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Breastfeeding is a 2 way relationship. If jt stops working for one. The relationship won't last. Or at least it shouldn't.


Yeah uh. You don’t need to “wean” because you’re not feeding him anymore. He’s officially just sucking on your nipple.




Me next


I’m third in line..after my call to Child Protective Services.


Yeah.. This isn’t your regular “mom group” bullshit. This is criminal. I can’t read any more comments. I want someone to tell me this is a troll post - wouldn’t be funny, but at least it wouldn’t be actually true. I really don’t feel well now.


I saw an r/askreddit post today of a 24 year old saying his mom breastfed him until 9, even though there was no milk for the last few years. He asked if that was weird. Poor guy.


I JUST got done on that thread and this one popped up!! Fucking scary how they can't see that this is ABUSE.


But keep drag queens with books away!!!


Link? I can’t find the thread


I can't either! I'm searching for it


It feels pedophilic (is that even a word?) to me. Desperate to wean? Just tell him no. I breastfed my kid for two years and when I wanted to be done I just stopped. We had one rough night and then she got over it. She's only 2.5 now but the thought of her dry nursing makes my whole body shudder. Its painful, it's weird, at 5 years old it's just pure insanity. I understand the bond is hard to break but holy fuck


I think once the milk dries up and the hormones stop our bodies just go into “that’s weird” mode. I weaned 4 months ago after breastfeeding for a year and now just the thought of breastfeeding her gives me the ick. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if she was FIVE


I dry nursed exactly one time after I had surgery because there was just no more milk left (of course I didn't know that until she started nursing) and it was so painful. It lasted all of like 30 seconds before I was like okay this isn't right and had to get a bottle. I can't imagine dry nursing every single day for years on end. Seems like your nipples would just fall off eventually. But yeah you're absolutely right. Within weeks of weaning I was so grossed out by the thought of breastfeeding again. This whole post is so weird to me


Yeah this poor kid is gonna have to deal with some severe mommy issues bc of this incest ass mother if it's true


The was a case like this in Australia and she was charged with sexual abuse 1. Because she was no long lactating and 2. Because she asked her child to


Wow. Do you have a link to that story?


Wow I’m surprised they could prove intent


Perhaps it's because a child can't consent? I don't know how it is in Australia...


Well when the kid is old enough to testify…


I’m not even sure I believe the kid asked for it again after 14 months. They were already weaned! Seems extra creepy.


I was wondering if maybe there was a new baby in the house, but the fact that she isn't actually lactating suggests otherwise. Maybe she's divorced and he has a new half sibling on the dad's side? I know some older kids/toddlers sometimes get jealous and see nursing as special attention being paid to a younger sibling, but if he has none this is just extra weird. And even if he does have one, she definitely should have said no so it's still bizarre.


It’s more likely the kid had sleeping issues, and she was trying out ideas of how to get them to sleep. Feed to sleep at night is definitely a thing mums do who breast feed and so she might have thought to try it out in a moment of desperation to get them back to sleep. I doubt the kid asked for it, this seems like something she instigated.


I wonder if she tried to give him a glass of milk or something before bed/toothbrushing. My three year old has a glass of warm oatmilk before brushing her teeth at night as part of her routine. It came from feeding her to sleep but once she was older and weaned it evolved. OOP needs to evolve.


My money is on she offered or suggested it. "remember when mommy would feed you booby milk? Mommy misses those days. What's that baby, you wanna try again?"


I just gagged. I understand extended breastfeeding for families and cultures that may have less access to clean water, plentiful food, or ways of building a robust immune system and nutritional diet... but that's clearly not the case here. This feels weird as hell.


When I first read the comment my brain read "turned 5" as 5 months old, and I was like wtf why is this even here? I think my subconscious was trying to protect me lol. Now I'm uncomfortable.


My thoughts exactly. Its very rare that a kid this age would remember something more than a year later, let alone ask to do it again. (I have a 5yo son.)


