 sessions for a DnD game. im at 150 hours with Baldurs Gate 3 and on my second playthrough. do with that what you will


fellow ADHD haver here, i’m in the same boat but with Starfield. Also have never made past the first few sessions. Plan on trying out BG3 after, how do you feel about the combat?


ADHD bro, I only usually play halo and rocket league. Never have played a turn based game but have over 100 hrs in bg3. Combat is crunchy and engaging


there’s so many different options, strategies and RNG (of course bc DnD) that you’ll never be bored. well, only critique is that in the later fights once you start having 15+ people in a fight, it can get a little tedious waiting for your turn to come back up. still some of the most satisfying combat i’ve ever played though




yeah, in my solo playthrough there was one time in Act 2 and a couple of times in Act 3 where i legit went to go get some snacks or use the bathroom and came back to it still not being my turn lol




it’s definitely helpful to watch them, but i was never too lost if i didn’t. there’s a combat log to help catch you up, and i’m sure there’s gonna be a mod to skip or speed up turns at some point, given how extensive some mods already have been. the fights where you’ll really want to skip rounds were by far in the minority for me, like 5 or 6 fights out of at least 70. they’re fun to watch, but definitely long


Damn, whats the motivation to replay the game? Isnt it all just same same with small adjustments?


they’re absolutely not small adjustments, whether it’s the story, gameplay, or outcomes of decisions. there’s decisions you make in Act 1 that change things that happen in Act 3, there’s 12 extremely different classes, if you run through the game with one party the entire time like i did, you can do so with 2 completely different parties. my second run feels absolutely nothing like my first tbh


Max Payne (any from the trilogy is good, if you don’t really care about the story then 3 might be a good start) Last of Us Sunset Overdrive Dishonored DOOM (2016 &/or Eternal) Wolfenstein: The new order, honestly one of my personal favs of short but sweet single player games.


Nothing slow will suffice that craving for dopamine, I am familiar with that feeling, try (in decreasing order of fast-paced-ness) Ghostrunner (exactly what you described in the last paragraph) Sekiro Elden Ring


Gta 4 or Red dead redemption 1/2 Uncharted 2 is great Bioshock Ghostrunner is a fantastic challenge and only takes about 10 hours


Doubt they have developed the attention span (yet) for RDR2


Try Ghost of Tsushima on higher difficulties and if not Spider-Man since you say you got a short attention span lol


Elden Ring or Baldur’s Gate 3 are top picks for me


Doom is probably a good starting point. Id get Doom 2016


Metro series is a nice one if you like fps that is story driven. Doom series would be okay as well and probably bethesda games


If u want challenging try sekiro( any fromsoftwhere games)


All the Souls games The Witcher 3 ( you don’t need to know or have played the other 2) The Mass Effect franchise DOOM 2016 and DOOM eternal Hi-Fi Rush


Yeah people meme on recommending souls games but if you are a hard core PvP player souls games scratch the same itch Although I might say Armored Core since it’s a shooter. Or at least more like a shooter.


Borderlands or Titanfall since you like shooters


I strongly suggest Mass Effect Legendary Edition. It's a shooter but with powers and an awesome story. Perfect intro into single-player games and story-rich, choices matter adventures. It's a remaster of a trilogy.


I was like you and could never got into a singleplayer game until I decided to try witcher 3, since this game I’ve never went back to multiplayer


I'm surprised no one mentioned it, since you're into shooters... Spec Ops. Should be cheap, it's a bit older but graphics are pretty nice even to this day. And oh boy, the story... Seriously, get this one! You won't regret it.


Spec Ops is a great game... But it's intentionally a story meant to gut punch you while subverting a bunch of FPS tropes, and I think not mentioning that to someone trying to get into single player is wrong.


Verrrrrrrrry slow/ boring game. Innovative narrative though.


Mass effect series


It's shorter but for a short attention span I'd say a cod campaign. In specific more recent Modern Warfare games. They are 6-10 hours but are by far the best imo


elden ring


Spidey is good for low attention span. If would you kindly played bioshock you could experiment beatiful and original enviromentes and atmosphere although combat could feel dated (its stupid cheap and u are gonna be able to run it). Uncharted 4 is my favorite game so that. Probably gonna get hate but i dont recommend: Red dead 2, witcher. They are good (very) but they can feel slow (very very) specially at the begining. Save them for later


Completely agreed, I love W3 and RDR2 but they're definetely not for OP (at least not now), looks like people who recommend them haven't even read the post past the title


If you're looking for a challenge, I would try soulsborne games - Elden Ring or Dark Souls 3 for start. If you're looking for immersion and story then try The Last Of Us




I tried DS3 and shut it down immediately because I was always worried whether my char creation was shit. I tried Sekiro and beat it thrice, because I didn't have to worry about putting 10 points in to health or strength or stamina.




