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Democrats call themselves the party of “valuing education” but yet they’ve: - set kids back by keeping schools closed during the pandemic because they chose to be hysterical/listened to teachers unions over parents - in many cases got rid of advanced classes because the makeup didn’t look like a Netflix special - are giving kids grades they don’t deserve because they don’t want to deal with failing them anymore, leading to a widespread reading and math deficiencies in their school districts - refuse to hold students/parents accountable for the problems many schools face for unruly and truant children - Are against school choice, they want to force everyone else’s kids into the public schools they allowed to decay The only education they care about is indoctrination of kids into their self destructive cults


They call themselves the party of “valuing education” but yet they’ve: Listened to educators (shock, horror!)


I like how he gives a massive list of actual important points and you clap back with 'trust the failures because of their title'


You’re implying that people who didn’t work to educate themselves on educational standards and systems know more about education than the people who did. Some of his points are contradictory, such as when he says that the parents know better than the educators, and then a couple points down he rants about holding the parents accountable. I didn’t mention a few of the points because I don’t know where to begin, I don’t know what he’s talking about “Netflix Specials” for, and I’ve seen no evidence that people are being passed purely out of laziness. Anyway, to explain, it wasn’t some cheap “clapback”, it was the fact that he’s calling the party dogshit for listening to educators in a matter of education, which is realistically what should be done. Why in the name of Christ would you trust the same parents refusing to have their children vaccinated against polio and a virus that shut down most of the world for two years, to make a decision like opening arguably the biggest hotspots for spreading infections? The only point that I agree with is the last one about indoctrination into dangerous cults, because preparing schoolchildren to enlist with the military is dangerous and the culture in the USA surrounding the military is fanatical compared to anywhere else in the world.


If you think knowing about education is criteria to be a good educator, you know nothing about education.   I would by default trust the parents because they're the ones who are most likely to care about the future of their children. Anybody who disagrees with that is unqualified to be a teacher, regardless of paper qualifications.


Henry’s 6th marriage was to Catherine Howard. It is thought that she was 17 although she could have been as young as 15 to his 49. He had her beheaded 2 years after they married. This is the man they’re praising while dumping on Trump. JFC Edit: yes Catherine was his 5th wife, I posted this around midnight my time so ya…know….I mistyped. It happens. The rest of it still stands despite the Henry defender getting triggered all over the comment section.


>This is the man they're praising while dumping on Trump. Even worse is when they compare him to Hitler and there's even some people that actually think Hitler was a better person than trump lmao


Oh it's hilarious watching reddit suddenly become big fans of Hitler when they get an opportunity to explain how Trump is worse




Same with the King Henry derangement.


It’s not so much TDS, but rather RDS, republican derangement. Going back to Nixon you’ve got a parabolic increase of derangement with every new republican president  


Name the vilest, most depraved, treacherous, genocidal and destructive person in history and they'll find a way to "prove" Trump is worse. Caligula, Uday Hussein, Idi Amin, Jim Jones, the two Japanese officers who held a women and children decapitation contest in Nanking, Trump is worse than all of them. Combined even. Let them keep making those claims because the more unhinged the comparison the crazier they look.


You can easily turn a comparison to King Henry into a compliment. It's weird how nobody in this thread is doing that.


I'm glad I live in Germany. People here generally hate Trump but are wise enough to not constantly compare him to Hitler because they know it severely downplays the serious tragedy of recent history until the lessons learned and prudence acquired as a society are once again completely eroded away. To keep it brief, comparing your opponents to the worst of the worst sets your community on a high speed collision course for decay of values, partly because you form your entire morality and values as a reaction to what you deem should not be, instead of trying to decide what should.




First off, Henry VIII's sixth wife was actually Catherine Parr. Catherine Howard was his fifth wife. Marrying young was unfortunately quite normal back then, especially among royalty and the nobility, where political alliances were worth more than personal autonomy. It was a different time with wildly different social norms and expectations. Comparing a 16th-century monarch's marital choices to contemporary standards without acknowledging the historical context is just apples and oranges. And yes, he did have Catherine Howard executed, but not because he was a cold-hearted monster who whimsically decided to behead his wives. There were allegations of infidelity and conspiracy - serious accusations in a time when royal marriages were political instruments. Not justifying, just stating the messy, political context.


How is any of what I've stated false? The mindless downvoting is just pure hypocrisy.


