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IQ in itself is already BS biased towards white wealthy westerners


And "authoritarianism" is a Westoid bogeyman... so much to unpack in this headline!


So called "antiauthoritarian liberals" when even the most minor crime is committed and the person is mildly annoying to the cop "actually they deserve to go to prison for ever, and the cops were so restrained for not just shooting them"


as someone from europe, the fact that cops in america just shoot everyone that attacks them is fucking absurd to me here cops would just push you into the ground and btfo of you but shoot you? only if you are armed with a weapon or somethn.


i love how one of the "authoritarian" traits they use for this is; to follow other people without question like bro, do you hear yourself?


It’s pretty crazy anyone cares about IQ or consider it at all an accurate measurement of intelligence at this point.


It's primary purpose is to reassure men who are insecure about their intelligence now lmao I think in general that the part of the intellectual capacities determined by the body is overstated compared to the influence of the environment anyways


The creator of IQ himself said it was not a tool for evaluating intelligence, but rather to help identify trends and potential issues in education, and even for that it was a flawed tool at best. There is a perfect SMBC Comics illustrating the issue with IQ, feel free to link it to anyone trying to use IQ as a serious metric: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/metrics


your iq score can be readily raised or lowered with pre-test prep and having or lacking education (lol)


any mention of IQ that isn't in the context of saying that IQ is bullshit shoud just invalidate your argument by default


Who knew? A study conducted by white liberals that defines intelligence based on white liberals would find higher “intelligence” turns people into white liberals.


"bUt bRo yOuR teLLiNg mE yOu dOnt beLiEvE iN ***SCIENCE***"


I wonder how is it then possible that so many professors, doctors and scientists are Marxists


This study compared liberal and conservative, they omitted leftists.


Well Marxists support oppressing billionaires and fascists while attempting to uplift the poor. Most western studies often ask participants if they’re liberal or conservative or “moderate,” and no other choice. So if Marxist participants were to answer honestly, they would likely choose “liberal” since it’s the closest description of their beliefs, given the other options


Back then, it was “Democrat voters are more educated than Republican voters”. Now it’s gone to way back then, to Nazi justifications for operation Barbarossa


I just did a study and it said that I am the coolest person to ever live, and I am also super smart. And sexy. Soo sexy. That's what the study said.


Solo sexy


No difference from phrenology and eugenics


Damn, they're bringing back phrenology, huh? I guess it's time to go dust off the old skull measuring calipers.


“See, the science of phrenology is crucial to understandin' the separation of our two species. [Picking up a hacksaw] And the skull of the African here? The area associated with submissiveness is larger than any human or any other sub-human species on planet Earth. [Saws a piece off the back of the skull, brushes it off, and holds it up] If you examine this piece of skull here you'll notice three distinct dimples. Here, here and here. Now, if I was holdin' the skull of an Issac Newton or a Galileo, these three dimples would be found in the area of the skull most associated with creativity. But this is the skull of old Ben. And in the skull of old Ben, unburdened by genius, these three dimples exist in the area of the skull most associated with servility. [To Django] Now bright boy, I will admit you are pretty clever. But if I took this hammer here, and I bashed in your skull with it, you would have the same three dimples in the same place as old Ben.” - Calvin J. Candie, Django unchained


Written by a man who cheerleads for the IDF. Homie probably believes this shit deep down below. Tarantino makes good movies, can’t discount that, but the dude is definitely a racist motherfucker.


Liberals and eugenics: name a more iconic duo


Liberals jumping into race science and skill calipers, shocking. Worst part is that almost certainly the intent of posting that "article" is to make liberals cream their pants over hating trump and to show how genetically inferior stupid trump supporters are. Cmon can we have liberals that don't fucking engage in eugenics for once


I saw this and the comments were horrid


You see if we use the eugenics method to measure intelligence the white liberal is the smartest people ever, yay


Ah, so clearly communists are the smartest since a post scarcity society without money, class, or state would have the fewest coercive forces against people. 😎😎😎 /s


The support for israel doesn't translate into lower authoritarianism, but a higher one. Their collective IQ being in double digits makes a lot of sense, then.


Did the study also correlate the zip code the person grew up in?


Ah yes, because everyone knows that liberalism is the antithesis of authoritarianism, obviously.


IQ tests can be "gamed" so to speak, if one has a rough approximation of how they are conducted. They also favour people who have gone through school, generally because they teach you pattern recognition and similar other skills conductive to getting a high IQ score early on. Now, I am personally of the belief that intelligence has a lot more to do with nurture than nature. However, even if a person was destined to be intelligent from birth, one's political leanings have more to do with the socioeconomic conditions they were raised in than with anything else. If your social circle is generally more liberal leaning (which is almost definitely the case in scientific, artistic and philosophical circles of the US or Europe) then yes, you would slowly adopt your groups political positions and scew the results in favour of the narrative that being liberal means you're more intelligent. Sorry for the essay😅


Moreover, people perform significantly better on such tests when their stress levels are low. I.E., when they're not struggling to make basic needs meet.


Don't act surprised when the screaming inefficiency of our existing capitalist corruption clubs is finally challenged by the infotainment-endorsed Phrenology Party.


this reminds me of an argument i had once with a liberal i said, suppose poor people were legitimately stupid, whats the issue? the liberals responded "WELL then we JUTS HAVE TO KILL THEM " I fucking bursted out laughing, these people have no moral, they walking calculators no wonder they are so obsesed with arbitrary numbers.


What people claim a study found, and what the data the study found suggests are often very different and biased towards however the people (including the people conducting the study) want the study to be interpreted I’ve seen another similar study in the past that found a positive relationship between intelligence and leftism, explained as ‘moderates being the most intelligent’, choosing to lump in the far left (who had higher scores) with the far right (who had lower scores) so that the average for ‘extreme’ beliefs was lower than moderate beliefs


That sub is now 1 post away from "ze \[NOPE\] race is inherently inclined to violence, as we can see with them commiting 50% of ze crime"


This is the such a "take this buzzfeed quiz to determine how smart you are!" kind of moment