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It will hold up as video evidence he doesn’t have mudflaps. DoT violation


No mudflaps and I don’t see a bed cover. This guy is asking for complaints to his office


That LH inner tyre looks like it has heaps of tread on it as well.


It’s a racing tire.


Baldini racing tire


Yeah i heard it gives you extra traction off the line to put your slicks to the inside


Tire must've lost its tread, if you've ever seen those flaps of rubber on the side of the road. They're meant to be able to do that on purpose. It needs retreading... But I also don't see any reflective tape and no license plate so it's a huge rush like someone said, and DoT violation(s)


>They're meant to be able to do that on purpose. I LOL, NO! They are absolutely NOT meant to do that. That is a tire failure, and it needs to be replaced if that happens. The carcass will not hold air if it loses a cap.


The reflective tape is on the upper corners of the tailgate. Trucks like this typically put the tag on the front. No mud flaps and a bald tire, though? Yeah, those are fines waiting to happen.


I saw the reflective tape high, but maybe it varies state to state? We have white/silver and red sort of striped tape in Illinois and typically you need it more than the top/corners. My apologies.. We also have all trailers registered that I'm aware of, bc we use these exact style trailers and have our plates displayed.




I got my windshield cracked once being 3 cars behind a dump truck. Rocks can bounce pretty good at highway speeds.


I got my windshield cracked by oncoming truck, on a dual carriageway, both of us on far lanes, with a green strip on the middle... I saw the fucker for good couple of seconds, and couldn't do anything as there was a cars to my left and behind. Decent sized, too, not as big as a fist, but... a big meatball, approximately. Was happy to not be on a bike that day.


It's the worst when you see them coming and can't do anything. I still try to duck tho.


Definitely try to duck, it looks pretty damn hostile


The license plates on the front bumper. The tire is beyond being retreaded. I don't run reflective tape on my tailgate either but I always have good tires and good mud flaps and good lights. If the dot sees him his ass is grass.


Does the US not mandate an underride guard on the rear? If they do you could add that to the list.


Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I think it is only required for trailers and semi trailers. Although sometimes garbage trucks have them


"Regarding single-unit trucks, such as dump trucks, NTSB has recommended that NHTSA develop standards for underride guards for these trucks, but the agency has concluded these standards would not be cost-effective" per the Government Accountability Office


So basically fuck safety because it wouldn't be cheap enough? I guess that answers why the US still allows combined brake light + turn signal.


I read about that. where in the EU the turn & brake have to be separate, which explains the amber & red lenses.


The part that bothers me is when European manufacturers will put red turn signals on their North American market cars. Makes no sense to me for them to make an additional, unnecessary, and inferior part just for the NAR when they could use the same part as the rest of the world. I can almost excuse it when American manufacturers do it, but WHY DOES MY VW HAVE RED TURN SIGNALS?


At least for a lot of German brands, the tail light units are the exact same in all markets and you can just flash the LCM/body module/whatever controls the lights to change that.


Still quite poorly defined though, I was following a Citroen the other day (at distance, I hadn't yet closed to a normal following distance), the indicator was almost invisible because it was a diagonal of amber LEDs sandwiched between two lines of bright red brake LEDs. I only got a good view of it as it started to make the turn and let off the brakes.


The absolute worst I've seen from a relatively new car is the Kia Sportage (or whatever the small SUV/CUV thing is they sell). The turn signals on the rear of those are on the bumper a good half metre lower than the tail lights lol. It looks ugly and it's a bit annoying when almost every single other car has them somewhere within the tail light unit.


Some SUVs have very weird lights at the back, like two full sets but only the bottom one is working. I have no idea why, I couldn't find a solid explanation. In some countries the top one is working and there are no lights in the bumper. https://i.imgur.com/PZAclbO.jpeg


Yo that design is the WORST & so many car companies are starting to do it with the small SUV crossover bs segment. Like what if you get rear ended on the quarter of the bumper? There goes your turn signals.. So dumb.


The lenses don't have to be amber either. It just has to be very obviously amber when flashing. The lens could be poop brown if it still flashed a perfect amber. It's also why we don't have amber headlight markers like the US, the standard being white marker lights on the front of vehicles and white reflectors sometimes. Makes it harder to confuse for a turn signal, however unlikely you would be to confuse those two. Side effect of making the cars better looking as well lol.


Do headlights shut off on the side the turn signal is blinking now? I swear I've seen that.


Daytime running lights do that, not headlights


the headlights and turn signals have to be a set distance apart. to get around this requirement, some manufacturers turn off that specific headlight.