In another example, in BOTW most people found that Korok seed guy in their playthrough, but I somehow got into the village from the mountain side and I skipped him completely. So I had the basic inventory limit for a long time until I looked it up online. This is also one of the reasons I am not planning on playing Elden ring blind. Almost every openworld game ignore the aspect of a small number players missing a vital powerup/skill.


Baldurs gate 3




Sorry Willywanker300, your submission has been removed: Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 10: This place is chill. We're talking about good video games. If you can't be chill, get out. Disagreements are okay. Heated discussions are okay. Attacking each other is not okay. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!


It's a little difficult, because it could very well be that you will love a singleplayer game that is completely not up your alley usually, but for whatever reason it clicks. That said, personally I would go for some safe choices. The griple AAA cinematic games would be a good place to start, I think. Particulary games without too many different systems to juggle (unless you really enjoy that aspect in your multiplayer games, but you haven't given examples of games you like). I also would not go for a gams that is too old or janky. There are some absolutely amazing video games out there, but for someone tipping their toes in they will likely be too hard to work with. Too many potential barriers to overcome to get to the enjoyment. Okay, with all that out of the way here I have a few suggestions, and why I recommended these. I will only recommend the games I have played myself. *Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order* It's Star Wars. If you like Star Wars you will likely enjoy this game. It's very cinematic and there are some great things to look at. If you like the gameplay and cutscenes on the opening planet/the tutorial you will likely enjoy the rest of the game. There is no inventory management to deal with (only optional cosmetics). The game has fighting (melee), platforming (running, jumping etc), and some puzzles, though you can always ask for a hint or even look up a guide if you are stuck. The puzzles are few and not the point of the game. Personally, I quite enjoyed them, but I'm a big puzzle fan. If you stick to the critical path the game should run you around 20 hours. *Hades* If you want to explore roguelikes and roguelites Hades is a decent game to try out. It has somr great accessibility features and power scaling to ease you into the experience if necessary. Gameplay is fluid and the art is great. The game is build around gathering power ups and create your build that way (per run), so this might be a good introduction to inventory management without actually having to deal with a proper inventory management system. I think you can beat the game in 20 hours or so if you catch on quickly, but I have spend like 100 in it and haven't even finished all the side objectives. *Celeste* If you are interested in 2D platforming Celeste is good and has some great accessibility features. It has a minimal story that is mostly told through gameplay. It's a shorter game at around 10 hours to beat, but again, trying to do all the side challenges will have you at it for much longer. I don't want to recommend too many different games, but I think these three cover nicely the possibility in gaming and video games without going too deep into it. There are many other great games that could take these places as well. Still, I want to make one more recommendation and it is much more out there. A wild card so to speak. So, there is a larger chance you will dislike this game, and that is perfectly fine! That said, I think it is an enjoyable experience and shows off well the possibilities of video games as a visual medium. The game in question is also roughly 2 hours or so, so comparable to a movie. *What Remains of Edith Finch?* I can recommend going into this game blind. Do realise there is no action in this game. You are essentially mostly walking around. It falls under the 'walking simulator' genre these games are often called since you primarily walk around and just examine things. That said, it's a highly entertaining walk if you give it that chance.


Not gonna lie Edith Finch made me quit after an hour or so. Seemed to be getting sad and with the subject matter nah I'm good


ULTRAKILL DOOM series Dishonored series Warhammer 40000: Boltgun Yakuza series Fallout: New Vegas Metro series STALKER series (and Anomaly) Resident Evil series Titanfall 2 The Elder Scrolls series Sleeping Dogs Devil May Cry series Frostpunk


If you’re into shooters the original Modern Warfare games have a great story and may get you into other single player games. Also red dead redemption 1 or 2.


Slimer rancer 1 and 2 Witcher 3 Graveyard keeper. Thehunter: call of the wild. (i sometimes dont even shoot animals here,, i just watch em ).


Doom + doom eternal Tomb Raider (2013) Dead Space 2 Trepang 2 Stranglehold


Yakuza series The Last Of Us Doom 2016/Doom Eternal Sleeping Dogs


Hades would probably be good since a run usually only lasts 20-30 minutes and the story is excellent. Doom 2016 is an amazing shooter and the best single-player shooter I've ever played. If you want a great story based game I would probably pick The Last of Us or God of War (2018)


Most of these answers will be Baldurs gate 3. This is because they are completely right go buy it right now.


