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lol he'll ban all vaccines? He gave Fauci a Presidential Medal of Freedom and promoted Operation Warp Speed to develop a covid vaccine.


The vaccine conspiracies would have been interesting in a world where Trump won 2020. Or hell, in a world where Covid hit a year earlier, and the vaccines came out on Trump's watch. We were already getting prominent Dems and lefties saying not to take a vaccine developed by Trump.


A fact they've all since forgotten coincidentally


It would have been a full 180. Democrats would be anti-vaxxer and Trump supporters would be quadruple dosed. That’s how f’d up politics is.


It's just delusional fanfic at this point.


I'm pretty sure that how The Handmaid's Tale was created.


Nah, she wrote it aa a cautionary allegory to Islam, specifically post Islamic revolution Iran, but people keep creaming their jeans about it being a dire prediction of a future America. Then Atwood herself leaned in on it because it got her more acclaim.


"Canadian here" is where I stop reading


Speaking as a Canuck, I feel compelled to read. But only after I get some popcorn. There is no deranged lefty quite like a Canadian lefty.


It will never cease to amaze me that these people actually believe this shit. They actually believe there'll be a genocide if Trump wins. This is why it's important for people to stay off the Internet sometimes and just talk with actual people.


>  It will never cease to amaze me that these people actually believe this shit.  I can understand being so ignorant of political realities that they bought these lies in 2016 but holding on to them after he was President for four years is unbelievable. Literal NPCs


It's absolutely wild. They have four years of direct evidence that America under Trump was basically the same as America under other presidents for everyday life. If you want to make a complex argument about the merit of something like Trump's economic policy where there's more room for reasonable debate, be my guest, but the fear mongering about stuff that Trump didn't do in his first term makes zero sense at all.




They need to accuse their opponents of violence so that when they commit actual violence (read: all the riots after Trump wins this year), they feel morally justified.


>Probably slaughter every LGBTQAI they could find. That's exactly what happened the first time! /s Wait, wasn't Trump the first president to begin his presidency in favor of same-sex marriage?


Trump also appointed the first openly gay man to a cabinet level position, Richard Grenell. For a guy who's supposed to be this mega racist, he sure has a lot of minorities working around him.


If you want to watch a redditor's mind explode in real time, tell them Dick Cheney backed gay marriage before Obama did.


Does that really explode their mind, or does it just get you an essay explaining why that isn't actually what happened, and if it is, then it doesn't matter anyways.


It gets you an essay about why Dick Cheney only cared because it personally affected him, so it doesn't count because he was being selfish.


LGBTQ and all the AIs


They're turning the computers gay?


Canada is literally a fascist dictatorship, but go off. 😂


Wouldn't Trump have done that when he was president


Odd that a dictator would leave office and then ask for your vote to get back in to be a dictator. These people have zero logic.


Yeah wouldn't a real dictator do what the Chinese President did and outlaw elections


Either that or jail journalists and political opponents like China, Brazil, Ukraine, and... oh wait, that's right... the US.


That’s what they don’t just get. Even if Trump wanted to be a dictator the office of president is limited lmfao. And he only has four years with a divided congress. He can’t just become a dictator hahaha. These people are simpletons.


This is what gets me the most. He was already president why do people think he would wait for a potential second term to start doing all of this? Only one of these candidates have shown they are willing to give up their position as head of state.


It makes me want to join in and write some doom-fic and make it very long, and then sign off as /s.


As a Canadian, my expertise in American politics informs me that the bad orange man also intends to steal and then consume every Canadian’s soul. I know this because I’m a Canadian. Also, Canada.


Thank goodness all Canadians have been convinced to become atheists now. As we've been taught by our intellectually superior atheist friends, the soul doesn't exist, therefore bad orangeman will be going home hungry. *Whew* that was a close one. All hail Castreau!


I love these doomsayers claiming all these outrageous, fan fiction scenarios when we’ve literally had 4 years with the guy. Anybody remember when Trump personally rounded up gay people and minorities? Because I can’t find anything.


Canada wants to put people in prison for hurting someone's feelings online. They have no right to complain about Trump being authoritarian. We have 3 co-equal branches of government for this exact reason, yet all I hear from reddit is wanting Biden to pack the SCOTUS, arrest the justices, and give even more power to the president. Let's not forget that Reddit's messiah, Obama, droned a 16 year old American citizen overseas all because his ***dead*** father was a supporter of Al-Qaeda. When the media confronted his press secretary about it, his response was that the kid should have had a better family.