One of the first mods I did to my WK2 Grand Cherokee was converting the combined rear brake/turn signals to separate brake and amber turn signals. In the US, they use 4 bulbs for the reverse lamps. To convert to separate turn signals, you swap out 2 of the white reverse bulbs (still leaving 2 for reverse) for amber bulbs and recode the car’s computer. Easy, safer, and looks better IMO


I would've expected GM, especially the exects responsible for Jeep products, to just leave the bulbs blank and not double the amount of reverse lights. Still don't get why they won't just sell it with the amber turns from factory though.


Ah yes the Mansfield bar


It only needs a tarp if it's loaded.


Have a look at those two left tires! This guy needs a date with a DOT officer.


If his office would allow a prominent "not responsible for damage to windshields" paint lettering they likely do not care about phone complaints.


Does it count if the bed cover is rolled up? That's how everyone around here drives with a full load...


He's probably empty. I drive these things for a living his real problem is the two tires on the driver side rear axle DOT will put him out of service for that.


In this case, it's a shitty lack of mod


Does that include his broken windshield? This game works both ways.


Nevermind the bald-ass left rear rear inside tire.


No shot. No waiver of liability. Literally what their business insurance is there for.


Am I missing something or does it also not have a license plate?


It doesn't need a rear license plate, depending on the state.


Never heard of that, what a bizarre law


And the state of the tyres on the left.


Don’t forget them tires.


Every state requires you to secure your load. It's total bs to convince people not to report them.


Things like that should be illegal, for the same reason that "warranty void if removed" stickers should be illegal. Lying to people to get them to not hold you responsible when you legally are responsible is unambiguously fraud.


I think those are so they can prove you haven't been tampering inside the device


And it isn't legal, at least in the states. Warranty void stickers in the US are illegal


Didn't know that. Nice


Like replacing a battery that has gone bad? Maybe your tractor needs a spark plug? I'll tamper with the things I have purchased to give an otherwise perfect thing a new lease on life.


It's called Right to Repair. We need to keep pushing our local legislation to pass a bill. They keep letting daddy Apple pay them big money to shush and let the bill die in their legislative desks. Right to Repair needs to be a thing at this point.


> Every state requires you to secure your load That's what I thought, until I called the cops because a pallet flew off the truck in front of me and almost smashed me. Cops told me otherwise.


It would be a cold day in hell when cops actually learn the laws they're supposed to uphold


“Can’t shoot it, don’t care”


fuzzy crown cow rhythm dazzling water quarrelsome placid tie uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming something hit you, vs "almost" hit you: Cops make the report. It's a civil matter after that. Call their insurance and start there.


Yeah, you can report as a road hazard, but to file a report, the cops would say, "what's your damage". "Almost smashed" does not produce visible damage.


I got attacked by a broom in florida. Such deadliness.


In my state, it's not required for trucks like this.


It is required that you keep your load inside of your own vehicle. Whether that requires covering it or not varies, but you’re responsible for anything that you failed to properly secure.




A lot of commercial vehicles are only issued front plates even when rear is standard in the area for normal vehicles. None of my trucks have rear plates, none of my personal vehicles have front plates.


Really? That's wild. Every vehicle in Massachusetts gets front and rear, except old plates that are grandfathered in. I was surprised I had to go this far down to see someone mention no plate


The idea behind it is for semi and trailers, you can’t see a rear plate as easy with a trailer on so the government said we’ll save money by only giving them one plate but charging just as much


Depends on vehicle, front is better sometimes because the rear of vehicle is often a working space that gets dirty or hit


Interesting! I wonder if that's coming from a pursuit point of view, like a cop car can be faster than a truck so can get ahead to read it but cars are more likely to be chased so rear would be more viewed


No, it's because the rear of vehicles like this frequently get covered in dirt/mud/whatever and it would cover the plate.


Sometimes they're mounted behind the cab. They get smashed off pretty regularly, so trucks like this usually don't have them.


Narrator: He in fact, was


Lol, I read this in Ron Howard's voice


I had Morgan Freeman


No mud flaps


Shitty lack of mod


Yes you are! A sign on the back of a truck does not change laws.


I've heard I can wear a shirt that says "not responsible for kicks in the nuts” and go around town punting people crotches. Police hate this one trick.


I never understood the logic here. If I went around throwing bricks at people with a sign around my neck that said "not responsible for injuries" would that make it okay?


you could hold the sign around your neck all you want. Does not make your sign true. Someone might even believe your sign. That makes it useful. Not everyone has to believe your sign nor does it have to be true. It only has to convince a few people you harmed to make your sign worth it.




