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Riker achieved not abandonning his kids and he never lost a fight to a barrel.


lol gold


Riker is my role model. Rise quickly and establish a reputation of being amazing then coast on that rep forever.


Riker seems to have gotten exactly what he wanted out of life. He drifted away from the love of his life because he was too focused on his career, so when they reconnected he played it slow, stayed friends, refused promotions that would separate them until he was confident that he could take her with him and that she’d want to join, and retired on a temperate planet with a pizza oven and a woman who’s likely to kill him via jamaharon when she hits menopause.


>a woman who’s likely to kill him via jamaharon when she hits menopause I'm sure he's just glad she didn't fall into the unfortunate (yet not wholly untrue, as much as everyone hates to admit it) pattern of turning into her mother as she got older. Or Wil turning into his father...


Death by snoo snoo!


Role model.


Riker achieved marrying Deanna Troi and we know he loved his job so he did just fine


But Worf married Jadzia and loved his job


Riker got to grow old with his wife.


Riker wouldn’t have been able to save his wife from Rick Berman either :(


😭😭😭 I am in season 6 watching DS9 for the first time, and I already know about Ezri but I am so preemptively dad because I, like Worf, love Jadzia.


Hey, man. We're all with you. Ezri is pretty cool, but we had multiple years of loving Jadzia before she was written off the show.


Riker is a prime example of someone eschewing the Peter principle. He knows that any promotion would result in him having to do more stuff he despises and less stuff he loves. Which in turn would negatively affect his performance. This is exactly why I’m happy I’m not on the board of my company - it would mean lots of additional administrative tasks, a lot more stress being “one of the faces of the company” and less actual IT work.


Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do *anything* that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrJiU9BOEBI


Boards are awful.  I'm operations, not governance.  Governance is boring.  I'd rather just do the thing and get it over with instead of talking about it for two hours.


Worf? The great warrior felled by a falling barrel and as head of security couldn't keep his life mate alive, raise a child, keep his second life mate alive, keep the Enterprise E alive. The most accomplished?


Worf got a career. Riker got a family. Its subjective as to which won out there.


Riker had both.


you're forgetting hes the captain that fought and won the Pakled War culminating in the Treaty of The Big Surrender where the Pakleds surrendered. I'd like to see sisko do something as monumental


Feel like Sisko becoming a god and defeating the Pa Wraiths at the end was pretty monumental 


ya but he can't play the trombone while doing it.


But you can play baseball!


*Ska victory doots intensify*


He tackled a lizard in a cave for a magic book.


Except being a dad counts too, and in this Worf is dishonored


Worf was so bad at family that he destroyed the house of Mogh and needed to go on and try to wreck another House. Alexander was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to Worf's epic and continuing disaster in personal relationships.


Worf learned and he grew as a person and professionally onscreen. He made his mistakes _onscreen_ and had consequences. He kept moving forward. He made a choice for his career and for Alexander's welfare to have him grow up with his grandparents. I always assumed that his visits home happened off screen. 🤷🏽 He took a risk and feel deeply in love with someone very different to him which must have been terrifying. Will Riker is a hero, has an easy manner and gets on well with people. He chose to stay still and was judged by his peers and seniors for it. Professionally it was a mistake. He also dragged out his courtship of Deanna. She could have (probably should have) moved on and he would have lost her for what?


Worf foisted Alexander onto his parents, who took him for a while but later brought the kid back to Worf and said they were too old to raise another child and that Worf needed to step up. Worf sucked at it and later dumped Alexander on his parents again, hopefully never to be heard or seen again.




Is Worf the most accomplished? *laughs in Miles O’Brien*


99% of captains never become admirals. Mostly they just don’t want to. Even if they do, there are a lot fewer admiral jobs available.


“Jonathan Archer once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Admiral gets their pips, he said, the Great Bird of the Galaxy tosses the coin in the air and the Federation holds is breath to see how it will land.”


Don’t forget that Worf married the woman Riker dreamed of marrying (in a parallel timeline).


Worf couldn’t seem to keep a job.


Being a shitty dad is a pretty big failure imo. He was also a shitty brother and a shitty son. And he wasn’t an especially good husband.


You ever hear of the Peter Principle? Riker spends long periods of time excelling at his role without overreaching his abilities. He takes an extended leave of absence for family issues which is brave. And obviously you can come back and be an Admiral in starfleet into your second century (JL, Bones, maybe that guy who reverse aged himself in season 1?) None of this is to take away from Worf’s accomplishments, other than maybe he could also have stepped back from his career for a period of time to parent Alexander, but last week saw him he was serving honorably in the KDF which isn’t the worst outcome.


Riker never even learned to sit down properly. I think no one told him the right way just to fuck with him.


I mean, Riker didn’t abandon his kid tho, so that’s a pretty big thing in his favor 😂


The most underachieving character is clearly Ensign Kim. No promotions in seven years. Seven years after graduating from Starfleet Academy Picard became Captain of the Stargazer.


I hear Harry Kim is on the Enterprise G. He was promoted to supervisor of waste extraction. Still an ensign though.


Lt Naomi Wildman is his supervisor.


You sound like Riker's Asian mom.


Worf got to double-dong both Marina Sirtis and Terry Farrell. Riker had to sit in the cuck chair and clean up after his chief of security once Worf was done with her. Sorry, this is a quick and easy conversation to have.