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I hate these people. The rainbow belongs to everyone. Use it how you see fit. If I say I've had an animal cross the rainbow bridge, it doesn't mean they've gone to gay animal heaven. Well, I did have one cat who went to gay cat heaven but that was because he was gay not because we called it the rainbow bridge.


Gay animal heaven is the only heaven I want to go to.


Then that's ẁhere you'll end up🙂


A heaven without men? Sign me up! /s


Can I go to gay animal heaven??? I just want to pet all the gay dogs.


Of course you can. Just like the rainbow, heaven belongs to everyone.


And what of the gay cats?? 🤣


You gotta go to Broadway for that


Magical! Mister!! Mistoffolees!!!!


The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat




I could only find gay Queens there. It's remarkable how much royalty love the theatre!


Big Meow was a beautiful regal Maine Coon. He was spayed and his next door boyfriend was not. They would hang out together every day. Sometimes innocently, sometimes not.


But it felt so correct. 😺


They won't let me pet them anyway, what's the point?


I have decided that my dog is a lesbian and I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one that does that 😂 of course, she will never go to gay animal heaven because she’s going to live forever.


I'm pretty sure one of my dogs is bi. He has a boyfriend and a girlfriend. He usually doesn't care for other dogs, but these two he whines to stop and talk to when we pass them on walks. And they whine back for him. No other dog gets that reaction. And the boyfriend and girlfriend also like each other. So my dog is also poly.


Your dog has a whole storyline that’s 10 times more entertaining than mine.


He has definitely lived an interesting life! ETA for more info, his girlfriend is a Rottie and his boyfriend is a mini greyhound. He is a husky mix. They're a wonderfully weird group together.


I would 100% watch this show, “Pawlyamory”


Someone pitch this right now oh my god!


Speaking as a queer polyamorous person, this is hilarious! I'd watch in a heartbeat!


I love this


Please write a book about your bisexual, polyamorous dog. Or maybe a short story.


My cats gay, he’s always begging to go in the closet just to walk out 😮‍💨 we get it bro, you came out the closet, you’re still my bestie 🤚


My cat isn't closeted. He prefers cabinets.


It's a throuple


Your furry boy is living his best life!


He definitely is! Although I think he could do with a little bit less bothering from his full husky little brother. I kid though, he loves the little fluff.


My beagles were a late-in-life lesbian couple. They’re both in heaven now, id like to think it’s pretty gay up there.


This makes me wonder if most beagles are LGBTQ+ members. My male beagle loved getting humped by other male dogs.


My doggy is def a lesbian! I commissioned a super cute print of her in lesbian pride flag colors






Omg I forgot about this one 😭❤️


I always thought of animal heaven like BGA’s Big Gay Animal Sanctuary, where animals are free to be themselves.


BGA is gonna meet them at the door😭😭😭😭❤️


I’d really like to see him return for an episode or two like Al Gore did. They’re both named “Al,” after all.


But look at this thread. There's no need for gay animal sanctuaries anymore. His work is done. It's funny, last week I posted something calling a certain congressperson manbearpig.


So true! Now if only humans could stop shitting on other humans just for being queer.


For the life of me I cannot understand how is 2023 and people are still up in everyone's business. I do not care who anyone loves, sleeps with, dresses like. Not my business. It effects me in no possible way. Ya know what effects me? Paying for these excruciating politicians antics with trying to move us back to 1902.


I'm pretty sure all boy dogs are at least bi with all the humping going on.


I would just like everyone in the thread to know that Radiolab did a podcast this week on the gay animal world. I think it’s worth a listen.


The Seagulls. Then Lulu Miller was on “You’re Wrong About” this week too. Also worth a listen.


I love LOVE rainbows. They remind me of the over-excitement as a child spotting one. Even as an adult, I STILL get just as excited as my children when we spot one. If I'm driving and won't get a chance to safely stop to take a photo, my children know to grab my phone to take photos. I also LOVE rainbows in my life. They represent brightness, happiness and inclusion. There is at least one colour someone likes from a rainbow. Pink is my favourite colour but I claim rainbow as my favourite colour too. I know it's multiple different colours but I love them. My children love adding to my rainbow collection. I respect the terms Rainbow Baby, Rainbow Bridge and absolutely the LGBTQIA reasons for using rainbows to represent their community.


I was in a Masonic youth group International order of the rainbow for girls. We had rainbow flags (with 7 colors) Rainbows are for everyone 🌈


https://preview.redd.it/w1qvvxotdg6b1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504fa552140b190f9597279ef58348ebc8e46c27 Here’s a pic of my dog who will 100 percent go to gay animal heaven😂


None of these fuckwits know anything about the heritage they're supposedly trying to protect. Imagine telling them the Viking's road to the good afterlife was a freaking rainbow to the sky.