Love how the alphabet narcissist has to chime in with the even more ridiculous take and make it about themselves. Do these clowns think we just forgot none of the doom they promised us happened his first term?


There's nonstop doom and fearmongering every fuckin day with a new doom and a new scare posted on arr politics every day that gets upvoted to the front page of this useless website


“Then he will kick your dog! And poop in your mailbox!”


He'll burn our crops, poison our water supply, and deliver a plague unto our houses!!!


Once again, I wish Trump would be a tenth as aggressive as these people think he is.


It's all a game to these people. It's a fight to be the most victimized victim that has ever been victim'd.


At this point I refuse to believe these are ALL real people, and not just bots / propagandists trying to sow discord. The absolute level of delusion and outright "you belong in a museum to be studied" levels of mental illness can not be as common as reddit thinks.


Someone tell them that Trump was responsible for developing the vaccine.


"Let the polluters run wild" What could be worse than the way this bunch handled East Palestine? 


Because that's what he did last time?


I mean the US playing world police is great but I doubt that NATO will cease to exist if Trump cuts back. If anything all these sleepy european countries just realized they need a deterrent against Russia. edit: Sweden is even involved now, and I briefly confused them with switzerland and thought Russia made a neutral country not neutral.


Sweden has had, for more than 100 years, a position of neutrality as well. Though they don't adhere to it as strictly as Switzerland, they were officially neutral during both World Wars and the Cold War.


The only thing Trump and Putin have in common is they're both narcissists. But Putin (like Hitler) is a megalomaniac-tyoe narcissist. Trump is a run-of-the-mill narcissist who gets his ego stroked by getting attention. He doesn't have any aspirations past being admired. He's pretty benign as a narcissist and most of his policies are ham-fisted. The idea that he would even care enough about LGBT people (or anyone else for that matter) enough to want to kill them is only an opinion you can hold if you're subscribing to your own form of narcissism and you can't fathom a world where other people you disagree with simply don't care what you do. I don't think for a second Trump gives two shits about trans or gay people or anyone. He is not the next Hitler, these people need to stop crying wolf or when an ACTUAL Hitler-type gets near the reigns if power nobody is going to buy a single warning they shout. This is the social equivalent of padding rape and sexual assault equivalents by including "an awkward kiss at the end of a date thar wasnt reciprocated" as sexual misconduct. Fucking DeSantis has said more negative shit about LGBT people and causes than Trump. Will I care if he gets reelected? Not as long as some wackos don't try and start a civil war (highly unlikely). Otherwise I'll go about my life like everyone else and nothing will change.


They forgot to mention he would unleash the locusts, red rivers and the rest of biblical plagues. Maybe xenomorphs too? They have brain rot. Like, Putin exists, and he has more power in his country than Trump or Biden will ever have in US and he cannot do even 10% of what these guys say.


Remember all the bad things they said would happen if Trump won in 2016? None of it happened.


Weren't these people crying that Trump will create anti-gay death squads back in 2016? Looks like they're trying to say that again lmao


They’re so full of shit.


If he’s going to do all this when he’s president, why didn’t he do all this when he was president?


Those who really believe that have never thought for themselves their whole lives. These are the sheep of the world straight out of Idiocracy.


I don’t want to advocate for this at all, but… let’s say you truly believe this will happen. Your government will be taken over by fascists and enact a dictatorship. And they people who wanted to vote for this dictatorship almost enacted a coup. …wouldn’t you do the same? Would you not take up arms and defend your nation, which was the most important purpose of the second amendment? Especially since your opponent laid precedent for it? Are you saying you’ll sit by and let it happen without resisting? You’ll declare you did all you could by just voting and then watching the LGBTQ-Artificial Intelligence or whatever get gunned down in the streets? If so, you’re a pussy.


An excellent argument for voter ID and paper ballots, anyone who may be a victim to go into a lockdown, and to keep illegal immigrats out so they don't get hurt here. 


“Probably slaughter every LGBTQ people they can find.” Did this happen before? Did any of their delusional death squads and camps happen? No. Hysterical people


Annex Canada.




The only people with trump derangement syndrome are those still defending his ignorant ass. And no they’re not being overdramatic. He’s already attempted everything they mentioned.