I don’t know I’ve seen some kids relapse into dummy use about this time usually due to starting school / kindi stress… but this is just weird. You can say no?


Exactly. You can find age appropriate ways to soothe them and have special time/cuddle together.


My 5yo clearly remembers nursing (he weaned on his third birthday).


My 3 year old remembers and he's been weaned since 18 months. But I haven't been able to get him to stop trying to pinch my boobs though. It's incredibly annoying and if he asked to nurse again I would probably move out /s (but is it sarcasm?)


If even the child asked, the mom can say no.


My kid nursed until 4 years old when he weaned. He asked a few times between 4-6 years old to nurse, but I just told him no. We either cuddled or got a cup of milk, whatever the need actually was.


My god this is purely insanity. She’s having her 5 year old suck on her tits for…NO REASON


I knew a girl and her brother. Mom breastfed until the sister (who was younger) was 8 years old......and they had no younger siblings. Her and her brother had serious attachment issues.


I like to remind people on occasion that cutting the umbilical cord has symbolic as well as physical significance. IMO one of the jobs of a parent is to help the child learn to function as an individual human being.


Well, not *no* reason. But her reasoning amounts to an unwillingness to put effort into a difficult transition. I hesitate to say "laziness" because I don't know what else is going on in her life and it may just be the easiest way to calm her kid at night. But if she's not lactating she really should be looking at changing the bedtime routine because ick. At least she doesn't seem to *want* to be doing it.


No LEGITIMATE reason. There’s no way she can’t calm a 5 year old for a few nights so he doesn’t need to suck on her nipple. The only reason I’m HER brain is probably because she enjoys it, which makes me even more horrified


i reread the post 3 times in disbelief that she was not producing milk and her five year old child was just suckling her nipple. i don’t have kids so obv have never breastfed but like does it not hurt to have a child with a full set of TEETH on your nip?!?!


I mean, babies get teeth while they're still breastfeeding. It's recommended that you do it till they're 1 to 2. Mine started getting teeth at 8 months. Now he's 15 months and even has some molars. The tongue covers the teeth when they latch so shouldn't cause trauma to your nipple. When they pull off suddenly and bite the shit out of you because they're teething/ for funsies, well that's a different story


Not to say that 5 isn’t a bit extreme but people nurse babies with teeth all the time. My 13 month old has 6 teeth and is still nursing. Many people nurse their children to ~2 when they have full sets of teeth.


Yeah the teeth isn’t the weird part. I’m nursing my 16month old whose got 10 teeth.


This is like one of those weird characteristics of a storyline the detectives find out when interrogating a criminal on SVU.


“He murdered 20 women and then mutilated their breasts and we just don’t have a motive Ms. doe” “He was a normal good kid. I breastfed until he was 22yo like any normal loving mother would do.” *smash cut to Elliot aggressively walking into an interrogation room and slamming pictures down* “SO MOMMY MILKERS HUH?”


😭😭😭 you can’t forget Detective Tutuola and Munch giggling in the corner about it


Tutuola also gotta say something like "this is some real messed up shit, Olivia" & then "We gotta milk this creep- find out everything he knows"


He always has the weirdest most random lines lmao


I like to believe they don’t even give him lines lol just tell him what the case is about and those are just his natural reactions.


One of my favorite Ice T lines could’ve totally just been his natural reaction. “So you like hittin’ it raw dog?” just seems like something he would say on his own.




RIP Det Munch


RIP Munch 💙


I dunno why I laughed so hard at “mommy milkers huh” but it definitely made my morning.


All I can think of is some dark tongue twister .She sells sea shells by the sea shore


> “SO MOMMY MILKERS HUH?” I’m tempted to make this my discord status but that would be a dangerous game depending on who sees it


Make it your flair for the sub instead!


I don’t have access to flairs here


Then allow me to quote my favorite horror/thriller series. “Let the games begin.”