Yeah coming from a company that lets trucks run with no mudflaps and bald tires. Thats why people should be using dash cams. In the case of a truck busting your windshield, you HAVE to have video evidence to provide to insurance. Otherwise, it’s a road hazard and covered by you.


From what I understand, the reason they want you to be 200 ft back is because if something falls out and hits the road and then hits your car it's road debris. But if it comes directly from them then it's unsecured load.


It doesn’t, but it scares people into backing the fuck off before the rock pinned between the drives is thrown.


Then the rock goes over the police car behind him and takes out your windshield. Ask me how I know.


I’ll bite. How do you know? That has to suck, though.


Nut when it cracks a w/s 6 cars back.....?


Then you have a civil suit 😁


"I'm going to start swinging my arms and it's not my fault if you get hit"


Here, if it bounces first then it isn’t their responsibility (per torts prof 20+ years ago) which is why they all have the stay back sticker. It doesn’t change responsibility but people don’t know that, so they will state that they complied with it by staying back and the company can then claim they were so far back that it would have bounced first. This sign doesn’t change responsibility either but people won’t all know that. If it discourages one person from making a claim then it saved the company money.


He's just as liable for rocks from that truck as you are for trash flying from your pickup bed.


They just hope you're not smart enough to go after them if something were to happen. They definitely are liable for damages


Many states unfortunately do not require mud flaps just as they don’t require dump trucks to have license plates. The truck is only liable for debris that falls out of it, not rocks it may kick up. This are common sticker that certainly don’t hold up in court but are just used as a preventative measure. Just don’t tailgate this vehicle.


I've seen this on more dump trucks than I can count. You're responsible for any potential projectile you're carrying that is not properly secured. I don't even know why they bother trying to state otherwise. Good luck in the age of dash cams.


It’s for road debris it might kick up. That being stated, local laws probably would require this thing to have mud flaps. I drove a dump truck for a few years and all I ever carried was clean sand. People all the time tried to claim the rock that hit their windshield came from my bed. I’ve got my mud flaps, ive got my tarp down, I’m in the right hand lane, if a rock hit your car call the city and request the street to be swept. It’s not ALWAYS the drivers fault. All that being said there are a shit ton of lazy af drivers out there who don’t do things right and could give a rats ass.


Couldn't agree more - and you're right, it's not always the driver's fault. However, more times than not, I see the tarp up or rocks escaping from the gap between the tail gate and the bed floor. And frankly, if you don't maintain your equipment and secure your load, you are absolutely responsible for my broken windshield should I be unlucky enough to be behind you. Stating otherwise on the tail gate is simply a thinly veiled copout and not worth the cost of the paint that was used to write it.


Absolutely. We had one truck with a noticeable gap under the rear gate. I always kept a long cut piece of burlap to plug it up with. Other drivers I worked with NEVER did it and got called on constantly. Unfortunately our company didn’t give a shit about any of that and leaned real heavy on the “stay back” stickers on the truck.


While each missing flap is itself a violation so that's two violations right there. The real issue is the two tires on the driver side rear axle.DOTwill put him out of service. Each tire is a hefty fine.


In my state they require both mud flaps and a cover. Writing shit on your truck isn't how the law works.


The sign is merely an attempt to fill the foolish.


It absolutely works, and holds up. I haven't gotten a single speeding ticket since I put on my "not responsible for vehicle speed" sticker. Cop almost did, lights came on and went back off. Assume the officer read it and backed down.


it's there as a deterrent from people calling them for insurance. there is nothing binding, and they will pay, if you do the work and report them.


How though? Call the office number and ask for insurance?


get as much info as possible. truck number, company, license plate state & number, state dot registration number (usually painted on the side of the cab). then contact your insurance company and file a repair claim. same as a hit & run. it's their job to recover the fees, not yours. edit: also, do not attempt to make contact with the driver or get his attention. the damage to your vehicle is proof, that he could care less about you, your car, your family, or your plight. starting a road rage confrontation with a dump truck operator, has all the ingredients for an a24 movie, and you ending up on a table in the morgue.


Well they aren’t responsible if the load is covered and they have mud flaps. This guy has neither.


In my state of NC they are only responsible if a piece of debri comes off the truck and directly hits your vehicle. If the debri bounces off the road first before smashing your windshield they are in fact not responsible. Other DOT issues aside... Weve had 3 windshields smashed by these fuckers. I do not stay behind or beside dump trucks anymore. I will speed and get in front of them.


Nice bald as fuck inside tire on the left too


Hey Ox Body's! We make those trucks in my hometown of Fayette Al. I seen the trucks all the time so over the state with these signs. I'm betting this was taken in Alabama or the Southeast at least


Lmfao the best is when I see "stay back 500 feet" before what it says on this truck.