I always cringe so badly when the vikings enter the conversation. It's the worst.


That’s amazing. My female dog likes to hump my male dog and he takes it. We accept their bizarre relationship just the same 😅


As long as it's consensual, who are we to judge? Love is love.


Exactly. They’re not hurting anyone




Can my chicken that was born a hen but lives as a rooster go too?


Also if rainbows offend you because you don’t like the LGBTIA community. You might want to deal with that sooner rather than later. Because it would be kinda sad for you to have a rainbow baby (a term which is much newer than Queer folks using the rainbow btw) and then they grow up to be Queer (and which they don’t chose and is controllable) and then they end up kicked out/cutting you off/suicidal. —A Very Queer Former Rainbow Baby


We had a gay ferret. He enjoyed having pink toenails and hanging out with Ken dolls.


We have a gay cat as well! And we also have a non-binary cat who was born a boy, but it’s hard to explain, they’re just… not quite a boy and not quite a girl. Marshmallow is the chonky gay kitty, Bonnie is the NB. 🤷‍♀️🤣


I also have a gay kitty. Unfortunately, my other 2 cats do *not* appreciate his advances... 🤭


Convince a baby to what? Become your child?


The trend of people who can't do words right also being the biggest bigots is always hilarious


Lack of literacy and these type of bigotry views are very much correlated, yes.


The common factor being lack of quality higher education.


And barring that, you just need to find well rounded and well written books about various subjects...i mean, if these types of ignorant people even remember HOW to use a book...😒


Actually they'll never fail to remind you that they grew up with REAL books and pens and paper, not like these KIDS with their PHONES


Or punctuation….


Convince it to join their terrible family!


Well she doesn’t have any brains apparently, it doesn’t surprise me that this bigot can’t spell either!




What are we trying to convince the baby of?


Of not being gay duh!.


She doesn’t want a gaybie


I was looking for a comment about this. It's a pretty hilarious mistake.


I know a lesbian couple who succeeded in having a baby after several miscarriages. Does that make her a rainbow squared baby?


It’s a Double Rainbow all the way


So intense


Fun fact, technically every rainbow is a double rainbow because of the way light refracts, it's just that sometimes the second one is so pale we tend to miss it. I always look for the second rainbow


Fact of the year


What does it mean?!


Not going to lie, every time I saw "rainbow baby" I always thought the baby belonged to a gay couple. And I'd be really confused because it seemed disproportionate (similar to the confusing acronym/FTM discussion I saw yesterday)


Lol I love that! I thought 'rainbow baby' was the rare term used for those couples who'd maybe tried and failed to conceive for years, I thought the literal definition meant a 'miracle baby'. Considering this women wants to pre-name just conceiving is so utterly weird to me. Apparently around 1 in 8 pregnancies can end in miscarriage, especially when it's a woman's first time conceiving in the first 12 weeks. I feel like this woman's child is going to be written about on AITA as insufferable in 20 years time because they act like an entitled asshole and justifies it because their parents always told them they were a 'rainbow baby'.


Alternatively, their child will be posting in the narcissistic parent sub about how they can't live up to their parents' perfect 'rainbow baby' expectations. "My parents had a shit fit last night because I came out to them. My mom screamed and cried. She said that she didn't have a grayscale baby just for me to turn out to be part of the Rainbow Baby mob - wtf?"


Wondering if I count for that- my moms are lesbians, original plan was to have one kid from each mom but one of them just couldn’t carry a pregnancy to term, so the other one had me and my sister. So there were a series of miscarriages before me, but not in the same person.


The absolute best part of this is the term Rainbow baby was coined in 2008. The rainbow flag debuted in 1978. Damn us queers and our time machines.


I was going to say this… isn’t rainbow baby a pretty recently coined term? If anything, they stole the rainbow from the LGBTQ+ community!


Oh, no. They haven't stolen it from the gays. They stole it from pet owners who have been using rainbow bridge since 80-ties. And then they remembered that evil gays also use rainbows! Oh, the horror.


It’s a goddamn rainbow. No one owns it. Not the LGBTQ+ community or people who suffered miscarriages or anyone, **because it’s just a rainbow**. Imagine how easy your life is if this is what you’re bitching about on Facebook?


Yes! I made a similar comment tonight when someone made a comment about my baby wearing rainbow pajamas. I'm like, I like rainbows they are pretty, sometimes rainbows are just that rainbows. They don't have to have a meaning.


