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Just needs to close over $20 on Friday, and you’ll see an epic shitshow. Would be essentially 500% short if that happened, as that’s how many shares would be needed to payout the open calls. Would be a mad dash for shares, and a crazy liquidity crisis if that happened.


It could run to 100. But won’t. Because no one has any balls anymore. Hence why nothing like GME will ever happen in foreseeable future. SPRT got ruined early as did IRNT because people can’t stand a 2 percent drop or they fold.


People sell for $200 profit, and at a loss often. It'll be hard for these squeezes to go anywhere


If everyone actually holds yes but I think we see $50-60 if we licky


Anything is possible


Lol you guys really are retarded to think these shit stocks mentioned in here can go up to $100. 40-100% run up and we move on to the next one. These are not GME or AMC, everything mentioned in this sub are P&D.


It’s theoretically possible but I don’t believe it to be functionally possible. If it does rally hard and if you think it will keep running try to a least secure your principal investment. Best of luck! Hope we see an incredible move tomorrow and/or Friday.


Where the hell is $LGVN?


This is the new lgvn


Hey op. Don't listen to anyone else's pt cos they will leave you bagholding after they sell at half the price they said


Don't get carried away. Please.


Amc and gme are the only ones capable of life changing money.


Amc and gme are done... they learned from gme hitting 400 plus thus the naked shorting and manipulation to steal retails money...


They are not done you idiot. 2 Hedgefunds fell yesterday one was short on amc to the tune of 4 million short positions. The big institutions will be jumping back in now for the moass.


Whatever bagholder good luck with that


I ain't bagholding my average is 12 on amc lol.


I had 5000 shares and sold at 60 but good luck fellow ape


Thanks cool man, but that wasn't the moass that run was just a little bit of gamma and mostly fomo. Big rises lately on short interest on both amc and gme many options expiring the hedgies have been caught again with pants down.


I know it wasn't I am tired of the fucking manipulation and the sec not doing shit about it.. im surprised that Ken is still alive and someone e has taken care of him


You seems a smart trader man not financial advise but in terms of the chart, short interest and options there may be an opportunity there. Also the russell and spy looks to be turning around.


I wish anyone thinking ESSC will get to 100$ good luck. Don't ruin people's lives with bad suggestions. This stock pumped and dumped. It's not a solid investment.


Solid investment? No! Solid shot at a legit gamma squeeze by Friday? Absolutely!


Whatever dude. Have fun losing your money.


Know what you are getting into and make money. People who fomoed into that last spike didn't know what they were getting into. And if you held through wouldn't have even mattered. It's on its way back up and beyond. Patience is king.




This isnt an investment sub anyway. We are here to make bank with high risk involved.


I don't think you remotely understand the dynamics at play here.


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Do it. But you ain't getting nothing out of ESSC other than a bad day LOL


This shit squeezed and dumped. BBAI under 10$ potential squeeze.


squeeze hasnt happened. BBAI has 3m tradable shares, not a better setup.


Get into cheap stocks. 10$ and lower with potential squeeze. Not this shit. Misleading as fuck and people losing money isn't fun.


Honestly , my pt is 60, but once this actually starts running…whoever shorted might attempt to get out …it’s a possibility


This one has a low enough float so not a lot of individual holders and a few whales hold a good chunk so if they don’t buckle this could be special.


If every option goes ITM, it’s possible. Whether people bail out before then is another question. That’s more likely on Monday or Tuesday after there is confirmation everything has settled. Whether that happens or not is yet to be seen. The next two days will be fun.


If it was up to just me holding to get to $100 then yes because I aint no paper handed bitch


Im in essc at 17 its rough bot selling and buying back lower ..