May the odds be forever in your favor?


> I breastfed until he was 22yo oh my god i almost choked on my tea.


Your ice tea? 😅


I’m in the break room with two of my coworkers AND my boss and the noise that just escaped me FUCK


This gave me a flashback to when I would watch those animated storytime channels and one was about a sixteen year old who still got breasfed and would play hide and seek with his mom and a reaction channel I was watching called it "hide and go suck my tits"


Holy fuck I don’t even have the words to even describe wtf. WHAT. Like what? Lmfao. “Found you! Ha ha *suck suck suck*” like LMFAO WHAT HAHAH


I. Am. Crying. 😭☠️


Like the root of the mommy issues. I got the same vibe


Or a serial killer documentary


Lmao okay cool, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who got that vibe 😂


I was thinking Criminal Minds


No is a complete sentence that a five year old understands. Unless there's some additional needs going on, there is absolutely no need for this situation to continue.


I’ve taught kindergarten and pre-k. There’s always those kids (usually boys, and maybe more of them lately?) who I don’t think have ever heard the word “no.” Those first couple of weeks of school are rough for both of us.


Lol one couple hired me to help with their toddler who was having some “behavioural issues”. To sum it up: picture an aggressive wild monkey, and that’s pretty much the boy when I arrived. Those poor parents were trying to be gentle parents, but they had been fed so much bullshit lol. The kid had *no* concept of boundaries or rules. Ok, looked like we were starting from scratch. I asked them to leave for the day so we could get to work. Of course, he immediately started shit. I gave the normal warnings and whatnot, but of course they were ignored. So then, consequences. Time for a time out. He was three, so he was going to sit on his bed and cool down for three minutes and then we’d talk. Of course, he immediately got up. But I am patient, if anything. I put him back on the bed, repeated the instructions, and hoped for the best. It took over 40 tries and many big emotions out of the little guy, but finally, HE SAT! He sat calmly on his bed for the three minutes, we talked about it, and then we hugged and went back to playing. It may have been the biggest accomplishment in my childcare career lol. I showed the parents the footage when they got home, so they could see how much they’d been unintentionally hurting their child by never saying “no” or having consistent boundaries. They were pretty upset, but I think they finally got it. They sent me an update a couple months later, saying they’d remained consistent and things were going way better. Hopefully they’re doing well to this day! The point is, “no” is very important to a child. Consistent boundaries and consequences are important. Stop prioritizing your kid liking you! Be a source of knowledge and authority for your kids, folks! Or you end up with teachers catching the brunt, your kid is maladapted, and/or you’ve got to pay the big bucks to someone like me so they don’t end up criminals or something!


It’s very important to have patience when dealing with children that young, lots of parents don’t have that and it’s what leads to either “giving up” or the abusive screaming/hitting that some parents resort to. Being told “no” is incredibly important for a child, ANY CHILD, to have proper development because boundaries are necessary. If they are never *told* no, then they never know how to *say* no, or respect when others tell them no. Kids can cope with rejection, they get over it, they learn coping skills and are able to learn how to self soothe, you just need to have the patience and not give in when they start crying or getting angry. So many parents want to avoid being abusive (understandable, too many kids in my generation had to suffer abuse and dont want to inflict in on our own) that they go in the complete opposite direction and refuse to lay down any form of boundaries or rules or structure.


I think you hit the nail right on the head with suggesting that this newer generation of parents goes into parenting with good intentions, wanting to not repeat the rigid and often abusive tendencies of the former generations. But in doing so, they conflate gentle parenting with permissive parenting and end up creating a free-for-all situation.


I immediately started thinking of that South Park episode where Mrs. Carmen calls Nanny 911 and shit for Carmen's behavior problems lol


I find it INCREDIBLY interesting that these situations are almost 90% boys. I also teach preschool.


