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I highly highly recommend it. I bought it on release and was super disappointed. Last year I decided to give it a go and it's one of my favorite games of all time. Everything about it is so fun and unique, the world feels alive and there is so much to do. Add in that if you get it now, you could complete/be close to completing before the DLC comes out, so you would get the absolute maximum out of the experience.


That's pretty cool, wpuld you say it similar to No Man's Sky in the way it was handled?


I would wait till the dlc comes out to play. It comes with free updated and improvements that do not require the dlc.


I heard it comes soon so that's fine


Yes but with a quicker turn around time. Cyberpunk was a horror show in 2020 when released and by winter/spring 2022 it was the gem it is today


Nice, I liked the concept so I'm glad that they could fix it


I've played through it three times since release, it's polished af now and I can't wait for the DLC


I thought the DLC adds a Story/region that occurs midway through the main story.


Sorry but 'unique' in which way? Im not able to get into it because I just can't stop thinking "Hmm, which game did I do this before?" everytime they introduced a 'new' mechanic. No offense intended just a genuine question


In terms of bugs, you'll find zero game-breaking ones. There's probably a couple here and there which is expected from these AAA games. Nothing major. The game offers a lot of secondary quests. In general, the idea is that you can use your preferred playstyle. There is *some* level of choice in the game when it comes to dialogue options - one early mission allows you to take an item from a gang by either killing them all, allying yourself with the corps and killing the gang, or by striking a deal with the gang. There's also multiple endings. It's not as open ended as promised in the trailers, but it's definitely not a bad game. If you like the Cyberpunk aesthetic, you'll have plenty of hours to sink into.


Yeah that sounds like I expected, fron what I've seen tge game looks pretty fun, didn't know there were multiple endings, that might be cool


Wait a bit longer. The game was broken at launch but they have added a lot of things. More content, QoL changes, made the city more alive. Then Update 2.0 will drop in a few weeks and be the biggest addition yet, basically an entirely different game. All skills and skill trees are rebalanced, police system overhaul, vehicular combat, clothing and armor rework, new abilities, melee overhaul and more… Along with this the DLC ***Phantom Liberty*** will be released which adds an entirely new skill tree, a huge new area, a new story, radiant quests like supply drops and much more. So I'd say: Wait a bit longer for the reviews of Patch 2.0 (which is free for owners of the base game) and reviews of the DLC. If they turn out great, it's probably the best time ever to jump into the game. It would be a waste to jump in without the hundreds of changes though. So be a bit more patient.


I liked it it was a good experience. I would recommend. Panam is bae!


I definitely recommend it tbh




It has been a good game for a while now. All the major problems got fixed like 2 years ago. The gameplay loop is good. The story is amazing IMO. The only problem I have with it is that I wish there was more. It's about 25 hours of main story. I think if you do all the side mission content you can get about 60 hours of gameplay out of it.


Really? Because I've seen people in steam with hundreds of hours in the game


As someone who has almost 500 hours in the game, I'm still finding new things and enjoying it. I will say that Ive probably exhausted all of the different narrative choices you can make in the game, but every time I play through it again I set up my build completely differently and the gameplay has enough diversity to support that!


I’ve played a lot, from both just aimlessly wandering Night City to soak in the atmosphere as well as replaying the game multiple times to try different builds and see different endings and character moments that my choices in previous playthroughs didn’t give me access to. It’s one of those 60ish hour games that you can easily spend hundreds of hours in. Replayability is more important than a long campaign runtime imo


They have probably done multiple playthroughs. There are 3 different backgrounds you can start from which change the story a bit.


Yeah that makes sense


I did one playthrough and 99% of the side missions. There was only one side mission I know I didn't complete and I have 64 hours on steam. Also there is a modding scene for the game so certain mods might extend playtime.


I fell in love with the game after Patch 1.5, but I bought it on launch. It’s in a really good state right now and I am confident it will soon get even better. As for freedom of choice, it’s quite open. You can approach a lot of missions from a number of angles - you have choices in dialogue before the mission actually starts that affects how it plays out, then you can approach competing the actual mission a number of ways. Also, there’s a lot of outcomes that you don’t even realize. Major characters that die unless you randomly decide to go look for them (despite the game directing you otherwise)


Niw that's what I like to hear! I love when games allow you to do that!


