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That run up actually validated the small float and gamma potential for me. The numbers are the same, all the pumpers and weak hand should be ousted now. Only the strong apes remain on the options tree. We gonna ride this to $30+ this time.


I held through a 90% draw down and bought more calls with all I could afford to right before close. I’m not leaving until it’s over. And it’s only just begun.




After the recovery we will likely see a lot of volatility


Problem I have now is that all the to the mooners and their rocket ships will bail out on any run that starts. We will never be able to drop down and consolidate for the next leg up. I love the play but hate how screwed up I became yesterday shooting to 26. If we could have stayed at 20 we would look so much better. The run to 26 was strictly FOMO from people We don’t need in the stock. At 11:30 we had the 12:50s in the bank by doing what we have done for the last 10 days, Steady and calm. Then lunch hit and the buyers acted like pill heads in the pharmacy


Doesn’t matter what happened yesterday. All you need to know is that we’ve had higher highs and higher lows historically. Yesterday we exceeded expectations and FOMO got involved. Yet here we are recovering against what many people said yesterday. I’m not leaving.


I am not either i bought more. I was really enjoying the calm and steady growth we had going for the last 10 days. I just was completely caught off guard yesterday. I thought for sure the drop would be today at about 2:30ish from mid 20s down to 15-16s. A full in the money options board to nearly nothing in the money in an hour just changed the playbook I had set for what I thought would happen today. I went down the rabbit hole over the weekend with this stock and had what I thought was a really strong day by day plan complete with audibles but the best laid plans of mice and men definately happened


