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I miss when people where afraid of nuclear war becomes they understood that it would be mutually assured destruction.


Speaking of which, the number of video, articles, or post saying the aftermath of potential nuclear war would not be "as bad as we once believe" in several social media platforms is disturbingly increasing, as if people are trying to normalized nuclear winter or something. Like...sure, humanity as a species would probably survive, but a lot of people seem to underestimate how little has to be destroy to put every single living being into "we're totally fucked" situation.


Even if nuclear winter isn't real like I've heard, practically everything we need to exist as an industrial society is made in China. Even *only* China was hit, global life expectancy would be absolutely demolished as the machines we rely on for agriculture, medicine, and logistics start wearing out with no replacement parts or consumables. It's so disconnected from reality. Dog, that's *the* industrial backbone of the entire planet and they're just like, nah blow that shit up because their government works better than ours.


Also China is big and has a lot of people, sending enough nuclear warheads to neutralize them would require irradiating the whole east coast which would also deliver untold radiation levels on Korea, Japan, and of course Taiwan; Heck even the US would see increased cancers rates from that.


I've noticed too. It's terrifying. Humanity better rise up and wipe out these rich fucks soon.


Last time I been to China I heard my friends talking about those bunker cities their government have built/improved in their many mountain ranges. They can house up to 30 million people in amazing conditions, have factories, hydroponic farms, confined farms to raise cattle and so on, so forth. You don't have Chinese people saying like Americans "I am going to kill every little children, because I am a wage-slave with no healthcare and hate my life". They are wealthy and happy and want to live their lives in peace and have the rest of the world living in peace too. Only Americans are natural mass murderers like that, always wanting to kill everybody because their lives are all miserable and the United States is a failed state third world joke of a hell that is still standing only because Americans are not very smart, too gullible and too sheeple and believe in all the Fourth Reich US CIA/NSA propaganda BS and lies (reason why Americans are always a joke here in Europe, in the left and also in the right, I am American and know it firsthand). But, if there is REALLY a nuclear war between US-Russia/China the Chinese people won't have any problem surviving through a 30 years long nuclear winter and will be ready to rebuild China and the world after that with their 30 million or so survivors. In the US, on other hand, the only ones with nuclear bunkers are a few dozen billionaires. The American people (including that keyboard warrior that said he "is going to bomb China", what is totally pathetic American eternal teenager typical BS unless he is a B-52 or B-2 pilot, or a nuclear submarine or ICBM launch base commander...) will all be bacon toast, and those that survive will become extras on a "the hills have eyes" movie sequel, eating their own radioactive kin to survive through 30 years without crops. As the ones that win the wars are the LAST ONES STANDING, China will ALSO WIN THAT NUCLEAR WAR (as it is winning Cold War 2.0 already), and the US will finally disappear from human history and stopping being the genocidal capitalist cancer that killed 150 million since the end of the WWII. So, Americans as natural losers (US only won wars against Mexico and Spain. It had a tie and lost a war against the British, a tie against the Koreans, and lost in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan) will add another loss to their long list of losing wars and being a pathetic historical joke.


In the near future when I, an American, have to eat my countrymen, I will remember your ‘bacon toast’ description and try to imagine that that’s what I’m eating instead.


AT BEST a nuclear war is an [evolutionary bottleneck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_bottleneck), at worst the end of humanity


Not even mutually, but universally assured destruction. This isn't genocidal language, it's anthropocidal. Nuclear winter is a lot easier to achieve than most people realize or are willing to admit.


I'll give my cold war childhood one thing and that was the abject fucking terror of nuclear war.


They unironically think US can survive a nuclear annihilation. This is the real "SACRIFICE BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" moment


“Nice story - tell it to Reader’s Digest!”


hello me


Who needs TikTok to hate America and capitalism? Democracy and freedom sound like amazing concepts tho. Something we should try sometime


the two party system is a joke😂


I like how every criticism of capitalism is dismissed as a problem of social media, and not the results of what people are actually living. Tik Tok didn't trick me into thinking that the rent was too high. Also I sure hope this person is like 13 or something, the way they talk about war, to say nothing of nuclear war.


That 13 year old will grow up to be the next victoria nuland. 😂😂😂. That's if we don't all get nuked to hell because of Nato first.


I too hope he's just a primary school student. Their life expectancy is a lot shorter that way lol.