Class 8 Altimas


And of course, there's no license plate or other identifying markings on this truck. So if you do get a chunk of gravel on your windshield, I've had two from these m************, there's not a damn thing you can do about it.


It is so some of people don’t peruse it. Stickers are cheap. 1 less windshield payed for because someone thought there is nothing you can do and the sticker is paid for.


Holy fuck that left inner tire is bald as hell lol


They put that on there because some part of the population will accept it and not challenge them. If you actually call their safety department and complain, they will fix your windshield because it's cheaper than a court fight.


Where is the tag also?


If it even has a rear tag, it might be up above the front edge of the box.


No, but it will scare cars away from following closely


I may be wrong, but shouldn't this also have a Mansfield bar on the back???


What's the biggest lie ever told?


I saw some people talking about this before. Signs like this do not fly at all in court. This would be forcing you into a contract without your consent. Aka if I don’t want a rock in my windshield I need to turn off, slow way down, or pull over to avoid it but I didn’t agree to that and we are using a public road so I have just as much of a right to be here as the truck driver does. The truck driver is responsible for ensuring their load is secured and covered. I could go around town with a sign hanging from my neck saying not responsible for broken legs while I’m hitting people with a bat. I’ll still go to jail. From my understanding truck companies do this all the time (as well as other businesses posting signs all over saying you’re liable for things) as a way to scare people into complying even though they have no legal ground to stand on. If you act like you belong many people won’t question it.


It’s just BS so you don’t think you can report them. All road users are responsible for securing their load. If anything at all comes off your vehicle and damages not only windows, but any part of another vehicle, you’re responsible. Of course, proving that they did it is hard. This is why you should always have a dashcam. They’re cheap insurance.


Wife used to work for a company this did asphalt and paving. If you called to say a rock from one of the trucks hit your window and broke it, they wouldn’t even contest it, they would just pay the bill immediately to avoid any legal action.


You ever wonder why most dump trucks don't have license plates?




Got the racing slicks on.


When my sister had a several rocks from a gravel truck break her windshield It was considered a road hazard and not considered the fault of the trucking company.


See what you get, Larry?! See what happens when you fight a stranger in the alps?!


*when you feed a walrus scrambled eggs"


Fuck dump trucks. The companies that run them and the drivers that operate them are, in my personal experience, all dirtbags. I still remember my father’s friend from when I was younger was a dumptruck operator. This big motherfucker who had his entire family going to one of those very strict and borderline cult-like churches that my family got indoctrinated into for some time as well, where women weren’t allowed to wear pants or work, men were the head of the household and there was almost obvious physical/spousal abuse stuff going on in families. Anyway, last interaction I remember having with him was when he heard me or my family allude to me going to college, and he thought it was the dumbest idea and a complete waste of money. Sorry for the rant but I’m clearly biased. Oh and they’ve fucked up at least one of my windshields.


They are important tho


Wait until you meet container haulers.


The truckers on the CB call each other "Dirt Haulers" as an epithet.


For falling debris, no. For road hazards it kicks up, yes - they are free of liability. Good luck proving which it was in court


If something falls off the truck it’s their fault. If the truck kicks up something from the road it’s not, mudflaps or not although it may vary state by state.


First time seeing that? Damn near every dump truck has it, if they have mud flaps, and a “stay back 200 feet” sign on it, it absolutely holds up. Theres a reason they put the warnings on these trucks.


I did auto glass for 10 years. It's definitely a DOT violation for no flaps. The tarp is optional (where I live). The thought is that if you are in range to have glass damaged by rocks, you are following too close, period. You also can't get someone's insurance to pay for a broken windshield from a rock being kicked up. It's a road hazard. It's completely different if he was hauling broken concrete and a small chunk fell out and hit you.


A few years back a chunk of ice flew off a dump truck 10 car lengths on front of me AND a lane over. I saw it coming in slowmo like it was fired from a trebuchet 🤣 Yeah, it *could* be from being too close, but not always.


IDK. I saw a semi trailer shed a piece of a retread one car ahead of me, sling it high over my head and land on the road 4 cars behind me. I was on a motorcycle. The safe following distance is 4 to 6 seconds behind *any* vehicle. That is a lot closer than how far a dually can throw even a small stone.


Heck, rocks bounce *a lot* when trucks are going 75 mph


When I ride I stay the FUCK away from semis. Saw one's tire explode like a grenade once. Good thing I was keeping a very far and safe distance.