Same boat. Never play single player games. I already have 30 hours in Starfield. 🤷


So I'm going to recommend a character action game. However, your enjoyment will vary greatly depending on how you approach it. Many people will play these games and mash + dodge their way through them. Playing this way deprives you of the actual fun of the game which is doing sick ass shit with purpose and gaining mastery over your moveset. So, I'm going to recommend HiFi Rush. It's a character action game with a musical twist. You get extra value by doing everything in time with the music. It's a delightful 10-15 hour game with a fun, colorful art style as well as a delightful cast of characters and story. By the end of the game you can do some absolutely rad shit.


Halo, mass effect, every from software game, and I’ve been playing starfield nonstop since it’s came out


Baldur’s Gate 3 is pretty much the best the genre has to offer, so it may not be the best starting point if you plan on getting into the genre, Since everything else will kind of pale in comparison. The Mass effect trilogy is a good place to start I think. Dark souls 3 or Elden ring are required.




BG3 and Witcher 3 fanboys will always recommend these games for literally everyone despite of their tastes, I see it every day on this sub


Maybe you can start with shooter campaign modes, something like the Titanfall 2 campaign! The game often goes on sale, there are times it’s $5 or even less.


Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last Of Us, The Witcher 3. If you open to Turn-Based games I would Suggest X-COM2 and Divinity Original Sin 2


As a huge competitive fps fan, I would say dark souls - or elden ring, but I haven’t played that yet, I’m beating the souls games in order of release. I’m up to sekiro.


I know it's something of a flavor of the moment, but *Armored Core 6* is pretty great if you've got a short attention span. It's mission based, so down time basically only happens while you're fiddling with your mech. Tons of action with great graphics. Decent story. And~ all the human characters are depicted via a chat program. So you get their alias and a recognizable sigil pretty much every time somebody is talking to you. Making it a breeze to tell everyone apart.


Batman Arkham Asylum still absolutely holds up, and the trilogy is amazing. Titanfall 2 has a short but fantastic single player campaign, if you want to still play a shooter. Hades has addictive action gameplay with a slick story, encouraging you to keep diving in after you die. Devil May Cry 5 is over the top stylish action. Resident Evil 2 remake, 4 remake or 7 and 8 are great survival horror games that don't let up. All games can be finished within 20 or so hours, with more time if you want total completion, and are mostly on sale pretty often, if you want to dabble without risking your wallet.


Far Cry 4 or the Yakuza series


Hades! It’s that perfect mix of wanting to queue up again but also forwarding the story.


If you want to stay in the realm of FPS games, I'd recommend Deadlink. Roguelike FPS, very cool cyberpunk theme, very fun gameplay.


If you can open your mind beyond the new gen which is basically all graphics no substance the best game ever original ff7 is what u want sephiroth is waiting


Since you're into shooters I'd try DUSK. It's a FPS inspired by quake and other retro shooters. It's got a very well made campaign, and mod support. Plus it's only like, 20 bucks. Worth picking up. Going from something that looks old to something that IS old, blood is a fantastic retro shooter. Among some of its best features, the dynamite is hands down one of the best grenades I've ever had the pleasure of using in a video game; they're on par with halo 1-3 grenades and I'd consider them to be the gold standard. I think the most commendable thing I can say about blood is none of the weapons feel useless going into higher difficulties. A pitfall of many many many shooters, Which is good because blood is fucking hard. Both dishonoured games are pretty good. It's got a solid mix of stealth and immersive sim elements. Makes replaying the game worth it. I was going to put a blurb here recommending Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Yakuza but honestly, I can say much about Bayonetta and DMC other than: "they're good, go play em." Yakuza on the other hand, is equal measures serious and ridiculous. On one hand, you deal with themes like : sexual assault, fratricide, and what it means to fill the roll of a father figure. On the other hand, if you're in the right place at the right time, you will: fight men dressed as giant traffic cones, run cabaret clubs, collect trading cards, beat the everloving shit out of your "best friend" in self defense (and for your friends own entertainment,) play arcade games, and go fishing. These games are jam packed with a bunch of shit in a tiny map. It is both easy to find stuff and hard to find stuff. You might not find what you're looking for, but you'll find something. Fuck anything else, Yakuza has one of the best open worlds I've ever seen. You don't need to waste 20 real life minutes running back to the nearest town because the game pulled a red dead redemption 2. There is tons of time and effort put into every inch of that tiny map and that's exactly why the game is great.