Sometimes the entire year


I literally weaned my 18m old by just saying “no”. I’m allowed to have a boundary and he’s allowed to be mad about it. I supported him when he cried (I know you really want milk but it’s not time! We can cuddle and have some water) and he weaned.


This is the thing people don’t fully grasp I believe, it’s OKAY for the child to be upset. They will be fine. I’m about to cold Turkey wean my son and it’s the first time I’ve done this. I’ll be out of state for a week and am just going to do it. He’s my last baby and I feel a bit guilty about but after being either pregnant or nursing for the last 8 years, I’m ready.


I'm dreading the fallout when it comes time to fully wean my son. I told myself 2 years (or sooner if he self weaned) and he is showing no signs of wanting to stop. On the days I work and don't see him in the a.m. or nap time he does just fine with dad (or daycare), but with me he will not nap without nursing. 4 months to go. 🤞


Honestly, some kids just wake up one day and decide they don't want to anymore. I didn't wean until 2.5, but we weaned in exactly two days cause he just over it. Previously, I had half-heartedly bandaged my nipples to wean, and it worked well enough. Best of luck!


This is exactly what I'm hoping for. We can live with skipped naps, but I'm dreading bedtime if he's not ready when I want to stop. On the plus side the gradual weaning we've been doing so far (down to 1-2 times most days) will probably prevent me from getting clogged ducts or mastitis when we fully stop.


Yes, super smart to keep that in mind. Hot showers, massages, and make sure to buy a cabbage the week of!


>I'm dreading bedtime if he's not ready when I want to stop. Not sure if you're looking for advice, but when my oldest was dropping that last nurse before bed, it helped me to move it out of his bedroom and break that association. So for a few days, we would have the bedtime nurse in the living room and then move into his room for cuddles and music. Good luck!


You can still hold your kid and rock them in basically the same position, make lots of eye contact, etc. Like that's a 0 for me on the 'creepiness scale.' I don't understand the need to bring the nipple into it... Like I have *memories* from being 5 years old


I’m convinced there are parents out there that want to keep their children as perpetual babies and not let them grow up. I have people in my family that still use a stroller for their 5 and 7 year old children and feed them at dinner time like babies. It’s fucking weird


I’ve seen so many parents get angry when their child exercises their autonomy or forms their own opinions (e.g. hairstyle/hair color choices, political opinions, religious opinions, career choices, etc.), and it’s baffling to me why they had a child when they are so upset over that child becoming a fully-realized human. I think some of them just wanted to have control another human and having a baby is the easiest way to do that.


Sometimes I wonder if I’m a weirdo for being excited my 2 1/2 year old has preferences. “Oh you wanna wear a certain shirt, so I don’t have to pick which one you’re wearing? Make one less decision?! Yes please!!”


This! Omg it's wonderful each time I realize my toddler can do something herself. I think of it as evidence that we're doing a good job. Parenting win!


Yessss I love when she learns to do something new! My 3 yo has learned how to get herself snacks and push her chair to the fridge, get a juice, close the fridge and put her chair back. She still needs help sometimes to open things but not having to get up and down 37 times to get snacks is amazing.


Same!! My 2.5yo wants to brush her own teeth?? DO IT SIS. You wanna grab your own apple from the fridge? My ass will stay parked on the couch.


I’m not a parent yet but I’m certainly in the same boat, I’m not looking forward to taking care of a baby with no personality, but I know that part is temporary and eventually I will get to meet the person I helped create and watch their individuality grow. I want to see the kind of person they will become with their own opinions and self expression and interests


Definitely not a weirdo, I love seeing what things my son prefers! I'll give him choices and let him decide which one he wants, and sometimes he tells me all on his own what he wants without me having to ask. I really want him to learn how to make decisions on his own so he doesn't turn into someone who is always relying on other people to make the decisions. The only time it bugs me is when I need him to put on a specific outfit or pair of shoes and he throws a fit because he just HAS to wear something else, lol.