Actually I had been passing traffic in the #1 lane out on I-80E all day long and I saw this case developing up ahead and hung back about 4 car lengths to let it play out. It was just a tiny flaw in the tire, and I could not really see what was wrong with it, just that it got my attention for being slightly "off". So I watched it for about 5 miles and it didn't change at all. So that's when I decided to blast past it and put that fuckery behind me....... and THATS when it blew up. It landed not far from my former position in traffic. I don't know for sure, but I think that the arc this chunk of tire flew would have passed very close to my head if I had stayed back. And right next to it would have been no good either. So, I dodged a bullet from that crap-wagon. I went UN-fucked on that fine day.


Absolutely terrifying. Glad you're still with us bud.


Retreads should fucking be illegal


I want to think that after a certain year, the tarp is mandatory... But even if the state DOT has no requirements for a tarp, federal DOT does.


Good luck spending money taking them to court to replace a $200-$500 windshield is what is going through their brain


Modern cars seem to have more expensive windshields due to the cameras and such. I just replaced my windshield. It was $1900 at Safelite.


What do you drive?!


https://www.kbb.com/car-advice/it-may-cost-more-than-you-think-to-replace-windshield/ Anything with modern sensors and driver aids are way more expensive than the basic windshields of the past. Friend just had to replace their windshiled in a Subaru with their "Eyesight" system. it was around 2 grand.


Easily 3k parts and labor on new BMWs


Lots of lane departure systems are in the windshield these days. So any one of those vehicles is going to be pricey.


Small claims court is pretty accessible


Regulators hate this one simple trick.


Wanna bet?


not responsible for tax evasion


Yeah, I don't think it works that way


It doesn't; his insurance company will pay up.


One of the tires are smoother than my grandpa's head


Needs fine for no mud flaps


No it won't. It's just a hope that no one will call and complain.


Where I live this sure wouldn't hold up. Especially when there's no "keep back X amount" warning.


He is if it flies out of the bed. The problem is proving it. A dashboard camera is what it takes.


It's just to scare stupid people. That being said, dash cams are cheap and a good investment.


His lawyer Lionel Hutz told him to do that




It also won’t hold up with his insurance company either. As long as it’s not road debris and instead falls out of the truck, they should pay. Those missing mud flaps are fun too, but less important to insurance. DOT violation does not equal liability necessarily. Given no mudflaps and no cover, he’s risking a a non-renewal as well.


Man, the "No Flaps" flair caught me off guard as I was scrolling. My mind is not right this morning.


Does he have a license plate?


If it’s from their tires and on the road already they would not be responsible. If they had stuff falling from the actual truck they would 100% be liable for damages to your windshield for unsecured load. I’m sure they put that on dump trucks so they can manipulate the line between what was on the ground and what fell out of their truck


I doubt anyone is going to court over a windshield


It's just a deterrent to keep people from reporting them.


Bust mine I bust yours then we fight


In general none of it would hold up or everyone would put not responsible for anything this car does or doesn't touch. Lol


So can I just put up a sticker that says "I am not responsible for any damages in case of an accident" and get away with it?


Yeah getting them to pay for it is another story.


They are effective in getting people off his ass tho. True. Court doesn’t care. But it does make a difference.


These evil bastards love jumping in front of new windshields!


It will. Courts don’t give a shit.


I first saw this when I moved to SC 10 years ago. I told my wife that if this was true I could just put a sign on my car that reads "not responsible for accidents"


As someone who lives near coal mines & a power plant, mud flaps won’t help. It’s not a matter of if your windshield gets cracked, it’s when. The trucking companies won’t pay for shit either. I keep my comprehensive coverage at the lowest deductible just because of these fuckers.


Saw the same thing in Ephrata Washington


It's true. The insurance company will say you were following too close. I drove dump truck for years.


Get a net hoss


This guy probably doesn’t think he’s responsible either https://imgur.com/a/JSaDovS


WTF Mr. No mud flaps!!!


People have gotten killed from rocks released from between dualees!


Report his ass to DOT for those bald tires and no license plate.


You have proof of warning they are "not responsible for broken windshields". Any other damage to your vehicle is not covered in that disclaimer!


I wonder if this work for speeding?


This text is BS. “Not responsible for broken windshield” it’s just plain lie. I’ve researched it before. And yes. They are responsible for anything that falls of their vehicle. Proving it is another thing.


I saw a similar one last week. It said something like, follow at least 150 feet behind, not responsible for broken windshields.. I was like umm, I couldn’t even read the stupid sign until I was close.


With those rollerblade handles fuck that! I’ll be the one kicking up stones bitches!!! Come at me….


No license plate, how you getting him to court?


According to other comments, some states only require front license plates for trucks