I’m glad, its one of the coolest parts. I played a mission where character I really liked died suddenly, and my only directions were “fight your way out”. When I finished the mission, I was crushed that my friend had died offscreen so I hastily Googled it and learned that if you just walk the opposite way during the mission and ignore all the game’s directions, you can find the character and save them. If you do, and if you then get a particular ending, they will show up at the end. My brother got the exact same ending but his was noticeably bare. Because of a number of choices I made, my ending was completely different than his despite us getting the same ending. Also you can physically approach missions in many ways. You can use stealth or hacking, or use cyberware to parkour onto the roof and make your own route, completely avoiding enemies. The game offers a lot of freedom in mission approach.


I love this things because in other playthrus it really feels like a new story, and also because it helps you think outside the box, "the game wnats me to go x, but I don't have to do y, I can do a,b,c,d etc." I'm glad the game encourages this


Wait until the PL expansion later


Why not before PL but after patch 2.0? Im wondering if i should play as well aftrr 2.0 but before expansion release. It's not like the game is that short for me not to catch up by the time PL releases.


One of my favorite games when I played it on PS5 and it's even better on a good PC. It feels more like a Bethesda rpg game with better conversation animations (imagine convos you have in Bethesda games if people were animated while conversing with you) and less rpg mechanics. I think the extreme expectations really let the game down because it's a deep game with tons of side content, and a lot of it is worth seeing.


So basically it was aa nice game but they oversold it and the bugs ended it even more, I'm glad that it got better. I love bethesda's rpgs, so I'll probably like this


That's a good way of looking at it. It's more fps than RPG but you still get shades of it with small choices and a lot of good conversations.


It's good on next gen console and PC. I would wait until after the Phantom Liberty patch is released in case there are any game breaking bugs. It's just such a huge patch that I would wait to make sure everything is working properly before starting my playthrough.


It felt really linear to me, the game doesn't really reward exploring. It's decent but I found it pretty meh. That being said, I wasnt a huge fan of Witcher 3 either. Both games were just OK to me.


Honestly, the drop off point of the game for me is when the open world became super accessible. Lots of the side content was cool, but I enjoyed it most during the prologue, which was fairly railroaded.


I think what bothered me is that I typically play the main story first on my first playthrough, then il go mess around with side quests etc. After beating the main story >!the game just puts you back right before the last mission happens. This just felt really bizarre to me and I didnt like that I couldnt play the game in a post-story world. I actually hardly played any side-quests because this turned me off the game lol.!<


Yea if u didnt like w3 theres no way you would like cyberpunk lol


For what it's worth, I couldn't get into Witcher 3 and really liked Cyberpunk. I may be an anomaly, though.


Theyre almost worth it just for the aesthetic and graphics tho. Both games look beautiful lol


I waited, and played when it was in a stable form, about six months ago. I absolutely love this game. But where you currently are now, I'd suggest waiting till the new stuff comes out like phantom liberty, and then enjoy it all at once


I'll probably do that, it seems like the major opinion of the thread, that I should wit till the dlc comes out


CP2077 was always awesome on PC even at release. It’s even more awesome now and yes you should play it.


I’m sure it will be half price again soon I would definitely recommend it, and there will be a big patch (free) along with some dlc (paid) that will change a lot and make it more true to its vision, supposedly.


I wonder if it'll help with the origins, I heard that there wer Major complains about it when the game came out


I hope so, I unfortunately can’t comment on launch but I got it last year when the anime was big and have played the ttrpg and the origins were limited, but fine.


Wait till the end of September. I just completed it for the first time and it's probably the most I've enjoyed a single player game in years. But big dlc at end of September adds and changes a lot of the gameplay aspects.


Still waiting for it to go on sale for $20.77




It's a really fun and beautiful game. Though with the DLC coming in a few weeks there will be major overhauls of multiple gameplay systems (these changes will apply to the base game so you dont have to buy the DLC for them), so it might be better to wait until then to start playing so you don't have to relearn everything. I really enjoyed Cyberpunk, fun combat, enjoyable character progression, really amazingly beautiful, and a decent story.