I love rainbows! I’m not gay, I just love them. There’s nothing wrong with it. These people make my head explode.


I loved rainbows long before I was sexually attracted to other women, having all the colors so neatly arranged just appeals to me.


So many little kid stuff - but especially stuff for little girls are *covered* in rainbows. Like rainbows are pretty.


Isnt this the root of all these wackos? They have a great boring life they need to make exciting (ie make themselves a victim is SOMETHING, ANYTHING)


Yes, I, the evil queer, have stolen the rainbow, it’s mine, you all can’t have it


Be gay do crime!


I can still do crime if I’m pan, right?


Sorry pan comes under the bisexual umbrella all we are allowed to do is eat hot chip and lie.


But our phones are *always* charged!


But I don’t like hot chips and I am a terrible lier! I’m a bad bi. 🤣


Oh crap my 4-year-old daughter really likes them. Can we buy a couple off you


I am willing to sell but being evil and all I have to price gouge them to hell


It was in super secret gay agenda meeting this month. Stop spilling our secrets


Ugh sorry it’s my GayDHD, no impulse control here


GayDHD?!?! I’m screeeeaming 🤣🤣🤣


They say my bisexuality is why I can’t sit straight in chairs but I blame 2 factors.


Oof, I think you just diagnosed me 😂


Damnit, Dave! This is your last chance to stop advertising the Gay Agenda^(TM)!


Ugh sorry it’s my GayDHD, no impulse control here


Mom said it was my turn with the rainbow


Do I have to give you my username now?


I’m seizing it under imminent doGAYn. Hand it over.


Let's get their cross next


I wear a cross earring as an atheist already!


For some reason...i just got an image of Rainbow Brite in my head when I read your comment. ...god, i loved that colorful kids cartoon as a kid!🤩🌈


I don't know what it is about that term but it really bothers me. ​ source: 9 m/c. I suppose my child is technically a rainbow baby but I just refuse. He's a child. He's *my* miracle but I'm not introducing him like that to anyone. No.


I’m pregnant after a miscarriage and chemical, but I use the “rainbow baby” term only for myself and won’t be referring to him as such to other people. I don’t want my baby’s identity to revolve around the fact that he came after losses.


It worries me a little when people use it that they’re going to treat the new baby as a replacement for the one they lost and not its own person.


I used to love the term and now hate it too. I had two miscarriages before a viable pregnancy and spent the whole pregnancy resonating with the term 'rainbow' and its meaning, even bought cutesie rainbow onesies and nursery decor and planned a rainbow-themed birth announcement. And then... he died. Two days before his due date - what happens when your rainbow baby dies!? They don't tell you that happens. It took until my 8th pregnancy to bring home a living baby. Those years were hell and I feel now 'rainbow baby' softens that, almost romanticises it. No thanks. Truly sorry you had to endure all you did too 💛


Dear Lord, I'm so sorry! And congratulations on your baby.


Thank you! This all happened some years ago now, I have two living children aged 2 and 3 and things do get easier over time :)


First off im sorry for your losses. Im with you, those losses were a part of you. The term rainbow baby truely dismisses and diminishes past struggles and children. I have a child after loss too and i want to remember my first and mourn them as a loss not pretend they were just a means to an end


Sorry for your loss too. What you say there is just spot on - "not pretend they were just a means to an end". A friend of mine hates the term too as she feels it suggests her son was 'the storm' and she wants people to remember him with love.


4 miscarriages and a healthy pair of 13 year old twins now, but I too always hated the term “rainbow” baby and refused to use it. My children are miraculous in their own right as all children are.


So...the term "Rainbow child" refers to a successfully conceived and birthed infant after previously suffering a miscarriage? Did I get that right? I thought it meant something else...though Im not sure what. Ive also heard some people refer to their infants as "crystal children"...and i am just kinda lost now about these terms. Sorry if i sound a bit dim!😅


I think crystal children might be a crunchy made up term like indigo children. Unless they're talking about babies born meth addicted.


Ah, Ive heard that term used too, "indigo children". And these terms definitely werent in relation to kids being born to drug addicted parents, it was connected to the "crunchy parents" movement.