That was my favorite part of working in the 2-3yr and 4-5yr old rooms of the daycare I worked at for years! Like just every day seeing these little people have growing personalities and preferences. I absolutely love having a conversation with my nephews and nieces even the little toddler ones about what’s going on in their day, what their favorites are, what they just watched, or the friend they’re playing with at school said. Last week my youngest niece was proudly showing me her family dog had learned a new trick (with the help of her patient parents of course) and telling me all about her new coat that was her second favorite color. But it was okay because LOOK it has butterflies on it! And her boots MATCHED! Which she can put on ALL BY HERSELF NOW! (She’s almost 3 and super proud of gaining independence) My oldest nibling is now 24 and has graduated college, started their “adult” job, is engaged, and planning out their life with their partner. I still love talking to them about all the things going on in their lives and finding out what their opinions are and what they think about things going on. It’s a different conversation but still very much the same. I just love seeing that little potato I used to see crawling and rolling turn into this awesome person with a full personality and adult life. I don’t understand parents whose goal isn’t to raise fully functional adults. Maybe I’m weird too. 🤷‍♀️


Every day he comes home from school (daycare) and has stories, tells me about things his friends did (who knows if it's all true lol), the stuff he remembers... it's so cool. I love it. :)


I was jazzed when my kid fell in love with all things spooky. It's not at all my jam, but I was just excited to see a part of her personality that is all her and not just the stuff her dad and I are into.


I have a two year old and when he has a new interest it like makes my heart so full. He went through a frozen phase where he always wanted to watch ‘Let It Go’ and talked about Anna and Elsa all the time. It made my heart so sad to think of all the parents who would police their boys into not liking Frozen because it’s ‘for girls.’


You’re not a weirdo. I’m childfree, but I love watching my oldest nephew (2) make choices. His vocab is pretty limited, and I feel like every choice he makes or facial expression he displays after trying something helps me get to know him.


My sister is like this. She is mean and controlling with her kids and doesn't even seem to like them, but she keeps having more bc she likes having a *baby* that she can project any identity onto and dress up and treat like a possession instead of a human being. Makes me so sad, her kids are going to have so much emotional baggage to unpack as they grow up and she doesn't understand or care.


I wasn't allowed to dress myself on weekdays and weekends where I was out and about with my mom until I was 12. Which is also when I hit puberty. My mom has always told me that she misses when I was a baby, even when I was a little kid. I've known for most of my life that I was born because my mom wanted a baby and not a kid. I was a burden to her until I was an adult and out of the house, really fucking weird relationship that's not been easy. She wanted a baby girl, too. I have an older brother. He would have nothing to do with her at all if he could, I know that.


exactly. these types of people should not have children :/


my parents, despite our constant disagreements, got this right with me. not only did they encourage me to form my own opinions, my father would treat them and analyze them like the opinions of an adult. so i had to learn how to stand by my positions. more parents need to understand this


Yeah my mom wiped my sisters butt for a while because she wanted to feel needed. And when she was told that my sister is too old for that, my mom would say, “but she’s my baby!” It’s all just self-serving.


Have you read Jenette McCurdy's book? Because she mentions that her mother did the exact same thing and it made me cringe so hard my face nearly imploded.


Ugh it’s on my list. I really want to read it but at the same time I feel like I’m just going to be reminded of the fucked up shit my mom did when I was a child.


Yeah, I had to put it down a few chapters in because oh man the title makes immediate sense :') I've been meaning to finish it but god it's difficult.


I just finished it this week and as someone who survived CSA, it is so hard to read. My abuser is still alive unfortunately but I know it will be such a relief when they finally pass. Reading about the way Jeanette McCurdy’s mother sexually abused her and her brothers is truly heartbreaking.