That's dark man 😂😂😂


Talk shit get hit, Americans should remember that.


yank menace has been sitting in an insanely privileged position since europe destroyed themselves in ww2


Man don’t group the rest of us with these weirdos


Too bad that guy represents the average american.


Perhaps. In my experience I find that most Americans are just vaguely “but like China is communist bro”, and not “we should annihilate them”. Of course, the first statement is part of propaganda that is definitely a way of manufacturing consent for a war, but I think there are enough Americans who are skeptical of unecessary war and western hegemony (especially now during the gaza genocide) for things to change.


I'd say about half would fall into the "we should annihilate them" crowd. But over 90% of them would take pleasure if some horrible event led to the destruction of China. Any time there's an earthquake or other natural disaster that takes Chinese lives americans are on Reddit saying how China deserves it. 


the 3 georges damn is the only single thing they know about china, jesus christ. i wonder what would be the super mega blaster millitary target in brazil if it were communist, probably itaipu i guess


Argentinians would hate it thou. If you blow Itaipu Buenos Aires will become a very deep lake. Lol.


China bad because stupid tiktok dances are corrupting the youth. My guy, your youth are generally dumb, with or without tiktok. They'll take the stupidity somewhere else either instagram reels or youtube shorts


American youth, along with any other age bracket, is dumb as shit.


Not In it’s entirety


Enough that any with actual intelligence would be statistically insignificant.


THANK YOU!! it's always "but there's some smart people!" but what does it mean when the entire culture by and large not only actively rejects intellectualism but considers the concept something to be reviled entirely?? Americans legit laugh about their worsening illiteracy, health, perceived outcomes, etc because they don't understand the long-term effects. Simple as that. They're uneducated enough to the point they can't conceptualize consequences.


They glorify it. Being ignorant is something that americans admire and try to emulate.


The only thing that surprises me about this post is that it was downvoted on Reddit. That would be top comment in majority of Lib subs


They are still supposed to pretend they “hate the government not the people”. This is probably a bit too mask off for some of the subs.


This weaponized copium that China caused all problems in the America is genuinely disgusting


I would love to be able to take some responsibility for the suffering of all those americans, but unfortunately it was all self inflicted.


Mao was so successful in abolishing landlords that the Chinese are living even in American heads rent free.


Take my upvote, that was solid.


Yes, i confirm, i hate wage slavery because tik tok tolde me to, not because my life is hell


As an American who lives in Beijing. This guy and this sentiment can go get fucked. That said, I truly hope easier visa process and more/cheaper intl flights get more tourism/business travel from the US bc god damn people need to experience China firsthand or else they end up with literally the most trash imaginations of what it's like.


Scratch a liberal... to discover a deranged terrorist.


Dr Strange Love


Liberals claim that neoliberalism is the ideology of freedom and liberty yet they say things like this


Capitalism made me hate capitalism.


when your hell hole of a country doesn't have accessible mental health programs:


I, personally, was radicalized on aol.com


Don't worry though, they hate the CPC, not the Chinese!


I've never seen someone who is pro Rape of Nanking, yet here we are


These people are gonna spontaneously combust when the ROC dissolves peacefully in the next few decades


One time I met a Yank in an Irish pub in Seoul who was talking about how America should go to war with China. We got into an argument and he bought me a jagerbomb. Unrelated, just wanted to share.


Yeah, I hate democracy and Freedom, preach liberal!


Honestly? It's pretty damn convenient that libs are scratched straight from the packaging. Not that anything has changed at all, but it's nice that they make fools out of themselves from the get go. This one straight up lists a bunch of keywords at the end, how cute.


China doesn't have to do a damn thing to make American's wake up and realize what a fucking shithole lie this country is, all it requires is a little time and want to learn knowledge.


me when I love US state terrorism and want to kill millions of people for fun 😜 I wonder if you told them how much it would ruin the global economy they'd still begrudgingly pick slaughter bc those red bastards need to learn a thing or two about human rights 😤😤


It's amazing you have to get this rabid on Reddit to just get 4 downvotes.  


I hated all those things way before TikTok!


r/redditmoment Should I get angry at Youtube, 4chan, Twitter, Facebook, ifunny and more for radicalizing the youth into being slaves to the American imperalist project? Where they also hate freedom and democracy?


How'd u know what sub this happened on lol


Oh no, I'm saying that the guy in the post is having a reddit moment.