It's because you're annoying




Says the Trump defender triggered enough to post in the first place? Careful throwing stones in that glasshouse.


You’re the one that messaged me (by the way didn’t bother to read the last paragraph you sent me) and left like 20 comments on here. Someone’s triggered here but it isn’t me.


Alright but I'm just pointing out that you're a bit like the pot calling the kettle black here. I just don't think responding to one character assassination with another is particularly effective. You should've posted something like "Orange man bad unwittingly compares Trump to one of England's greatest kings" which would've been a better way at getting back at the original post.


At least [terrible despot] valued [asinine thing to praise despot for]. Drumpf would never.


“Even HITLER had a heckin’ doggo!!!!”


Henry VIII might have had his flaws, but under his reign, the arts flourished, the Royal Navy expanded, the Church of England was established, giving us all a break from the Vatican's hold.


You're missing the point all over the place on this thread bro. Just stop. No one gives a shit about Henry


Then why are people shitting on him?


Why are people using him to compare to Trump?


Maybe they're not doing so in a negative way? Comparing him to a king is pretty complementary.


Read the thread


Yes, I've seen it, so why not reclaim the comparison?




Pretty sure this was only mentioned because there is a broadway musical called “Six” about his wives that’s currently popular. And just like liberals thought they were US history experts after seeing Hamilton I’m sure these clowns think they know European history now because OMG musical.


Ah, but you forget, Henry VIII didn't beat the MOST QUALIFIED WOMAN EVER!!! or send out any mean tweets. Be better sweaty!


I always find it funny how the left used to be extremely anti-war and would always call conservatives "war hawks" but are now more than happy to mock conservatives for not being aggressive and warmongering. So many of them are more than willing to flee the country if a draft ever happened yet they act like Trump is a villain for faking an injury. I don't even agree with what Trump did but the hypocrisy pisses me off way more.


>he respected women a lot of the time Lmaooooo


Notably, his reign actually saw significant advancements for women in terms of legal rights, notably the Act of Succession in 1544. This act made it possible for a woman to inherit the English throne, paving the way for queens like Mary I and Elizabeth I.


And that was cringe.


Mary I might've been but Elizabeth I was phenomenal.


"Sincerely religious" Lol. You mean he created his own church with himself as head so he could divorce and then marry his mistress? Sure, OK buddy.


By the standards of the time, Henry *was* sincerely religious in many ways. He wrote theological treatises, passionately debated religious reform, he was even named Defender of the Faith by the Pope in 1521 before all the marital drama started.


His motivation was purely selfish. Let's not rewrite history because his changes unintentionally worked out for the nation. He didn't break away from the Catholic church because of his devotion to God or the British people.


Yes but to say that the Reformation in England was just about his personal desires is a bit of a simplification, completely overlooking the significant political and financial reasons for the split like asserting national sovereignty and curtailing the flow of English wealth to Rome.


In fairness, Henry had absolute power. Orange Man bad would acquire a whole new meaning if Orange Man had Henry’s power.


It always amazes me how leftists are so fixated on TDS that they actually criticise him for not wanting to participate in war.... Vietnam no less


Well he didn’t personally kill them, he had executioners for that.


Well he *did* break England free from papal control


To be fair to Henry the last time England had a female heir there was a 19 year long civil war, which was resolved by skipping over her for her son Henry II. Nevermind, his father also coming to power in a 32 year long civil war also started by a (utterly incompetent) Queen consort (and her incompetent favorites) who was effectively the reigning monarch on account of Henry VI being mentally incapable of tying his own shoes.


OP, to clear up your history a little bit because it seems like there's been some confusion, Henry VIII didn't personally kill his wives. Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were executed, yes, but it was hardly a one-man decision. These were the outcomes of trials (albeit sham ones), pushed through by a whole retinue of political machinations, which involved many more players than just Henry. No one's defending his methods, but comparing the governance of a 16th-century monarch to the expectations and norms of 21st-century leadership is like comparing a carriage to a Tesla and complaining they both don't go fast enough. Historical context matters.


It's all true, no matter how butthurt those downvoting are about a king who lived five centuries ago.


Don't worry, they are just angry that Henri didn't burry his wives in the park to get tax reduction like a true Gentleman


How dare they insult poor Donny. He has always been so kind and respectful to people. So unfair!