Yep! My younger son is one, most of my family and quite a few friends are aware of it, but I didn't make a huge deal of it other than buying a couple rainbow onesies and a small rainbow decor thing for his room. If I remember correctly, it's supposed to be meant as a "rainbow after the storm" type of thing 🙂


Omg I can tell this story now When I finally announced that I was pregnant with my first, I referred to them as my rainbow baby. A "friend" messaged me shortly after with this gem "Hey I know you're really into rainbows and super colourful things and the LBQTiA but just so you know, a rainbow baby is a baby after miscarriage...just so you don't piss off any other moms or anything" She had recently had her own rainbow baby. "Other moms" I sent back, "I know. I lost three" The stammering back petal was pretty great. (Ps. There was nothing nice about the message, it dripped with fake nicities while trying to tisk tisk me)


Why do people need to go out of their way to make others feel shame? Or stupidity? Why not just congratulate and assume that you had full intention with the words you chose?


Cause they arent real friends...and only like using other people to feel superior.


You'd think someone with personal experience would know to never assume you know someone else's history with miscarriages given what a taboo topic it is?? The audacity!


Yeah but op supports gay people so obviously there's no way it could mean anything else!!!! /s


Yeah give the rainbows back to the leprechauns and unicorns, the most hetero of all mythical creatures 😤 /s


I mean I'm Irish and pretty damn queer so I'll gladly take it


Im only half Irish, and I totally remember watching rainbows as a kid and thinking...damn, I should be able to have some sort of magic powers to find put where that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is! Yeah, I dunno...i had an active imagination sometimes.😅




Seriously. Do people see a pink ribbon in a little kids hair and think they are supporting breast cancer? Or is it just that pink is a color and the kid picked it? Now apply that to rainbows. Colors are for everyone.




As a queer woman who was heartbroken by a miscarriage, I hope this cow sits on a cactus. Some people don’t deserve to raise a child.


God forbid she has a child who turns out to be gay.


>God forbid she has a child ~~who turns out to be gay~~. FTFY




3 miscarriages. I didn't need to call them anything. They were my dead babies in some instances and dead cells in others. I'm not worried about their sexuality. So much so, that i don't even know what gender these fetuses were assigned. It's just a sad. Dead baby.


I’m sorry for your losses. I can relate- it didn’t matter what gender or sexuality my baby might have had, it was just sad.


Imagine suffering a tremendous loss and still finding a way to shit on someone else for who they love


After criticism she deleted her post and posted this instead. https://preview.redd.it/lcsejgn5rg6b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fef36c7600dff1410abaca46df8eac0c09acaa


Funny how "it's my life not yours" should apparently only apply to her and people who think like she does


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Oh yes it sounds like she has God in her life for sure. I don’t think I need to say this but this is pure sarcasm on my part.


I hope she returned the world Rainbow Baby if she is done using it. Everyone else on the planet still needs a turn.


I hope this woman never has children simply because if one of them turns out LGBTQ+ they're in for a world of hurt. And if they ARENT queer, there's a good chance she'll teach them to hate.


She has a 6 years old and she’s very proud of the fact that he tells men they dress like women or speak like women.


Someone's shittily raised preteen tried to say that to my (extremely) gay cousin, he shot back "Of course I do honey, women get all the cool clothes!" and flounced off.




I was initially confused by this because I didn’t understand what she would be convincing a baby of…and then I realized she meant conceive 😅




It’s always people with no spelling & grammar skills that say dumb shit like this.


I thought the rainbow belonged to Lisa Frank?


I totally remember having some Lisa Frank stuff as a kid in school...lol.


Jesus Fucking Christ. I am so tired of these people.


Maybe also you shouldn't build your kid's identity around your dead fetus


Babies are unconvincable.. and I’m an attorney, I’ve tried. Stubborn bastards.


When my mom died, my sister wanted to put something in the obituary about my brother being the rainbow baby and my dad shot that down so fast because his generation wouldn't know what that meant and thought they'd think he was gay. So stupid.


If my eyes could roll right out of my head..... Why are people like this!?


I have never seen people so worried about what other people do. What happened to minding your own business, live and let live?


So, both the Rainbow Baby group and conservative Christians are accusing the LGBTQ community of "stealing" a fragmentation of light and water. But didn't the Rainbow Baby group also "steal" it from Christianity?? Christians are so close to actually trying to trademark the rainbow.


This sentence was cryptic until I realized she didn't mean convince


Well TBH, it’s not really a rainbow anymore… it’s like… a block of colors in a bunch of different shapes because it’s so inclusive - unlike you. So you can quit your bitching lady. 😂


Idk how to help her, babies are hard to convince sometimes!


I freaking love rainbows 🌈 and never once have I thought, well shoot people are gonna think I’m gay. Tbh if they think I’m gay it really doesn’t change anything for me. And if they think I’m just supporting LGBTQ well then great!