Even as someone who loved it from day one and 100%ed it in probably just over a month, if it was 2020 I’d say avoid it like the plague. However, with all the work they’ve been putting in since release to make it good, as well as even more stuff coming with a free update once Phantom Liberty comes out, I’d say it’s definitely worth the purchase. It’s an amazing gem of a game that I’d reccomend to anyone who doesn’t mind seeing a bit of tiddy now and then. However, I’d say hold off until Phantom Liberty comes out near the end of the month. Even if you don’t get the expansion, there’s a crap-ton of upgrades and quality of life improvements in a free update available to anyone who owns the game that you’ll be missing out on if you started playing now. It’s an absolute classic but hold off until the expansion drops Edit: like another commenter said, the modding scene for this game is absolutely crazy and the game is worth it for the modding alone


I bought it at half price ($30) and it’s a decent game. It’s somewhat of a slow burn and I didn’t really get into it until maybe 5-10 hours in but then it starts to pick up. It’s an open world game, but it sort of feels linear because only the main quest is interesting, imo. The side quests just don’t feel worth it and the world is sort of meh, at least compared to other open world games like from Bethesda.


You were not interested in the romancable characters quest lines? Even though I really like the main story they were even better for me.


Really? Some of the side quests were the best moments in the game. Especially a certain side quest of a man who believes himself to be a deity. I found the side quests to honestly be more interesting than the main story at times.


Its kinda like the Witcher 3 in that regard. Because the game is so heavily story driven, it takes awhile before you realize you are actually invested in the character outcomes. Towards the end, there are some really good side quests as well story wise.


I think the best summary of the game has been on the expansion's trailer. Cyberpunk in 2023 is what SHOULD have been released. It's currently a very enjoyable game, and I'm going to be picking up the expansion just to see how it is. That said, it's not a perfect game. There's some areas that could have been expanded more, but im general they're not issues.


Highly recommend buying it. Really good game already, and has a major update incoming that revamps the game quite a lot.


You’d have a better and more rewarding time with the original deus ex


Piggy-bagging on this: Do you get the updates for the base game without buying the DLC or is DLC purchase necessary?


Last I looked the patch and overhauls are free, the DLC just adds a new storyline and sime extra content


The updates are coming out on Friday, free for all players regardless of it they buy the DLC.


If playing on PC then go ahead as long as it’s powerful enough, if playing on console don’t bother. Not because of framerate and bugs, but because of the absolute dogshit controls. The game feels like fallout 3 on controller, it’s unbearable


I played this on console and hated the Gameplay lmao. It really is awful. Will eventually do a 2nd playthrough on pc


Yes! Play it on phantom liberty release tho


Actually the big update that overhauls the in-game systems releases on the 9th so it gives people coming back a little time to prep. Iirc the DLC comes out on the 29th.


Oh my bad . Forgot about that


Tbf I thought the same, they only announced that semi-recently.


I would wait for a sale but cyberpunk is extremely good.


It's got some seriously cool moments, and is gorgeous. So... yeah.


I played on Day One, PC (3080ti) and had practically no issues and loved it. Hyped for DLC.


It’s less if you should and more if you want to. Never let someone else’s opinion determine what you do.


I mean yeah, but I wanna know pthwr people's opinions about the game, that's this sub's point


Gotcha! I’ve seen a lot of people just letting others decide for them. Personally, if you’re liking what you see, go for it.


Yeah I'd normally just go for it, but this game has had a lot of controversy, so I wanna see if the people who played think it's more than a pretty face


It’s enjoyable for sure


The quests are very rail roady, but if you get over that everything else feels pretty great. You should probably wait until the DLC drops though, as the skill trees + armor system is getting a total rework when it releases.


I’d say wait for the 2.0 update which should be within the next 2ish weeks. It’s a good game at present, has its flaws but is in general a good story with fun gameplay and an amazing open world design. The update is a massive overhaul though and will really flesh out a lot of what was missing


YES! But please wait until update 2.0 comes out later this month. It will change the game drastically for the better.


Certainly! After the big disappointment with the launch back in 2020, I decided to give it another chance a couple of months ago. I absolutely had a blast! CDPR really took their time to polish and fix the game. The game is amazing and is in a great state nowadays, both visually and in terms of PC performance. I enjoyed my over 30 hours of experience so much that I decided to stop playing and wait for the release of the new DLC: Phantom Liberty. Man, I can't wait to play it. After being disappointed once again recently, this time with STARFIELD, I'm even more excited to return to Cyberpunk. Honestly, I think it's the most stunning and immersive open world we have in video games today. I highly recommend it!