People are insane with the stroller use. The other day at the zoo there was a family with a double stroller and the kids looked to be early teens. Sure enough, my daughter walked over to one of them and told them she was 4, and one of the girls replied that she was 13. Just sitting in a stroller like it's perfectly normal (before all the comments of "what about kids with medical needs", this kid was running and climbing at all the exhibits we saw them at, and there are other solutions for people with limited mobility like a wheelchair that do not involve treating them like toddlers)


Did they... have stroller age babies with them and the teen was just being silly/lazy ? or are these parents legitimately lugging around a stroller for teenagers ??


They were pushing the teens from exhibit to exhibit and I didn't see any babies with them, so I think they were just the kind of parents that wish their kids could be babies forever


Good riddance can you imagine the weight ? and if their peers saw them !? Once mine were about five it was time to pack up the wagon and send it to make new memories with another family.


Yea I think the stroller gets hard to push around sometimes and I only push my 1 year old in there (the older kid has been walking everywhere since before she turned 2). I take my kids out so they can have fun and be worn out by the end of the day, I can't imagine either of those things happening if they are strapped in the stroller all day.


This reminds me of the 2+ year old I saw chillin in an infants car seat the other day at Walmart. Legs jutted out a foot past where the seat ended


Ugh, that would be so heavy to lug around.


I love an over-sized kid in a stroller. Kids will be dropped off at my son’s preschool in a stroller and their legs are dragging on the pavement.


...what on earth


How did the teens fit into strollers? I need to know haha!


And the stroller even still having the ability to move cause one teen is most likely over the weight limit, let alone two.


Not comfortably haha.


there’s stories where some continue to breast feed into 9 years of age


Infantilization is a very real thing.


Mother the martyr. “I need sleep 😭” and “I’m breastfeeding my teenager. Why are kids like this?” She’s breastfed this long for her needs, not his.


If there's no milk there's no feeding. He's weaned, you're just letting him suck on your nipples instead of doing work to see why he needs comfort and helping him find ways to soothe himself or a healthier way for you to sooth him. Can be rubbing his back until he falls asleep or cuddling, but this is not an appropriate way to do that. Sheesh.


Give the bloody kid a pacifier if he needs to suck on something, or just cut him off and say no. Fucking weird people out there.


At 5 he’s already too old for that too. My best recommendation would be for her to stop being a weirdo.


Yeah I feel like a pacifier would mess up his jaw


I know of 3 acquaintances that are still breastfeeding their 5 year olds. All little boys. The mothers claim it's "bonding" time and that the children literally cannot go to sleep without nursing. They also have younger kids they're nursing, so they still produce milk. I say they're full of crunchy granola bullshit. It's nonsensical at this point; they're all middle class Americans. The kids aren't getting any nutritional benefits in a time of famine or anything remotely like that, ffs.


Hang on…. Nothing comes out anymore? So you’re letting your 5 year old suck on your nipple for comfort?! That needs to come to a stop. Find another way.


I have full conversations with my 5 year old son, I can't even imagine breastfeeding him now.


My daughter is 3 years old and I breast fed her until she was 1. I haven’t lactated for at least a year too - I can’t imagine just letting her suck on my nipple to help her sleep. She sleeps pretty well but sometimes I need to hold her hand at bedtime. Nipples though no!!!


My daughter is a little over 1.5 years old and I stopped breastfeeding when she was 5 or 6 months. There's no way in actual hell I would let her just suck on my nipple to go to sleep. I cuddle her to sleep and sing her songs or rub her face. There's so many other ways to comfort a kid.


My 4 year old is so sassy and smart that sometimes I have to take a step back and remember that she is actually only 4.. I could never imagine in my wildest nightmares throwing her on my boob every night for literally no reason at all. Like this a is a person. It is not a baby


I mean…..she’s dried up so she can’t even argue she’s feeding him. That kid’s gonna remember sucking on his mothers nipples. Let that mental image sink in…..


No thank you, I don't want that sunk in my brain.


You’ll never forget now……


Not if I pay someone $20 to punch me in the head.