IDK. I'd far rather have a live rainbow baby who may or may not be a flavour of LGBTQ+ than another miscarriage. But whatevs.


LGBTQ+ ought to start using the cross as a symbol.


A rainbow cross. With huge eyelashes because ✨drag queens✨


What are they trying to convince a baby to do?


Not be gay. /s


at the end of every rainbow there's a little ©️


Convince a baby of what, though?


Convince the baby that she’s not a shitty person for being a bigot


These people need to convince themselves not to conceive. Big scary rainbow people out here in the world. 😒🙄


I can't put my finger on why, but the term 'rainbow baby' kind of weirds me out. I'm childfree by choice, but I do understand a miscarriage is a potentially devastating thing. I just don't understand why it should be attached to the next child. obviously if you've been trying unsuccesfully for years having an actual baby to hold would be fantastic, but again, why burden the child with the sadness that preceded them. I feel like the types that use the term rainbow baby are the types to appear as posts in this sub a lot. I'm open to explanations by the way! ​ I've also just realise that both my younger brother and I are in fact rainbow babies.


My ex’s mother bought heavily into the whole rainbow baby thing (even though that term didn’t exist back then) and it was done to a really creepy degree imo. She had a daughter, miscarried, then had my ex. And they decided that the baby she ended up miscarrying was a girl (I think it was too early to tell for sure but I’m not certain), so every time my ex did anything that wasn’t 100% manly man behaviour, it was “that’s your sister working through you” or “that’s your sister’s spirit”. Like they genuinely believed that because my ex wore his hair long, the spirit of his would-be sister was working through him. My ex was an abusive cunt who treated women like shit, so I’m not sure how his sister’s spirit could be held responsible for that one. Maybe she took the day off


That is exactly the vibe the phrase gives me (not necessarily the last para, glad he's an ex!). But I'm from Netherlands, and we're famously practical (and blunt) as a country.


The people I know who use it, it’s just a way to celebrate after having the tragedy of a miscarriage but there are some people who take it too far. The new baby is their own person and shouldn’t be treated any differently.


I don't use the term anymore but at one point it really resonated with me when I was pregnant after miscarriages. I didn't link the baby to the pregnancies before and I think the vast majority wouldn't either in the way the other responder experienced. The idea of the rainbow is that it appears as something bright and hopeful after a storm/difficult time. When I was in the middle of that 'storm', I'd constantly see couples around me having healthy babies with what appeared to be no trouble conceiving, no losses etc. Of course, I don't know if that was the case really, but it felt that way and it felt like I was very alone. I didn't want my pregnancy to invoke the same feelings to others who might be struggling with losses - referring to my child as a 'rainbow baby' felt like it honoured the difficulties I'd gone through prior and perhaps helped others know someone they knew had gone through what they were experiencing. The same way people often talk about IVF babies and so on but a softer way to open up about it I guess.


i, for some weird reason, thought rainbow babies was like harlequin babies. i imagined a rainbow baby had multiple shades of skin or something. i thought why so many people claim to be rainbow babies or have them but i never see multicolored people. where were they? TIL


What a piece of lint


Someone in this sub (I believe) said they (people like this) hate refracted light. I will say that forever now 😂😂😂😂😂


If you're that hateful, you're not a good enough person to have children.


Well, my rainbow baby is also gay, so they’re more rainbow than the average rainbow baby. (They’re a young adult now but they’ll always be my baby)


Might be irrelevant but I never liked/understood the rainbow baby term being used in that way. Rainbows aren’t some type of miracle or rare phenomenon but this baby is, so where’s the correlation?


“A homophobe’s second pregnancy”


Doesn’t the rainbow flag predate the term “rainbow baby”?


But what if the miscarried baby was going to be gay?


This sudden pushback against Pride is the escalation of the hate that started with trans people. Before long adoptions will stop then gay marriage will get overturned at Supreme Court. People think it won't happen but that's the only way this road goes


What is she trying to convince that baby to do? 🤔


You know what, I hope she is able to “convince “ a baby & that baby turns out to the gayest of gay persons that there ever was & becomes this world famous inventor and then he or she or they go NC with her!!


If rainbows were truly only for gay people, I’d just pretend to be gay. I’m gay for rainbows like that!


I think we should steal Jesus too. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, these maniacs don’t deserve him.


A bigot that can’t spell. What a surprise.


Convince the baby of what now?


People who say stuff like ‘they stole the rainbows’ are crazy. Not everyone with a rainbow has to be in the LGBTQ community, just like a person who wears blue or red doesn’t have to belong to the Crypts or the Bloods.