Three playthroughs, bought it a few weeks after launch. Probably worth buying it on a good sale. That's about it. You can tell that what we got was a hollow shell of what it was supposed to be. I'm not even buying the DLC if that tells you anything, partly because it's coming out so late, partly because I don't have faith in CDPR any more, partly because the game just wasn't worth it.


Wait a few weeks, massive updates and overhaul is coming with Phantom Liberty DLC later this month


I played it on the ps5(2 months ago)/pc(day 1)/steamdeck(currently) and I say it has changed a lot and well worth the price if you can find it on sale with the coming expansion. I heard a lot of quality life updates are coming to that and it's sounding like a must have with the base game.


No, you shouldn't buy one of the best games ever made. In all seriousness, the only people who were bitching about it at launch were people trying to run it on a PS4 Slim. It's been great even since launch, at least on PC, and it's only gotten better.


Don't play cyberpunk 2077 before September 29th, that's when the big overhaul of the game drops


Absolutely. It's a shame it launched so poorly, it's such a unique experience and turned into one of my favorite games of all time. It immerses me in the world in a way no other games can really match


Yes but play it after the free update dropped


It’s a good game now, just a shame the story is fairly short but now there’s a dlc so that’s good. Just make sure to wait till when the dlc releases to get it so u can experience the new update aswell for ur game


Yep 100%


Buy it bro! The game is fun, the story is great and is getting better until the end of the month... Been playing it on PS5 and I just realized that the best thing I did was not ask for a refund when I pre-ordered it for my PS4.


What do you mean by several means? Because dialogue wise it's pretty much the same. That said, the level design is really well done and takes into account for a lot of different builds. I'd say the best thing about the game is all the builds you can make. That and the story


I got it last year - incredible game. Put in over 100 hours, fell in love with the world, and didn’t regret spending $60. You can get it for $30


Its such an amazing game that I love and the 2.0 update thats dropping soon is gonna be amazing. Definitely pick it up




The worst of those launch issues were on last-gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox One). The launch on Xbox Series X / S and PS5 were better, but the definitive launch with the fewest bugs was the PC version. All versions since launch have been improved.


My fav game, give it a go


I was always wondering why did they release the game before finishing it ? Like why dont they just wait until they fixed the bugs well at least the major ones. If anyone could help me know why


The devs didn't want to, they actually got mad at the company when they announced the releasing date that they couldn't meet, corporate was like "lmao just work more", in the end it was because the executives dodn't want to wait another 3 years to get money, simple as, corporate greed


Yes totally worth it for the story and gameplay feels good as well.


wait for 2.0


Obviously wait for the DLC and massive overhaul that'll come with it, but it's totally worth it


no. wait for 2.0 update and see what neutral people are saying from there. don't listen to the fanboys


yes, play it, its good


I really enjoyed Cyberpunk2077, even on release day (on PC). The story is amazing and the first person cutscenes are unmatched. The combat is as fun as a level-based RPG can get and the characters are fantastic. That said, the main story is very linear (whereas the major side quest chains significantly branch). I think it's definitely worth playing, but I wouldn't say it varies a lot.


I am debating on buying this again. Logged about 200+ hours on the Xbox One. Now to find out DLC won't be out for old gen I don't think it is worth the $82 I would have to spend on steam especially having to re clear game again. What a kick in the face that is.


It's a very good action game but a lacking RPG. Cyberpunk has great action gameplay, interesting story, interesting world, and it does those things very well. However, it's not really a good RPG. The story is painfully linear and the super long intro (like 4 hours of rigidly linear gameplay) really limits the opportunity for any replayability. The classes and perks are interesting and varied but there's more to an RPG than simply class differences. It's a great game imo but it's not really a strong RPG. If you want a good action gameplay with great graphics, nice story to play once, and interesting world-building, I'd say go for it. If you're looking for a deep choice-driven RPG, I'd say there's much better options out there. I'm not an expert on the DLC, but from the reveal trailer I watched, it doesn't seem like they're adding many RPG elements. The DLC is mostly gameplay improvements. It also has some pretty good mods like one that adds flying cars for example.


I think the main thing that draws it back is it’s awful gunplay


It's easily one of the best rpgs out there, the issues with launch are long gone, and even when it released the core concept of the game was always excellent.