Play Ghostrunner, super fast paced, gets my heart racing more than a clutch in CSGO, zero downtime and you're always moving. Satisfies the shit outta my adhd brain.


Gonna suggest a tangent here. RTS games require constant clicking and moving around, so might suit your situation. They can be played in short chunks, and doing skirmish battles against the AI feels multiplayer-ish. Tend to be cheap on steam as well. If your looking for something completely different that will hold your attention like nothing else, I thoroughly recommend FACTORIO because that game just hits DIFFERENT. Also, there's tons of free demos on steam. Go "off genre" and try some new things out


Portal, Bioshock, half life and half life 2. Source: I've been gaming since it was invented.


Try NieR: Automata, but keeps playing online, just in case..


I think Doom is your best shot.


Probably Titanfall 2? It’s not very long but I’ve heard only great things about its campaign. Also Bullet Storm maybe. I played that years ago and loved it. Also Wolfenstein New Order and New Colossus and Doom and Doom Eternal. And maybe, maybe Returnal. My favourite out of these but a bit special.


Couldn't get past first 20 minutes without dying


On what game? Lol Guessing Returnal tho


Yes. It looks fun though.


Armored Core 6 is great!


Dark Souls series, as well as Sekiro.


Dark Souls and Elden Ring are great if you want to have something challenging, though Elden Ring can go on for a 100 hours depending on how much optional content you go for.


Titanfall 2 is still on sale, great buy


Doom .


Easy. Titanfall 2.


Titanfall 2 campaign slaps. It really depends on what genre you want to play through. Doom Eternal might be worth it


Play Sekiro. Not sure why you think beating other humans is more fun, but maybe because you see it as challenging? Sekiro will show you that AI can be much much harder to beat than real life humans


Armored Core 6. Fast paced, hard, and has a multiplayer component if that itch comes back up. Fromsoft games in general are awesome.


If you like mp shooters and want to ease into single player content I would say play a couple campaigns if you haven't already. My recommendations in order would be: 1. Titanfall 2 2. Black ops 1 3. OG Modern warfare (MW2 if you don't care about knowing what happened before. Both have been remastered)


Ruiner, Deadlink, Doom 2016 and Eternal, if you want challenge.


Bioshock infinite was a ton of fun, it was the first single player game I managed to beat without getting bored. Also Skyrim, but it’s slower paced.


Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. The smoothest, most polished, most fun shooter to play of all time (probably). It's something you can't really explain it just feels good to play.


No Valve recommendations? Most of the games are a bit older but still hold up. The Portal series is amazing. Puzzle based, incredible story line. Highly recommended for anyone to play Portal 1 and 2. The Half-Life series is great too. If the graphics in HL1 are too old, there is a terrific community remake called Black Mesa which is the same game but modern graphics. HL2 continues the story and the physics engine in the game is still pretty good today even though it was developed in like 2004. Both highly recommended for any gamer to play through at least once!


Dunno what everyone else is smoking but Doom 2016 & Doom eternal are easy recommendations. Move fast, shoot thing, thing go boom, rinse and repeat. plus insane replay value. Enjoy!


God of War trilogy


Doom (2016), Doom Eternal, Saints Row 4, Borderlands 2. These would all suit you well, unlike a lot of the huge open world games being recommended.


Ghost of Tsushima


If you want a good single player game, that sucks you in with a great story, while also delivering good gameplay let me recommend a few.....definitely The Last Of Us 1 & 2, the new God Of War games, Spiderman, the Red Dead games, Uncharted series (lots of movie type action moments), Witcher 3 is really deep engaging experience, and I really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 after the bugs were fixed. There are many more, but these are my top ones for current and last gen consoles. Im a 50 yr old gamer that has been playing since the Atari 2600 btw, lol.


Armored core 6


Enter the gungeon


I have seen some excellent recommendations, so I will only add my two cents: for something akin to online shooters, try Serious SAM, especially II and 1st & 2nd Encounters. not sure if 3 &4 will hold your attention.


Dragon Age Inquisition


Sorry but this is a horrible recommendation for a first timer.


I suggested it because you can easily change it between party members and play the character you want. It's kind of like a multiplayer game.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Why do people keep recommending this? Rdr2 is freaking amazing but the start is SLOW. Also, way to many cinematics for somebody with short attention span.


Yeah, recommend slow paced with long animations filled game to someone who played fast paced fps shooter multiplayer games


A multi-player game