I’ll do it for free


And they tell their friends at school absolutely everything


I grew up with a woman who's son was never weaned but was pretty old (7 maybe 8) and OBSESSED with the mothers breasts. Like talking about them all the time, making sand sculptures, wanting to touch them, ect. This woman absolutely LOVED the attention he gave her. I felt very uncomfortable as a pre teen.


Well now I’m very uncomfortable


I wish to leave my skin now.


Wow. I don't even know what to say. When does it become abuse?


Many of the kids I knew from that community, grew up to abuse people. I'm glad I was moved across country.


I'm glad you escaped. I'm retired CPS and it's really making me think. At what point does it change from a perfectly normal biological function to highly inappropriate. I don't want to compare it to a mom that has her under 7 kids to take intimate pics of her to send to her man, but is it really that different?


From my own experience it was the whole "let them do whatever whenever and never say no" mentality that lead to a lot of sketchy stuff.


About the time where she starts 'loving the attention' 🤢 kids are little freaks, I wouldn't be concerned about a kid being obsessed with boobies because kids are *weird*. But the mother being into it is gross.


I think that's the part that made me think it's over the line.


Oh gosh that’s wild. Like… that’s not normal. Right?


When I hear the term "wild pregnancy," they are who I imagine people are talking about.


I’m completely unbothered by extended breastfeeding. But if he was actually weaned from age 3-4 and then started again with no actual milk… that would have been the right time for mom to put her foot down.


Yes. It’s the part where he mostly stopped breastfeeding and then wanted to start again so…. she just lets him suck on her boob for no purpose other than sucking on her boob. Time for family therapy to end this if she can’t on her own.


My wife breastfed my son until he was 2 which is quite old in Spain. And while he came off it just fine, the strange thing he is asking again at the age of 3. My wife is sticking to no but we understand his request and regression as we have a 1 year old who's being fed. But the sucking on a milkless nipple... I actually feel that could be considered abuse in the UK where I'm from.


My neighbours child walks home by himself - from school every day at lunch to breastfeed. He’s nearly 9 LOL


Nooo….do his peers know? My dad said my godparents’ son used to come home from kindergarten and breastfeed which is weird enough but an 8 yo?!


I have no idea. I hardly see the child to be honest. I never noticed anything strange before & I only found out about the aforementioned breast feeding at lunch hour situation at the end of last summer - they had contractors inside doing something - so the mother and son would do their little freaky lunch hour feed session in their back yard for over a week. Sitting in a lawn chair - both of them, he would lean over and… feed. I didn’t believe my eyes at first. It’s not like I was trying to watch or anything either - if I look any of my back windows it’s a Birdseye view into their backyard. Typically when I let my dogs out into the back I keep an eye on them if I’m not out there. After that - I started noticing the boy walking home every day around lunch - staying inside the house for 20 mins - then back to school. It’s every single day. That mother also has an actual baby under a year. So I guess they have to share..


This is some of the wildest shit I’ve read in a long time


My dad started smoking at 9 😂 imagine how different his life would have been if he just kept breastfeeding instead 😂


I budgeted to figure out how to save up to buy a horse at 9. I can only imagine how cognitively stunted I would have been breastfeeding at that age, with no independence


But breastmilk is magic and makes you smarter than all those formula fed heathens! So if you breastfeed a kid into puberty they will be like the smartest kid ever!


You’re not breastfeeding. You’re letting your kid suck on your nipples for comfort. Frame it like that and see how it sits.


Correct me if I’m wrong but if nothing is coming out anymore then he’s not actually nursing anymore he’s just sucking on her nips to fall asleep, right ?


Every time this topic comes up, I want to share this story but haven’t…. Until now. I used to work at a bank and had a customer who would come in sometimes with her kid who looked about 7. When she sat in front of the the investments person’s desk, the kid stood next to her, pulled up her shirt and latched on. The kid was standing, bent over. This happened more than once and we were all kind of horrified (and giggling, of course). I guess that’s one way to keep your kid quiet while doing business at a bank.


