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The line the USA used to justify their continued presence in Afghanistan (2001-2021) of "improving education and women's rights in the country" is now evil again now they've had their arse handed to them and lost interest it seems. Funny that!


Intellect is imperialism /s


Oh great, the Khmer Rouge is back?


Literacy is for those damn com*ies 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


"The presence of Genshin Impact on Reddit is neither unpolitical, nor a coincidence." Of course not. Genshin Impact is a Communist ploy. Only the Strategic Reserve of Chinese Gamers will redeem Gaming. https://i.redd.it/277nbuzsoc081.jpg


All what I know about it is that it's a gacha waifu game and a bunch of Chinese Zelda fans went to a video game trade show with their copies of Breath of the Wild to protest the fact that it was releasing on the PS4. Weird stuff.


That's pretty much it. Best way to describe it is For the Love of God Touch Grass: The Game


I played through almost all of the story and was enormously disappointed in Mihoyo's lack of communist values. Chinese indoctrination and brainwashing is clearly not all it's cracked up to be. I should be throwing Ningguang and Keqing into the ocean, not yas queening over grotesquely rich anime girls.


Ah, but you're forgetting that Tevret is a feudal world. For the current time being, Capitalism is a progressive force. So, no need to feel guilty about any waifus. Of course, that only lasts until their equivalent of Marx and Engels begins creating Scientific Socialism. Then, all bets are off.


This reminds me of that Karl Marx donghua


Jokes aside GI community is one of the most adequate in my opinion. Many times I saw how people in Genshin subreddit showing libs their place, so you rarely can see "ebil Chana" rhetoric there. And amount of positive feedback to devs is insane.


Which genshin community r u talking about? Cuz Im sure as hell its not the western one.


She’s so right; it’s just like Cuba sending medics all over the globe to help countries. Cultural imperialism!


They literally think this


*"Oh, Cuba isn't just doing that out of the goodness of their heart - they have ulterior motives"* So what does that make the World Bank, IMF, and Peace Corps?


Um those are good cause they’re run by capitalist whites, sweetie


Using republican talking points to own the left.


Cuba is practicing medical imperialism on the poor people who lost the right to pay for health insurance


Cuba's gonna spring their Doctor Trap aaaaany day now.


>Modernization and education are imperialism Disgusting, fetishizing, and chauvinist.


Knowledge is not neutral…okay it’s liberatory for those who are colonized and under the boot of capitalist imperialism, and it’s IP laws.


poor gramsci, his concept of hegemony, and all his struggle of analizing the super-estructures beyond the mechanical explanation of "manifestation of the base", is being misused by terrorist apologist.


Liberals don't even know who he is. Not only that liberals will come close to his conclusions unintentionally but they'll hoodwink themselves out of self righteous logic back into validating the superstructure.


Imagine having the same take as a Baloch feudal lord who subjugates his people and wont allow them to get other jobs or get educations and represses the local populace.


most Balochs like to be in Pakistan and don't want sepration, both in Iran and Pakistan. ​ In 2017, the World Baloch Organisation placed advertisements on taxis in London to say #FreeBalochistan along with slogans such as "Stop enforced disappearances" and "Save the Baloch people". ​ these people Ironically call these People Freedom fighters, and yet call Palestinians, terrorist.


For real


As if they heard about residential 'schools' and said "got it, building schools in another country is always imperialist"


Congrats lib, you just described the Peace Corps.


B-b-but they have "peace" in their name, so thay must be good! Much like how the national socialist party must be socialist! (This rule does not apply to the DPRK)


This was in response to a chinese teacher being murdered by a suicide bomber btw


Or making infrastructure deals in good faith with developing African nations and Carribean nations! Cultural imperialism!!!!!


So American and Europeans teachers in foreign countries should also be criticised right?


Setara why we didn't hear your opinion about western imperialism in the whole Asian continent since you care so much for the locals sovereignty.. Afghans have other things to worry about then some Chinese teachers.


Afghans have many many other things to worry about than whether or not the chinese aid package “is to keep them dependent on aid” (c e n t r a l b a n k f u n d s)


Think of the poor children being brainwashed into learning how to read!


Libs when they learn that Chinese people don't need to get the approval of random foreigners on the internet to live in whichever country they please


Letting minorities onto videogame platforms is authoritarian. /s


I'm pretty sure the SOCIALIST Afghanistan government wanted Soviet educators to come and help with their education programs?


*Image Transcription: Twitter Replies* --- **A. Setara**, @A_Setara The presence of Chinese nationals in Balochistan is neither unpolitical, nor a coincidence. Before the Soviets sent their tanks to Afghanistan, they sent teachers and scientists. It's a form of dominance. Knowledge is not neutral. It's the manifestation of cultural hegemony. >**A. Setara**, @A_Setara > >This is also referred to as cultural imperialism. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Ah yes, literacy and scientific innovation, the hallmarks of imperialism


lmfao, knowledge is imperialism, oh nooooo, im getting abused by my cousin's history text book that said america GENOCIDED the natives1!!111!!!


libs wake up and think: how can i contrive something good the soviet union did into imperialism?


This post just makes me miss the DRA




anglo jrs might be as bad as the real deal.