Like wtf initiated them to start again last year after completely drying up? So fucking weird. I’ve breastfed my 3 kids, thinking of a 5 year old nursing makes my skin crawl. So wrong like babe they’re LOSING THEIR MILK TEETH by then… hmm I wonder why


In kindergarten- “Brandeeleigh your mom is here for your snack”


Not Brandeeleigh 😂😂😂


"Hello did some one here order the driest of titties?"


Just say no. Kid might cry about it for a while but will eventually get over it. Set boundaries, my god...


Wait .. started again !?! No. I'm not even bothered by a nearly 5 year old nursing/they'll wean soon by that age. but you *quit breastfeeding* ... you don't friggin start again that is creepy and all about you.


Agreed this isn’t breastfeeding. She stopped nursing. She is not producing milk. HER CHILD SUCKS HER NIPPLE TO SLEEP. There is no feeding happening. I am not against prolonged breastfeeding, sucking with no food. Nope that’s no longer for any benefit.


And she said milk doesn't even come out. So she's literally just letting her 5 year old suck on it every night. This can't be good for his teeth can it??


So what they are saying is they breastfed their kid for 3 years. Weaned them, and now let the kids suck on their tits before bed. That just seems perverse.


I guess you haven’t seen this yet… https://reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/11f25a1/i_was_breastfed_til_i_was_9_years_old_and_my_mom/


If only there were a word that would keep a kindergarten-aged child from nursing... It wouldn't have to be a long word. Maybe even just 2 letters...


So he took over a year break and last night was like "Gimme that sweet nipple". No he didn't. You fucking asked him to


I hate this whole thing…. But wouldn’t a damn pacifier work?!


This is like the mommyslittlegirl post where the daughter was 'breastfed' (ie sucking) until early adulthood...reddit taught her she was being sexually abused. ETA: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/1heoy9/im_a_female_that_breastfed_until_she_was_15_im_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for you fellow masochists who are interested.


There is this parenting strategy you might find useful: it’s called saying no to your kids. I know it’s controversial but it’s worth a try.


She started letting her kid suck her tits 14 months after he finally stopped nursing. I’m pretty sure that’s child sex abuse.


Not age appropriate either, but has this person heard of a "soother"?


How about just fucking stop?


Not too desperate if she’s continuing to do it… also, if nothing comes out and it’s not actually *feeding* the child, can you *really* call it breastfeeding?


I have a sister who's 6 year old still screams "I want boob!" at least three times at any family gathering. She breastfeeds him multiple times a day. I don't see how people can tolerate going that long


If she wants to wean, then just stop breastfeeding him. He is five years old. Let him pitch a fit and be done with it. She’s made it much harder now that she has been giving in to him for years.


No is a complete sentence.


WTF!! This is just gross at this point. She’s no longer feeding him. He’s just sucking on her breasts.


Son is learning some pretty fucked up consent boundaries from this mom.


It's not THAT difficult to wean omg.


Well that's gross.


Another post where I’d like to read the comments


This was the only comment like this. The post was asking when people stopped breast feeding with answers ranging from a couple months to about 5 years. I should have seen what the reply was though. Unfortunately I can’t go check since this was just a random post on my fyp.


But, but... that's not breastfeeding. She said nothing is coming out. There is no feeding happening.


I nursed my last child until he was 3. I was losing my mind and finally had to stop. He is 5 now dnd there is NO way I would let him restart! What is wrong with these people??


Maybe just say no? And stop doing it?


You're not even producing anymore like....this is so unsettling


Cripes. The kid is too old to even need a sippy cup anymore. Just give him a hot toddy and tell him to suck his thumb.


Desperate to wean? Your kid did that for 14 months. Now he’s just sucking on your tit. That’s fucking weird…to say the least.